Norobiik , avatar

"We are witnessing a historic process -- Russians are leaving for the first time in two centuries," independent Azerbaijani analyst Elhan Shahinoglu told AFP.

Observers of the #Caucasus say #Russia is too caught up with its invasion of #Ukraine to retain its sway in the region. #Azerbaijan #Armenia

Russia quietly exits #Karabakh, ceding its clout 'for good'

Norobiik OP , avatar

If passed, the legislation will provide a crucial financial lifetime for #Ukraine at a time when the country’s military appears at its most vulnerable since the start of the war, due to dwindling supplies of ammunition and air defense missiles.

#US House to vote on long-delayed foreign aid bills – including Ukraine support

Norobiik OP , avatar

In a #bipartisan vote, 210 #Democrats and 101 #Republicans joined to support Ukraine, with 112 Republicans – a majority of the #GOP members – voting against. The House erupted into applause when the #Ukraine bill passed, with the chair, #MarcMolinaro of New York, admonishing members not to wave Ukrainian flags.

#US House approves $61bn in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling

Norobiik OP , avatar

Ultimately, the #UkraineWar has presented #China with a stark choice: double down on propping up a diminished Russian state or pursue a new reality by engaging seriously in peace talks to end the war.

The protracted war has strengthened potential rivals, exposed China to novel #sanction threats, disrupted its #economy, and drained its principal partner of resources and #MilitaryCapability.

Is China growing tired of #Russia’s war in #Ukraine?

Norobiik OP , avatar

Voldoymyr said in an interview with US television that the vote showed would not be “a second ”, whose pro-western government collapsed during an American-led pullout in the summer of 2021.

Approval of $61bn aid from US shows Ukraine will not be abandoned, says Zelenskiy

Norobiik OP , avatar

Armed Finnish #BorderGuards on cross-country skis patrol the country’s eastern flank, #NATO’s newest and longest border with its main adversary, #Russia. Helicopters and drones buzz overhead along new fences being constructed—13-feet high in places—with barbed wire on top and 24-hour electronic surveillance. #NATO #Ukraine

#Finland Long Believed It Could Tame Russia. Now Moscow Is Enemy No. 1.

Norobiik OP , avatar

"Daily, Russian missiles and drones pummel Ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure. A recent missile attack on a power generation plant in the north means that hundreds of thousands, if not a million more...

Unable to occupy what is an unoccupiable country, #Russia has decided it wants to make Ukrainian cities uninhabitable."

The west defends #Israel’s skies. Not doing the same for #Ukraine is a deadly mistake | #NathalieTocci

Norobiik OP , avatar

About 46,000 aircraft in total have logged problems with #GPS over the #BalticSea in the same time period, the Sun reported, based on analysis of flight logs with the website

Most of the GPS problems reported on the website have come in eastern #Europe, bordering #Russia. #GPSJamming #Ukraine

Thousands of flights to and from Europe affected by suspected Russian jamming | #CivilAviation

Norobiik OP , avatar

The #US #Senate is set to vote Tuesday on a major aid package for #Ukraine, with its passage all but certain after the #HouseOfRepresentatives -- following months of wrangling -- approved the assistance with broad #BipartisanSupport.

US Senate to vote on Ukraine aid package after House's months-long delay

Norobiik OP , avatar

In a sweeping 80-19 vote, the #USSenate overwhelmingly voted to advance the measure in a step hailed by the Senate majority leader as “one of the greatest achievements the Senate has faced in years”.

#US Senate close to passing $95bn aid for #Ukraine, #Israel and #Taiwan after key vote

Norobiik OP , avatar

The Senate, in a bipartisan super-majority, overwhelmingly voted to advance the measure, which Joe Biden is expected to sign

#US Senate passes $95bn in aid for #Ukraine, #Israel and #Taiwan | #USSenate | The Guardian

Norobiik OP , avatar

#JoeBiden said on Wednesday he signed into law legislation that rushes $95bn in foreign aid to #Ukraine, #Israel and #Taiwan, a #bipartisan legislative victory he hailed as a “good day for world peace” after months of congressional gridlock threatened Washington’s support for Kyiv in its fight to repel #Russia’s invasion

Biden signs $95bn foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

Norobiik OP , avatar

Congress has approved $60 billion in military aid for #Ukraine. Here's a look at what it it's likely to include and how it might reshape the battlefield. [AUDIO]

Norobiik OP , avatar

The arms and ammunition in the $61 billion military aid package should enable #Ukraine to slow the Russian army’s bloody advances and block its strikes on troops and civilians. And it will buy Ukraine time — for long-term planning about how to take back the fifth of the country now under Russian control.

