‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On ( www.mediaite.com )

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12367209

“Welcome to the end of democracy!” Posobiec declared. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here,” he said, holding his fist in the air. “That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.”

Steve Bannon, former White House adviser, is heard in the background exclaiming, “All right! Amen!”

All Republicans are perfectly happy with the idea of having a (Christo-)fascist dictatorship in power in the U.S. . All that they care about is that the dictatorship rewards them with money and power. I know Republicans like this, people you might think were just ordinary folks, and they're masters of telling themselves stories to justify their violence and thievery and masters at not seeing anything that might cause cognitive dissonance, to the extent that they're capable of that at all.

PoopSpiderman ,

This country needs to address the “god” issue. It’s infuriating. None of the supernatural shit stupid people believe in is real. We can’t let fiction run the show.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is a stupid ass take, the issue here is the fascism, not the thinly veiled veneer they're using to sell it.

FenrirIII ,
@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

Religion makes people dumb and easily manipulated. Fascism just takes advantage of that.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yet either stupid ass take.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

If you can't defend your position without resorting to insults, then your position isn't worth defending.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

"Dur hur, religion make people dumb" received exactly the kind of reply it deserved.

morphballganon ,

Well, it's a demonstrable fact that there is a high correlation of heavily religious districts in the US and districts with low education. Whether one causes the other, or they both have a common cause, is up for debate.

BetaBlake ,

It does though

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

The same stupid ass take as above, and just as stupid.

Honytawk ,

You can keep repeating this, doesn't make it any more true.

Did your god not grant you with the intelligence needed for better responses?

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ignorant, knee-jerk bigotry deserves no intelligent response, only contempt.

ickplant ,
@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

Religion absolutely makes people dumb. There is no sky daddy, deal with it.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

That's another stupid ass take.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

It seems like you might be the one with the stupid ass take, buddy.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nope, the above claim is the stupid ass take. That's why I called it out.

Honytawk ,

Indeed, all your comments here above are stupid takes, as shown by the downvotes. Thanks for agreeing with us.

Now tell me, do you think your god is all-loving before or after he committed genocide multiple times (including on animals and babies)?

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Someone who thinks public approval is the measure of a solid point is exactly the kind of person I'd expect to be spitting the bigotry and ignorance above.

Sonicdemon86 ,

We call kids stupid for believing in Santa, so what is the difference between that and believing in a sky daddy?

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I see the stupidity of the top comment in this thread is catching. My condolences.

ngdev ,

You sound like you have a lot of hate in your heart. I'll be praying for you 🙏

ngdev ,


LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

You are in no position to judge the state of my heart, but should you feel moved to pray on my behalf, it is appreciated.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

If you are a Christian, you might want to try to follow the teachings of Jesus instead of picking fights on the internet.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm not picking a fight, I'm calling out an obvious bullshit take that is being parroted by people as if it had any merit.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

That's not very Christian of you. Jesus would be disappointed.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm not concerned with your judgement regarding what is or isn't Christian.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

You should be concerned with Jesus's judgement, because he'd be disappointed in the way you're acting.

But, if you read the Bible and came to the conclusion that Jesus wanted you insulting strangers in defense of him, you're reinforcing the, "religious people are stupid," theory.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Again, your opinion of what Jesus's judgement of me would be is less that worthless to me.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Well, keep on giving Christianity a worse name than it already has. You're doing a great job of it.

And you do care, even if it's just a little bit. Because you know Jesus would be disappointed in your behavior.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oversight of my behavior is a matter between me, my priest, and my God. You're neither of those, and your opinion of it is worthless to me.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

My opinion must be worth something if you keep responding. It's almost like you know I'm right and are trying to convince yourself otherwise.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

No it isn't, I continue responding simply because I have nothing better to do and it seems to get on your nerves when I do so.

xePBMg9 ,

I am not a fan of religion. But I would address poor education and low living standards first.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

To ignore religion is to misunderstand the rise fascism

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bullshit. The two are unrelated.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

This is SUCH a throughly researched link that it's really not up for debate. So I'm not gonna spend time arguing with you. Just point you at sources so you can understand the links yourself.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bullshit. Fascism has made use of religion, just as it's made use of every other facet of culture to gain power. The two are unrelated.

