
5oap10116 , in Lucky DS game haul form local librarys "free stuff" section


  • An Ugly American
LaserTurboShark69 ,

Dude what

shundi82 ,

I've got two theories as to what that poster was trying to say:

Der Herr Der = Durr Hurr Durr


Der Herr Der = reference to "Die Bart, Die"

But as to the real meaning:
Der Herr Der Elemente = The Master Of Elements

Mandy OP ,

this is like looking at a scholar, discovering new sacred texts, trying to explain it to a filthy commoner (like me), while the commoner stares blankly at the bewildered scholar trying to elborate

5oap10116 ,

Yeah so Der Herr Der is master/lord of the in German, and as an ugly American, I was making fun of how it sounds funny. Sucks to explain such a simple joke...

LaserTurboShark69 ,

Ah I see now, I didn't read the subtitle of the avatar game lol. I thought you were leaving a weird angry comment

ArcaneSlime , (edited )

It's euro-peen for "ableism + america bad."

OH but even better these games appear to be PAL, meaning decidedly not American. Guessing Germany from the German text. So hurr durr right back to him.

aubertlone , in Anyone remember Rad Mobile the first Sonic The Hedgehog game?

I was born in 1993....

So no I don't remember playing it. But I might check it out though thanks for the recommendation

systemglitch , in Lucky DS game haul form local librarys "free stuff" section

I'd probably just throw them away if they were mind and I ran across them.

otp ,

...why? Is filling up landfills your hobby or something?

Mandy OP ,

who peed in your cheerios my man?
why would you throw them away like that for literally any reason?

systemglitch ,

Nothing malicious, I just don't find value in them when I factor in trying to sell them locally.

MilitantAtheist , in Phantasy Star Online is back on my Dreamcast this birthday.

It's too bad piracy killed the Dreamcast.

flying_sheep , avatar

Very funny. Lying to get people riled up is truly the greatest form of humor. Yawn

librejoe , in I miss console ads being this weird

This is dumb.

Anticorp , in Not All Projects Work Out

18.53ms is imperceptible to humans.

popcap200 ,

I think the concern is the stack up you get in latency between the controller, the computer, and the monitor.

Anticorp ,

That's a valid concern that I didn't consider.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

I can absolutely notice a frame of lag at 60Hz. Good way to compare side-by-side is by using an emulator with run-ahead mode.

Anticorp ,

I read that people who play a lot of FPV shooters have higher than average reaction and perception time. 18ms is ridiculously fast though, I'd be surprised if someone could consciously register it. I know gaming monitors market latency in the 1.5ms range, so maybe elite gamers can perceive the difference. Someone else pointed out that there are concerns over latency stacking between all of the devices, and that's a really valid point.

v1605 OP ,

18ms is okay but for a lot of retro content, it's running 60fps. That means it's one frame is 50/3ms, aka 16.6666ms. Sub 1 frame is good enough, 18ms is not in my opinion.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

I don't play shooters, but I love both 2D and 3D platformers, where you can absolutely notice a difference.

Noite_Etion , in ANBERNIC Officially Reveals New RG40XX H After Recent Leaks | Retro Dodo avatar

Am I missing something, I don't see why are these hand helds becoming so popular?

I'm running a PS2 emulator on my phone and playing God of War 2 with upscaling and anti-aliasing; why would you spend money on something a phone can do for free?

SlothMama ,

Phone controls are trash though, touch screen is never good.

Noite_Etion , (edited ) avatar

Yeah. So, I Bluetooth a console controller which works perfectly fine and is cheaper. But you can also buy attachments for your phone that turns into a controller if you really want.

Piece_Maker , avatar

External Bluetooth controllers are always a pain and those clip-on ones are always awful. Plus it's splitting the battery life between two devices, nothing bugs me more than using my phone for everything only to be shocked that the battery dies twice a day.

Noite_Etion , avatar

External Bluetooth controllers are always a pain.

In what way? I use them and it works just fine. Plus, I already had one so it cost me nothing to use it with my phone.

those clip-on ones are always awful.

Again, how? The ones I have seen used work perfectly fine, plus there is a large number of devices to choose from; I am sure they aren't all awful.

Plus it's splitting the battery life between two devices, nothing bugs me more than using my phone for everything only to be shocked that the battery dies twice a day.

Most people carry a charger or battery pack with them anyways so that is not a problem. Besides aren't you already powering two devices when you carry this thing around with you... I'm gonna guess you have Bluetooth headphones too, so that's 3 devices now.

Piece_Maker , avatar

In what way? I use them and it works just fine. Plus, I already had one so it cost me nothing to use it with my phone.

Well, I have to either attach it to my phone with a clip of some kind (which makes for sometimes questionable ergonomics or for a very wobbly, insecure setup that makes me fear I'll drop my phone) Or I have to put my phone down on something, which for the sort of thing I use devices like this for just isn't doable.

