cordlesslamp ,

Yup, totally the same.

-insert The Office meme here-

_ Corporate wants you to tell the difference between the two parties.

_ American: They are the same party.

Spazz ,

I love how you just continue to insist on being wrong despite reality

phoenixz ,

I remember with each Presidential change, that when a Republican president came into power, they had a budget surplus, created by their democratic predecessor, which they then squandered, and when it was tome to switch to a democratic president, they got a deficit, and managed to work theyr way out of it. Each time, fox would comment on how these Democrat presidents always had a deficit. It was, and continues to be, maddening.

Require news organizations to be truthful again, fuck that "but much first amendment" bullshit, one has nothing to do with the other

CileTheSane , avatar

Require news organizations to be truthful again,

Faux News has stated in court that they are not a "news organization", they are "entertainment".

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

That sounds like an admission to false advertising to me

upandatom ,

We have a store called Best Buy.

TedZanzibar ,

It's the same in the UK. Within 15 minutes of the Tories finally (hopefully) losing power in the next election they'll be gesturing to the shit state of things, that they themselves caused, and saying "Look at how the Labour government has ruined this country!"

Flax_vert ,

I find it funny how tories were like "This is the best the economy has been in five years! Look at us go!!" Okay, and who was in government 5 years ago?

Maeve ,

News conglomerates haven't been truthful since at least Hearst.

Gluten6970 ,

And yet people's lives haven't improved much, if at all, in quite some time. The war machine is also still marching forward; we spend billions on things that don't actually improve the lives of the average person. Both sides of the aisle are bought and you can't just ignore that. With all of that said, I'm still voting for Biden, but only because I'm forced to due to how unbelievably fucked our system is.

AnUnusualRelic , (edited ) avatar

Ok but this is not balanced because you didn't list all the great things Trump has in store:

  • The definitive end of democracy

  • ww3

  • all money that's left goes to billionaires

  • hopefully the end of humanity

  • Nobody left to incriminate him with anything

  • huge wins

  • nobody has ever seen wins such as this

  • anybody? Hello?

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

You left out

  • accordion hands for all
AnUnusualRelic , avatar

It depends at which point it applies.

If it's after Trump ghoul comes out from his vault, I'm not sure it works.

yumpsuit ,
Aceticon ,

Clinton repealled the Glass-Steagal act, which led to the 2008 crash, Obama's unconditional bailouts of financial institutions and ultra-low interest rates and subsequent hyperfinancialization of the Economy, the current house prices bubbles, an explosion in inequality, and an even further collapse of social mobility in the US.

To say that he doubled-down on Reagan's work is an underestimation.

Sure, it's all a bit obscure for those who weren't in Finance during the period around 2008, but that doesn't make it any less so.

(And lets not forget his wife's later "got paid million dollar for a speech to a room full of financiers" that helped her loose to none other than Donald Trump)

The idea that almost all those Democrats in that list didn't do "More money for the rich" is hilarious.

Also as an European in a country with a National Health Service, celebrating Obama's version of "Universal Healthcare" is "you're fucking kidding me"-level insulting.

That stuff is some Narnia-level Eyes Hard Closed level of tribalist self-delusion.

Spazz ,

That's a giant load of revisionist history

Aceticon ,

The alternative explanation is that you're a commited member of this specific political tribe and just have to defended those you see as your chiefs no matter what, even if lacking an actual argument.

This alternative explanation perfectly explains the absence of even a shred of an actual counter argument in your post.

Test_Tickles ,

Obama's unconditional bailouts? You mean TARP? The thing signed by GW Bush 3 months before Obama's inauguration?
Seems like maybe you got some of them there obscurity issues you were going on about.

Aceticon , (edited )

I was right in the middle of the Investment Banking Industry back at the time and paid close attention to all the details about how the entire thing was conducted and the kind of market interventions going on, rather than just eat up the high level bullshit fed to pre-convinced members of that specific political tribe who don't know how the business works ...

I actually had a pretty good opinion of Obama up until I saw who he put there conduction the bailouts, how they were conducted, how the pain was distributed, how the market was intervened in and which economic strata were saved with whose money.

TARP doesn't even amount to a tip of an iceberg.

FontMasterFlex ,

God, go back to fucking Reddit.

Spazz ,

Lol, ok Trumper

PiratePanPan ,

bro is working overtime 😭

FontMasterFlex ,

It's no wonder your generation is seen as such a fucking waste if you think typing "go back to fucking reddit" is A.) a Trump biased statement and B.) that it constitutes "working overtime" in such pursuits. Start rubbing the two brain cells you have left in an attempt to create enough static electricity to fire the one neuron you have remaining.

