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Paragone ,

There are 3 categories of games:

  • Positive-Sum Games, win-win, ie alliances

  • Zero-Sum Games, lose-win, ie contests

  • Negative-Sum Games, lose-lose, ie nihilism

People don't understand that disinformation is nihilism: eradicating viability of humankind.

Treat it as war-against-our-species'-viability.

There isn't much time left for faffing everything, before ClimatePunctuation will have accelerated to the rampaging-butchery stage of The Great Filter.

Paragone ,

Confessions should only be between oneself & LivingSpirit.

Confession isn't a social-engaging, unless its some kind of codependency-ritual, which isn't healthy.

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Paragone ,

Wikipedia-titles often don't give enough context for one to understand if it's worth clicking-into.

I've got enough web-parasites trying to machiavellianly pry into my finite-mental-strength, .. so it's more likely for me to just ignore any post in this community which I can't understand whether it's worth digging-into,

& therefore am much more prone to not engaging, thanks to the "laconic" non-informativeness of the posts.

Others may have the same reaction..

Take a look at & see how their titles pull people into their articles, & see the difference with this community's posts..

Also, thank you for making this community: there are a few very interesting ones I've found only because of here.

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Paragone ,

I think he is simply going to criminalize being a member of the Democrat party, & have "sheriffs" & gangs go hunting them down, in US Civil War Part2, which should begin in total earnest, within 4y of him being put in charge, by the Repubs

( I expect Biden to flub it, no matter what, and Trump's .. psychopathy .. is "improving" ).

just get some popcorn, & wait & see: evidence will speak its truth, in a few months/years, obviously..

Paragone ,

You will note that that page, 4y old, now, included an item in the book of Daniel, which stated that the abomination "wouldn't even be legal to be king", or some such thing..

( haven't read the page in a long while, & won't bother again: it's coming true. )

Until Trump became a convicted-felon, that prophecy was a blocker on the stack-of-prophecies.

There is no longer any blocker.

It's Showtime..

( I'm Vajrayana, not Christian, but ScientificallyTestablePredictions are testable-for-truth, no matter who they were made by,

& I don't accept ideology-based-"science" as having any validity.

IF the evidence backs that stack-of-prophecies, THEN ... that is that.

: )

"Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?

After a year online the free speech-focused instance 'Burggit' is shutting down. Among other motivations, the admins point to grievances with the Lemmy software as one of the main reasons for shutting down the instance. In a first post asking about migrating to Sharkey, one of the admins states:...

Paragone ,

It also is true that ideologically-motivated-coding is an actual thing.

Imagine someone hating that their propaganda gets deleted by moderators, so they make it difficult for moderators to function that way..

while they, themselves, just so a SELECT on their DB to see the images, to delete all the ones they don't want..

Remember, it isn't only corporations who are committed to enforcing the Enshittocene, ideologues do, too.

Those comments are proven false by the dot-4 release of Lemmy, but I'm not accusing the Lemmy devs of being the way those post-quoted comments said.

I AM stating, bluntly, that deliberate torque on the use of ANY aspect of an app, is a thing, now, and need be considered as ONE of the possibilities.

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Paragone ,

Thank you for posting this comment.

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Paragone ,

Thank you for adding these links.

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Paragone ,



( markdown ruined my ability to do a proper ascii up-arrow.

Humbug. : )

Paragone ,

I can't learn anyting through audio ( apparently many autistics can't, due to inferior connections in that area, or something ),

but wanting both the ebook & the physical book is true for textbooks:

you can search the ebook, you can give-away the physical one, when you no longer need the text.

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Series: Conservatives of Lemmy: What do you think has gone awry in modern society and how might it be constructively addressed?

I'd like to start a series seeking viewpoints from across the political spectrum in general discussions about modern society and where everyone stands on what is not working, what is working, and where we see things going in the future....

Paragone ,

Multiple conflicting definitions for "Conservative", for 1 thing..

WHEN you tolerate the:

  • moneyarchists
  • legalists
  • class-position worshippers / monarchists
  • authority-worshippers

to claim that they define conservatism,

& us who're committed to conserving

  • G-D given LivingValidity
  • G-D given LivingWorth
  • G-D given LivingPotential
  • G-D offered LivingOpportunity

.. people are therefore defined to be not "conservative"..

then the framing has been highjacked.