I've found clip-on ones to be very insecure and wobbly generally. I have an 8bitdo controller with their phone mount clip thing and the setup just feels way too top-heavy like I'm going to drop my phone at any moment.

Besides aren’t you already powering two devices when you carry this thing around with you

Which is exactly the point I'm making. I want to split that battery life up between devices, so my phone is less likely to die on me. I can deal without a handheld game console but if my phone taps out it's more of a problem.

3DKungFu ,

To add to this: I can’t fit one of those clips and a console controller in my pocket with my phone. These retro handhelds are a self-contained package that can easily slip into a pocket. The guy above you is being deliberately obtuse.

Noite_Etion , avatar

So you walk around with your keys, phone, wallet and a console in your pockets at all times… just carry a bag or a backpack.

If you really do carry all that shit with you i can imagine you look like this

3DKungFu ,

Nope. I don’t carry keys. A phone, a minimalist wallet, and mini handheld fit with plenty of room to spare.

Noite_Etion , avatar

Nope. I don’t carry keys. A phone, a minimalist wallet, and mini handheld fit with plenty of room to spare.

So you have plenty of room, but simultaneously cannot fit a clip-controller in your pocket? I take it you don't carry a back pack either, that would just be ridiculous lol.

Such a weird argument "If you don't carry keys for some reason, you can instead fit a handheld console in your pocket" or you can just have a backpack or use one of these things (which also fits into your pocket and will allow you to turn your phone into a much better gaming device):

There are plenty of devices like this and combined with your phone you can now play a lot more games, at higher resolutions with upscaling to combat the lack of dithering and get better frame rates... Oh and it will fit in your pocket and will be able to connect to a new phone when you get one, its future proofed.

3DKungFu ,

Your way sounds like it works great. I’m glad there are so many options so we can all be happy with our setups. It’s cool dude. Thanks for the input.

Noite_Etion , avatar

Well, I have to either attach it to my phone with a clip of some kind (which makes for sometimes questionable ergonomics or for a very wobbly, insecure setup that makes me fear I'll drop my phone) Or I have to put my phone down on something, which for the sort of thing I use devices like this for just isn't doable.

Personally I never felt the use of a clip or some other mounting system was that bad or wobbly, i certainly don't feel it's so bad that I had to spend money on a device with limited functionality (or a downgrade) just to manage that problem. Seems like backwards thinking or a bad solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.

Which is exactly the point I'm making. I want to split that battery life up between devices, so my phone is less likely to die on me. I can deal without a handheld game console but if my phone taps out it's more of a problem.

Which leads to my point. Why did you spend so much money on a device with such functionality if you are worried about using it? For the cost of one of these handhelds you can buy multiple battery packs/portable chargers and actually use the expensive phone you carry around with you at all times.

Honestly if your phone dies that fast check your battery as it could be dying.

Piece_Maker , avatar

My phone's battery is absolutely fine, although it isn't expensive in the slightest (weird of you to assume it is...) but regularly hits below 30% battery towards the end of the day even without playing games. I could use a battery bank, but I'd still need that external controller which is yet another thing to carry and is awkwardly shaped and wouldn't fit anywhere near as well in a pocket.

Again, weird to think I'm "worried" about anything. I'd just rather reserve my phone's battery for when I need to use it, instead of wasting substantial amounts of it playing games.

01011 ,

Some of us like to put our phones away or turn them off entirely during our leisure. Also, I don’t want touch screen controls when playing ps1 games.

Noite_Etion , avatar

Some of us like to put our phones away or turn them off entirely during our leisure.

So you need to spend $99 on a hand hold because you dont like your phone? If it's the notifications you hate put your device on aeroplane mode instead; just saved you some money.

Also, I don’t want touch screen controls when playing ps1 games.

What is wrong with connecting a PS4/5 controller?

01011 , (edited )

No. I bought the predecessor for $50. Money well spent. I keep my phone off, I save battery life for when I do need to use my phone and I have 256GB of dedicated (and removal/replaceable/upgradable) storage to old school gaming. I am a very casual gamer, I do not want to carry a PS4/5 controller on my travels - my primary purpose for purchasing such a device.

Noite_Etion , avatar

The predecessor weighs more than a PS4 controller, costs more than a controller, doesn't stay charged as long as either a phone or a controller, has a low resolution screen, less storage and it cannot run as many games/emulators as a modern phone.

But yes its money well spent and you dont have to carry about a controller which weighs around half of your hand hold... What a deal!

I'll keep playing games for free with better graphics and a bigger library.

SpaceMan9000 ,

Sheesh, we get it. You're not the target audience

Noite_Etion , avatar

I asked why someone should buy one of these things instead of using what you already have, and every reason given was poorly thought out and was unable to explain or justify the purchase.

Seems like the target audience are idiots with spare cash, who are impressed by glowing analogue sticks and poor functionality.

SpaceMan9000 ,

Sheesh, we get it. You're not the target audience.