IchNichtenLichten ,
@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

Part of having faith is ability to ignore inconvenient truths, as your post demonstrates.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sounds like you know as little about faith as you do about fascism.

IchNichtenLichten ,
@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

I note you’ve contributed nothing to the discussion. Please lay out your credentials so that I might see what mighty intellect I’m dealing with here. Thanks.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Your uninformed assertions and bigotry don't merit that level of respect. Educate yourself and be better, it's not my job to fix you.

IchNichtenLichten ,
@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

What is your job then? To waste people’s time? To masturbate furiously to downvotes?

Dkcecil91 ,

Then shut up and stop commenting lol. Don't "fix them" then.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'll comment all I want calling out bigotry, prejudice, and outright ignorance.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

outright ignorance.

The irony.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

The only irony here is your inability to recognize your own ignorance in calling religious people dumb.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

You are putting words in my mouth. I was not calling religious people dumb, in fact if you look elsewhere in this very thread I said the exact opposite. I celebrate anyone whose life is made better by faith.

But ignoring the historical use of religion by fascistic groups is willful ignorance. Take a beat friend and go re-read what everyone has been telling you. You seem to be under the impression that religion itself is being attacked, but if you actually clicked any of the links I provided earlier you can instead see how indoctrination of religious symbols, phrases and scripture are used to push fascist ideology. No one is saying religion is inherently fascist.

I understand that this is a very personal issue for you, but I truly think you need to try and engage with those sources instead of simply calling everything bullshit.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I ignored nothing, I specifically said that fascists use religion, along with culture, race, sex, gender, national origin, etc. to achieve their ends. To blame religion rather than the fascists themselves is disingenuous.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I specifically said that fascists use religion, along with culture, race, sex, gender, national origin, etc. to achieve their ends

Well I agree with religion, culture, race and national origin. Gender/sex are weird inclusions, but whatever. You are absolutely correct that they leech on to identity markers.

To blame religion rather than the fascists themselves is disingenuous.

Like I said before, calm down and scroll up. No one said religion ALONE leads to fascism.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

The fascists in the South are rallying folks against trans and non-binary folks on the basis of sex and gender, I saw it all over before I was able to get the hell out of there

Religion doesn't lead to fascism, period. Fascism makes use of religion. And there's plenty of people in this very thread responding with knee-jerk, anti-religion stances. E.g. the "religion make ppl dumb" guy above.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Well I am glad that we found common ground.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar


Ensign_Crab ,

"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

And Voltaire is entitled to his opinion. I'm under no onus to give it any more credence than the rest of his body of work.

Ensign_Crab ,

Based on my experience with religious people, a lot of them want to commit atrocities but know they need more people believing in their absurdities to get there.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Then you should hang around different religious people, because that's given you an unjustifiably negative bias.

Ensign_Crab ,

You're certainly doing nothing to dispossess me of my existing notions.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

I've told you that they're unjustifiable and false, that's the extent of my contribution to them.

Ensign_Crab ,

Your assertions do nothing in the face of lived experience.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Your "lived experiences" amount to nothing more than bigotry and prejudice.

Ensign_Crab ,

Yet another stupid ass take.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yes, your bigotry is indeed a stupid ass take.

Ensign_Crab ,

We should tax churches and use the funds for abortions and gender affirmation surgeries.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Apropos of nothing, but we could easily fund abortion and gender affirmation surgeries by pulling back the insane military budget rather than taxing churches.