#US aid deemed crucial for Ukraine to avoid defeat against #Russia, path to victory uncertain

Norobiik OP , avatar

The Polish parliament is due to consider new regulations next week that would require all to show a valid to be able to access benefits in . Previously, Ukrainian had been able to do so by showing any other documents proving their identity.

and pledge to help Kyiv repatriate Ukrainians subject to

Norobiik OP , avatar

Russian President #VladimirPutin said Thursday he plans to visit #China in May, in what could become the first foreign trip for the Russian leader after he extended his rule by six more years in an election that offered voters little real choice.

#Putin’s inauguration is scheduled for May 7, Russian lawmakers said earlier this week. #Ukraine

Putin announces plans to visit China in May

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  • Norobiik OP , avatar

    “Fuelling ’s defence industrial base not only threatens Ukrainian security, it threatens . cannot achieve better relations with Europe while supporting the greatest threat to European security since the end of the cold war.” Blinken said.

    threatens new sanctions over supplies to Russian arms industry

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    ...and I was just watching the Fallout series last night ☢️

    Following ’s withdrawal from the , is the only member of the bloc to possess its own nuclear weapons.

    ’s invasion of and the possible return of the isolationist as US president has given new life to calls for greater autonomy.

    ready to 'open debate' on nuclear European defence

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The commander-in-chief of #Ukraine's armed forces said Sunday #Kyiv's position on the frontline had deteriorated and that #Russia had made a number of recent battlefield gains.

    Ukraine's top general says troops fall back as fighting worsens on eastern front

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The -owned gas company has plunged to its first annual loss in more than 20 years, after gas sales more than halved following Vladimir ’s invasion of .

    Gazprom slumps to first annual loss in 22 years as trade with hit

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    recalled Alexander Graf Lambsdorff on Monday, three days after accusing of on the governing (SDP) and the country’s defence, aerospace, and IT companies. The envoy’s return was ordered just a day before the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir .

    recalls ambassador to citing cyberattacks

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    leverages technology to deploy medieval , transforming ancient defensive tactics into modern warfare strategies.

    Ukraine mixes ancient weapon with drone tech to take out Russian forces [VIDEO]

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Since President Vladimir invaded , has dispatched hundreds of thousands of men to battlefields that have become charnel houses.

    Now, the of whose fates are unknown have emerged as some of the most vocal critics of the Russian war effort.

    Angry Families of Missing Russian Soldiers Want Answers From Putin

    MSN link:

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Tusk said #EU countries should take joint action to increase spending on defence by at least 100 billion euros ($107 billion). A joint #AirDefence "must become a European project that will be a financial effort to build a dome over #Europe," he said. "We have many more initiatives and meetings than real actions to defend the European sky. #DonaldTusk #Ukraine

    Europe must increase defence capabilities to be safe, says #Poland's Tusk

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    senior diplomats meeting on Wednesday agreed a compromise on using the estimated €4.4bn to aid , smoothing over a dispute about and in , the country where most of the frozen assets are held.

    The EU deal opens the door to a broader discussion in the about using ’s frozen billions of assets,

    EU reaches deal on using profits from Russia’s frozen assets for Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    For the past year Shyshak’s brigade, the 241st, has scoured the heavens for Russian flying objects. Its task is to shoot them down before they can reach the capital. A machine-gun post has been set up on the 12th floor of a residential apartment block on the edge of the city. Nearby is a thermal power plant. This spring, #Russia has relentlessly targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

    Judges with machine guns: the part-time #DroneHunters defending #Kyiv | #Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    I never thought I'd hashtag Ukraine & the South China Sea in the same post 😬

    is the top supplier of weapons to and also plays a crucial role in the exploitation of Vietnam's gas reserves in the , in waters that claims as its own.

    The , an important trading partner for Vietnam, has imposed wide-ranging sanctions on over its war in .

    Vietnam irks EU by delaying meeting ahead of possible visit

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    "Gazprom is engaged in a (real estate) fire sale. They had their worst year in decades, and their production has fallen precipitously, down to what it was in the 1970s," said Tom O'Donnell, an energy and geopolitical analyst based in Berlin.

    's Crown Jewel Forced Into Amid Record Losses

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Pentagon officials working with #ElonMusk’s #SpaceX have blunted the Russian military’s unauthorized use of #Starlink internet terminals on the battlefield in its war with #Ukraine, according to the Defense Department’s space policy chief.