01011 ,

A d-pad with tactile buttons, a non-android (or iOS) system that takes micro sd cards are pretty good reasons. And the functionality is very good. Not sure why you assume it isn't.

Noite_Etion , avatar

A d-pad with tactile buttons

What console controller doesn't have that? Plus they tend to fit your hands. This thing looks like a portable hand cramp.

a non-android (or iOS) system that takes micro sd cards are pretty good reasons.

In what way does andriod or iOS limit your ability to run emulators? Micro SD cards are nice, but total over kill for some N64/Dreamcast roms.

Maybe for PSP games but only if you wanted all of them all the time, and that totals over 1.4 TB of storage, an SD card that can store all that is anywhere from double to 5 times the price of this handheld... What a great feature!

These retro handhelds are a self-contained package that can easily slip into a pocket.

Do you slip it into your pocket next to your phone?

And the functionality is very good. Not sure why you assume it isn't.

Its functionality is fine, but your phone can do everything this thing can do and more for free since you already own it. The best argument people can make is about the controls which is such an easy problem to solve and often can be done with devices you already have; This $100 thing is an overly niche gimmick.

01011 ,

I am able to install lean, custom linux based OS onto the device which I much prefer to either android or iOS - it fully boots in 5 seconds, there is no bloat to speak of. I had a 256GB card which I have now put to use in this device - it holds PSX, N64, Dreamcast, SNES, GBA, GB and MAME games. More than enough to keep me entertained on any road trip. And it didn't cost me $100, I paid $50, an almost insignificant outlay.

Noite_Etion , avatar

Ok so you ignored half of what I said in my previous comment, just going to assume you are admitting you have no real argument when it comes to these points. But moving on..

it fully boots in 5 seconds, there is no bloat to speak of.

So does an app.

it holds PSX, N64, Dreamcast, SNES, GBA, GB and MAME games.

Not PS2/Xbox/GameCube era consoles/games... Why not?

And it didn't cost me $100, I paid $50, an almost insignificant outlay.

Not including the cost of the sd card right. Meanwhile a phone you already own has $0 outlay and does more.

01011 ,

You are not the judge as to what is or what is not a "real argument".

An appmay boot up in 5 seconds but android devices and iOS do not. I go from power off to gaming in 5 seconds.

But look who is talking about ignoring previously made points... I repeat, I like to keep my phone off when at my leisure and I prefer not the drain the battery for frivolous activities, especially when traveling.

It plays the systems that I want, hence why I purchased it. You are under no obligation to do so. I'm still not sure why this device and others like it have you so agitated.

ComeHereOrIHookYou , avatar

Two reasons.

One is the form factor.

While certainly my ROG phone plus gamesir is enough to even emulate this gen's handheld games. It cannot beat playing a gba game on an Anbernic rg35xxsp.

Second is that some owns a low tier or a very old phone and they don't want to throw it away because it still works perfectly fine.

So instead of spending 300 bucks for a decent mid tier phone replacement, plus accessories, spending 99 bucks is far more cost effecent.

Then there is that storage issue. Some newer phones today no longer have an sd card slot for expandable storage.

Plus some if not all of these handhelds are moddable as fuck too.

st3ph3n ,

These things keep getting cheaper too. I just received an RG35XX H from Aliexpress with both 64GB and 128GB Micro SD cards for a whopping $47 shipped.

Noite_Etion , avatar

It still isn't as cheap as using what you already own. Especially when what you are purchasing is essentially a downgrade.

Noite_Etion , avatar

While certainly my ROG phone plus gamesir is enough to even emulate this gen's handheld games. It cannot beat playing a gba game on an Anbernic rg35xxsp.

Could you give a reason?

Second is that some owns a low tier or a very old phone and they don't want to throw it away because it still works perfectly fine.

My old iPhone 4 from 2010 could run n64 emulators just fine, low tier phones from the last 10 years can do pretty much everything this thing can do and a used one is definitely cheaper... Additionally if this strawman you have invented cannot afford a phone from the last 10 years they definitely cannot afford this thing.

Then there is that storage issue. Some newer phones today no longer have an sd card slot for expandable storage.

An SD card that can store all the PSP/N64/Dreamcast games would have to have more than 1tb of storage and cost anywhere from 180 to 700 bucks online... What world are you living in that this is a viable solution to the poor man who cannot afford a second hand phone.

What you are trying to argue here is that a niche luxury device is a solution to someone with limited income, and you are doing it with a straight face whilst arguing with someone that presents a cheaper/free option. Do you see an issue with that?

ComeHereOrIHookYou , (edited ) avatar

Could you give a reason?

I just said, form factor. Anbernic rg35xxsp is the closest you can get to a Gameboy SP. Sure you could argue your Phone controller is far better but these GBA games where designed with the hardware and form factor they have in mind.