Ensign_Crab ,

We could, but churches just use the funds on private jets and protecting pedo clergy.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Ensign_Crab ,

I see no disagreement with my assertion.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sure thing, edgelord. 👍🏻

Ensign_Crab ,

Everything is edgy to the dull.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ooh you should get that tattooed in a Gothic font surrounded by knives and skulls, that'll really show how badass you are.

cm0002 ,

Don't bother arguing with this religious nut guy, this one is about as nutty as they come, even is trying to get a c/Christianity community going lol

Another fine candidate for my religious nut user tag!

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

When your definition of "religious nut" becomes anyone who holds any religion whatsoever, you've officially lost all credibility.

cm0002 ,

Lol, if religion and it's people keep getting used as a "thinly veiled veneer" over and over across the thousands of years we've been stuck with it, maybe just maybe the problem is with religion itself.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, the problem is with the fascists and authoritarians using it for their own ends, just like they use culture, race, sex, gender, class, national origin, and any other tool they can to get people to send them to power.

Honytawk ,

Do all those pastors and bishops also use culture, race, sex, gender, class and national origin, in order to manipulate and control the masses into holy wars?

Or is that just Religion?

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, ideologues of all kinds use religion, culture, race, sex, gender, class, and national origin to manipulate and control, and engage in wars for their own purposes. Sometimes they use religion for those purposes, sometimes some other avenue. Blaming religion is idiotic.

theluckyone ,

Keep your religion out of our government. You have no right pushing your religious beliefs upon others through the use of government.

jordanlund Mod ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Repeatedly insulting other users because you disagree with a valid opinion on religion gets your comments removed and earns you a 3 day ban.

Cool it and learn what they're trying to do:


inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

Believe whatever you like, the world is scary and if it helps someone make it through the world then whatever. You do you.

But omfg stay the fuck out of politics with it. Your beliefs are not inherently morality you arrogant twats.

Lemming6969 ,

People always think the two can be separated... They cannot. Belief in bullshit permeates all choices and votes they ever make.

xmunk ,


That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.

is probably the part of his speech that has me most angry. Fucking Christofascists.

MagicShel ,

Christofascists is such a stupid term. Not because it's inaccurate but because I can't think of anything further from Christ than a fascist.

WhatAmLemmy ,

If Christians followed the teachings of Jesus they'd be socialists. But we live in backwards land, so there's nothing closer to a fascist than an evangelical Christian.

dvoraqs ,

It's pretty clear to me that Christianity can turn into fascism given the way that it's been used to support anti-LGBT and anti-abortion propaganda.

MagicShel ,

Absolutely, but anti-LGBT and even anti-abortion are not in keeping with Christ's message. I'm an atheist. Why is this so clear to me and not the folks who dedicate themselves to following his word? (It's rhetorical, I can answer that question for myself in great detail, but fuck...)

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Also the most insincere and cynical line in any speech he's ever given.

Of course, the people he aimed it at don't really believe it either or they'd maybe read the new testament even just a little.

TropicalDingdong ,

These guys: "Were not going to stop until we have theocratic fascism."

Democrats: "Well maybe we should try and meet them half way."

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

So let's recap the narrative:

  1. Joe Biden stole the election, so we had to storm the capital! 1776 part 2!
  2. It wasn't Trump supporters that did that, it was antifaaaaaa
  3. Trump went too far we're done with him
  4. After consulting the polling numbers, I now think Trump did nothing wrong
  5. The crowd was infiltrated by the FBI, the deep state did this
  6. While Trump was the greatest President ever, maybe he's just too divisive so maybe we should have someone else
  7. I've always supported Trump (please don't primary me!)
  8. Trump Forever!
  9. Pardons for everyone that was involved in Jan 6, because it was the FBI that made them do it!
  10. Jan. 6 was good and correct and we'll do it again, but this time we'll get it right! Because it's what Jesus wants us to do!
KevonLooney ,

Yes. They think they should succeed because they're better than you. Their words don't mean anything specific, it's like a general grunting meaning "me group good, you group bad".

There are no conservative "policies" anymore. They just want to win, and barely care how. Specific things they say are just justifications for their actions.

