hamas , to palestine group
@hamas@devs.live avatar

لا يوجد مكان واحد على الأرض يأوي الأمان للقادة المجرمين في الغرب الهمجي


hamas , to palestine group
@hamas@devs.live avatar

لا يوجد مكان واحد على الأرض يأوي الأمان للقادة المجرمين في الغرب الهمجي


hamas , to random
@hamas@devs.live avatar

لا يوجد مكان واحد على الأرض يأوي الأمان للقادة المجرمين في الغرب الهمجي

Brevesdepresse , to random French
@Brevesdepresse@mastodon.social avatar

🔴🇫🇷INFO -Un seul et même monde… Marine Le Pen et Jordan Bardella ont été reçus à plusieurs reprises chez Thierry #Solère, le conseiller multi-mis en examen d’E.Macron, avec autour de la table Edouard Philippe et le ministre des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu. https://t.co/Bkc3OVPHgP

Brevesdepresse OP ,
@Brevesdepresse@mastodon.social avatar

🔴SUIVI - Rencontres secrètes entre la macronie et l’extrême droite autour de dîners chez un conseiller d’Emmanuel : interrogé par Libération, l’Élysée botte en touche…

muellertadzio , to random
@muellertadzio@climatejustice.social avatar

Eine Lektion für das dt. Bürgertum, die Mitte, die Zentrist*innen, aus der Wahl in :

Schau mal, Deine "Hufeisenerzählung" ist Bullshit. Es war der postideologische Zentrist , der das Land fast den Rechten übergeben hätte, und die (radikale) Linke, die es rettete.

AmiW , to random German
@AmiW@mastodon.online avatar

✌🏻 Artist: - in City: 🇫🇷 07/2024 - Title: "Elle est belle cette victoire" ("This victory is beautiful" / "Dieser Sieg ist schön") -

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  • trendytoots Bot , to random
    @trendytoots@mastodon.social avatar
    NewsBot Bot , to random
    @NewsBot@assortedflotsam.com avatar

    France Could Be Headed for Political Gridlock After Election https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/07/world/europe/france-election-political-gridlock.html (FrenchPoliticalParty) ,Emmanuel(1977-) (France)

    chris , to random
    @chris@mstdn.chrisalemany.ca avatar

    It's not a victory for Macron. But it is a victory for the Left and it denies the far right the opportunity to rise! Credit goes to the people of France for understanding the moment they are in and coming out in support of true progress and liberal democracy! Vive La France!


    benroyce , to random
    @benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

    wins big in

    the media fails us so badly: fills us with doubt, amplifies fascist plutocrat bs

    and then people do the right thing anyways

    "The first projections say have won most seats in legislative elections. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel ’s alliance in second and the in third."

    Congratulations France!

    sorry , you quisling

    if the left shows up to vote, and sticks together, we win


    Peter_Link , to palestine group
    @Peter_Link@expressional.social avatar
    Free_Press , to random
    @Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar


    First results of French election are in:

    Le Pen's National Party 34%
    Union of the Left 29.6%
    Macron's Party 22.4%

    An estimated 47% of eligible voters voted in this first of two rounds of elections.

    lavergnetho , to random
    @lavergnetho@fediscience.org avatar

    managed to unite the French & parties (at least on paper). What a feat !

    (if it was not obvious: they unite against him).

    Nonilex , to random
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    In Sun night, the surged in nations incl & , but nowhere more than in . The far-right clobbered the ruling coalition, so much so that President called for snap elections. His bet: voters angry at him, are not truly prepared to allow —the French , , anti politics— to head a new French govt.


    Nonilex , to random
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    grps are fomenting fears of physical at the , promoting possible attacks & stemming from the - conflict.

    The campaign —which also seeks to denigrate , President & the —blends traditional influence techniques w/ , complete w/a fake documentary featuring an voiceover.


    PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French
    @PariaSansPortefeuille@jasette.facil.services avatar

    « On ne s'est jamais posé au 19e et même au 20e siècle la question de savoir si l'ordre international eurocentré était supportable pour tout le monde [..] Je ne suis pas pour une position «d'équilibre» dans le quand on voit que 36000 - et probablement bcp plus -Gazaouis ont été exterminés »



    faab64 , to palestine group

    French police have stepped up attacks against free speech and freedom of citizens by fining those wearing solidarity pins of palestinian keffiyeh.