My old iPhone 4 from 2010 could run n64 emulators just fine, low tier phones from the last 10 years can do pretty much everything this thing can do and a used one is definitely cheaper... Additionally if this strawman you have invented cannot afford a phone from the last 10 years they definitely cannot afford this thing.

Your old iPhone4 can play N64 fine? Show it. Prove it here that your iPhone 4 can play n64 games without frameskip. no stutters, no sound jittering. Heck start with Super Mario Kart, then Mario 64, then what the hell, lets add Starwars Rogue Squadron in there.

Because I am pretty much confident you are gonna have frameskips enabled just to even make the game playable.

An SD card that can store all the PSP/N64/Dreamcast games would have to have more than 1tb of storage and cost anywhere from 180 to 700 bucks online... What world are you living in that this is a viable solution to the poor man who cannot afford a second hand phone.

Because 180 to 700 bucks SD card you are referring to is a top of the line SD card meant for more powerful devices like the SteamDeck. You can get cheaper ones for less and even then 1tb is just overkill for that.

Also you are totally missing the point here. With a phone, your storage is shared not just for games but with everything else. From videos you downloaded for offline use on your Netflix/Primevideo/HBO/Disney+ bullshit down to your offline music from Spotify and Youtube Music.

Also not to mention these devices have SD cards bundled already so you don't really need to buy one unless you opted for more storage to store more games on the go.

What you are trying to argue here is that a niche luxury device is a solution to someone with limited income, and you are doing it with a straight face whilst arguing with someone that presents a cheaper/free option. Do you see an issue with that?

Some people bought the device under 60 bucks. Then I will just also casually bring up again that these devices have SD cards already bundled to them so you dont even have to spent 180 to 700 bucks for storage.

Sure this new device being advertised is speculated to be 99 bucks but its not like this is Anbernic's first device. Im not gonna buy this one but since you asked about what you are missing.

I'm gonna tell you straight to the face I bought my RG351v for 35 bucks in a discount with a 32gb + 128gb SD card bundled and these devices at discounted prices is what makes most people buy them.

You could always argue that most mid tier phones can handle emulation way better than these dedicated handhelds and you are right.

But to say that a 35 to 50 bucks dedicated handheld that can have 4 to 5 hours of battery life as a luxury compare to a phone controller which could cost the same if not more?

Noite_Etion , avatar

I just said, form factor. Anbernic rg35xxsp is the closest you can get to a Gameboy SP. Sure you could argue your Phone controller is far better but these GBA games where designed with the hardware and form factor they have in mind.

If you are using a device to run multiple emulators, arguing the form factor is better than a phone in a single instance (Gameboy SP) is backwards. It's like you're conceding that a phone is better in every other way; which it absolutely is.

Your old iPhone4 can play N64 fine? Show it. Prove it here that your iPhone 4 can play n64 games without frameskip. no stutters, no sound jittering. Heck start with Super Mario Kart, then Mario 64, then what the hell, lets add Starwars Rogue Squadron in there.

Because I am pretty much confident you are gonna have frameskips enabled just to even make the game playable.

An iPhone 4 from 2010 has 4 times the memory and twice the processing power required by an N64 emulator, it's more than sufficient. keeping in mind your original point was the cost of a smartphone capable of running said emulators was beyond the cost of these handhelds... Which is just not true; especially when a device from 14 years ago can do it.

For the same money you can get a used smartphone from the last 10 years that runs all the games your rg35xxsp can and is also a phone. A person who has limited funds (your strawman) would be better off with a phone instead of these things.

Because 180 to 700 bucks SD card you are referring to is a top of the line SD card meant for more powerful devices like the SteamDeck. You can get cheaper ones for less and even then 1tb is just overkill for that.

Most phones have sufficient storage to carry all the games you need. But, when people argue the value of an SD card they talk about carrying all the games released on a console and to do that you need more than a 256gb card.

Also you are totally missing the point here. With a phone, your storage is shared not just for games but with everything else. From videos you downloaded for offline use on your Netflix/Primevideo/HBO/Disney+ bullshit down to your offline music from Spotify and Youtube Music.

And your seemingly forgetting phones have the internet, I can just download any game I want wherever I am. Rather than storing all of them all the time just in case you might want them.

How many games do you need at one time anyways, you clearly don't want all of them because a large enough SD card to fit them is just overkill. But you aren't satisfied with 100gb or so? So, what arbitrary amount have you decided you need to justify the addition of an SD card?

Seriously, how much storage is sufficient and why? (keeping in mind you can only play one game at a time)…

Also not to mention these devices have SD cards bundled already so you don't really need to buy one unless you opted for more storage to store more games on the go.

And for the same cost I can get a used phone bundled with a camera, internet, console, sms, email and shit load more features. But you get a sd card, what a deal!

Pretty much everyone has a phone already that can do what this can, and your best argument for buying one of these things is the lack of an SD card. But in the same comment you also argue that a large SD card is overkill.