Notice the abortion debate. They didn't really want to overturn Roe V. Wade, they just wanted to "win". That's why the pro-life people aren't unified or energized since then. They all have random unexamined "beliefs" that don't match. Literally every state is different and all of their policies cause a ton of backlash

Conservatives like Trump because they think they can win with him, and their other candidates are losers. That's what they care about: winning. Vote and they won't.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

If I'm reading this correctly, I am left to conclude that the FBI is Jesus.

Sterile_Technique ,
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Jan 6 was our Beer Hall Putsch. The Nazis didn't get it on their first try, either.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah thy seem to be moving towards the Reichstag Fire phase now.

LocoOhNo ,

They've been pushing the Reichstag Fire thing for a while, actually.

In that scenario, Hitler was saying that it was those damn "communists," namely Marinus van der Lubbe, (there's some debate on if he could have acted alone) who was allegedly a known pyromaniac with a history of mental illness.

The Nazis convinced a mentally ill person or persons to attack their capitol building and blamed it on the "communists." Does that sound at all derivative?

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does echo.

blazeknave ,

What do we do?

Sterile_Technique ,
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck if I know, but we've at least got a pretty solid case study to work with. What should the average German have done preceding the Nazi's rise to power?

Cuz... that's probably what we should do.

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

How is this is okay that the entire right wing of our government is platforming this? Wouldn't stating this make you an enemy of the United States?

Captainvaqina ,

It sure does!

whoelectroplateuntil , (edited )

Everyone forgets that in the decades before the Civil War everyone saw it coming and the most unionists could bring themselves to do was look for compromises the South didn't want until there was actual shooting and entire blocs of states leaving the Union. They're so terrified of fighting white supremacist revanchism they'd rather negotiate with it until we're back in the middle of another Civil War.

Socsa ,

I mean what is the realistic option? Too many voters in the US are still sleepwalking into this. If Dems get too tough, there is a real chance they will overplay that delicate position. It's not that they are afraid of fighting white supremacists, it's that they are afraid of throwing gasoline on the fire.

History suggests that we will get past this and this whole thing will become a cautionary tale.

PeckerBrown ,

And we didn't do our jobs, which is throwing Trump et al in prison to rot.

blazeknave ,

Saltily slowing the process, holding a grudge over losing his seat on the supreme court /s

BackOnMyBS ,
@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Can you imagine the impromptu party we would throw across the country if Trump were to die??

ShaggyBlarney ,

How fast do you think to GOP will eat itself in that power vacuum?

BigMacHole ,

Judges literally found this to be Sedition so I'm GLAD they're letting this man and others who by definition are Terrorists Against the United States of America walk FREE! The TRUE Criminals are BLACK CHILDREN in the PARK!

Inucune ,

Do these people not realize that the first thing a new regime usually does is put any person who would be a threat against a wall and executes them? Are they convinced this will be different or that they won't be that person? My history education may have been lacking, but that was very clear.

Olhonestjim ,

They're counting on it. They just have no capacity to realize it could ever be them.

floofloof OP ,

They all know the leopards would never eat their face. They don't understand the creeping nature of fascists' "other". Once you've identified the other and killed them, you need another other to serve as your enemy. In time it will consume everyone.

ThatFembyWho ,

Who is "we"? Was that clown actually there? Or does he prefer to sit back and agitate the mentally ill.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Was that clown actually there?

A big part of what makes this such a joke. Right in the middle of the riot, a bunch of these online freaks and losers were screaming "It's Antifa! False flag! Fake News!"

They're scorpions. They'll take you for a ride and stab you in the middle of the river. It's just their nature.

LopensLeftArm ,
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

That awkward moment when you read that the Apostles of the early church set up an anarchist Communist collective pretty much first thing. (Acts 2:41-47, Acts 4:32-37)

Gigate ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Spot ,
    @Spot@startrek.website avatar

    What about those of us that tried but get met with "It's all rigged anyway, doesn't matter if you vote, or who for"? Like, we are all behind these nutjobs?? Should we be as bad as them and go for extermination of our opposition?

