
PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group avatar

of a slightly tired Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Sunday, July 7th 2024).

TL;DR normal start of the day (for this week), with the gym, SniffBook walkies and a drive to Herpen. Walked Arwen, started the work. Painting was on the menu. Wanted to hang some lamps. But that didn't work all the way... 🤔 😔

Usual morning happened... I had another broken night so I felt very tired when the alarm woke me. If I didn't have Arwen to take care of, I'd probably stay in bed a little longer. But, I don't want Arwen to hold her things too long (I know I can't...) so up I got. My sleep score was 91, so not too bad. The scales were kind, which was a plus as well. It was dry, but a little colder with 12°C. I got dressed, took my meds, prepared Arwen's meat, and then we headed for short walkies. Arwen did her things and we headed back. She was enjoying her food as I laid out the snacks and grabbed my bag. Onwards to the gym!

I tried to catch up with all of the notifications on Mastodon, while I also chatted briefly with a very sweet friend. 😊 Then, after the protein shake was done, I got to the treadmill for my half hour walk. Followed with an half hour on the bike. The massage chair worked today! Big yay! Then I switched my shoes and got ready to head home.

A quick wash up and then I got my brekky. Arwen wanted to head out, so I hurried to leave as soon as I could. We had a very nice walkies, it was dry this time, but only 10°C, so not too warm. But good enough to work on my blog and Masto while Arwen got in all the sniffs. I'm really gonna miss this walk. And I hope we can find a good one in the new area to enjoy... 😊

When we got back, I got to the PC to work on two blog posts, the journal one and the "week one" one. They go live on Monday and Tuesday, so best keep them up do date so it's a little work every morning instead of loads of work at the last minute. Then, I found a few more "fragile" boxes, and I loaded three of them in Skoosh. Arwen and I headed to Herpen again. It being Sunday meant that the roads were calm, which made it a very enjoyable ride. I usually keep to the speed limits which frustrates many other drivers I guess... But I can't afford any tickets (or addicents)... So I have to drive carefully and as it should be done. 😊

I unloaded Skoosh and Arwen and I went for short walkies. When we got back, I changed clothes and prepared the painting work. I started the primer on two walls first, and then I had some primer left in my bin, so I primered the big kitchen wall as well. And when that was done after about 2 hours, I needed a short break. So Arwen and I headed out for short walkies. Then, the first wall was dried enough so I could paint it. Then, of course, the second one could be done as well. I touched up the bits where I had some "spatter" and I took off all the masking tapes.

I was rather tired at this point. My parents would be coming around 13, so I changed clothes and walked Arwen again. Then I fed her and made a small video to share on Mastodon. 😊 When my parents came, it was obvious that dad and I were working in different flows... Sometimes that happens and we clash a lot then. I tried my best, but I should have done this, I could have prepared that better, why didn't I check such...? I did my best with the energy that I had... I had made sure that I had the drill and extension cord, that I had different drill sizes and plugs and screws. That I had the lights ready. That there was space for the ladders... But yeah, we clashed some... I was tired and hungry and he was not having the best day either... 😔

I had an "inside the wall" check thingie, but I didn't check the battery... So it didn't work, so we couldn't do much of the work. In the end, we got one light hanging in the bathroom and one next to the front door. We need to prepare some bits for the other lights, and make sure that "sniffer" machine works so we know where the cables are "running" through the walls and ceilings. Ugh... I was a bit frustrated as I had hoped it would be easier than this... 😔 I wish I had a good battery. I wish I was more confident with drilling holes on the ceiling... Ah well, I have to learn and best be safe than sorry and make expensive mistakes...

Around 14:30, I wanted to head home. Dad was tired, I was tired and hungry, and it wasn't working all too well. Mum had used her time to set up small bits of gauze in the garden. It's not perfect, but it should keep Arwen in our part of the garden when I wanna open up the kitchen door...