ComeHereOrIHookYou , avatar

If you are using a device to run multiple emulators, arguing the form factor is better than a phone in a single instance (Gameboy SP) is backwards. It's like you're conceding that a phone is better in every other way; which it absolutely is.

Lmao what? You're interpreting this way differently than what I said. I mean sure, phones today are far more powerful than the Anbernic SP, but let’s see here.

If I put the two in my pocket (because the Anbernic SP is small enough to fit in a pocket just like a phone). If I want to game with my phone using some retro game, I have to get my phone, get that external controller from a bag (because there is no way in hell a controller can fit in a pocket, and even if you can, you look like a loser doing so), then finally attach that controller. You don't see the problem here?

An iPhone 4 from 2010 has 4 times the memory and twice the processing power required by an N64 emulator. It's more than sufficient. Keeping in mind your original point was the cost of a smartphone capable of running said emulators was beyond the cost of these handhelds... Which is just not true; especially when a device from 14 years ago can do it.

False equivalency fallacy. You are basically telling me that just because the iPhone theoretically has better specs means it can emulate N64 well, ignoring the emulation overhead. Not to mention I actually tried playing an N64 game on a jailbroken iPhone 4 decades ago only to find out the games are laggy.

Also, what I said is still true. Let's say that on average you can get a discounted deal for a retro handheld for 50 bucks (and some are even cheaper than that). Then let's add to that argument that it already has everything set up for you vs. a second-hand phone (assuming the iPhone 4 doesn't have a problem with N64 emulation). The average price on eBay right now is 30 bucks. Then let's pair that with an iPega controller for that phone, which is around 27 USD on Amazon. That's already 57 bucks, plus the effort of setting up and jailbreaking the goddamn thing.

So $50 vs. $57 + effort. Yep, you are clearly right here.

For the same money you can get a used smartphone from the last 10 years that runs all the games your rg35xxsp can and is also a phone. A person who has limited funds (your strawman) would be better off with a phone instead of these things.

An iPhone 6 on eBay costs 60 bucks on average. Already way above the 50 bucks. But hey, at least this one can play N64 fine now.

And you're seemingly forgetting phones have the internet. I can just download any game I want wherever I am, rather than storing all of them all the time just in case you might want them.

Yes, because the internet is accessible everywhere.

How many games do you need at one time anyways? You clearly don't want all of them because a large enough SD card to fit them is just overkill. But you aren't satisfied with 100GB or so? So, what arbitrary amount have you decided you need to justify the addition of an SD card?

Begging the Question. But let's entertain that. Why would I be satisfied with 100GB when I already consumed a lot with offline videos and music? Not counting that I also use it for my personal photos and videos?

I bought my gaming phone for playing mobile games. You know, where you play the games that were actually designed to be played on the phone. Some of these games even eat up 35GB so storage is gonna be an issue.

And also since I mostly play mobile games that are designed to be played in a mobile phone, I don't need to bring a controller just to play properly.

And for the same cost, I can get a used phone bundled with a camera, internet, console, SMS, email, and a shitload more features. But you get an SD card, what a deal!

No, it's not a deal based on the math I did earlier. And good luck browsing the internet with that iPhone 4 of yours, lmfao.

Pretty much everyone has a phone already that can do what this can, and your best argument for buying one of these things is the lack of an SD card. But in the same comment, you also argue that a large SD card is overkill.

And so far, you aren’t bringing any aside from pulling the hasty generalization card by saying everything can be done by a phone.

It's pretty clear here that you are not asking what you're missing with these retro handhelds' popularity.

It appears that you just came in here, already decided that retro handhelds are shit, and everything must be done via a phone. You started antagonizing everyone here and questioning their preferences (which is why you are ratioed so badly in this whole thread).

I will just say what others have said: you are not the intended audience of these devices.

Noite_Etion , avatar

Lmao what? You're interpreting this way differently than what I said. I mean sure, phones today are far more powerful than the Anbernic SP, but let’s see here.

Yes they are a lot more powerful and able to run more demanding emulators; They also run smoother.

If I put the two in my pocket (because the Anbernic SP is small en****ough to fit in a pocket just like a phone). If I want to game with my phone using some retro game, I have to get my phone, get that external controller from a bag (because there is no way in hell a controller can fit in a pocket, and even if you can, you look like a loser doing so), then finally attach that controller. You don't see the problem here?

There are a lot of options for turning a phone into a gaming device, you can use the controller laying around your home, which is free. Or you can purchase a device that clips to your phone like a switch controller for the cost of one of these handhelds. There is no problem carrying a controller and clip in your bag, none. Just because you are worried you might look like a loser is your problem, it's like you are trying to turn your personal fears into a selling point.

False equivalency fallacy. You are basically telling me that just because the iPhone theoretically has better specs means it can emulate N64 well, ignoring the emulation overhead. Not to mention I actually tried playing an N64 game on a jailbroken iPhone 4 decades ago only to find out the games are laggy.