    Pentagon Teams Up With SpaceX to Block Russia From Using Starlink

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #MOSCOW, May 12 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir #Putin tapped a civilian economist as his surprise new defence minister on Sunday in an attempt to gird #Russia for economic war by trying to better utilise the defence budget and harness greater innovation to win in #Ukraine.

    Putin taps civilian economist to run defense, replacing #Shoigu in surprise move

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #JoeBiden has signed into law a bipartisan bill that bans the import of enriched #uranium from #Russia, in the latest effort by Washington to apply further pressure on Vladimir #Putin over his invasion of #Ukraine.

    Biden signs bipartisan bill banning imports of Russian uranium

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Billions of dollars had been spent by the #US on rebuilding #Georgia after the fall of the #SovietUnion and hundreds of millions more were planned for the country’s economy and military.

    “All that has to be under review if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a partner,” O’Brien told reporters at a press conference in #Tbilisi. #Russia #Ukraine

    #US warns #Georgia not to side with #Moscow against the west

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Putin and #Xi have met over 40 times; the Chinese president last travelled to #Moscow in March 2023, while Putin went to Beijing in October for a summit of #China’s #BeltAndRoad initiative.

    Putin meets with Xi as his two day visit to China gets underway

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    A #PutinLoyalist, #Belousov is a veteran #economist and former counterpart to #DingXuexiang, a close ally of #XiJinping and a member of #China’s #politburo standing committee. #Ukraine

    Among the vast number of officials in the Russian delegation is Putin’s new defence minister, Andrei Belousov.

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #China’s major #banks are throttling payments out of concern over #USSanctions, Maslov said, and #Russia has proposed to solve the issue via a decentralised payment system that the west would be unable to track. “Both sides will look for sanctions-proof mechanisms going forward,” said Maslov. #Ukraine

    #Putin says 90% of payments between China and Russia are made in their national currencies

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Putin and #Xi share a broad worldview, which sees #TheWest as decadent and in decline just as #China challenges #US supremacy in everything from #QuantumComputing and #SyntheticBiology to #espionage and hard #MilitaryPower.

    China, once the junior partner of Moscow in the global Communist hierarchy, remains by far the most powerful of #Russia’s friends in the world. #Ukraine

    Putin arrives in China on mission to deepen partnership with Xi

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    "#China is not only the more powerful partner, but also the one that has many more options than #Russia and the war has exacerbated that. Russia is now locking itself into #vassalage to China,” - Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin


    The Lopsided Reality of the China-Russia Relationship

    MSN link:

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The new law offers #parole to #convicts who sign a contract to join the army, a move that some officials have said could generate a maximum of 20,000 soldiers for the Ukrainian war effort.

    Those convicted of the most serious crimes, such as the premeditated murder of two or more people, rape and crimes against national security, would still not be allowed to enlist.

    #Ukraine allows some convicts to join armed forces in #ManpowerPush

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The head of the #OfficeOfThePresident has always wielded enormous influence in #Ukraine. Wartime conditions, including #MartialLaw, have concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, making #Yermak perhaps the most powerful #ChiefOfStaff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss.

    #Zelensky’s chief aide flexes power, irks critics — and makes no apologies

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    As fierce street battles between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue in the northern part of the town, a band of local police and volunteers have been journeying in daily to evacuate the last, terrified residents out of a place which was once home to 18,000 people.

    ‘Why the hell didn’t you leave earlier?’: the battle to evacuate residents as advances in |

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    is one of many European politicians trying to spell out the many negative consequences to of a , and rebut those who claim such a reverse could be contained.

    She was speaking the day after the former Estonian president Ilves predicted that if fell to as many as 30 million Ukrainians would seek to flee

    seeking to weaponise threat of mass migration, warns Estonian PM |

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    has defended, defends, and will continue to defend the idea that is a continent of and . We will firmly oppose any of and ," wrote President Boric on the X platform.

    Chile vows to protect Antarctica amid massive oil discovery claims,7028823861028481a

    Back toot:

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Ms #Kallas said the current world order is under threat from #Russia’s full-scale war in #Ukraine that is now in its 27th month and, more broadly, Chinese “#GreyZone” tactics (in the #SouthChinaSea) – referring to harassment and aggression that skirt near the threshold of war. Tensions are also rising in the #MiddleEast.