Integrity-conservatives are conservatives.

LivingPotential conservatives are conservatives, who're interested in competent education for all, instead of accommodating the obliteration of LivingPotential through shit "education"..

LivingOpportunity conservatives are conservatives, who want wastefulness-of-LivingOpportunity to be eradicated, so that we can be inhabiting it, instead of allowint it to be eradicated/wasted..


I'd begin with the correct qualification of the version of "conservative" that a person is claiming.

Corrupt privilege-conservatives ought be called such, & not let get-away-with claiming that the're the rightful definers of "conservative".

This should go for all "conservative" & "liberal" identifications:

Let people claim whatever variant they want, and then enforce accountability through matching their actual-behavior against their claims, with indestructible public accountability.

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Paragone ,

Immunize the mods against ideological-torque:

all the mods who can afford to need to subscribe to https://Ground.News in order to SEE when the community is being moved off target by unconscious bias or by machiavellianism,

and, seeing what's happening, they then have the leverage to counteract it, by posting news items that're being ignored, or underreported, see?

Proactive correction ( :

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Paragone ,

Either you systemically enforce the evisceration, & prevention, of kleptarchy..

XOR kleptarchy highacks your country, permanently.

There isn't even a single photon of "middle ground" in that process.

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Paragone ,

It ALSO depends on whether you're asking the top-10% income people, or whether you're asking the bottom-50% income people.


Paragone ,

Never mistake ideology/prejudice, aka Kahneman1 mind ( my term for it, from the ocean of understanding in Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast And Slow", the most important book in the whole world, for understanding what's going on, right now ).

Ideology/prejudice, is THE ascendant-force among our world, & the greater the ClimatePunctuation's acceleration ( its speed won't peak for a few more decades, before slowing-down again, obviously ) continues, stress will drive ideology/prejudice's supremacism, through all factions, globally.

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Paragone ,

Whether true or not, I don't know.

I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

IF they did do so, THEN that doesn't mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

Apparently there's some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards..

Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

How could it?

We're in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it's required for humankind's survival, that we get competent in journalism's methodical & careful discernment.

All of us.

Our kind's life IS at stake, this century.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Use IBM's "wipe" command, not just rm -rf.

Wipe overwrites the files ( you don't need to use the default many-times method: that's for spinning-platters ), but it makes undeleting stuff require serious work, instead of just some fs-surgery, if that's significant to/for you.

wipe is available with many distros, iirc.

Paragone ,

There isn't any someone I want to be hugging.

It's a nonsensical concept.


you require sufficiently-related identity/ego underlying you, for that.

People who are too different, one cannot be close with, obviously

( extreme case is when prejudice is between people, but the underlying principle holds much more solidly than just-that-case )

I'm not putting this here for any "pity": I'm putting this here so that if there's any other person who's in the destroy-unconscious-ignorance-no-matter-the-cost kind of life, that they can see what happens, when one keeps going.

Eventually you reach a condition where collaboration with others still is entirely possible, but "belonging" has become gone.

Keep going: they integrity one can earn, the conquering of one's own unconscious-mind, it is worth it.

Some might relate it to being a time-traveler: one'll never fit-in, in the people one lives among, but it is itself, not any fiction thing.

Cracking one's unconscious is sooo far outside what "acceptable people" do, that .. if you go far enough, then you .. are just too different.

Divergeance is fine, though, so long as living is fine.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

I've lived in XFCe for years, awhile ago, now use LXQT.

XFCe had this goddamn thing where windows had a 1-pixel thick window-grabber.

There was no means of fixing it, that I could find. used XFCe, too, btw..

Eventually I got sooo fed-up with the broken UX that I just committed to never using XFCe ever again.

That was sometime in the last few years..

Paragone ,

I disagree: it took me years, but finally I understood that it'll take him a few years to go from "I'm dictator" to "I'M DICTATOR".

That process is an identity-remaking.

There will be literal human-sacrifice after a few years, but not at the beginning.

I hope I'm wrong, but .. certain I'm right, on this point.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

His tactical-plan is that he won't be accepting any of the consequences of his policies.

You don't improve a country's economic-engine by eradicating education's foundation.

But so long as he''s rich, & his privilege is protected, he can't care what damage is done to his inferiors..

Kinda similar to the ones doing likewise north of there, eh?