Just because the iPhone from 14 years ago has better specs!? Are you seriously arguing that people should purchase one of these handhelds because it can compete with an iPhone 4. I think you are looking at the wrong aspect of my argument, you were selling this device as a cheap alternative to an expensive modern phone. But I am pointing out that plenty of older phones sell used for cheaper and can compete with (and in many cases out perform) handheld consoles... You get that right?

Also doubt you tested a N64 emulator on an iPhone 4 decades ago since the device isn't that old. I think you just pulled that out of your ass to try and make a point lol.

No, it's not a deal based on the math I did earlier. And good luck browsing the internet with that iPhone 4 of yours, lmfao

Again you missed my point and assumed I am arguing someone should use an iPhone 4 over one of these things. When an iPhone 4 can compete with your handheld a cheap/used modern phone can easily exceed it. Way to cherry pick a sentence from a paragraph and ignore context.

And so far, you aren’t bringing any aside from pulling the hasty generalization card by saying everything can be done by a phone.

It can be done by a phone for free... A point you fail to acknowledge over and over again. Everyone has a phone and they can all run emulators, so why would someone spend money on a device that can't even compete with their phones? An answer you have failed to provide.

It's pretty clear here that you are not asking what you're missing with these retro handhelds' popularity.

It was actually the question I asked in my very first comment, and I have yet to receive a convincing argument from you (unless you count feeling awkward using a controller with your phone as a convincing point).

It appears that you just came in here, already decided that retro handhelds are shit, and everything must be done via a phone. You started antagonizing everyone here and questioning their preferences (which is why you are ratioed so badly in this whole thread).

Asking why I should purchase one of these devices over using what I already have is a fair question, and being downvoted by fanboys who don't like being challenged on their purchases means nothing. Downvotes don't mean anything.

I will just say what others have said: you are not the intended audience of these devices.

Apparently asking questions is not something the intended audience does.

ComeHereOrIHookYou , avatar

There are a lot of options for turning a phone into a gaming device, you can use the controller laying around your home, which is free. Or you can purchase a device that clips to your phone like a switch controller for the cost of one of these handhelds. There is no problem carrying a controller and clip in your bag, none. Just because you are worried you might look like a loser is your problem, it's like you are trying to turn your personal fears into a selling point.

Strawman. Carrying an external controller and clip might be feasible for some, but it adds extra steps and hassle compared to simply using a dedicated retro handheld that is always ready to use. The ease of quickly starting a game on a dedicated device cannot be matched by the multi-step setup required for phone gaming with external controllers.

Just because the iPhone from 14 years ago has better specs!? Are you seriously arguing that people should purchase one of these handhelds because it can compete with an iPhone 4. I think you are looking at the wrong aspect of my argument, you were selling this device as a cheap alternative to an expensive modern phone. But I am pointing out that plenty of older phones sell used for cheaper and can compete with (and in many cases out perform) handheld consoles... You get that right?

Well so far you are failing with your point because I just did the math for you. Additionally, you are assuming everyone has a controller at home, which is a major flaw in your conclusion.

Even if older phones have better specs on paper, they still require additional accessories, setup, and often don't provide the same seamless, optimized experience that retro handhelds do.

These devices are designed specifically for gaming, offering convenience, ease of use, and a superior, uninterrupted experience that older phones can't match without extra hassle.

Also doubt you tested a N64 emulator on an iPhone 4 decades ago since the device isn't that old. I think you just pulled that out of your ass to try and make a point lol.

Well so far you have yet to prove that an iPhone 4 can play N64 with no frameskips. Aside from your iPhone 4 is x times more powerful trust me bro statement 🤡🤣

N64 On iPhone 4, iPad & Ipod Touch - YouTube -

What did a video from a decade ago just appeared on youtube showing a laggy gameplay? I'd be damned!

Again you missed my point and assumed I am arguing someone should use an iPhone 4 over one of these things. When an iPhone 4 can compete with your handheld a cheap/used modern phone can easily exceed it. Way to cherry pick a sentence from a paragraph and ignore context.

Look, you're missing the point entirely and deflecting with straw man arguments. My argument isn't about specifically using an iPhone 4, but rather about the overall practicality and user experience.

Retro handhelds are designed for gaming with physical controls, optimized performance, and better battery life, making them far superior for gaming compared to juggling a phone, controller, and potential interruptions.

Your claim that a cheap used phone is automatically better ignores these crucial advantages and the hassle of setting up and configuring emulators. So let's stop cherry-picking details and face the facts: dedicated devices offer a streamlined, superior gaming experience.

It can be done by a phone for free... A point you fail to acknowledge over and over again. Everyone has a phone and they can all run emulators, so why would someone spend money on a device that can't even compete with their phones? An answer you have failed to provide.

Not everyone wants to juggle a phone and extra peripherals for a subpar experience. The reason people spend money on these devices is for convenience, ease of use, and a superior, uninterrupted gaming experience that their phones can't match. It's about quality, not just capability.