    Dangerous to view the world’s conflicts as distant and unrelated: Estonia PM Kallas

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    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The and the argue that instead of handing relatively small sums such as €500m from the annually, it would be better if a or worth about €30bn could be handed to with the interest paid from the profits generated from the larger frozen assets.

    The states could back the bond with a as a way of reassuring

    G7 leaders to discuss €30bn loan for Ukraine using

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Last January, #ViktorZhora, who was a senior figure in #Ukraine’s #cybersecurity agency, said the country had suffered a threefold growth in #CyberAttacks in the past year, with #RussianHacking at times deployed in combination with #MissileStrikes. #Russia

    Ukraine’s leading mobile operator #Kyivstar has allocated $90m (£70.9m) to deal with a suspected Russian cyber-attack on its service.

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Ukraine’s President Volodymyr #Zelenskyy has said he is pushing partners to get more directly involved in the war by helping to intercept #RussianMissiles and allowing his country to use Western weapons against military equipment amassing near the border.

    Zelenskyy pushes allies for direct involvement in Ukraine’s war with #Russia

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    While American officials have long detailed the costs of #Moscow's invasion for its armed forces and its economy, in the last two months they've started to acknowledge #Russia is recovering faster than the #US expected. #Ukraine

    ‘They've grown back': How Russia surprised the West and rebuilt its force

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Any whose purpose is and other non-essential travel will be turned back at the border. Exceptions may be granted in cases such as visits to close family residing in , the ministry said in a statement.

    Norway to block entry for most Russian tourists, Moscow says it will respond

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    I'm a bit worried that Belousov seems to know what he's doing. Was hoping the Russian army would remain hopelessly corrupt & woefully incompetent.

    Rogov noted that the removal of Achmedov from his position fulfills the new Russian Defense Minister #AndreiBelousov’s statement about the “need to take care of military personnel.” #Russia

    Russian army general arrested for deadly orders in #Ukraine,7030917192156801a

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    foreign policy chief on Friday called the removal of Estonian buoys by Russian border guards on a river separating the Baltic country from “unacceptable,” and demanded an explanation from Moscow and the immediate return of the orange floats.

    European Union criticizes Russia for removing Estonian buoys, demand an explanation from Moscow

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Clever. The possibility of Trump being the next president is driving this.

    Under the discussed structure, Western nations would lend to a newly created financing entity, which would, in turn, disburse the money as to , according to people familiar with the matter. The on the frozen would then go toward paying back Western nations for the loan to the financing entity.

    and Near Deal on Novel Funding Plan for

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Many #US.-made #SatelliteGuided ammunitions in #Ukraine have failed to withstand Russian #JammingTechnology, prompting Kyiv to stop using certain types of Western-provided armaments after effectiveness rates plummeted, according to senior Ukrainian military officials and confidential internal Ukrainian assessments obtained by The Washington Post. #Russia

    Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons ineffective in Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Earlier, Minister Kuleba had requested the South Korean government to provide #PatriotMissiles. Upon hearing the news, the Korean government reiterated its existing position of not supporting lethal weapons and expressed its intention to reject the request.

    #Ukraine Faces Rejection Over Patriot Missiles from #SouthKorea

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Estonia installed the #buoys following the treaty on the #StateBorder and the agreement on the placement of buoys concluded between the border services in 2022. The first 50 buoys were installed on May 13, and #Russia removed about half of them. #NarvaRiver #Ukraine

    #Putin’s Estonia provocation rings alarm bells in the #Baltics

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    appealed in particular to the US president, , and the Chinese leader, , to attend the summit, which is due to start on 15 June. “Please, show your leadership in advancing the peace – the real peace and not just a pause between the strikes,” said Zelenskiy in English.

    Zelenskiy calls on world leaders to attend ‘peace summit’ after deadly strike

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Under new defence minister #AndreiBelousov, #FSB is tackling corruption aggressively with serious implications for #Ukraine

    "Shoigu and Gerasimov provided a buffer, but now #Putin decided he had to do something. Shoigu kept the FSB largely away from the ministry throughout his tenure, there were very few arrests." Capt John Foreman, the UK’s former defence attache

    ‘Putin’s patience snapped’: Insiders marvel at #Russia’s military purge

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    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr has urged to pressure into using "all means" necessary.

    Speaking in , Mr Zelensky said there needed to be "tangible coercion of Russia" , which was seeking to "destroy and move on".

