@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social cover
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar



Improviser and manual therapist in Oakland, CA.

Experimental music, poetry, & film. A romantic with avant-garde tendencies, or vice-versa. Anarchy and other ethical concerns.

#Improvisation, #ImprovisedMusic, #ExperimentalMusic, #AvantGarde, #Modernism, #FilmPhotography, #Poetry, #ManualTherapy, #Bodywork, etc.

Photo: selfie with iridescent green beetle on plumeria flower. Below, my face, fair skin, reddish brown beard, black t-shirt and cap. I have resting perplexed-and-annoyed face.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Happy Juneteenth. May we see a true end to slavery in our lifetimes.

This is a casual reminder that slavery is still not only legal but fundamental to the US economy. When the state of California says it would "cost" the economy 1.5 billion dollars per year to end prisoner slavery, they are telling us how deeply invested they are in its survival. That's not even touching historic reparations, that's 1.5bn per year taken directly out of black and brown livelihoods, and the incalculable damage to families and communities that the state inflicts through mass incarceration.

Enslaved behind bars: California incarcerated forced to work for as little as 16 cents hourly - Local News Matters


other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Today is a great day to consider setting up a recurring donation to Black-led organizations working toward an end to contemporary slavery.

A few that come to mind:

Anti Police-Terror Project

Critical Resistance

National Bail-Out

other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Going to watch some ahem "historically significant" smut.


other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Does anybody remember the episode of "Adventures of Pete and Pete" where they are at the beach with a metal detector and they end up finding a whole car, which they proceed to excavate and drive home?

I was thinking about this today while operating a weed wacker, which is something my landlord pays me to do. A weed wacker has few redeeming qualities, except perhaps that, if your imagination still functions like an 11-year-old who has not yet internalized the political-metaphysical doctrine of impossibility, you can make believe that you are on the beach with a metal detector, and any moment now may come across a car, submarine, tuba, or any number of ferrous delights.

other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Yesterday I got two boosts and a couple faves on a reply toot, and felt like one of the cool kids. Today I got like 120 boosts and counting and I feel like hiding under a pillow.

inquiline , to random
@inquiline@union.place avatar

-How would you grade Biden on how he’s handled the pandemic?

-I’d give him an F. Biden’s administration has continued to promote the false idea that the vaccine is all that is needed, perpetuating the notion that the pandemic is over & you don’t need to do anything about it. Biden stopped the funding for surveillance & he stopped funding for renewing vaccine advancement research.. Biden admin policies have allowed more than 800,000 to 900,000 deaths & counting.


other_ghosts ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@inquiline This is a great interview, but jeez, I really have to choke back the vom every time somebody talks about "Most Americans," as if this was (a) a clearly defined category, (b) the only category worthy of our concern, and (c) somehow separable from the rest of the world in terms of the dynamics and consequences of what happens with public health here.

emsenn , to random
@emsenn@turtleisland.social avatar

A report has revealed that was established on $1.7 trillion of land which was expropriated from tribal nations. This is merely one part of an ongoing project of land theft

other_ghosts ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@emsenn Here's the report this article is referring to (but for some reason declines to link):


other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

'The deliberation on parole takes place in a moment where Peltier’s health is declining. The now 79-year-old political prisoner struggles with diabetes, loss of vision in one eye, has had open heart surgery, has suffered from an aortic aneurysm, and experiences lingering effects from contracting COVID-19.

'Activists have emphasized that President Joe Biden has the power to grant Peltier clemency at the stroke of a pen. “This administration, the Biden Administration, has said that Native American rights are a priority to them, and yet they’ve got the longest sitting Indigenous political prisoner locked up and we’ve seen no action from the federal government,” said Nick Tilsen, leader of the NDN Collective, an organization building Indigenous collective power in the US, speaking to ICT News. “If he dies in prison this will forever be a part of that administration’s legacy as it relates to Native people.”'

Peoples Dispatch:
The longest held political prisoner in the United States just got his first hearing in over a decade


other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar
other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Hearing Judith Butler speak on the phantasm of contemporary right wing anti-gender discourse last night was so illuminating. I loved the idea of the phantasm: an assemblage of contradictory beliefs and impulses that nevertheless cohere in the mind of the believer, and thereby motivate political action (e.g., is "gender ideology" total reckless freedom or is it totalitarianism that seeks to dictate your relationships and identities? Is it a contagion or a colonial imposition? Etc., etc.).