Something you fail to recognize from my answers and other people here's answers.

Noite_Etion , avatar

So instead of spending 300 bucks for a decent mid tier phone replacement, plus accessories, spending 99 bucks is far more cost effecent.

This was your original argument and now you are claiming it's turned to this.

Look, you're missing the point entirely and deflecting with straw man arguments. My argument isn't about specifically using an iPhone 4, but rather about the overall practicality and user experience

Even if older phones have better specs on paper, they still require additional accessories, setup, and often don't provide the same seamless, optimized experience that retro handhelds do.

When a device as old as an iphone 4 can draw comparisons to your handhold, a newer used phone can be bought on the cheap that can easily exceed your handhelds performance and battery life (the device in the article can die in 2 hours from a full charge! Wtf). You are just attempting to pivot away from that point by overly focusing on the Iphone 4s performance which is hilarious, no one is paying $300 bucks to get a phone that can compete with your handheld; not even $99; And if they did pay $300 they are getting a phone that will smoke your shitty little handhelds performance. Additionally I finished paper mario on my old iPhone 4 and it was fine.

When your imaginary 'poor man' has to choose between a gaming device or a phone that can do everything the gaming device can do and is also a phone. They will choose the phone every time. You have made an absolutely retarded argument trying to claim this device is the smart financial choice, its a fun luxury and that's being kind to it.

Strawman. Carrying an external controller and clip might be feasible for some, but it adds extra steps and hassle compared to simply using a dedicated retro handheld that is always ready to use. The ease of quickly starting a game on a dedicated device cannot be matched by the multi-step setup required for phone gaming with external controllers.

It is feasible, you're just exacerbating the issue in order to make a point. Either way you are carrying around a device that allows for gaming. But by choosing your handheld you are carrying a device that struggles to compete with the phone sitting in your pocket. You have less games, they will run worse and your screen is small and low res... But you feel awkward carrying a controller aww, better sacrifice performance to not feel like a loser 😭.

Enjoy having a limited catalogue and paying for it.

Your claim that a cheap used phone is automatically better ignores these crucial advantages and the hassle of setting up and configuring emulators. So let's stop cherry-picking details and face the facts: dedicated devices offer a streamlined, superior gaming experience.

Every emulator I have ever downloaded comes pre configured and if you don't know how or don't want to adjust settings you don't have too, this is such a nothing point. Besides you are still downloading roms and having to transfer them to your device, when my phone 'streamlines' that experience by downloading the roms directly; no additional hardware required to access games.

Enjoy the hassle of not being able to update your game catalogue on the fly without resorting to using a computer or even your phone...

Not everyone wants to juggle a phone and extra peripherals for a subpar experience. The reason people spend money on these devices is for convenience, ease of use, and a superior, uninterrupted gaming experience that their phones can't match. It's about quality, not just capability.

Because juggling a phone and a gaming device is so different to a controller that connects to your phone in some way. Additionally, I'd argue that a small screen and tiny controls that cramp my hands are far from a superior gaming experience.

Uninterrupted experience haha! You know your phone has aeroplane mode right? Once again you paid money for a phone you don't use... Bet you carry a camera around with you at all times for the same reason right? that uninterrupted photography experience can't be matched, and it has a greater ease of use and capability! Do you also carry a music player/iPod at all times for the same reason?

Feel free to reply, I am not going to read what you have to say. You pivot from your own arguments, create problems that don't exist, attempt to use your own insecurities as a selling point (people will look at me if i have a clip on-controller 😭) and you constantly ignore the fact that the average person already has a phone that can do everything this device can do and for free whilst claiming it's the cheaper option.

I am going to go play god of war or FF12 at with upscaling, bigger screen, a solid frame rate and play with the controller it was actually designed to be played with.

(Btw you are totally going to reply, you can't help yourself... dance puppet dance! 👏).

Norgur , in Got the set 👍 avatar

Emoji in headline, your joy is invalid.

Besides that: enjoy your invalid joy bro

Mango , in I miss console ads being this weird

Unfortunately the nanny state is taking over because it means more religion cult BS.

RightHandOfIkaros , in Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites

This just sounds like more people complaining about AI "stealing their work" and "algorithms not pushing my content."

Google does show a summary of sites or information that is generated by a computer. And it does create that summary using the publicly posted and available text on publicly accessible webpages. This author seems to lament that its a computer doing it, but the way the summary functions is really no different than if a human did the same thing. The generated text (that I have seen) almost never matches word for word exactly what is on a single webpage.

And regarding the algorithm, trying to do what we used to do before by abusing it with SEO is exactly what Google and other search engine want to stop. And they have every right to change algorithms to do that. Just because it worked in your favor for years and suddenly it doesn't help you specifically anymore doesn't mean Google is targeting you, your site, or small content creators.