Paragone ,

My experience is that USB storage sometimes breaks-connection for no discernable reason.

That if one REALLY wants to do USB storage, then put it inside the housing, and don't use one of the external-connectors, use something you can permanently-fix, so nothing can even sneeze in its direction.

This mayn't help you with your puzzle, but it's bedrock and unchangeable, in my experience.

USB-storage is an unreliable joke.

ANY revision of it, that I've tried.


Paragone ,

WHEN a machiavellian's story doesn't add-up,

THEN .. you can either keep being the manipulated-idiot,

XOR you can sever ties & get back to somewhere where integrity is an actual thing.

There is no real 3rd option.

Paragone ,

Malnutrition creates life-long damage/harm when it harms growing children.

It doesn't require outright-starvation to damage an entire-population's viability.

No matter: evil does what evil does, & when it claims that "the bible" justifies it, well, that's just icing on the cake, isn't it?

We can see the "Christians" in the US & Islamist "Muslims" proving the same principle, can't we?

And the "Buddhists" who genocided Tamils, & "Hindus" who butcher whomever they're ideologically-intolerant-of at the time..

There is no "religion" which is the cause of this: it is caused by our animal-ignorance mind, which the Abrahamic religion called "behemoth", usually translated as "the beast".

You can even see the book of Isaiah railing against such things.

Human-nature won't change until most of our kind are extinguished, right?

Some other species might have had an instant-and-violent-reaction against doing what Russia & Israel are doing..

Our accommodating of it .. insults God/Life, doesn't it?

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

I'm banned-for-life from there.

Russia invaded/desecrated/butchered Ukraina, & I remember what the vids showed of Mariupol ( sorry spelling ).

I made a comment on there to the effect that if Putin was the pusher of the war, then making things as politically-difficult for Putin in the election would be a Good Thing(tm).

( to me, the obvious implied-point is that it might have ended an immensely-wasting-of-life war that people other than Putin weren't so interested in, and that, by definition, must therefore be a Good Thing(tm) )

Anybody who pushes Russia's butchering of Ukraina as something which cannot be spoken-against, is fucking terrorist-at-heart.

Just my opinion, but there I've no right to such opinion.

The beauty of this?

It perfectly demonstrates how segregation-of-ideologies allows positive-feedback-loops, which produces extremism.

Left, right, political, religious, moneyarchist, legalist, nationalist, sexist/genderist, ALL ideologies are self-amplifying.

There's a book on the US's political-segregation ( "The Big Sort" ) & it looks like that mechanism, ideological-segregation, has only 1 outcome: butchery/war.

So, given the evidence, it looks like the whole world is going to be butchering everybody within a .. decade or so.

Amplification, feedback-loop, polarization, and nothing is countering its controlling of the process of this world..

it's got an outcome.

And if our world's population won't stop/prevent the "drunk driver" from force-crashing our "bus" with all our world's peoples in it .. well, then we get crashed/killed.

The Great Filter.

WHEN one has cancer, THEN is it right to KILL that cancer??

WHEN one is newly-infected with rabies, THEN is it valid to prime one's immune-system to as violently as possible defend one's life against rabies?

Or should we just make-nice, live in making-believing, & hope that our hopium works??

What Russia's been doing to Ukraina, what Hamas got Israel to be doing against the Palestinians & all the journalists..

do we let rabies overrun our world's life?

Will the US allow rabies to overrun its life?

( yes, obviously.

The others .. likewise.

Therefore, Universe's Natural Selection is looking to be .. "pruning" our world from the worlds-in-Universe-with-civilized-life-on-them, this century .. isn't it? )

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Paragone ,

Poor guy:

His health's likely irrecoverably-fucked, now.

NASA did a twins-study, with 1 up there, & 1 down here, to discern, better, the costs of being up there..

there's plenty of evidence: it eats your health.

wishing him well..

Paragone ,

Vacuuming them probably won't kill them.

You'll instead have now-malevolent angry spiders in your vacuum-cleaner.

I happen to consider that to be a Bad Idea..

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Paragone ,

This may all SEEM fine & dandy, but..

The such ocean gyres, if I'm remembering what they're called correctly, had a normal, established-for-millions-of-years kind-of-ecology in them..

NOW, however, we're forcing that this fungus become a dominant-player in them..


