@GlennMG@mas.to cover
@GlennMG@mas.to avatar



Husband & boyfriend to my love of 50+ yrs, Father, Brother, EMT, Addiction Counselor, ICU RN, Data wrangler, Mystic "Aweness", avid learner, would be poet, kindness & care of all beings and things, dog dad, feeder of birds, rescuer of bugs found indoors, in awe of art and creativity. CO2 birthyear 310.5ppm. 2024 is 421.55ppm. "Boomer" is apt, and tragic. Boosts without Favorite are ideas of merit to consider.

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philip_cardella , to random
@philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

I have a friend, a white cishet male. He did all the right stuff in high school and college. Crazy stuff. Got the grades.

He dreamed of being a NASA engineer. He applied for an internship at NASA and finished 12th. There were 10 spots. He missed it.

He was explicitly told he only lost because he was a white male and they let ties go to people from underrepresented groups.

He was disappointed but not angry. It made sense to him.

Guess what he does now? He's an engineer at NASA.

GlennMG ,
@GlennMG@mas.to avatar


We can only rise above the ugly and unethical inheritances from the past by offering of ourselves to assist in correcting them. To only escape into the gifts of the past and wear blinders to the rest is cowardice.
Respect to your friend, a person who acted on this knowlege.

Strandjunker , to random
@Strandjunker@mstdn.social avatar

Wealth of Elon Musk
2012: $2,000,000,000
2024: $211,300,000,000

Wealth of Jeff Bezos
2012: $18,400,000,000
2024: $204,900,000,000

Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg
2012: $17,500,000,000
2024: $178,400,000,000

Federal Minimum Wage
2012: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Three words: tax the rich.

GlennMG ,
@GlennMG@mas.to avatar

George Bernard Shaw said something like, "The more I learn of the wealthy classes, the more I understand the guillotine."

DemocracyMattersALot , to random
@DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar

Pres. Biden is laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier and this is Trump’s message. Not one mention of a fallen soldier who died for our country because Trump calls them losers. Just more grievance about him. Trump doesn’t care about you or the country. - Daily Beast columnist Barry Markson

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  • GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Every school Principal has met this whining child.

    theotherbrook , to random
    @theotherbrook@sunny.garden avatar

    This is so ambiguous.

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    @futurebird @theotherbrook
    I hear that without proper tending a distance can spread in every direction.

    ElleGray , to random
    @ElleGray@mstdn.social avatar

    I'm watching four tall trees, one with new blossoms, one conifer, all beautiful green, flowing and shaking in a strong wind and even if this was the only memory I get to keep from earth it would still take me a thousand years to describe the dancing of every leaf

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Beautiful. The awe of being touched deeply by nature's everyday life. Stays with us. Easier to see it each next time.
    John Muir said he had to get out of the office and into the mountains to learn the actual news. We can also find that in unexpected places and times.

    flexghost , to random
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Here’s Rep. Byron Donalds pleading with potential jurors to acquit Donald Trump from his hush money charges

    “My plea is to the people of Manhattan that may sit on this trial…This is a trash case, there is no crime here…they should vote not guilty.”

    Mmm your tears sustain me: they’re so delicious

    but there’s a name for what you just did

    .... jury tampering

    Video of some dummy who is useful to the GOP until one day he isn’t

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Rep Byron Donalds took an oath of office? How would we know that based on his behavior?

    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    He’s lying.

    on Wednesday said he would not sign a federal ban if one reached his desk were he to be elected in November.”


    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    He sounds like 2016 all over again. "I will ....", "I won't ....", then someone waves a check over or under the table and his memory slips away.

    mastodonmigration , to random
    @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

    Might be wrong here, but seems like this may be a bigger deal than a clerical error as is being widely reported:

    Rejected and ‘returned for correction’: Docs for Trump’s $175M bond get bounced >>> https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/rejected-and-returned-for-correction-docs-for-trumps-175m-bond-get-bounced/

    It may be that the bond company didn't report their financials because they have insufficient collateral to secure a bond of this magnitude. In which case the bond is no good, Trump doesn't have a bond, and he is out of time.

    Let's see how this gets resolved...

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    @mastodonmigration @GottaLaff

    TFG has no idea how to follow the law, let alone uphold the Constitution. Rapist, fraud, gangster, conman. GOP candidate.
    What is wro... No, how far down does self centered greed carry the amoral Republican Party of no principles?
    Yes, Texas is an example. Kansas before that. More can be named? Think health care, education, rights, median quality of life, gender equality, identity equality, ... long, long list ....

    Strandjunker , to random
    @Strandjunker@mstdn.social avatar

    Serious question: Why are white people so afraid of becoming a minority? Does America treat minorities badly or something?

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar


    Yes. Our history is one of theft of land and wealth, people's lives and futures. Usually at the cost to people without land or wealth. The people at the "top" white. Poor whites and people of color used by the "top". The beat goes on. The so called "top" fears a reversal. Used to being entrenched and feeling entitled.

    bsquared , to poetry group
    @bsquared@c.im avatar

    lines enclosing lines
    tree rings report that which was
    unchangeable truth

    Prompt: report
    many thanks to @stevencudahy @poetry

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    @bsquared @stevencudahy @poetry
    Elegant. Casts a wide net of meaning.

    breadandcircuses , to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    Are you old enough, like me, to remember the Exxon Valdez catastrophe, a disastrous oil spill off the coast of Alaska in 1989?