    Force Russia to make peace, Zelensky urges West

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Makes sense, the bandwidth needed to integrate both jet fighters & train their Ukrainian pilots just isn't there. #JAS39Gripen

    #Sweden is pausing plans to send #Gripen fighter jets to #Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of #F16 fighter jets

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Security services say spate of fires and infrastructure attacks could be part of systemic attempt by Russia to destabilise continent.

    “I think this has been a way that and also
    the has worked throughout recent history, really; in the 75 years of I think we’ve seen it often." , Dutch defence minister

    on high alert after suspected Moscow-linked arson and sabotage|

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    has allowed to use some US-made weapons over one part of the Russian border, to allow ’s forces to defend against an offensive aimed at the city of , relaxing an important constraint on Ukraine’s able to defend itself.

    Limits on the use of such as the army tactical missile system () will remain, however.

    changes stance to allow Ukraine to fire US-supplied weapons into

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Malaysian semiconductor maker #Jatronics SDN BHD is among nearly 300 entities that #Washington slapped with #USSanctions last month over their alleged links to #Russia’s military suppliers.

    Jatronics, based in #KualaLumpur, is accused of shipping electronic parts and components to #Russia that #Moscow needs to sustain the conflict. #Ukraine

    #Malaysia’s #ChipIndustry falls in crosshairs of #US sanctions on Russia

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Poland will spend over 3 billion zlotys ($760 million) to bolster #cybersecurity, its digitalisation minister has said, after state news agency PAP was hit by what authorities describe as a probable #RussianCyberattack. #Russia #Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Here’s a bit of detail from the #FinancialTimes’ report that the #PowerOfSiberia2 gas pipeline project has run into trouble.

    Spokespeople for both #Beijing and #Moscow issued statements in relation to reports that the project is deadlocked.

    #Russia #Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    This is the comparison that China doesn't want to happen - to be equated with Russia.

    In a short interview before leaving #Manila on June 3, the wartime Ukrainian President says "unity" for #Ukraine and its survival sends a clear message to "other countries not to try, even to think to occupy other independent countries" #Ukraine #Philippines #ZelenskiyInManila

    Ukraine's Zelenskyy sees 'similar things' between #Kiev's struggles with Russia, Manila's from #China

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Before his #Manila visit, #Zelenskyy was in #Singapore over the weekend to attend the #ShangriLaDialogue, Asia’s premier security conference, where he accused #Russia and #China of trying to undermine the peace summit. China has confirmed it will not attend the summit in #Switzerland #ZelenskiyInManila

    IN PHOTOS: #Ukraine's Zelenskyy visits Manila

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Asked Monday if the president was sending the wrong message globally by forgoing the #PeaceSummit to attend a glitzy California fundraiser, #WhiteHouse national security spokesman #JohnKirby said “there hasn’t been any single leader around the world who has supported #Ukraine more and more stridently than #JoeBiden.”

    #KamalaHarris will represent the US at a Swiss ‘peace summit’ for Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    In the run-up to the elections for the , which will be held on 6-9 June, however, , and the implications of a , has become a go-to issue for centrists as they seek to fend off the populist challenge from left and right.

    Ukraine is a dividing line in European election that centrists hope to exploit

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    French president is to host US president , British and Canadian prime minister on the shores of , representing the three main countries involved in the landings on 6 June 1944, reports Agence France-Press.

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Zelenskiy's visit to #Manila is paying dividends👍 #Philippines

    #Thailand has accepted an invitation to participate in the upcoming #PeaceSummit, which will be held in #Switzerland from June 15-16, according to Thai PBS.

    A source said that Thailand will be represented at the summit by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs #RussJalichandra. #ASEAN #Ukraine #Russia

    Thailand to participate in peace summit

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Until recently, military analysts saw #Hanwha as a relic, its products insufficient for 21st century warfare.

    The #UkraineWar fought almost entirely on the ground, has proved them wrong. In the 2 years since #Russia's invasion, Hanwha's annual export revenue from weaponry grew elevenfold to US$1.1 billion; it now makes up 26 per cent of the company's total arms sales.

    Faster, cheaper and reliable: how the #Ukraine war fuelled demand for South Korean weapons

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    This is flexing it's military muscles to show that the too has fighter jets (& training capacity) to offer

    The type’s merits are well-known. “The dash-five is a rather old aircraft, but it is also specialized,” French air force Col. told Combat Aircraft. “It is an aircraft exclusively dedicated to , and its pilots are specialized in this.”