PiratePanPan ,

A) you're getting pressed over a single fucking comment

B) you're replying to any reply that is even remotely critical of trump

C) i only have one brain cell left, thank you very much

D) get off my dick or buy me lunch

FontMasterFlex ,

Fragile ego much? jfc.

PiratePanPan ,

nah i just like taking the piss whenever i can lmao

FontMasterFlex ,

tell me with a straight face your life is better off under Biden than 4 years ago. or 8 years ago under Obama. This "meme" is so fucking stupid acting like no republican did anything good, or that no democrat did anything bad. If you believe that you're a fucking idiot that can't be helped.

FontMasterFlex ,

How on earth can that be construed as a "Trumper" statement? He really does live rent free in your head, doesn't he?

daltotron , (edited )

yeah, I am quickly walking towards the door here, because these are the posts that get the most engagement, and quite obviously nothing about this platform has solved the core problems at the heart of reddit. Ooh, avoid the IPO, federation is so nice, sure, whatever, but then everything is still a horrible echo chamber where there's no room for nuance. Maybe even more of an echo chamber than previously, because of federation, I dunno, hard to tell. Makes me want to not be here, though.

FontMasterFlex ,

Yeah, it's a fucking cesspool of ideological nonsense here.

ZombiFrancis ,

Why isn't the Peace Corps a good thing JFK did and why is only one Bush listed?

ZombiFrancis ,

And for that matter why skip LBJ with Civil Rights? Or Carter with nascent attempts to address Clime change?

CableMonster ,

If you want "both sidez", both sides supports the federal reserves which directly robs the poor and middle class and has been doing it for decades. But sure, taxes on the rich are really the problem!

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Deep cut!

CableMonster ,

I can point to how the federal reserve is harming the poor and middle class, and I think its important to recognize when your own side is fucking them.

pjwestin , avatar

A huge part of Clinton's deficit reduction was eviscerating welfare with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act. He also made a lot of money for rich people by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, which directly let to the 2008 financial collapse. Also, Obamacare is not Universal Healthcare; Obama would have needed to keep the Public Option for it to be considered universal coverage. He also made a lot of money for rich people through TARP.

Adalast ,

Also, the year gaps are a little disingenuous. Like, where are Nixon, or even Carter. Like, Carter is a good man at least.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Define "huge"

pjwestin , avatar

Why, would it be better if he gutted welfare for a small deficit reduction?

raynethackery ,

The public option was tanked by Senator Lieberman, who at that point became an independent. All we would have needed was a Republican to break ranks and we would have had a public option.

pjwestin , avatar

A) Lieberman didn't become an independent at that point, he'd been an independent since he lost his primary in 2006 B) no matter what the excuse, it doesn't change the fact that saying the ACA is Universal Healthcare is a lie.

Sam_Bass ,

Now do one where you show who were the majority holders of each respective legislative house.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

You're not going to like what happened during Gingrich

feedum_sneedson ,

I'm thinking about killing myself by jumping off a tall building, but I don't think I have the courage.

ReasonablePea ,

Well in case this isn't a joke going over my head, you probably have more to live for than you realize :)

feedum_sneedson ,

Unfortunately it's not a joke. You're probably right but it doesn't feel like it today.

Traegert ,

Been there. You start regretting it half way down

MalachaiConstant ,

My last attempt was about 10 years ago. It started to dramatically improve about a year later, then another year saw more improvement, and so on. Eventually I got on the right antidepressant and honestly my life is pretty freaking good now. Hell, I'm about to be a dad.

You could not have convinced me it would get better a decade ago.

Dumb luck saved me. Please don't be like me back then.

feedum_sneedson ,

I'm not sure what to do, really. It would be great if things did start improving.

MalachaiConstant ,

I would look at resources in your area. If there is a prevention hotline where you live, they can usually offer better advice than I can.

Outside of that, what really helped me was accepting that my brain was trying to attack itself, and that I needed to be aware it was fucking with my perception of reality.

If your brain is doing bad chemistry, sometimes meds are the only thing that can help. I forget to take mine sometimes, and when I do it is usually a week before the old feelings start coming back. Talk to a doctor.

Cryophilia ,

Please don't.

There are innocent people walking below, and even if you don't hit any of them you'll traumatize them for life.

MalachaiConstant ,

Unfortunately, while true, this will usually not mean much to someone in this state of mind.

Tenthrow Mod , avatar

If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the 988 Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States.

The 988 Lifeline is available for everyone, is free, and confidential. See below for additional crisis services and hotlines.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Text 988

Linkerbaan , avatar

Is anyone buying these lib propaganda memes? Carter is the one the screwed over the economy.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar
  • Carter, who was President for 4 Years Screwed up the economy by liberalizing the housing market

  • Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush Sr, who ran the White House for 20 years had nothing to do with it

Please nobody ask what inflation was like between 1968 and 1992

aidan ,

Yeah, it's probably better to go back to a lot of FDRs policies.