This is what always bugs me about smug liberal discourse about the right. So many are content to merely point out a logical fallacy or inconsistency, or take a perverse delight in pouncing on instances of hypocrisy. But contradiction is not just accepted in these discourses: it is the point. Right wing discourse is not seductive because it makes sense, it is seductive because it relieves the adherent of the need to make sense. It provides convenient scapegoats to externalize complex insecurities.

Butler responded to a provocative TERFy audience question not by deflating the questioner's ego or pointing out some superficial contradiction in their framing (which certainly Butler is more than sharp enough to do). Despite the fact that these sorts of disingenuous questions have absolutely hounded Butler for decades, they instead patiently but efficiently identified the fears that were motivating the question, and suggested a reframing of the problem. This is how you talk about the fallacies of right wing discourse.

The other strong point that I took away from the talk is that any Left discourse that treats gender as a secondary concern is ill-equipped to confront contemporary fascism, as anti-gender ideology is actually quite central to the discourse of these movements, and is one of their most effective rallying cries. It needs to be understood and taken seriously by anyone who considers themself anti-fascist.

Anyway, their new book is "Who's Afraid of Gender?," and it is targeted at a general audience. I look forward to checking it out.

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@kult_epigenetic ah, wonderful. Thanks!

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@alexcg Good question. Looks like they will at least add the audio, but it's not up yet. Some of the talks in the series get archived in video, but neither is available yet as far as I can see. They also broadcast live on KQED radio, so you could look there.


other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@elexia Hi, thanks for the reply and clarification. Yes, "anti-gender ideology" (and this is the phrasing that Butler used) is in this case very much not about the abolition of gender as a coercive framework, but rather about the idea of gender as something distinct from binary sex (and the advocates of this position take for granted that there is such an unproblematic thing as binary sex). @JoscelynTransient

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@alexcg it's a public radio station. https://www.kqed.org/

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@clew The gist of it was "Why can't I have a penis-free space?" and Butler's response was basically, "Look, you can have that in your home if you want, but we are all concerned about sexual violence and so let's talk about where that actually comes from. There is no inherently violent anatomy." I'm short-handing it here and losing some of what made it a good response. Part of that was just being able to empathize without letting it take over the conversion.

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@sashag There was a specific psychoanalyst from whom Butler was borrowing the "phantasm" concept, and I can't remember the name now. Maybe someone else will chime in.

I can't speak to whether the worldview of such a person seems orderly from the inside, but certainly the figure of the scapegoat is important in externalizing these contradictions. And I can only imagine that there is an impulse to violence implicit in such a conflicted set of beliefs.

In any case, I'm not sure I dream of a perfectly rational and ordered set of beliefs for myself. We all contain multitudes, and they don't always get along. I like some of my contradictions, others not so much. But I try to avoid projecting them onto others. The fantasy of a perfectly ordered worldview is, in my opinion, quite fascist. It's what we do with the contradictions that shapes our politics.

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@sashag love it.

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@sashag the other day, I was thinking about how, when I leave my house to bike to a particular part of town, there is one way that I go on the way out, and a different way I go on the way home, and I am somehow confident that each of these is the superior route.

other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

I just saw this post, which gives some more background on the exchange I described at the Judith Butler talk last week. Naturally, TERFs are claiming it as a dunk on Butler, which it most certainly was not.


The fact that Derek Jensen drove seven hours to attend the sad, shabby protest outside this talk is somehow grimly satisfying to me.


other_ghosts OP ,
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

@mycorrhiza @troublewithwords oh hey, thanks!

other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

I just read this more or less sycophantic publicity for the IDF's newly modified "unmanned armored personnel carrier," which immediately begs the question: WTF is the point of an unmanned personnel carrier? A personnel carrier with no people inside is just a rolling brick. It has no purpose. The article briefly suggest that they might be equipping them with mortars, but otherwise provides zero justification for this technology. Seems like a solution in search of a problem.


other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Maybe somebody can make use of these free tickets. Not my ad, I just happened across it. Judith Butler in SF tonight at City Arts lectures.


other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Must we forever live under threat of Big Indie Label kicking down the door and demanding return of all our second hand promo CDs? Which political party is bold enough to demand an amnesty for the harmless but illicit SALE OR OTHER TRANSFER of musical recordings?

