figstick , to israel group avatar

really better hope doesn't get elected, or they'll have a hard time explaining why they're suddenly appalled at a that they'd been pretty blithe about for an entire year.

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to israel group

, , and to work together on the operation

According to The Wall Street Journal, an evacuation programme for Rafah will be carried out in cooperation between the US, Egypt, and the UAE.


all the Red lines, "unacceptable action", "threat of war" and all other BS were for the show and give Israel more time to plan and advance their plans.

really showing how much power he has over and his genocidal regime.

@palestine @israel

figstick , to random avatar

I think forgets that has already been president once, and that we can compare the 2 presidents without resorting to hypotheticals.

In that comparison, committed , Trump didn't. All he had to do to be better than Trump was not commit genocide, and he couldn't even do that. And that's on nobody but him.

Nobody but is responsible for the fact that a reasonable person can look at the two and say, "Trump caused less harm."

figstick OP , avatar


We are pushing him left by making him lose the election if he doesn't give us what we want. Most on the side are still too timid to say it, but this is a hostage situation. Just like GOP voters take the global economy hostage every year with the debt ceiling, we're taking the country hostage over . The left can play hardball, too.

faab64 , to palestine group

It seems like Biden managed to make a deal with Netanyahu, his cooperation with US and refraining from lager attack against iran, in exchange for new weapons andcarte blanche for IDF in Gaza and occupied West Bank. Plus letting in just enough food into Gaza to avoid the famine charges but only to keep them slightly above that level.

I#DF have stepped up their barbaric attacks against Palestinians in , and occupied without any objections from the "world".

did a great job, killing WCK aid workers and attacking Iranian consulate the day after the news about their multiple war crimes during the seage of Al Shifa hospital, bit only took the world attention away from that, but also made israel like a victim in the minds of the people in west against the big bad axis-of-evil Iran.

And on top of it, he got a billion dollars worth of free weapons and right to attack as he pleases.

Isn't Biden a great president or what? He is such an amazing deal maker.

@palestine @israel

ruikubla , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel hanged by the neck until dead, my wishes for Biden, Netanyahu and accomplices!

plink , to palestine group avatar

from #CommonDreams

  • #Blinken Hasn't Ended Aid for Israeli Military Units Tied to Killings, Rapes -

"Blinken continues a very long American tradition of very selective enforcement of human rights laws," said one critic.

#Gaza #Palestine #IsraelWarCrimes #StopGazaGenocide #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #LetGazaLive #SolidarityWithPalestine #EndUSAidToIsrael #Biden #PalestinianLivesMatter #EndTheOccupation #Israel #StopArmingIsrael
#news #press @palestine @israel

faab64 ,

They told us from the start, NO RED LINES.

People act surprised about these events as if the have memory of a goldfish.

Again and again they told the world that US aid comes with no strings attached, US doesn't draw red lines and all the BS about holding back or humanitarian aid and stuff are just for the gullible public to feel good about having a president that is not Trump.

The only difference between Trump and Biden is that the orange Hitler is doing things in the open and brag about his criminal actions, while Biden keep repeating the lies and act like a man of honor and principals who has no power over crazy Netanyahu and it him that is not listening to good old grandpa .
@palestine @israel

figstick , to palestine group avatar

A special State Department panel told Secretary of State Antony #Blinken that the U.S. should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. He has not taken any action.

#FreePalestine #ceasefire #ceasefirenow @israel @palestine #gaza #biden #joebiden #genocide #Netanyahu #apartheidisrael #IsraelApartheid #ethniccleansing #genocidejoe #israel

figstick , to israel group avatar


Amid the internal battle over the New York Times’s coverage of Israel’s war, top editors handed down a set of directives.

@israel @palestine

figstick , to israel group avatar
TonyStark , to random avatar

Very tired of suspending accounts rooting on Iran bombing people. And no, none of them are right wing, at least not self-described as such anyway.


GreenFire , avatar

I'm getting more and more confident that a big part of why so many people on the left side of the aisle have started to embrace Jihadism has got to be a coordinated FSB political technology campaign.

At yesterday's Trump rally, he paused his rant in order to allow some of the ones right behind him to start a chant of

When both the right and left are chanting the same lies that indicates some nefarious crap to me.

faab64 , to random

President #Biden clarified during his call with #Netanyahu that Washington will not participate in any offensive operations against #Iran.

Oh trust him, he is telling the truth. Just like he is going to leave #Iraq and #Syria soon and his port in #Gaza is for helping Palestinians m


faab64 , to israel group

CNN quoting a U.S. official: Biden informed Netanyahu to consider what happened a victory because Washington's assessment is that the Iranian attack was unsuccessful.