    This is supposed to be the labs of "liberte" but I guess humanizing Palestinians is too much for freedom loving french authorities.

    Instagram link: instagram.com/reel/C7y9JFUKXFq…

    #france #censorship #Fascism #Politics #Palestine
    @palestine @israel

    InternetDev ,
    @InternetDev@mastodon.social avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    Hallucinant... !!!!!

    Un pays dirigé par des faussaires ( ) qui se ventent d'être sauf quand la liberté d'expression soutien les victimes d'un génocide


    PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French
    @PariaSansPortefeuille@jasette.facil.services avatar

    « Trop peu, trop tard. On ne peut qualifier autrement la pudibonderie des mots d’Emmanuel face à la guerre génocidaire qui se poursuit dans la bande de . »


    faab64 , to random

    wants to create a European coalition to send military instructors to , Le Monde quotes its sources as saying.

    The French president plans several hundred specialists from different countries to train Ukrainian sappers and help regime form a new motorised rifle brigade, the newspaper said.

    Consultations on the issue should be accelerated in the coming days so that Macron can make a statement during 's visit to France on 6-7 June, the paper said.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    The Israeli regime army issued a statement this evening (Wednesday) claiming that it has gained operational control over the axis known as "Philadelphia" on the border lines of occupied Palestine and .

    Remember the BS talks by Al-Sisi, , , and other assholes about the red lines in Rafah?

    None of them lifting a finger about the slaughter of the innocent Palestinians who are stuck in with no where to go.

    @palestine @israel

    timkmak , to random
    @timkmak@journa.host avatar

    Here's what we are reading today:

    #European allies push the #us to allow Ukr to use U.S. made weapons to strike Rus.

    Yesterday, #Macron and #Scholz said they supported #Ukraine using weapons given by allies to strike Russian bases launching missiles, but not allow other strikes on #russia


    faab64 , to random

    French President Emmanuel : “We are ready to recognize the state, but not out of emotion - we plan to do so at the appropriate time.”

    Such a freaking weasel.

    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Spain, Ireland, Norway to recognize Palestinian statehood today (Tuesday)

    and are the largest and most politically influential nations to recognize Palestinian statehood, joining a few other European countries that have already done so.

    While largely symbolic, the three nations hope their move will gather momentum and spur more EU countries to follow suit. The , and some other EU states have indicated they could also recognize Palestinian statehood. However, said now is not the right time, while sided with the in rejecting a unilateral approach, insisting dialogue is needed for a two-state solution (the model, the Oslo accords, favored Israel and the status quo at the expense of Palestinian right for self-determination).




    Alexandrad1 ,
    @Alexandrad1@mas.to avatar

    @oatmeal @palestine @israel

    Since the first ICJ ruling (Jan. 26), I've observed that France leaders started to talk about Palestinian statehood, etc. but in the acts kept assisting Israel. What prevents France from recognizing Palestine? Either the government has no real stance or no clue, or it is working behind the scenes to help Israel. (French jets assisted to stop Iranian drones, for ex.)



    Norobiik , to random
    @Norobiik@noc.social avatar

    "We are witnessing a historic process -- Russians are leaving for the first time in two centuries," independent Azerbaijani analyst Elhan Shahinoglu told AFP.

    Observers of the say is too caught up with its invasion of to retain its sway in the region.

    Russia quietly exits , ceding its clout 'for good'

    Norobiik OP ,
    @Norobiik@noc.social avatar

    The sees him as something of a wild card, and has called for policy options in that make the administration nervous.

    But in spite of their substantive and cultural differences — and across a yawning, 35-year age gap — the two men have come to trust each other in striking ways.

    Inside the ill-fitting, occasionally chaotic, decidedly solid Biden-Macron relationship

    Norobiik OP ,
    @Norobiik@noc.social avatar

    In a sign that enthusiasm to help may be faltering, the , which gave several standing ovations, seemed far less full that when the Ukrainian leader first addressed them in March 2022.

    Zelenskyy hopes to see jets in Ukraine soon after promise

    Back toot: https://noc.social/@Norobiik/112574282779604721

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