Strandjunker , avatar

SCOTUS grants Donald Trump the immunity he asked for. American democracy is on the brink. Don’t overthink it.

Gloves off at this point!

Subpoena Roberts, Alito & Thomas immediately, and make them testify under oath on live TV about their blatant treason.

MennoWolff , avatar

Isn't Joe Biden now also immune?
His first official act should be to imprison TFG and fire half the supreme court. What are they going to do? He's immune, right?

IveyJanette , avatar

@Strandjunker They just started civil war. Something the South has wanted since 1865.

rberger , avatar
Bandersnatch , avatar


Why bother with the dog & pony show.

can just have them "escorted out by Seal Team 6" & then restore our .

eleog ,

@Strandjunker Forget the subpoena, it's just an invitation for the courts to step in and grab more power. Now that Biden has immunity for such official acts, he can just have the FBI federal marshals frog march Thomas and Alito in for some enhanced interrogations.

GottaLaff , avatar

@Strandjunker They refuse subpoenas, remember?

bytebro , avatar

@Strandjunker Good luck with that. But if you do manage that, I'd pay per view.

NSalwen , (edited )

@Strandjunker LOL - like they would show up? Why not have Seal Team 6 kill them?

JayDublin , avatar

@Strandjunker Nailed it. And even if Biden wins, he'll challenge the election again and this court will rule in his favor.

LaNaehForaday , avatar


I have to disagree that SCOTUS grants Donald Trump the immunity he asked for.

Donald Trump asked for total and complete blanket immunity for all things he has done.

This ruling it exactly what we have been guessing would happen to allow SCOTUS to delay the Trump trials until after the election.

We knew they were going to paly dirty and although Im not saying this isnt cause for alarm, what I am saying is now we can take a microscope to every single "act" Trump took and determine if it was "Official" or not. Since Trump never followed protocol, I believe this opens him up to further CRIMINAL prosecution as we determine more things he did were not done in an official capacity and were just jankied together in pretend.


But Trump's criminal acts will not be seen as "official". And once this is determined, we will go back to seeing that "OFFICIAL" also means "LEGAL"

TheNovemberMan , avatar

@Strandjunker 👍💯👍 Yes please

mycotropic , avatar



DrGeof , avatar


I doubt this would accomplish much more than waste time.

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