( people may remember some years ago when the Purple Loostrife we imported was killing all our North American marshes, turning them into thickets of woody stems/runners/etc, & each individual plant could put out 50,000 seeds per year...

So, the Canadian Gov't did test after test after test, & finally resolved that a .. Chinese, iirc, ladybird bug ate the stuff, but didn't eat any other plants..

so, they imported them & let them loose..

You know those new orange ladybird bugs?

the ones that bite animals?

Those are the ones, ttbomk.

They don't eat any other plants, other than purple loostrife, but their habit of biting us means that carnivorism is normal in them, and .. how does that affect the ecology??

You can't just arbitrarily alter ecologies & responsibly expect them to remain functionally-balanced, & in-harmony: consequences tend to multiply each-other, & tipping-points do get crossed. )

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

You might know that nearly-all of the US currency was created very-recently...

You might know that when you double the amount of currency, you halve the value of each unit of that currency ( this is the essence of "inflation" )

The money printer is essentially how the US has been "managing" its economy: print money REALLY fast, & hope that nobody notices while the shell-games go on, changing ownerships, rigging corporations, etc...

but when it all comes crashing down, then .. accountability will just go POOF!, same like usual, with institutional-authority..

Scroll-down a bit, & see the graph with the pale-blue color on it.. look at that graph, which shows how the amount of US money in circulation nearly-doubled in 2020..

The lead line in that article is important, too: 100y of debt gained in 1/2y.

Corrupt authority, both private & public, won't ever tolerate either accountability or responsibility..

it's the others who will be forced to pay, of course..

However, misregulation, disregulation, & bald-faced corruption do make the damage happen faster.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

PS: I'd left this implied, but it ought be explained..

IF the current-powers-that-be can just print money to make a fake "good economy",

THEN why can't we do so, too?

Paragone ,

Someone who stands outside of ideology and thinks.

Thank you.

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Paragone ,

And, given the fact that having pressure-measurement manometer-arrays built into wings proves that the suction-side lift is greater than the pressure-side lift, and that this has been known since before The Great War..

some of us are inclined to consider the evidence to be valid.

Paragone ,

I would suggest, instead, that "Classical Physics" is created by entanglement:

the non-quantum reality at our scale is just what happens, when everything is entangled, to the point of clogging-up-the-works of quantumness, as it were..

.: you get things like .. as you scale up from quantum-level .. the everything-is-discontinuous/everything-is-turbulence .. turns into, once enough entanglement is happening, "laminar flow" in fluid-dynamics, even-though NOTHING in QM is laminar-flow, so there's simply no basis for "laminar flow" at the lower-level...

I wonder how significant this is, really..

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

It's a responsiblity that should be only happening to people who've lived long-enough to have the basis, in experience, for doing it.

We've been failing children, more & more profoundly, as we've been letting the segregation-of-authority-from-responsibility and segregation-of-wealth-from-earners progress..

Paragone ,

This is the perfectest demonstration of how Kahneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, works to displace considered-reasoning Kahneman2 mind.

There's no point in appealing to considered-reason within any ideology, left or right, religious or ideological or political..

The imprint->reaction has already defined everything.

The only antidote to such is to have invested, through the previous decades, heavily in competent unbiased education, to make considered-reason/Kahneman2 mind the automatic default for more of the population.

Too bad it's too late..

"proletariat dictatorship" / "populist dictatorship"

both displace considered-reason.

Yes it's war: it's war against considered-reason because ideology's addiction to its own supremacy is all-consuming.

It's too bad..

Paragone ,

I guarantee you that if the wokest, socialist-est Nazarene in the New Testament, a Jew named Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph, ran in Republican counties, he'd not get even 2% of the vote by "Christians".

Paragone ,

Dust from tires.

There was an air-quality researcher who tried getting samples in Toronto, of pollen.

He couldn't find the pollen.

Only tires-particles.

The significance of the changes in tires, since the 1970's, is astonishing.

What tires can do, nowadays, .. outright unbelievable, compared with way back when.

Look at how far over modern bicycle-racers can lean, compared with images of the old races, when their tires hadn't anywhere near the grip they've got now..

but they're still being poured into the atmosphere at stunning rate..

All the wear of your tires, as the tread gets thinner, its going into the ecology, either the air or the waters or the land around the roads,

& then you've got the oceans-of-used-tires which often can't be recycled, or cost too much to be recycled..