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  • other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    Might make a few enemies with this, but I think you could drop a lot of Smashing Pumpkins lyrics right into the middle of a Lungfish song and nobody would know the difference.

    I'm listening to Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness for the first time through in a lot of years, and I'm really struck by how similar Billy Corgan's writing style and some of his themes are to Daniel Higgs. Just less "Look at me, I'm a mystic," and more "Look at me, I'm a pop star."

    other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @trdebunked Well that's another direction entirely. Interesting. I had not heard of it, thanks!

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    People talk about George Michael's "Careless Whisper" as having the archetypal sexy saxophone solo, but for my money, the brief but potent solo in Teddy Pendergrass's "Close the Door" transcends sexy to the point of being actual intercourse.

    I would name the soloist if I could find the personnel. Likely someone in Gamble & Huff's stable of PIR studio aces.

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  • other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @jrp ooh, I love the detective work! But I'm not buying Marc Russo on this. I don't know much about him, but just poking around a little: his first recording credit anywhere is 1977, just a year before Close the Door; he was a west coast musician; never recorded for Philly International, despite the later date with Pendergrass on Elektra. I think the PIR date would probably have been with members of the house band, MFSB. I haven't looked far enough into MFSB to figure out who was who, and who played on what. There's gotta be a better record somewhere. Wikipedia and discogs are not well fleshed out, unfortunately. The LP sleeve lists every non-musician on the session, but gives zero instrumental credits. Just mentions "The Sound of Philadelphia (T.S.O.P.), TM"

    Miriamm , to random
    @Miriamm@mastodon.social avatar

    274 Palestinians killed in a bloody massacre to rescue 4 Israelis and this is being celebrated by politicians globally as a win. Depraved.

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @Miriamm Don't forget three Israeli hostages killed and one IDF death in the operation makes this a wash in terms of Israeli lives saved. They don't care about Israeli lives, either.

    other_ghosts , to palestine group
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    The refrain I'm seeing on social media right now is that the Israeli government values Palestinian lives less than Israeli. I think this is incorrect, that in fact the death of a Palestinian is worth more to the government of Israel than the survival of an Israeli. These lives are valued differently, but not in the way you might think.

    Israeli military action has killed far more Israeli hostages since 10/7 than it has saved. If the priority was on saving these lives, you would expect a more delicate approach.

    Even in this latest raid, which is widely being described as a success for having freed four captives, at least three others were killed by Israeli forces.

    Freeing the hostages is not the priority. This spectacular maneuver may win the regime some reprieve from the increasingly antagonistic hostage families' movement, but it doesn't indicate a shift in their strategy or aims.

    Earnest hostage swap proposals have been offered by the Palestinian resistance since October, and have been consistently rejected by Israeli leadership. Biden's so-called peace plan is currently on the table. The continued campaign of death and destruction have taken priority. Holding an increasing number of Palestinians hostage in Israeli prisons, and thereby systematically disrupting the reproduction of Palestinian lives and lifeways has taken priority. This genocidal military campaign, along with the blockade on food and medicine, puts the Israeli hostages at significant risk, prolonging and compounding their ordeal.

    Add to the above the significant IDF casualties, and the civilian lives uprooted in the north and south due to the war, and the extent of the Israeli govt's disregard for Israeli life becomes shockingly apparent (not to mention Jews worldwide, who are consistently put in harm's way by this belligerent colonial adventure that purports to speak for all Jews). These lives are all deemed expendable.

    The state does not exist for the people. Wars are not fought for the people. Let's not give them more credit than they deserve.

    @palestine @israel

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    . I'm catching up on some old Sunun mixes. This one is from 2019, wall to wall bangers from . Mostly contemporary cuts. The show doesn't run anymore, as far as I know, but the archive is a true pleasure.

    Noods Radio | Everything Is A Drum


    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    Happy Wednesday to you all.

    L.A. TACO:

    "LAPD Buys Its K9s From Breeder That Shares The Name of Hitler’s Bunker"



    cathrobots , to random
    @cathrobots@assemblag.es avatar


    Hello new server! I’m a musician/artist in London, UK. The most recent time I had to describe what I do I said it was ‘acoustic and electronic improvised music, experimental composition, and DIY publishing.’

