
collapse_already , in RFK Jr. Doesn't Deny Alleged Sexual Assault of Babysitter: 'I Am Not a Church Boy'

Unspoken subtext of "I'm the priest?" As if the dichotomy is you are either the priest or the church boy - there is no other option?

FlyingSquid , in Google Says AI Could Break Reality avatar

I don't know about reality, but if AGI ever gets developed, it will realize pretty damn quickly that humans are this planet's biggest problem and will probably try to do something about it.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please , in Judge orders surprise release of Epstein transcripts

Worth noting that these transcripts detail Trump forcing 12 year olds to act out lesbian sex while he watched, then give him sloppy head. And apparently when the BJ was kinda toothy (cuz, ya know, they’re 12,) he got angry and physical.

But sure, let’s elect him as king of the United States.

ALoafOfBread ,

Source? Idk if joking bc this is the world we live in now

Rentlar , in Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules

Yeah, what is this? The ICE commits fraud, then blames it on the prospective students that their visas are fraudulent?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Welcome to the U.S. government. First time?

stoly ,

Did you know that the CIA manufactured and sold crack to black people in LA to secretly fund right wing militias in Latin America?

FlyingSquid , in Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules avatar

$11,000 a year for fake college is still a pretty good deal for college. I hope their fake degree will help them get a well-paying fake job.

nobleshift , avatar

They can join ICE

girlfreddy , in Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution" avatar

which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be

Uh huh. 🙄

seSvxR3ull7LHaEZFIjM ,

Just like the invasion of Ukraine would have remained bloodless if Ukraine allowed it to be... i.e. victim blaming.

shalafi ,

And the left will allow it to be. Liberals will meekly go onto the trains while screaming about the hypocrisy and injustice. And meanwhile, the trains will run.

Wonder why minorities, LGBT and women are the largest gun purchasing demographic, and have been for a few years? You suburban white boys better pull your head out your ass and learn.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

They're using the same language as rapists, thieves, and murderers.

If I hurt or kill you because you chose not to comply, its your fault, not mine. You forced my hand. You could have just let me have my way, but no, you had to resist.

Treczoks , in New Report Argues Private Rail Is a Train Wreck, Public Ownership Needed

There is nothing to argue about, that opinion is spot-on.

givesomefucks , in Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"

But number three, let me speak about the radical left. You and I have both been parts of faculties and faculty senates and understand that the left has taken over our institutions. The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.

And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

When they're saying this about Joe Biden and mainstream pro-corporate media like MSNBC...

It's really hard to take people seriously when they say AOC is too extreme to be president.

They'll always say moderate Dems are far left radicals, they can't say it anymore about AOC. The main difference is moderates try to argue that they're actually conservative which pisses off Dem voters. And progressives like AOC use it as an opportunity to talk about why the policy works, which grows the Dem voters base.

We can't keep meeting them halfway.

We need to 100% fight fascism, and we need to keep fighting. Because the fascists never stop.

Fedizen , in The US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic bird flu vaccine

200 million is a pittance today. Vaccines are generally more effective than pills outside of antibiotics. But more importantly the USDA should be requiring more animal vaccinations and there should be more investment in vaccinating livestock if we're going to continue to eat mammals and birds

someguy3 , in Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules


gibmiser , in Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court rules

Entrapment much?

catloaf ,

It's certainly not entrapment. It's something they wanted to do, not something they were coerced into doing.

stoly ,

You don’t even know what the accusations are. You just want an excuse to hate others.

BroBot9000 , in Popular weight loss and diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of rare form of blindness avatar

Taking bets which celebrity blinds themselves first.

$40 it’s one of the Kardashians.

Hugin , (edited ) in 'I'm not leaving': Biden expands effort to tamp down calls to step aside

The way things are going he is either going to leave before the election or shortly after the election.

PunnyName , in John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year

It's not inflation if companies are posting record profits.

11111one11111 ,

$10 billion might be record breaking but not the record breaking you are thinking of. 2017 was the last time they posted profits around $10 billion or less.

PunnyName ,

Sure. But they aren't the only ones posting record profits in the past few years.

yeahiknow3 ,

If a company makes 10 billion dollars, they should be able to hire more people or pay everyone more. Instead that money is siphoned by unemployed bums who have absolutely nothing to do with the company - the “investors.”

If this system weren’t already in place, we would consider it completely comical.