We went home via Grave, to get some yogurt and protein shakes. Then, when we finally got home, there wasn't much time to eat. So I drank a protein shake and ate a small bin of yogurt... And then I was so tired, that I was happy it was time for bed. So I prepared everything and walked Arwen. She had some spots on her elbow and tail that needed some attention. So I washed the bit of tail and then put lotion on the tail and elbow. Her skin is aging and even with the supplements, it's showing that she's almost 11... 😊

So, I went to bed and read a little... And some more... And some more... I was so very much awake as my brain was racing wild. "I need to do this, prepare that, look out for such, make sure I have that"... The stress of my dad telling me I didn't prepare well enough was still running wild through me... I took some extra painkillers and in the end, it took me about two hours to fall asleep... 😔 I slept till the alarm and still felt rather tired! Ah well... It's just temporary Cynni, we got this in the end! 💪🏼

So we're starting the new week. A very busy and important week!! Floors, the move, and all that... The painting that I wanna get done before Thursday... The shower cabin that needs to be taken down. The fridge that needs to be emptied and cleaned... Loads to do... Eeeeek 😳!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


📸 July 7th 2024

skyfire747 , avatar

@PixysJourney @weirdfolks huggles good luck with everything the next time you go to hang the lights. 🙏🤗🕊🫂

PixysJourney OP , avatar

Fankoos 🫶🏻 🤗
Yeah I guess the lights will have to wait a bit... Hopefully I can hang a temp light in the guest room for when my fiends sleep over... 😊 Or it will be like camping, so using the flashlight of the phones 😂
🤗 😘

mastodonmigration , to random avatar

Strange, seems like the New York Times is not very happy about the French ignoring media pundits and defeating fascism at the polls today.

lawyersgunsnmoney , avatar

@mastodonmigration I think that is exactly what they decided. Someone posted the list of Trump donors from the media, CEOs, and it included CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC (yup the Ronna McDaniel MSNBC), plus of course WaPo and NYT. As my man Frank Figliuzi says, “there are no coincidences”

mastodonmigration OP , avatar

@mapto @lawyersgunsnmoney

Not saying the NYT hasn't been awful at times throughout its history, but the complete lack of subtlety and supermarket tabloid level transparency of their current full throated fascism boosterism may be a new low.

Da_Gut , to random avatar

Hopefully this is the last night of Fireworks. Got a bean dog glued to my side on the couch again. But the fireworks are a bit away, and so far they have been ending fairly early.
Not like when in lived in North GA - that road was a damn warzone for a week, from the sounds of it.

Da_Gut OP , avatar

@Tim_Eagon Covid, about the time of the stimulus checks. The fireworks industry got vast amounts of that neighborhoods checks!
Bean Dog wasn't born then, and most of our dogs are only slightly perturbed by fireworks. Zoe da pug doesn't notice them at all. Cora the bulldog is only bothered if there are a lot of them.
Bean Dog..... doesn't like them. In any quantity.

rivetgeek , avatar

@Tim_Eagon @Da_Gut Our corner of semi-rural/suburban WA is like that. It's so bad our bedroom will reek of explosives, and the next morning there's still smoke in the air and the streets and sidewalks are covered in burned paper and cardboard.

Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

UN rapporteur: Palestinians in Gaza have been 'trapped in a hell without comparison' since October 8 - YouTube


DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

At this rate, will be gone in a hundred years...

Man Dies After Placing Firework Atop His Head

ben , to random avatar

Pythagoras, the greatest mathematician of Ancient Greece, learned Pythagoras' theorem from the locals while travelling in Egypt, where they had been using it for thousands of years.

Fibonacci, the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages, learned the Fibonacci sequence from Indian texts, where it had first been described 1400 years earlier.

Pascal's triangle originated in Persia more than half a millenium before Blaise Pascal was born - in related news, the first known combinatorics solution came even earlier from THE SAME INDIAN GUY who came up with the "Fibonacci" sequence - Pingala, who was also arguably the first person to specifically refer to zero as a number, along with all sorts of other amazing shit, and who I had never heard of until today because my entire education system deemed him too brown to valorise.

