GreenFire , to random avatar

There is nothing more important in the early 21st century than mitigating the climate crisis. Period.

This is why I've gotten so angry at the crew and the people that complain about how he's handled the war in not to mention this recent attempt to take down the Democrats based on Biden's age.

Joe Biden has gotten transformative policies passed into law and via executive action, but the problem's not solved so we need him to win 2nd term!

foufoutos , to random avatar

On June 27th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment (269-144) that bar’s the U.S. State Department from using Gazan death toll statistics as provided by the only reporting agency on the ground, the Gaza Health Ministry (GHM).

To preface the decision we must note that the State Department has been using statistics from the GHM for decades and the accuracy of the reporting has been corroborated by the UN and WHO and most mainstream publications.


faab64 , to palestine group

This doesn't include the price of weapons sent to Israel.

Over 70 000 ton of weapons and missiles were sent to Israel since October.

This is more than what the allies used during the whole world war 2 against Nazi Germany.

@palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

You are an antisemite and a Trumper. But I repeat myself.

faab64 , to palestine group

Genocide Joe is walking in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan.

The last time didn't go very well for Americans.

Last time 70000 Lebanese lost their lives during Israeli occupation. And it gave birth to what is now Hezbollah who fought for almost 2 decades to kick out Israeli invadors.

How many will die this time?

@palestine @israel

tzafrir , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The funny thing about the Hezbolla is that it did not lift a finger to oppose the Syrian occupation forces in Lebanon (1976-2006). The Syrians were finally kicked out of Lebanon by a coalition of forces that the Hezbollah opposed.

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The USA hasn't learnt a fucking thing. They just want a perpetual war in the Middle East, in order to keep their own weapons factories busy.
The Fascist Zionist State of Israel is happy to recieve those weapons and use them for warcrimes and genocide against their neighbours.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


There is no right or left in Israel. Israelis have been blocking aid from accessing Gaza all along. Majority of Israeli oppose humanitarian aid.

Biden has sanctioned one group as a token gesture but that's “...a little bit like there’s a raging fire, they pour a cup of water on it, and at the same time they’re providing gasoline to fan the flames…"

faab64 , to palestine group


The temporary pier that the U.S. military built on short notice to rush humanitarian aid to Gaza has largely failed in its mission, aid organizations say, and will probably end operations weeks earlier than originally expected.

In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days. The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns.

The pier was never meant to be more than a stopgap measure while the Biden administration pushed Israel to allow more food and other supplies into Gaza through land routes, a far more efficient way to deliver relief.

@palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@faab64 @palestine @israel well, it delivered some aid, and the notion is viable -- they just chose the wrong tech.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


Democrats approve $18 Billion arms sale to 'Israel' including 50 F-15s

"Regarding the funding, it is important to note that the report stressed that the weaponry, often paid for over many years, is "largely financed by the more than $3.3 billion in US taxpayer funds Washington provides Israel every year.""
The deal for the 50 US-made expected to heavily bolster the Israeli Air Force's long-range offensive capabilities."

faab64 ,

@NotImpressed @palestine how many freaking fighter jets does Israel need when their "enemies" have no airforce, no navy, no tanks, no artillery, no real air defense and not an army?

How much of that will be paid by American taxpayers into the pocket of US weapon makers?

A money future generation of Americans have to pay because US is almost bankrupt.

Infoseepage , avatar

@NotImpressed @palestine "Take my jets, please!"

We're basically donating these at taxpayer expense. The American public gets forced into funding this genocide and the US defense contractors get paid. I'd rather have that $18b go towards decreasing the chances of H5N1 become a pandemic, and mitigating it if it does. In fact, I'd rather spend $18b on almost anything else the US federal government spends money on than bombs and jets for Israel.

nus , to palestine group avatar

"I'm not gonna vote for #GenocideJoe because he's gonna help Netanyahu."

Okay, but have you considered who #Netanyahu wants more? Just look up the posters HE puts up in #Israel, and who he's trying so hard to emulate.

@israel @palestine

#Palestine #Gaza #Trump

A similar billboard by a street with Benjamin Netanyahu striking a pose almost identical to Donald Trump wearing a suit with the exact same iconic blue jacket and bright red tie.

hfinyow , avatar

@nus @israel @palestine Hold your nose, America, hold your nose. But start organizing at the local level, and maybe separate a state or two. - Sincerely, your neighbour to the north, Canada

GoatRoper , avatar

@hfinyow @nus @israel @palestine

"If God had intended for us to vote, he would have given us candidates"

"Even a dead fish goes with the flow"

Biden was my 8th choice in the Democratic Primary in 2020. I just can't abide trump or any Republicans. Sorry....

faab64 , to palestine group

Can you blame them?

They know that the words of US and Israel is not even worth a dog fart so they want to sign an agreement with international backers in order to have some kind of guarantees. Not that any of those countries will lift a finger to help the Palestinians when (not if, but when) Israel breaks the agreement.


tadbithuman ,

@skippy442 @faab64 @palestine @israel

Except the Houthis of Yemen.

skippy442 , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
we are in agreement and I share your disgust. even the Mastodon "community standard" gestapo are breaking for Israel. I get rather rude with some of the zionists and they "tell mom about my being rude." can't win but biden knows how I feel with his material support of inhumane terrorism.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


"I was arrested again inside of Congress for speaking out against U.S.-backed genocide"
"While they are arresting peace activists for exercising First Amendment rights, they are making plans to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—a war criminal with an actual arrest warrant request from the International Criminal Court"

Mary625 , avatar

@NotImpressed @palestine

The fact that war criminal is going to be standing in the capital, given a royal (so to speak) welcome, is one of the most horrible things we've allowed to happen in this country. But we shouldn't be surprised.

radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar

8 months of war on the Gaza Strip.

To put things into perspective:
The area of the Gaza Strip is 365 km2 (141 sq mi).
The land area of NYC is 778.18 km2 (300.46 sq mi).


faab64 ,

@radiofreearabia @palestine @israel

70000 tons of explosives over such a small area, and the freaking Americans talk about humanity and rule of law

TruthSandwich , avatar

@radiofreearabia @palestine @israel

To put things into perspective, Hamas chose to start this war and chose to continue it. Hamas wants Gazan martyrs, not Gazans.

And you want Trump, which is why you're pushing this bullshit.

faab64 , to random

The UN Security Council approved a US-drafted resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. All members voted in favor, except for Russia's abstention. The resolution follows Biden's announced three-stage ceasefire and prisoner exchange plan from last week.

And freaking US didn't even voted for their own proposal.

It's so freaking ridiculous I had to double check it.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


"The poll asked, “Regarding the situation with Israel and Hamas, which one of these should the US do or not do now?”
Sixty-one percent of US citizens responded, saying the US should not send weapons to Israel."

"The poll highlights the weak influence of US public opinion and the strong influence of the Israel lobby and pro-Israel US officials over US foreign policy"

jdm2 , to random avatar

"The most distressing aspect of a massacre may be its portrayal in the media. Images of liberated Israeli captives circulated, statements lauded Israel’s success in freeing four people – but what about the 274 people killed?

Are we mere numbers? Is our blood so easily disregarded? Our suffering overlooked? The lives of Israeli captives deemed more valuable than ours? Why doesn’t the world see us? Why doesn’t the world feel?"

figstick , to palestine group avatar

I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

@israel @palestine

GM7077 , avatar

@figstick @israel @palestine I should do the same tbh

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