Ah well. I guess it's time to write the new check and send a few hundred cargo planes full of weapons then.

@palestine @israel

barney , to random avatar

Trump lies with every breath. His Big Lie, that he won the 2020 election, incited a bloody coup attempt, and turned the entire Republican Party into a revolutionary terrorist group that is trying to overthrow our government. Because of Trump's lies, we will all spend the rest of our lives in the midst of a civil war.

Also, occasionally, Biden misremembers facts.

This garbage from the Los Angeles Times is despicable fascist disguised as .

faab64 ,

@barney US of A, the land who has the choice between dement or

faab64 , to israel group

Israel's defense against yesterday's Iranian missile and drone attack is estimated to have cost more than $1.3 billion in aircraft fuel, surface-to-air missile interceptors and air-to-air missiles.

The cost of an Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile alone is estimated at $5-20 million.

PS. I'm sure Netanyahu's sugar daddy will send Israel twice that and more.

@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

Iran said that its retaliation for Israel's April 1 attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus would be "deemed concluded," while Biden reportedly told Netanyahu that the U.S. would not back an Israeli counterattack.

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

Well I guess we have different understanding of Israel.

Not in a million years will Fascists in Israeli military and government ranks accept such humiliating defeat.

They can cry victimhood and go to UN to get a resolution with the help of and the rest of the hypocrites of NATO, and possibly Russia and China might decide not to vote, like they did with Yemen. But even without that, Israel will escalate it's "retaliation" (the word never used for Iran attacking israel) against Lebanon, Syria and Iraq with acting as the passive defender of Israel at best, or possibly getting involved directly in the conflict.

Remember US was supposed to leave Iraq and Syria soon, if you believe that they didn't lie to public and Iraqi government of course.

blogdiva , to random avatar

Biden: ‘ Has An Obligation Not To Harm My Reelection Chances’

faab64 ,

@blogdiva Poor , he is doomed if he helps Israel, and doomed if he doesn't.

But guess which side he chooses?

faab64 , to random

is going to drag US into a war with on behalf of ?

It's just funny his first post about the escalation is against lunatic

I guess is going to have his 40 years old dream come true and see dragged into a military confrontation with Iran.

faab64 , to israel group

I guess is telling the world, only Israel has the right to defend itself no one else.

@palestine @israel

dkiesow , to random avatar

How does The Onion stay in business?

faab64 ,

@dkiesow Bankrupting Europe is making US richer than ever.

It will be interesting to see how Americans will vote between and

oatmeal , to israel group avatar

/ Settler Violence in Duma

According to Palestinian reports, settlers have set houses and property on fire in the village of , near the Malachi Shalom outpost, where the body of the teenager Binyamin Ahimeir was found. The reports indicate that there are several injured people at the scene. A resident of Duma released a video in which he describes the events as a "war within the village" and adds that "they are burning and setting fire to apartments and property, and no one is helping us."

Concurrently, the Palestinian Red Crescent reports a 14-year-old boy injured by gunfire in the village of Bittin near Ramallah, and additional injuries from gunfire in the village of Al-Mu'ayyir.


faab64 ,

It's just sickening to see the whole "civilized west" ignore these outrageous terrorists and their actions.

Even has removed the 3 militant settlers from the sanction list and they are as free and "funded" as the rest of the Israeli citizens
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Video shows the moment when IRGC Navy Helicopter landing on the Israeli-owned ship “MSC ARIES” in the Strait of Hormuz.

The vessel has been redirected into Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.
this is not the retaliation against Israel, but a signal that Israel declaration of war against Iran by destroying it's consulate in Damascus will mean no Israeli ship or israeli-linked ship will be allowed to pass the Strait of Hormoz,

Hebrew Media trying to get the Americans involved by saying: 'The Iranians with this action have sent a clear message to the US; if you intervene on behalf of Israel, we will close the Persian Gulf just like the Red Sea'

Video can be seen on
And TikTok:

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

This is actually pretty smart move. Because Iran is not taking military action against Israel, but rightfully responding to Israel declaration of war against it.

Question is how will Israel's sugar daddy respond to this.

faab64 , to random

Reuters: Biden says his message to Iran is 'don't'

Isn't that lovely? Why can't he say that to Netanyahu to stop the genocide in Gaza?

doesn't care about half a million starving palestinians.

That's the difference. And the media seems to have forgotten about them as well.

figstick , to israel group avatar
faab64 , to random

: is threatening to launch a significant attack on , but as I told Prime Minister , our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is an ironclad commitment.

broke his promises to Iran and now saying he will protect israel from Iran retaliation in response to Israel bombing of Iranian consulate in Damascus.

Video available on telegram:

And TikTok:

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