It's hard to even imagine how better educated we'd all be without the pernicious brain rot of white supremacism.

CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

Miracle crop for a future of extreme heat: BUCKWHEAT

– Productive in high-heat, drought, high-CO2 conditions that kill wheat;
– Gluten free, rich in fibre and minerals;
– Flowers for months: great for and other insects.
– Likes poor soils
– Needs no fertilisers

What's not to love about buckwheat? Also, tastes great.

lorihc , avatar

@CelloMomOnCars thanks so much!

CelloMomOnCars OP , avatar

And how could I forget: Soba noodles is made from buckwheat, and a heatwave is the perfect time to have the cold version, in the yummy dipping sauce.

Dipping sauce:
Heat 1/4 c mirin in a saucepan until it bubbles. Add 2 TBSP sake and 1/4 c good soy sauce. Add 1c laboriously made dashi broth (from bonito fish) or get instant dashi in 1c water. Chill thoroughly.
Cook soba noodles and rinse in cold water.
Eat with veggie tempura.


blepharon , to random avatar

The Israeli government does not want peace. It wants total victory, which for Israel government (and the Likud charter) means undisputed Israeli rule from the River to the Sea.
This is the latest of YEARS of Israel, either covertly, or as now, openly, sabotaging every attempt to get resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

ddrhazy , avatar

@DropBear @blepharon

Where will the Jews go

DropBear , avatar

If by "Jews", you mean Israelis, then the majority should go to prison (some, for the rest of their lives). Where they will be imprisoned, time will tell.

The vast majority of Israelis are Zionists. Israeli Zionism is predicated on people who pretend to be Jewish being the master race from the river to the sea. Those who can live in peace as equals with others could probably stay. That's for the populace (Moslems, Christians, Jews, etc) to work out.

"... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — a struggle that should go far beyond Jews showing solidarity for Palestinians or simply not wanting to be oppressors. “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."

lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

Help! Fishy is stuck in the hamper. I need you to support my Patreon so I can afford a system of ropes and pulleys to rescue him from the hamper.

jillL , avatar

@lowqualityfacts shut up and take my money gif

jprestonian , avatar

A cucumber is cheaper.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

“The world has baked for 12 consecutive months in temperatures 1.5C (2.7F) greater than their average before the fossil fuel era, new data shows.

Temperatures between July 2023 and June 2024 were the highest on record, scientists found, creating a year-long stretch in which the Earth was 1.64C hotter than in preindustrial times.”

TheDarcBird , avatar


We've reached a tipping point, methinks

Strandjunker , to random avatar

I wish I lived in a country where Donald Trump raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring was treated with at least half the outrage and gravity of Joe Biden having one bad debate night.

cowboyminer , avatar


Nailed it!

Patrick13 , avatar

@Strandjunker so do I.

How'd you like to crush corruption and drown the fascism it fuel?

rosamundi , to random avatar

I do not pretend to understand how French elections work or what this means for the next couple of years but there's a fash crying on the telly and that's good enough for me.

DemocracyMattersALot , avatar


LOL. 👍

Luna , avatar

@Npars01 @rosamundi It's very disconcerting that Russia is dorectly mettling in the politics of other countries like that.

Daojoan , to random avatar

I have never been more disillusioned with traditional publishing. On the journalistic side, the gate keeping and irresponsible editorial bias of the NYT and their ilk. The inability to face reality. And on the literary side, the power imbalances that have and will always enable men like Neil Gaiman while ignoring other writers. The way young black authors are kept out of publishing. The book deals that go to influencers whose ghostwriters pump out the same self help bullshit again and again.

Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

Dozens killed across Gaza as Israel’s war enters 10th month - YouTube


uspolitics Bot , to random avatar

Rubio Dismisses Project 2025 as ‘Think Tank Stuff’ Despite Trump Allies Authoring Parts of It

writermonki , avatar

@uspolitics They been working towards this project for decades. They mean it.

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