    I improvise on baritone saxophone or live electronics, and my band Sloth Racket has been together since 2015. I make zines as tools for improvised performance, co-run the Luminous label, have been known to organise gigs, and lead the City University Experimental Ensemble.

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @cathrobots Hello, Cath! Happy to meet other improvisers on here.

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    I really don't know why they decided to call this iceberg instead of comb-over lettuce.


    intransitivelie , to random
    @intransitivelie@beige.party avatar

    "Cyber" comes from "cybernetics" which is in turn from the Greek "κυβερνήτης" which means "one who steers" as in a boat, from "κῠβερνάω" meaning, "to steer" so technically The Club is cybersecurity.

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @intransitivelie This may be the hottest take going right now. Kudos.

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    I love cycling, but I could really do without all these self-congratulatory posts about how healthy cycling is, how bike commuters live longer, have better teeth, and perform better in bed. I've seen like five just today.

    I don't wanna poo on anybody's shoe, but who needs this? You know who else lives longer on average? People who don't spend all day gloating about their lifestyle choices on social media.

    That's apart from the obvious selection bias of studies like this (ie, self-identified bike commuters, rather than people who happen to bike for other reasons. For example: not being able to afford a vehicle, let alone public transit). How would this data look if it included more working class people who maybe don't have the same access to healthcare or healthy food, and are more likely to live in polluted areas with more dangerous roads for cycling?

    Just a thought.

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    Free gravel and horse troughs spotted in West . I can't believe somebody's throwing away about fifteen perfectly good 6ft troughs, with gravel to boot! I'm sure somebody could make better use of these than blocking a public street in front of a fucking vacant lot.

    14th and Union. You didn't hear it from me.

    More troughs down the side street, same corner.

    alexip718 , to random
    @alexip718@journa.host avatar

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution sent out a memo to its staff and freelancers this week, banning them from making any public comment regarding the War in Gaza:

    "Our operating principles also say you may support human rights with limitations."

    What do you mean by "human rights with limitations"?

    #atlanta #gaza #palestine #israel #journalism

    However, the majority of our journalists, in most roles, are expected to separate their personal opinions from our news coverage. Inappropriate social media comments can undermine colleagues' ability to cover issues and can cause controversy at a time when we need to be focused on covering the news and not becoming the subject of coverage and criticism. Our Ethics Code on political involvement and social media says to avoid expressing or posting opinions that reflect partiality or create perceptions of bias and undermine the credibility of the AJC. This applies specifically to politics and public policy and generally to all divisive areas of public debate. Each employee of our newsroom shares that obligation; it is not limited to those who cover politics or hard news.
    Our operating principles also say you may support human rights with limitations. That is admittedly a difficult needle to thread when there are multiple human rights issues in a divisive debate. This is one of those cases, so we want to offer clear guidance for everyone: Do not post about or publicly discuss your personal views on the war, the protests or related policy discussions in any way that suggests you are taking sides or reflecting partiality. This includes both words and images. If you have any doubt or question, consult a supervisor before acting. If you are a columnist or opinion writer, you have different limits, and the views you express in the AJC are carefully edited and reviewed. Take extra care with personal formats like unofficial social media and do not extend your statements beyond your AJC-published work. I am happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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  • other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    Imagine actually believing that silence was a kind of neutrality. Especially for a journalist.

    And, wow. That last paragraph. Remember, opinion writers, your opinions are only valid once carefully reviewed and edited by us. We pay for your opinions, of course, but only when they are our opinions.

    @alexip718 @Toastie

    HeavenlyPossum , to random
    @HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

    During apartheid, the South African government established “homelands” for Black South Africans that were ostensibly independent states—though no other country recognized them—so the regime could pretend Black South Africans were foreigners ineligible for rights in South Africa.

    I used to think that this was purely for international consumption, a weak pretense to avoid sanctions and stay on the good side of allies.

    But, having heard from Israelis who genuinely believe things like “there is no occupation” and “there is no apartheid” and “there is no ethnic cleansing” I now realize that white South Africans were the primary audience for the ruse and they probably ate that shit up.