11111one11111 ,

Except their profits need to also cover:
Reinvestment in the Business: This includes spending on research and development, upgrading equipment, expanding operations, and improving infrastructure.

Debt Repayment: Reducing existing debt to strengthen the company's financial position.

Dividends: Distributing a portion of profits to shareholders as dividends.

Share Buybacks: Purchasing the company’s own shares to reduce the number of outstanding shares and increase the value of remaining shares.

Employee Compensation: Providing bonuses, raises, benefits, and other non-salary incentives to employees.

Mergers and Acquisitions: Acquiring or merging with other companies to expand market reach and capabilities.

Savings and Reserves: Setting aside funds for future investments or as a buffer against economic downturns.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Investing in community projects, environmental sustainability, and other social initiatives.

Marketing and Advertising: Increasing brand awareness and market presence through marketing campaigns.

Technology Upgrades: Investing in new technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity.

To name a few.

piecat ,

Is that what they should do? Abso-fucking-lutely

But is that what any publicly traded company does??

11111one11111 ,

Did you even read the fucking article 🤣

TheDemonBuer , in 'I'm not leaving': Biden expands effort to tamp down calls to step aside avatar

We made our bed, now we gotta sleep in it.

Zaktor ,

"We" nothing. Biden and the Democratic powerbrokers being unable to see that he was going to be too old made this bed. I wasn't given any input into it. This is, by design, literally the first time he's been tested all campaign.

The rumored plan that came out of his campaign in 2020 was right, do a term stabilizing the nation as the oldest president in history, then pass it on to the next generation.

TheDemonBuer , avatar

I wasn't given any input into it.

Sure you were, as was everyone else who was eligible to vote in the 2020 primary. That's the "we" in this scenario. Anyone who could do simple math knew how old Biden would be in 2024, yet a majority of those who voted picked him anyway.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

Anybody with eyes can see that the DNC primaries are rigged.

TheDemonBuer , avatar

Rigged how? Did the DNC falsify vote counts? Stuff ballot boxes?

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

John Podesta's email leaks lays it out in detail for one of the elections (2016). Hillary did the best she could to spin the leaks trying to discredit the source (blaming Russia and WikiLeaks) rather than talking about the actual content of the leaks.

In 2020, the DNC heavilly convinced all the establishment candidates other than Biden to drop out right before Super Tuesday in a cordinated effort while making sure Elizibeth Warren stayed in the race to ensure that Bernie had as small of a chance as possible of winning, since he was winning big-time until then, not to mention the news-media falsely calling one of the elections for Mayor Pete when Bernie won that race.

In 2024, the DNC did all they could to hide the fact that there was even a primary at all, working with the news-media to ensure that they didn't even mention the competing candidates.

TheDemonBuer , avatar

None of this prevented democratic primary voters from voting for a younger candidate. The voters still had the opportunity and the agency to make a different choice.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

Voter shaming accomplishes nothing, especially when the system itself is rigged.

Voter shaming is the game that the DNC plays, and we've seen how that plays out.

What will work is actually inspiring voters, which the DNC hasn't done since FDR.

FlowVoid , (edited )

the DNC heavilly convinced all the establishment candidates other than Biden to drop out

That's not rigging an election, that's just politics.

It's literally the same thing Macron is doing right now to stop Le Pen's fascists from winning.

Zaktor ,

In 2020 the prevailing wisdom was he was going to be a one-term president who couldn't say it because he'd be a lame duck. And by the time I was able to vote there were only two options, Biden and someone older than him. 80-90% of the party wasn't proactively choosing to have an 85 year old president when voting in those later states, they were voting for who they wanted to be president in 2020. A second term isn't a forgone conclusion for the oldest president in history.

FlowVoid , (edited )

Nobody who was paying attention thought he would be a one term president. He said nothing of the sort because that was never his plan. He literally said so at the time:

I don't have plans on one term

And his campaign emphasized the same thing at the time:

Lots of chatter out there on this so just want to be crystal clear: this is not a conversation our campaign is having and not something VP Biden is thinking about

This is not a conversation we are having among people who actually are running the campaign

And yet people still want to believe a bunch of anonymous "senior advisers" over what Biden actually said. Pure wishcasting.

distantsounds ,

The DNC made our beds

Pilferjinx ,

This is our last chance to pressure him into retirement. If Biden runs, he's going to lose. The "get over yourself" isn't enough to push a win.

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