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11111one11111 ,

STOP! BOTH OF YOU! Do you fucking want more Chris Collinsworth? Cuz this is how you get more Chris Collinsworth.

11111one11111 ,

Hahaha Even as a heterosexual male who is on record for saying I would carry Josh Allen's baby, when Collinsworth starts sucking Allen's knob on air it kills my boner it's so gay./s

11111one11111 ,

Buck just puts me to sleep but Collinsworth gives me blind rage every syllable that leaves his mouth lol.

Edit: and wasn't it Buck on the "DIGGS. SIDELINE. TOUCHDOWN. UNBELIEVABLE." call? Fuck that's one of my favorite calls 9f all time by an announcer not named Rick Jeanneret.

11111one11111 ,

Serves them right! What do you expect when an entire Metropolitan region sells their soul for Tom Brady.

11111one11111 , (edited )

Eli5: How does record AIPAC spending prevent people from voting? It still comes down to people voting so isn't it safe to say more people voted for the person who won than people who voted for the losing candidate?

Edit: come on this isn't reddit. I'm not concerned with this question of who was running and what they are in favor of. As far as I have been attentive to politics there has always been campaign contributions from lobbyists with the intent to have their interests protected. I do not understand why or how that would affect the outcome of the election unless one candidates total campaign funds were a pot more than the others. I also don't understand why is thes any new precedent? Hopefully with this added clarity the down votes won't burry the comment and further discussion can be had.

11111one11111 ,

But how does that keep people from voting? I'm not being a dick it's a genuine question. Corporations dump trillions into advertising but that doesn't prevent me from comparing products and choosing the product that best fits my needs. Matter of fact, there was a post today I saw that was about the futility of targeted ads having no better results than traditional marketing.

11111one11111 ,

So where did all the pro-Isreal propaganda get pushed to? The anti-Isreal propaganda is everywhere. (I don't know a better word than propaganda to use here but I don't mean it as any sense of invalidating or dismissing eirher the anti-Isreal/pro-Isreal sentiment)

11111one11111 ,

Homie, stop making shit up. Noone is giving grief to tourists for not speaking the native language of the country they are visiting.

11111one11111 ,

What??? Are you responding to the correct person?

11111one11111 ,

Wash by themselves in washer then I stuff clean dry socks in mine to keep form drying and use a dryer rack that keeps them from tumbling around. I'm not a sneaker head tho and usually are cleaning already beat up shoes.

11111one11111 ,

You just sound like a miserable cunt so move where ever you want and accept noone wants to be around you as much as you don't wanna be around them.

OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions ( windowsreport.com )

According to the latest reports, Windows 11 has made an independent choice by automatically turning on OneDrive folder backup for Desktop, Pictures, Documents, Music, and Video folders without your permission. This signifies that, whether you approve or not, everything is becoming coordinated with the cloud....

11111one11111 ,

I thought part of the apple agreement was that all your data is on their servers. Isn't that why my media messages from Android to Apple phones look like shit, because Apple only sends shit through their servers and refuses to adapt the industry standard for mobile data?

11111one11111 ,

According to backlink.com there is 265,500,000 active users per week so 15% of those weekly users means there is 39,825,000 corporate whores per week. To have the corporate whores filled with real people you would need the entire population of the following cities to even come close:

New York, NY 8,258,035

Los Angeles, CA 3,820,914

Chicago, IL 2,664,452

Houston, TX 2,314,157

Phoenix, AZ 1,650,070

Philadelphia, PA 1,550,542

San Antonio TX 1,495,295

San Diego, CA 1,388,320

Dallas, TX 1,302,868

Jacksonville, FL 985,843

Austin, TX 979,882

Fort Worth, TX 978,468

San Jose, CA 969,655

Columbus, OH 913,175

Charlotte, NC 911,311

Indianapolis, IN 879,293

San Francisco, CA 808,988

Seattle, WA 755,078

Denver, CO 716,577

Oklahoma City, OK 702,767

Nashville, TN 687,788

Washington, DC 678,972

El Paso, TX 678,958

Las Vegas, NV 660,929

Boston, MA 653,833

Detroit, MI 633,218

Portland, OR 630,498

Louisville, KY 622,981

Memphis, TN 618,639

11111one11111 ,

Lol I shit the bed. Totally read 15% of users.

11111one11111 ,

Yeah as I stated in the other reply I totally shit the bed and misread/mistook content as users. My b.

11111one11111 ,

Who the fuck actually votes on posts? Regardless of the forum.

11111one11111 ,

No but this usually is: If your vegetarian/vegan dishes taste really good it prolly from real chicken broth they add to the recipe.

11111one11111 ,

Butter. I read somewhere sometime ago in a galaxy far far away that there is only a handful of US butter manufacturers which make all the butter for all the brands. Just different packaging. I have 0 proof or evidence and going entirely off memory of prolly a reddit post 10 years ago so google it and lmk if it's true.

11111one11111 ,

Doesn't he have a wierd pissing at work thing and have cameras in delivery trucks that penalize you when you yawn? I'd say rhe fuckin billionaire is qualified to fuck right off.

11111one11111 ,

Jesus fuck the laundry list of shit you could pin him with is endless so why the fuck would you need to make shit up? They literally did not find him liable for rape. He was found liable for sexual abuse. Why fuel the fire of misinformation when it's the fire the person you are speaking out against thrives on.

11111one11111 ,

The constitution is written to protect the people from the government. Whether or not it should still be taken at face value is another conversation. The reason a felon cannot vote but can run for office is to keep legislation honest and prevent, for example a power hungry sitting president or any official, from passing laws that would be used to incarcerate the opposing candidates. It's to keep Trump from saying anyone with a last name rhyming with riden is a convicted felon and cannot run for office. It's what Putin does year in and year out.