    Here's some important info about that event from Greg Palast...

    "Don’t Buy Exxon’s Fable of the Drunken Captain"

    The true cause of the Exxon Valdez catastrophe was the oil giant breaking their promises, cynically and disastrously, in the 15 years leading up to the spill.

    As for Captain Joe Hazelwood, he was below decks, sleeping off his bender. At the helm, the third mate would never have collided with Bligh Reef had he looked at his Raycas radar.

    But the radar was not turned on. In fact, the tanker’s radar was left broken and disabled for more than a year before the disaster, and Exxon management knew it. It was just too expensive to fix and operate.

    Today, three decades after the oil washed over the Alaskan beaches, you can kick over a rock and it will smell like an old gas station.

    The Fable of the Drunken Captain serves the oil industry well. It falsely presents America’s greatest environmental disaster as a tale of human frailty, a one-time accident. But broken radar, missing equipment, phantom spill teams, faked tests — the profit-driven disregard of the law — made the spill an inevitability, not an accident.

    FULL ARTICLE -- https://www.gregpalast.com/dont-buy-exxons-fable-of-the-drunken-captain-2/

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Exxon deploys the "Look over there, not here" decoy.

    flexghost , to random
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Prepare to marvel at the pinnacle of human engineering as the Boeing CEO’s Golden Parachute deploys without a hitch

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Lovely death mask he wears prematurely. His heart is already a fossil having been silenced and unused too long.

    KokopelliBFree , to poetry group German
    @KokopelliBFree@ohai.social avatar


    different world revealed
    when what lay concealed can breathe
    the perspective shifts

    #DailyHaikuPrompt - low tide
    #WritingCommunity #poetry


    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    @KokopelliBFree @dailyhaikuprompt @poetry
    A Haiku that describes its own effect on the reader. 🙏

    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    GOP Fascist Party 2024, ladies and gentlemen:


    Newly unearthed video of N.C. GOP gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson in 2020: "I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote."


    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    What's with these infantile men that are still rebeling against their mama, only with larger vocabularies and bigger compensatory trucks?

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    “NOTE: We expect the CDC to rescind the 5 day isolation period in the very near future. Once the CDC guidance is updated, employees will no longer be eligible for Covid pay for any period of isolation.”

    Employers were ready for the CDC change so they could end sick pay.

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Follow the money.

    RikerGoogling Bot , to random
    @RikerGoogling@botsin.space avatar

    what happens when a borg gets a song stuck in their head

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Fairly soon there is a surround sound chorus.

    JD_Cunningham , to bookstodon group
    @JD_Cunningham@sunny.garden avatar

    When despair grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting for their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
    -- 'The Peace of Wild Things' by Wendell Berry


    (Art credit: Pol Ledent)

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    @JD_Cunningham @bookstodon
    Berry is often as a mystic pulling the heart's truths from the mystery around us so that we can experience them as warm embraces. 🙏

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    My husband has these horrible bets with the people at his office This month it's "who can lower their cholesterol the most?"

    They all run out & get tested on the 1st then do it again at the end of the month and the person with the biggest drop wins the betting pool.

    I keep telling him that's not how "health" works, but he's not listening and watched some video about eating a "shot" of garlic juice, lemon and hot peppers. He says he can "feel it working"🙄

    Are there any real tips?

    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Oatmeal, whole grains, exercise daily, no red meet or other fatty foods like sausage. Avoid fried foods. Avoid fast foods, snacks in a bag. Eat green vegetables, tomatoes, non-sweetened fruit. Nuts and real dark chocolate in moderation, Greek style yogurt. Avoid sugar (candy, buy lowest sugar breakfast cereals, etc). Cheese only in moderation. That's me anyway. At 76 years, all my labs look good. I'm told I look and move like 15-20 years younger. So, far. 😉

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    Marine Glisovic reports that after Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders appointed Jamol Jones to the state Board of Corrections, it was found he had been fired by the Benton, Arkansas, police department for having sex with a 17-year-old girl.

    As Austin Bailey reports, Sanders' spokesperson Alexa Henning is defending the appointment because Jones talks about God and family.

    #SarahHuckabeeSanders #Arkansas #Republicans


    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    "God" as Billy Club. As virtue signaling.
    As a perversion of belief.

    If such "christians" would practice in their lives the words, "The divine in me bows to (respects) the divine in you", they just might understand the teaching of that carpenter who walked the earth some 2,000 years ago.

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    "Donald Trump’s convincing victory in the Iowa caucuses Monday provided the first evidence that his secret weapon in the 2016 GOP presidential nomination contest – his strong support among blue-collar evangelical Christians – is still working for him in 2024.

    The education gap among evangelicals remained enormous in Iowa on Monday."

    ~ Ronald Brownstein



    GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Trump doing well with non-college Evangicals is the fruit of GOP defunding efforts with public education in favor of providing vouchers to religious centered schools. Public education can build citizenship. Religious schools can build fanaticism. The latter is easier to manipulate.

    philip_cardella , to random
    @philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • GlennMG ,
    @GlennMG@mas.to avatar

    Agree. There are no viable candidates in GOP land. There are only crooks or fascists or both.

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