Or the bipartisan effort to keep house prices by any means necessary. Such as by giving everyone who a fairly low interest home loan , which directly led to 2008.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

by giving everyone who a fairly low interest home loan , which directly led to 2008.

You think 2008 was the result of low interest rates?

aidan ,

No, guaranteed loans. If everyone can get a loan interest loan, it doesn't really matter to them if a house costs $200,000 or $400,000 spread out across 30 years. So home prices just continue to inflate. The loan interest rates and guaranteed loans are the reason prices got so high in the first place, the collapse of this scheme by flying too close to the sun with repealing Glass-Steagal is what lit the fuse in 2008. But they've got their plan back on track now.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

No, guaranteed loans.

A necessity in a society whose economy operates via credit expansion.

it doesn’t really matter to them if a house costs $200,000 or $400,000 spread out across 30 years

If you've ever had to pay a mortgage note, you'll discover that it matters substantively. The real benefit of the 30 year note isn't the scale but the fixed interest rate. Once you find a house you can afford, rising rates of pay relative to a fixed rate of interest means the real house note costs decrease over time.

The loan interest rates and guaranteed loans are the reason prices got so high in the first place

Prices for housing vary substantively by region and by density. Housing prices in neighborhoods with low rates of development continued to be cheap well into the early 2000s. Housing prices in the suburbs and exurbs - particularly for new builds - are consistently cheaper than in the urban centers where real estate is scarce.

If you check out the Austin, TX real estate market during the Carter to Clinton period, housing was incredibly cheap and abundant. It wasn't until the construction boom in the mid-00s that prices began to climb, and the rate of climb outpaced most of the continental US well into the Trump/Biden era. That had nothing to do with "guaranteed loans" under Carter and everything to do with Austin developers quickly maxing out available real estate development area easily accessible from the freeways. Same thing happened in DC and Virginia, after Amazon moved in. Housing speculation boomed, completely apart from individual credit.

You can see the reverse in Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois, where the collapse of the auto industry made real estate incredibly cheap. Also in Florida, abet on a much tighter timeline.

And the major driver behind all of these price fluctuations has been private equity investment in residential real estate

This has nothing to do with Carter and everything to do with three men by the names Gramm, Leech, and Biley.

Socsa ,

Is anyone buying these right wing trolls pretending to be leftists?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Liberals you mean?

Socsa ,

Everyone who disagrees with Stalin is a liberal.

Deceptichum , avatar

Yeah libs keep trying to pretend to be leftists, its annoying.

Spazz ,

Lol, lib propaganda, ok Trumper

Dearth ,

Don't forget Bush the First, the former director of the CIA and his mad desire to run shadow wars to disrupt democracy in other countries in the name of American corporate interests

sharkfucker420 , avatar

Thank god no other president has done this

Leate_Wonceslace , (edited ) avatar

Don't you know if a president doesn't want to lick daddy Stalin's blood-strained boots they're no better than Hitler? Clearly, none of these facts matter.

Edit: either y'all don't understand sarcasm or tankies are pissed and I can't tell which.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

It's the latter

Mastengwe ,

bUt gEnOciDE!!!!!

TempermentalAnomaly , could anyone care about genocide. Were gonna possibly get negotiated drug prices. That's the real deal.

Mastengwe ,

Everyone cares about genocide, just not everyone is dumb enough to think that a president of another country has the ability to stop it from happening.

And before you go off and dumb shit about how he’s supplying them with arms, go ahead and look up how much arms they already had before this started, and how what Biden is sending is pretty much irrelevant in comparison.

SuddenDownpour ,

Everyone cares about genocide, just not everyone is dumb enough to think that a president of another country has the ability to stop it from happening.

Do you have any idea about the nature of the existence of Israel? Iran hates them, Irak hates them, Syria hates them, Lebanon hates them, Egypt and the Saudis hold up their noses because they're pragmatic enough to look the other way as long as that gets them the favor of the US. It's a tiny country with a small population which viability as a state is dependent on several European and North American countries being willing to give them full military support. If the US threatens them with a blockade, it would be possible to negotiate Palestinian statehood (not just stopping the genocide) within weeks, and a two state solution would no longer be a pipe dream. Instead, the US has been protecting them from any potential reprisal against their crimes.

There are great arguments about why you should vote for Biden, but flaunting this much ignorance is certainly not doing his camp any favors.

Mastengwe ,

And accusing him of genocide isn’t helping either.

TempermentalAnomaly ,

EvErYoNe cArEs aBoUt gEnOcIdE!

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