figstick , to random avatar

🇺🇸 I'M COMMITTED 🇺🇸 TO 🇺🇸 #VOTE #BLUE 🇺🇸 #NO #MATTER #WHO THIS NOVEMBER WOOOHOOO!!!!1 #VOTEBLUE 🇺🇸 #VoteBlueNoMatterWho 🇺🇸 #VoteBlue2024 🇺🇸

Great, so you wouldn't mind replacing Biden with someone else?

#NOT 🇺🇸 #LIKE 🇺🇸 #THAT 🇺🇸

#Uspol #genocidejoe #DarkBrandon #biden

figstick OP , avatar

You'd think so, but you should see how they react when you bring it up possible alternatives.

figstick OP , avatar

That kind of fatalism is always stupid. "Democratic voters will definitely nominate Biden, and there's nothing Democratic voters can do about it." Not saying that another outcome is likely, but it's dumb to be smug about a fact that only proves how apathetic and lazy we all are.

It feels like US political culture has completely ossified. Nothing can be done. The two parties are all there is and all there will ever be. We have no choice but to follow their will, and follow we must.

aral , to random avatar

Joe Biden could still turn this around and not lose to Trump by defunding Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. If he doesn’t, there will be only person to blame for Joe Biden losing to Trump in six months and that’s Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden.

faab64 ,

@aral @tadbithuman but they can push undecided voters away from Biden who is no longer have the backing of the army of young people who pushed him to victory

tadbithuman ,

@faab64 @aral

This summer of discontent will likely have an impact.

The die on the election may already be cast now.

figstick , to israel group avatar
maggiejk , avatar

@GhostOnTheHalfShell @figstick @histodons @academicchatter @academiccommunity @academicsunite @israel @palestine they probably copied all the phones of all the students they arrested as well.

My brother was arrested almost 10 years ago now and the Salem New Hampshire police applied for a search warrant for his phone, but they didn’t wait for it they went through it first. They did obtain the search warrant, but he filed a lawsuit because they went through the phone first. He was a financial advisor And he was concerned that they were able to get into his Fidelity stuff and see communications with clients.

They ended up paying him $30,000. They were really mad about it he thought they were gang stalking him after.

#ACAB #SueTheBastards

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@maggiejk @figstick @histodons @academicchatter @academiccommunity @academicsunite @israel @palestine

Learning that police are often sent to Israel for training closes the circuit on this horror show. I’d take every cop trained that way and send them to a cult deprogrammer.

NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


"I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amid President Biden's disastrous, continued support for Israel's genocide in Gaza," Interior assistant Lily Greenberg Call wrote
"In a separate interview with The Associated Press, she criticized Biden for "making Jews the face of the American war machine,""

MikeImBack , to random avatar

Usually when a whole slew of people resign from your administration, your administration is toast

"Jewish American Biden Appointee Is Latest To Resign In Protest Of Gaza Policy

"President Biden has the blood of innocent people on his hands," "

otownKim , avatar

@MikeImBack You seem to have forgotten

MikeImBack OP , avatar

@otownKim ? I haven't forgotten anything. Trump lost a bunch of his minions and lost the election

MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

Why Genocide Joe won't stop sending weapons to Israel...

Balkingpoints , avatar

False. Biden has conditioned more weapons to a ceasefire.

> <

There is a strong case to be made that Biden was quick to support Netanyahu after the Hamas terror attack, and too slow to set conditions on the retaliation.

Did you swift boat HRC on behalf of Bernie 2016? If so you helped Trump get sworn in.


nullagent , to random avatar

Joe Biden is holding a fundraiser tonight in Seattle in an hour(4PM today). Joe tried to be sneaky and didn't release his itenerary until the last minute today.

Lotte Hotel
809 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104,

charlesgaba , to random avatar

According to social media, President Biden has gone from being to .