There has been extensive study on this stuff, btw, dig a bit & you'll find some in-depth stuff!

Paragone ,

& therefore Russia shouldn't be using Russian weapons inside Ukraina, then, right??

Oh, just Russian gaslighting, again?

sorry, I forgot..

Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server? ( )

Been finding some good deals on 2.5 disks lately, but have never bought one before. Have a couple of 3.5 disks on the other hand in my Unraid server. Wondering how much it matters wether I get a 2.5 or not? What form factor do you prefer/usually go for?

Paragone ,


Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they're more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

I'd not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

SATA SSD's for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

I don't know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

( & I'm saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD's really were the answer )

Paragone ,

There's fish in Worcestershire sauce, iirc..

I hadn't known that, until reading the fine print..

Paragone ,

The "unnoticed" part is what I balk at:

They'd be the flamboyantest army around, wouldn't they??

What is a quote that captures something you've learnt through living your life?

Edit: while I'm at it, does anyone know what I should do when I'm waiting for a coincidence/adventure to happen, but it never comes? I can't really go outside and arrange for it to happen because I don't know what I'm looking for.

Paragone ,

The most-predictable method I know-of, for producing inability-to-plan, is chaotic/incomprehensible parenting or home-situation:

The child learns that there is no cause-effect relationship, that no planning is going to produce any results, & this lesson alters their unconscious brain-wiring .. by the age of 7?

Possibly younger.

WHEN life is irrational & chaotic, THEN planning is wasted-effort, & only immediate-gratification produces any worthwhile results.

That sabotage-of-a-life isn't undoable.

Worse, it's self-perpetuating, generation on generation.

Breaking the cycle .. how could it happen?

You'd need to break the brokenness in the parenting, itself, & you'd need to do it consistently, for the next-generation, so they grew-up with stable & trustworthy parenting, through years of young-childhood..

how could such result be created.

No population would tolerate such alteration of their family-process, would they?

Paragone ,

Fucking fool:

Trump's going to back Putin directly, against East Europe, gutting NATO, & Zelenskiy is goading him to be enemy?

Anyone have luck with a hair growth *inhibitor*? Especially my fellow gentledudes who could be mistaken for sasquatch after skipping a day of shaving.

I've heard of things like Nair that make it fall out... if that was a one-and-done solution I'd be all for it, but I'm hoping for something that slows or stops it from growing....

Paragone ,

I'm fed-up with shaving, & wish I could get & use a laser permanent-ish epilation thingy for my beard, but .. my hair's mostly white, now, & it requires color for working ( the laser-light has to be absorbed, right? )

I don't know that Black people could use that, though, now that I think of it ( the unfairness of it just struck me, it isn't pertinent to your situation, I don't believe )


Paragone ,

Notice his gaslighting:

he's actively warring to destroy as much of the Palestinian population as possible, & eradicate them from their lands,

& he puts this forward as the real problem, or the key to solution..


Paragone ,

& Adolf Hitler was calling Churchill "a firebrand" & a threat to Europe.

Gaslighting is something that machiavellians do.

Paragone ,

Why not instead just use the facts from their own bible??

Donald Spoto identified, in his book "The Hidden Jesus: A New Life" ( a book on the blunt fact that meditation was core in his religion ), that in The Good Samaritan parable, the fellow countryman of Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph ( I'm sticking to his more-correct name: Romans would have called him Iosa, not "Jesus", I've been told, by a Roman )

When benJoseph used a Samaritan as an example of the good person, Samaritans were despised by benJoseph's fellow Hebrews..

Notice at the end of that, that the lawyer who pushed benJoseph to be explaining wouldn't speak the word "Samaritan", instead identifying them by their having done good .. I'd never noticed that.

He also treated other Samaritans well, & treated women as people, not property.

Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph was the wokest guy in the entire New Testament.

Any "anti-woke" "Christian" is gaslighting about being "Christian":

the guy they're pretending is their beloved GOD-incarnate, while adamantly-contempting his actual enacted-religion, was himself woke.

He was also a socialist, who fed thousands, & who provided free heathcare, & who ordered his disciples to be vagrants, like him.

Therefore, why push propaganda, when facts & evidence are sufficiently convincing?

Propaganda is less convincing than actuality.

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