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    So much of Israeli history is just a condensed and modernized version of North American colonialism. I think the reservation system in the US is instructive, as well. Tribal sovereignty here is a legal fiction used to justify excluding tribes from basic entitlements and infrastructure, whereas nobody actually believes that tribal lands are sovereign and defensible territories. The US will expropriate what it wishes, enforce its laws when convenient, and ignore or make up new laws when the existing ones don't serve. But I think there is a special audience which is the legal system, i.e. a bunch of essentially colonial puppets who nevertheless are very committed to an idea of themselves that is based in structure, reason, and precedent. Most non-indigenous Americans are more or less ignorant of the complexities of tribal law, but it's very important for the judiciary and the lawmakers.

    @HeavenlyPossum @julieofthespirits

    other_ghosts , to palestine group
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    Salman Rushdie, the David Horowitz of arts & letters, has something truly insightful to say about @palestine . Oh, wait. Did I say insightful?

    '"They’re talking about free Palestine. I am somebody who has argued for a Palestinian state for most of my life, since the 1980s probably,” Rushdie, who had a fatwa calling for his death placed on him by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989 after perceived blasphemy contained in his book The Satanic Verses, said.

    '“Right now, if there was a Palestinian state, it would be run by Hamas and that would make it a Taliban-like state. It would be a client state of Iran,” said Rushdie.'


    other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar
    bluestocking , to random
    @bluestocking@sfba.social avatar

    cool things I've found while contacting libraries today: the New Orleans Public Library has a tool library, a seed library, menstrual care supplies, and a cake pan library under their "Library Lagniappe" umbrella. (I also learned the word "lagniappe" today!) also, they give out bike locks to patrons so you can lock up your bike while you're at a library branch and then return it when you leave. all super cool programs! I love libraries so much 🥹

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @bluestocking Oakland Public Library has some great resources, too: tools, seeds, and more.


    rejinl , to random
    @rejinl@masto.nyc avatar

    If someone posts a picture of a Jeff Koons sculpture I don't know if they mean "Get a load of this shit" or "I like this."

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @rejinl Ugh-inspiring

    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    The only good thing a helicopter ever did was crash.

    Middle East Eye:
    "Iran: Helicopter carrying President Raisi 'crashes in mountains'"


    other_ghosts , to random
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    The prison industrial complex (PIC) is not about punishment, rehabilitation, or public safety. It's about maintaining a permanent racialized underclass.

    If the same crime committed by a poor Black person and a wealthy white person are punished differently, with the former receiving harsher sentences, worse treatment, and lesser consideration for parole, the purpose of the PIC cannot be the punishment itself; its role is in maintaining the disparity in punishment.

    If opportunities for living a decent life after incarceration are systematically foreclosed across various sectors of society, the purpose of the PIC cannot be rehabilitation; its purpose is in marking a class of people as worthy of exploitation and death.

    If the only classes of people who become safer through policing and mass incarceration are wealthy and white (or who inhabit social positions in proximity to wealth and whiteness), then the purpose of the PIC cannot be public safety; its purpose is in maintaining a boundary between those deserving of public safety and everyone else.

    Truthout / Maria Montanez:
    'Formerly Incarcerated People Face “Forever Punishment” in Collateral Sanctions'


    #PrisonIndustrialComplex #Apartheid #Racism #AfroPessimism

    other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    "Once a person has been convicted of a crime, even if we survive incarceration, we experience a civil death of sorts; we are not treated as regular citizens. We’re excluded from basic rights and privileges — all after having already served our sentence. If you have a loved one who is a formerly incarcerated person, you likely know what it’s like to sit with them after they have received rejection upon rejection for an apartment, a job, grants or loans for school, or anything else that matters in life."

    other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    'Collateral sanctions are relics of slavery. In the same way that the U.S. Constitution permits slavery as a punishment for crime, collateral sanctions enable the power structure to penalize those it deems “unworthy” and “undesirable.”'

    other_ghosts OP ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    "It’s important to note that this form of perpetual punishment isn’t actually about safety. Preventing people from finding housing or a good job actually makes communities less safe."

    inquiline , to random
    @inquiline@union.place avatar

    We need to talk about all the vintage hearses in my neighborhood

    other_ghosts ,
    @other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

    @inquiline @sipi Somebody's getting all their flair points.

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