    Zitronensaft ,

    When the opposition is trying to end democracy so it can have free rein to do whatever it likes, sometimes you have to. This isn’t a polite disagreement about convoluted economic theories, they want to eliminate large segments of our population and their supporters are already violent. At some point they are going to stop busing foreigners to different cities and start gunning them down. They likely aren’t going to be too gentle with LGBTQ populations when they work to eliminate them. They are already controlling what kind of medical care women have access to and they will probably find more ways to restrict women’s lives to promote their ideas of Christian morality. Women are already being told they have to be at death’s door to have their miscarriages treated, this situation is currently at the point of being a life and death issue for many people when the christofascists have barely started taking control.

    Spot ,
    @Spot@startrek.website avatar

    And if I just whip a gun out and shoot everyone who espouses this shit, it won't take very long for me to be shot or jailed myself. And, now it is proof to them that the other side IS out to get them and their fairy in the sky. Changes nothing for the better in the political hellscape but, does ruin my families lives. I do not want violence to be the answer. But, if it has to be, unless there is a tight movement against these holy dingbats, it's just a useless sacrifice to jump and go ballistic on them.
    As much shit as I've seen on here with extreme left saying the only answer is violence back, I have not seen anyone working towards that in the real world. What, everyone is waiting for someone else to get started? Or, we really are not has homicidal as they are and prefer to logically come to a conclusion?

    BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

    Long live the USSA!

    Viking_Hippie , (edited )

    Yeah, because the US is a perfect democracy where everyone has the opportunity to easily vote for someone compatible with their values no matter their location and socio-economic situation unburdened by the undue influence of capital interests and foreign meddling.

    Your victim blaming of the American electorate reveals you to be the ignorant one and/or spreading disinformation.

    Mastengwe ,

    Remember though, the tankies will tell you that both sides are the same.

    blazeknave ,

    Thank you for your civic service. Seriously.

    Facebones ,

    Line them all up against the wall and end them.

    Lock their supporters up for life as enemies of the state.

    Full stop.

    Chuckleberry_Finn ,

    You are the same as them, those actions will only be used to justify escalating retaliation.

    prole ,
    @prole@sh.itjust.works avatar

    It's definitely not the same. You can give no quarter to fascist ideology. It inevitably (by design) poisons all legitimate political discourse. It's insidious and it grows like a cancer until it destroys the host and spreads its poison like a virus to the rest of the world.

    Fascism needs to be stamped out with prejudice. I don't personally like that it's the case, but we're already seeing what happens when you allow it to get even the slightest hold.

    These people are extremely dangerous to the world order, and anyone who values free thought should be absolutely terrified of them.

    Chuckleberry_Finn , (edited )

    I honestly agree with you, but the issue I see is that the MAGA crowd will say the exact same things when they, for example, think Biden isn't tough enough on the border In their reality, he is committing treason and should be thrown in jail.

    Maybe I was too dismissive in my first comment so I want to be clear that Republicans deserve to be held accountable. It is troubling that in my point of view, half of the US population thinks politicians being held accountable for their fascism is actually fascism....

    Edit: after rereading your response I feel like we are already past the point where the political discourse in the US has been completely poisoned. Is it even possible for us to induce ourselves when so much of the population has been brainwashed by this?

    TengoDosVacas ,

    ...he said to the stormtrooper as he was pushed into the boxcar

    Chuckleberry_Finn ,

    I deserve that. I tried to clarify my viewpoint in another comment but I want to be clear that I think the Republican party and Trump in particular deserve to be held accountable.

    UnderpantsWeevil ,
    @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

    This is tankie talk. You are being a tankie. We'll never win the center of the political spectrum if we try to enforce the law against these freaks. That would be too divisive.

    No, instead, we should focus our energy on prosecuting trans teenagers and brutalizing climate refugees at the border.

    You know. Bipartisanship.

    jordanlund Mod ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed + 24 hour ban for advocating violence.

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