
nazgul , to random avatar

If Google is true to form, they’ll fire the researchers.

Npars01 , avatar
Strandjunker , to random avatar

I am not feeling the 4th of July this year. It is hard to celebrate America while women’s rights are being wiped out and SCOTUS is elevating a convicted rapist above the law. — Does anyone else feel this way?

RubyTuesdayDONO , avatar

yes, alas 😢

for me, a defining virtue of America is a rejection of the rule of men, and an establishment of the rule of law. i still get chills of awe every time i read Article VI of the United States Constitution:


gunstick , avatar

@Strandjunker when is the civil war starting?

randahl , to random avatar

The UK House of Commons has 650 seats.

Nigel Farage's Reform party is projected to get 4 seats.

Labour is projected to get 405.

Congratulations, Nigel!
That's enough members to play Bridge for the next four years. 😘


virkon42 , avatar

@randahl People still voting for RF could be similar minded than people voting for the AFD in Germany. We should compare notes.

tasket , avatar

@randahl LibDems look like a halfway house for voters who can't hold their Thatcher.

Strandjunker , to random avatar

SCOTUS grants Donald Trump the immunity he asked for. American democracy is on the brink. Don’t overthink it.

Gloves off at this point!

Subpoena Roberts, Alito & Thomas immediately, and make them testify under oath on live TV about their blatant treason.

MennoWolff , avatar

Isn't Joe Biden now also immune?
His first official act should be to imprison TFG and fire half the supreme court. What are they going to do? He's immune, right?

JohnBarronIII , avatar

@Strandjunker And the penalty for treason is...???

luckytran , to random avatar

The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year.


Starbrother , avatar

@luckytran It coincides when we congregate.

noyes , avatar


Every virus since the Cambrian explosion likely invested in controlling Complement. Horseshoe Crabs utilize C3 and C3 convertases. It's what makes their blood so valuable.

But not SARS
MPox Clade 1 controls Complement
But MPox Clade 2 does not
And not SARS-CoV-2
All others do. All.

CDC is basically Wichita PD in the 80s and 90s saying all those victims bound, tortured, and killed are unrelated. They have to pretend it's natural so they can do nothing about it.

vampiress , to random avatar

For some reason I stumbled into an EB Games bricks 'n mortar store yesterday.

It's wild how "video games" shops basically all just sell tchotchkes now.

I couldn't find the game I was hoping to pick up, but I did find a little plastic bobble head thing of its main character.


vampiress OP , avatar

@ThreeOhFour Yeah it seems likely but... I miss the physicality. Especially as I basically never buy digital games these days unless there's no physical release.

ThreeOhFour , avatar

@vampiress Yeah, that's fair. I buy my books on paper, I get it.

GottaLaff , to random avatar
mikegolf , avatar

@GottaLaff a "Reform" candidate was elected in the constituency where a relative lives now in Lincolnshire. Same area that voted wholeheartedly for Brexit. A deprived area with voters amenable to right wing claptrap.

YusufToropov , avatar

@GottaLaff I hope the milkshake thing becomes a tradition in Clacton

jerry , to random avatar

Just got home from watching fireworks at the ballpark after the game. That place was absolutely packed with people

jerry OP , avatar

@hazelweakly they did not win, though I am just there for the fun and to be with my wife, who is the real baseball fan. And to see my son who works on the field. It was a great time despite not winning

hazelweakly , avatar

@jerry sounds like a lovely time all around then! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

wokerati , to random avatar
rahmstorf , to random German avatar

Die Briten haben einen hohen Preis dafür bezahlt, den rechtspopulistischen Rattenfängern in den Brexit gefolgt zu sein. Die meisten bereuen das.

Doch tausendfach bitterer wird bereuen, wer sich von rechtspopulistischen Klimalügnern in die planetare Katastrophe führen lässt.

ip6li , avatar

@rahmstorf genauer müsste es heißen: "...rechtspopulistischen und korrupten Rattenfängern...". IMHO ist Korruption in der Politik der Root-Cause dafür, das nichts gegen den Klimawandel getan wird oder sogar Maßnahmen verhindert werden.

Ecano , avatar

@rahmstorf nicht nur die Verführten werden das bereuen, sondern alle. Und das ist das, was mich wütend macht.

stux , to random avatar

Omg.. :blobderpy:

The alt-right wing agenda called "Project 2025" even wants to "outlaw porn" and put creators and publishers in jail :amaze:

Next up they're gonna arm babies..

despereaux , avatar

@stux unironically this needs to be said more. I wonder if young right wing men would still vote for Trump if they knew he was threatening their ability to crank it

coyoty , avatar

@despereaux @stux They would. Their ability to foresee consequences is limited. This has been shown clinically.

coyoty , to random avatar

'90s on Music Choice.

Hawaii , to random avatar

If anyone thinks that voting is pointless, look at the UK tonight. Right-wing out. left-wing in.

Let's do this in the US.

RustyBertrand , to random avatar

Photograph: Fannie Moore was 88 years old when she was interviewed in 1937. She lived at 151 Valley Street, Asheville.

'I don’t know where any of my people are now.'

The 'breed woman' always bring more money than the rest, even the men. When they put her on the block they put all her children around her to show folks how fast she can have children. When she sold, her family never see her again. She never know how many children she has. . . Many boys and girls marry they own brothers and sisters and never know the difference lest they get to talkin' about they parents and where they used to live. . .

Folks back then never hear tell of all the ailments the folks have now. There were no doctors. Just use roots and bark for teas of all kinds. My ole granny used to make tea out o' dogwood bark and give it to us children when we have a cold, else she make a tea out of wild cherry bark, pennyroil, or hoarhound. My goodness, but they was bitter. We do most anything to get out of takin' the tea, but it weren't no use, granny just get you by the collar, hold your nose, and you just swallow it or get strangled. When the baby have the colic she get rat's vein and make a syrup and put a little sugar in it an boil it. Then soon as it cold she give it to the baby. For stomach ache she give us snake root. Sometimes she make tea, other time she just cut it up in little pieces and make you eat one or two of them. When you have fever she wrap you up in cabbage leaves or ginseng leaves, this make the fever go. When the fever got too bad she take the hoofs of the hog that had been killed and parch 'em in the ashes and then she beat 'em up and make a tea. This was the most terrible of all. . .

The n------ was afraid to move, much less try to do anything. They never know what to do, they have no learnin’. Have no money. All they can do was stay on the same plantation til they can do better. We live on the same plantation till the children all grown up and mammy and pappy both die then we leave. I don’t know where any of my people are now.

Federal Writers' Project

In the depths of the Great Depression, as unemployed Americans toiled away at infrastructure projects like the Blue Ridge Parkway and dams for the Tennessee Valley Authority, there was a different kind of public work in action. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal founded the Federal Writers' Project, a small army of out-of-work writers that roamed across the Southeast to gather testimony from the few remaining former slaves. Those interviews, numbering over two thousand, are held in the Library of Congress and available to read (and in many cases, listen to) online.

18+ jhwgh1968 , avatar

@RustyBertrand reminds me of this horrifying reporting -- a reminder that the things she was subjected to never ended:

KateCelyn , to random avatar

Daily has woken to a country without a single Tory MP, and with four Plaid MPs where two were predicted ✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😊

So here’s Castell Harlech, where the red dragon flies - and, since there are windows in the wall, I suppose it counts as a

Off to do a happy dance!

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