And being honest, I have personally never seen RetroDodo on the first page of results of any relevant search I have made, ever.

echo64 ,

It's a shame to see someone taking the side of big business over a small independent. Google has an effective monopoly on search, they take the content of sites and present it as their own, they also rarely do a good job of fighting SEO to show you things you actually want to see, this is likely a result of SEO winning rather than these guys.

You're celebrating the big guy and telling the little guy to just live with it. Whoes going to make content when they are all gone.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

I am not siding with big business over small business, I am siding with a business deciding to change how they present their services over an author complaining about the change.

Google was not always the market leader, but it gained that position over a long time, with a lot of work by hundreds of thousands of people. Are you saying that the efforts of all those people now suddenly don't count, and that their contributions to making Google what it is today are unimportant? That Google, because all those people worked to make it so big, now has to suddenly be torn down? What does that mean for the value of any employee at any business? Is not the goal of a business to become market leader? What, now the market leader has to be punished for its employees doing their job well and the business becoming the primary preference of people? Why would any employee ever want to do their job well if they know that their hard work will just be destroyed in the end? At that point, why even work at all?

Independents will never vanish. New independents pop up literally every single day. Sometimes even the same people under a new name.

Krudler ,

It's like you didn't read the article, and are specifically focusing on a one-dimensional argument while you can conveniently ignore the greater issues at play.

Go and read your own comments, in fact go read the article, and please try to come back with some meaningful thoughts.

TORFdot0 ,

The big difference is when a user clicks on their content and summarizes it for themselves, the content creator is paid for an ad view. When a computer does it, they aren’t. If a user shares their summary they are plagiarizing and can be sued for damages. When AI does it, the current system is too bad so sad

xyzzy ,

This author seems to lament that its a computer doing it, but the way the summary functions is really no different than if a human did the same thing.

It's entirely different. Scale matters.

joewilliams007 , in Apple changes App Store rules to allow retro game emulators globally | TechCrunch avatar

then again, theres no reason to buy apple in the first place. so why does this even matter

tigerjerusalem ,

Because Apple set trends that the whole industry follows, and if nothing happens then every phone maker will bring this shit too.

joewilliams007 , avatar

well. companies will do every thing that is legal in order to make the most money possible. doesnt have to do anything with feelings or trends

abfarid , avatar

I know that this is Fedi and "Apple bad", but iPads are great devices and if you get older versions second-hand they are usually worth the price. And since Apple is being forced into making these devices more open, they get better and better.

joewilliams007 , avatar

i dont think ipads are the best. Samsungs tablets since the tab s7 do great. Have it for four years now heavily in use in school and university. Sideloading all the shit i want.

abfarid , avatar

I'm aware of Android capabilities, I've used Android phones since Gingerbread and have several tablets. I'm not saying iPad is "the best" for all use cases, but app availability is still much better on iPadOS. Android has been steadily catching up though.

4am ,

Android invades your privacy SO much less, Google is just the BEST 🙄

joewilliams007 , avatar

google and samsung suck just as much. Custom rom's for the win. Besides on Android at least you dont have to use a google account and can use aurora store or apks. And you can easily set a filter to not allow any apps or system apps to use internet.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

Really depends what you value. Google is by far a worse company when it comes to privacy and data sovereignty. Apple is by far worse when it comes to using your device in the way you want to and driving anti consumer trends. Neither is a good company, neither has any competition.

joewilliams007 , avatar

apple tracks as much data as google does. It just isnt as open in saying that. But its commonly not known.

Anyhow. Both suck hard. Atleast on Android though, you can go without google.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

What they do with that data matters greatly, and Google is far worse with that data.

joewilliams007 , avatar

as in how? using it for ads? Ok. And apple shares it with the chinese government in china. Unlike Google.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

Lmao. Okay buddy.

Outtatime , in Just a few attention-grabbing retro game ads that would land studios in hot water today. (more in post body) avatar

Pretty sad what the wokesters have done to society.

IchNichtenLichten , (edited ) avatar

Boo fucking hoo.

hibsen ,

There's plenty of porn; I don't need it trying to sell me a video game.

Mango ,

Porn good. Ads bad.

stembolts , (edited )

Being woke remains a good thing.

It means being aware of societal challenges that exist and the historical context in which we live.

The alternative is to bury ones head in the sand and say, "Everything is okay, question nothing."

I am thankful I am not simple enough to fall for the new monthly conservative slur in attempt to supress social awareness and change. It's coming. The slurs are a silly game for the simple minded.

NewNewAccount ,

Every month they choose a new acronym to be afraid of.

Outtatime , avatar

It's not an acronym

NewNewAccount ,

Please don’t be afraid if I say “DEI” or “ESG”. I forget which one scares you guys the most at the moment.

Outtatime , avatar

I'm not afraid. You don't like me?

Honytawk ,

You're afraid of being woke having empathy

Outtatime , avatar

No I'm not.

Outtatime , avatar

😂 ok

topinambour_rex , avatar

Better to be asleep than woke. I have a dream, someone said.

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