Perhaps—and hear me out here—perhaps he’s neither but is doing his best to navigate an incredibly complex and dangerous situation with strong emotions on all sides?

saddestrobots , avatar

last week the administration was threatening the ICC and fighting state department staffers who kept begging their boss to actually apply the "Leahy Law"

meanwhile the Democratic political establishment — which he is still the undisputed leader of, as a party elder and the sitting president — is continuing to label anti-genocide protestors as dangerous antisemites for saying the obvious true thing

pissing off some idiot reactionaries doesn't prove that he's seen the light

RustyBertrand , to random avatar

"Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region.”

-Joe Biden

faab64 , to random

Chris Hedges has been cancelled by The Real News Network

The veteran writer Chris Hedges took to social media to announce, "I was just informed by Max Alvarez, the Editor-in-Chief at The Real News, that they will no longer run my show. The reason for the cancellation, he said, is that my critiques of Biden, especially for the genocide in Gaza, jeopardise his nonprofit status."

So much for independent media. The global reach of Israeli octopus is truly shocking.

Lassielmr , avatar

@faab64 arguably the same happened to Mehdi Hasan and in the U.K. Sangita Myska has been removed from her post at LBC after speculation of Israel's involvement after her hard-hitting interview with the Israeli’s government spokesperson.

faab64 , to israel group

Saudi media and other pro Israeli sources blaming Hamas for "not accepting the 'generous' deal".

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@heretical_i I honestly don't understand why this POS is not being sanctioned by the world.
Remember many years ago then Jörg Haider was about to become the chancellor of Austria, the whole Europe (and US) went up in arms against him. He was far far less extreme than this POS and other members of Netanyahu's coalition government.

heretical_i , avatar

@faab64 B/c "Israel". 🤗😎 It's in an incredibly important geostrategic location, right? The western world's leaders know that. If these people want to believe it's because they're Jews, the west plays along and gives them a 'long (genocidal) leash' to play on... Wouldn't want our zionist nuclear armed 'frankenstein' to turn on us like AQ and ISIS.

micchiato , to random avatar

“Peaceful ” = protest supporting

“Violent protest” = protest dissenting from

faab64 , to israel group

Hardcore Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: "We must obliterate , Deir al-Balah, and Nuseirat. The memory of the Amalek must be erased. No partial destruction will suffice; only absolute and complete devastation."

He has strong position and support in Israeli government. Do not expect him accepting anything less even if the hostage exchange deal have reached.

They want to make Gaza unhabitable. PERIOD.

Nothing short of that is defeat and unacceptable for fascist coalition government of .

But and Israeli friendly media want us to believe that the negotiations are about a lasting ceasefire, removal of all Israeli forces from Gaza and letting displaced Palestinians to move back to northern .

Don't fall for their lies

Without strong international pressure z Israel will not bend. EVER.

@palestine @israel

ruikubla , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel this criminal must join the other criminals 👇

radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
Helgi , avatar

@radiofreearabia @palestine those are really villains - have tyrannic regimes that outlaw and eliminate any opposition. They attack neighbors and steal their land. They fund puppet terrorists that steal the whole countries. But that still counts as Direct Military Aggression by UNGA 3314 art. 3, g) so it still looks like "Iran invaded Yemen and Iraq and Lebanon, they're evil"

Helgi , avatar

@radiofreearabia @palestine instead some dictators really look out of touch, like Putler declared some 20% of Ukraine part of Russia, started with Crimea! He could then declare Alaska the same way and the US bomb Russia into the stone age. There's also Maduro, wants to steal half Guyana, steal their OIL! And Assad, he looks the least criminal. Only bombed plenty of civillians and such, and gassed rebels with sarin

figstick , to random avatar

I think forgets that has already been president once, and that we can compare the 2 presidents without resorting to hypotheticals.

In that comparison, committed , Trump didn't. All he had to do to be better than Trump was not commit genocide, and he couldn't even do that. And that's on nobody but him.

Nobody but is responsible for the fact that a reasonable person can look at the two and say, "Trump caused less harm."

MarkRNay , avatar

@figstick @NoctisEqui so if Biden loses the election , what exactly happens to improve the Palestinian situation? Serious question

figstick OP , avatar

@MarkRNay @NoctisEqui

You'll start caring about it?

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