    Will Get Ex-French -5 Fighters | David Axe

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The #WhiteHouse sees him as something of a wild card, and #Macron has called for policy options in #Ukraine that make the #Biden administration nervous.

    But in spite of their substantive and cultural differences — and across a yawning, 35-year age gap — the two men have come to trust each other in striking ways.

    Inside the ill-fitting, occasionally chaotic, decidedly solid Biden-Macron relationship

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Ukraine’s President Volodymyr #Zelensky on Friday is set to address the #FrenchParliament. His speech comes a day after world leaders marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in World War II, and after French President #EmmanuelMacron announced his country would provide Ukraine with an unspecified number of #Mirage2000 fighter jets.

    Zelensky to address French parliament after Macron promises transfer of warplanes to Ukraine

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    Norobiik OP , avatar

    In a sign that enthusiasm to help #Ukraine may be faltering, the #NationalAssembly, which gave #Zelenskyy several standing ovations, seemed far less full that when the Ukrainian leader first addressed them in March 2022. #France

    Zelenskyy hopes to see #Mirage2000 jets in Ukraine soon after #Macron promise

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    Norobiik OP , avatar

    President #EmmanuelMacron said late Thursday #Paris would transfer #Mirage2000 fighter jets to #Ukraine and train Ukrainian pilots as part of a new military cooperation in the war against #Russia. It came just before Ukrainian president Volodymyr #Zelensky addressed the #FrenchParliament on Friday
    #Ukraine #France #Zelensky

    'Strong sense in Ukraine that France has shifted gear' on military aid • FRANCE 24 English [VIDEO]

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    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Great interview, I like his answer about "Allied boots on the ground" 👍

    promised his administration "would not walk away from " when he met with Ukraine President Volodymyr in Paris on Friday, but will the same hold true if Donald wins the US presidential election later this year? , founder of the Brussels Freedom Hub explains.

    'Worrying signs' for Ukraine if Trump wins election

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The strike took place on Saturday at the base in southern , the GUR said. The plane, capable of carrying , was among “a countable few” of its type in service. Russia’s fleet has been largely absent from the skies over and has instead been used to fire long-range missiles from across the border.

    Ukraine war briefing: Ukrainian intelligence ‘strikes Su-57 warplane deep inside Russia’

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    From #SouthEastAsia, the #Philippines, #Singapore & #Thailand are definitely coming.

    As reported earlier, nearly 90 countries and organizations, half from #Europe, have confirmed attending the Swiss-hosted #Ukraine #PeaceSummit over the weekend despite #russias refusal to participate in the conference

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    Let's see if #Putin has the balls to attack an Ukrainian #F16 parked in a #NATO country.

    A senior Ukrainian air force commander said in comments published late on Sunday that some of the #F16s set to be delivered by European allies for the war with #Russia will be held at foreign bases while military personnel train to use them.

    #Ukraine to seek secure parking for F-16s abroad

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    #Russians are preparing for the arrival of Western fighter jets in #Ukraine. #SergeiShmotyev, director of the Ural company Fores, has even announced cash rewards for shooting them down.

    A soldier can expect 15 million rubles and half a million rubles for each subsequent destroyed #F16 fighter jet.

    Russia offers cash bounties for downing Western F-16s in Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    In #Moscow, panic prevails as the upcoming #PeaceSummit threatens the Russian narrative of a divided world over the support of #Ukraine, said Ukraine’s top diplomat. #Russia

    Peace Summit in #Switzerland sparks hysteria in Moscow, says Ukrainian foreign minister

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    will not obstruct military aid to as it has the ’s efforts, but it will not help.

    to allow NATO aid to flow to Ukraine

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The #UnitedStates on June 12 dramatically broadened #sanctions on #Russia, including by targeting #China-based companies selling #semiconductors to #Moscow, as part of its effort to undercut Russia’s war on #Ukraine.

    #US widens #RussiaSanctions, targets semiconductors sent via China

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    said ’s applications for the arrest warrants linked to the conflict in “were the first of their kind” relating to as a , and had highlighted the issue in the minds of lawyers and prosecutors (re: ). “What it showed is where the ’s thinking is,” she said.

    accused of ‘deliberate’ starvation tactics in in submission to ICC

    Norobiik OP , avatar

    The proximate causes of the current conflicts in , the , the and even might be different, but the bigger picture showed an interconnected battlefield in which certainties had given way to “great-power competition” in which authoritarian leaders were testing the boundaries of their empires.

    ‘We’re in 1938 now’: 's war in Ukraine and lessons from history

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