11111one11111 ,

Whoa whoa whoa you ignorant fuck. America wasn't even a country when most indigenous tribes were wiped from the Americas. We have the Spaniards and French to thank for that. But even still, 90% of the native population was slautered during colonization of the America's. The Trail of Tears was really America just taking credit for it all.

11111one11111 ,

Meh not really that wild especially when FDR kinda opened the can of worms by disregarding the 150 year old precedent that president's should only serve 2 terms. He also failed in his attempt to permanently stack the SC proposing to expand the number of justices to 15. Despite his failure he was still able to annoit 8 SC justices while in office. Let's also not forget his refusal to support anti-lynching laws and the whole complete disregard to the constitutional policy and procedure.

Not meaning to down play it but for OP's actual topic of discussion, The Business Plot doesn't even skim the surface of the CIA's depravity.

Edit: This is entirely my opinion of the matter and I didn't mean it to be as discrediting to you point as it comes accross. The Business Plot was and still is completely fucked.

11111one11111 ,

People getting paid enough to want to work.

11111one11111 ,

Its almost as though efficient utilization of tax revenue offsets the hatred of paying taxes. I just threatened my 1st cousins into pitching in $100 each to buy a 2nd cousin of ours a cello after I asker if she planned on continuing to play thru college and she said no she can't afford school, dorms and instrument rental. I looked for programs that actually helped students like her but found nothing of actual use. You can do more help with your own money than giving it to the government or charities.

11111one11111 ,

I don't like the guy as much as the next but isn't it common knowledge Trump never fucked with drugs or alcohol? Or am I missing what you're referring to by spent the 80's?

11111one11111 ,

When the choice is between a conspired atrocity vs an active support of a genocide... ima go with the one that just says yeah we're guna kill them all.

11111one11111 ,

Na fuck that. Voting Democrat is voting against progression. Progression will be achieved by igniting the masses. You fuel the fire and the new growth is what will grow to the old forest for your grandkids kids who will never know or thank you will live in. Vote Trump and burn the fucker to the ground.

11111one11111 ,

Wait, the entirety of the FTC is 5 fucking people?

11111one11111 ,

Government ran entities are the bane of my existence but the FTC has always been a seemingly efficient and unbiased regulatory commission. They're fucked when it comes to regulating the tech industry but still less fucked than anyother boomer politician who vote on its laws.

I am a kid with the popcorn bucket entranced by the current and looming topic of intellectual property arguments. People rarely appreciate how fucking wild wild west the internet (even now) really is. Fuckin crawlers, scrapers, AI training all this shit is the smoke and tremors before Mt. St. Helen's.

You cant but a pack of gum anymore without agreeing to terms and conditions while at the same time its all but common knowledge none of them hold a lick of value in a court room.

The best part is normally in life you can have a decent gut feeling the way something will play out. But with this I have no fuckkng clue.

I mean aren't half the regulations around spamming emails covered by the FCC while the other half is FTC. Like think about this for a second. We live in 2024 where the internet is connected to implanted medical devices, it's tracking your driving habits, listening to you jerk off, storing every text message you ever sent, then backing up that plus every picture you ever took but surprisingly do not actually own all because it never leaves the apple servers...etc the point being how in the flying fuck is the there not a single regulatory committee over seeing the internet? IDK maybe it's because they would have to have open discussion about the very real very terrifying backdoor policy to software. Can't drop terabytes if child porn on you nemises' hard drive with out that little loophole in the system.

11111one11111 , (edited )

Psh 1 plug aint shit. Every Pic I see from anyone who lives out in those ghettos of India, Central America or any spacific islands they also only rock 1 plug but theyre running the corner store, the liquor store, the hospital, their style of little school middle school and old school, 3 hair salons if Latin or 3 nail salons if spasific, Bollywood, every stadium from every country in the world cup, and always 1 dude trying to squeeze 1 more plug in cuz hes runing low bats. Idk why the American ghetto is so pussy. One time i seen a family that fuckin put covers over empty sockets?!? Come on dog thats like wearing a condom jerking off. NGL tho, I get super jelly seeing pictures from those countries thp with their thousands of power lines, phone lines, sidelines, cable lines, borderlines, internet lines... fuck I don't know much about how my AOL works but those wizards must be streaming some Hella fast Tokyo banddrifts with all them wires.

11111one11111 ,

Shooting down Iranian dron3s and misses should not be your breaking point lol. This was the most justifiable action that has taken place since this shitshow started shitting.

11111one11111 , (edited )

Honestly I have no idea if this is close to being correct but I feel like grenades are similar enough to dynamite which is (I think-again no actual clue) still used for mining and construction. It'd be more problematic to delineate one as a construction tool and one as a death tool so they keep them all under the same umbrella. Again, this comment is 1000% unfounded guessing.

Edit: This I do know, federally legal does not mean legal for everyone! There is a similar procedure to follow for purchasing a silencer and I know a ton of people who have them that 50 miles south accross the PA or OH state line but there is absolutely no legal way or work around for me to legally own a silencer living in NYS.

11111one11111 ,

Silencers are used for hunting coyote and wild boar that devastate natural balance of ecosystems. Both are hunted at night and rely mostly on smell (for coyotes this is 1000x's amplified. They can fuckin smell you before you put your boots on to leave the house lol). Silencers allow you to take down multiple nuisances by limiting the area spooked by the gun shot.

My work around is an infrared scope gerririgged on a mount I machined to mount it on my cross bow. Dead silent hunting in the dead of night. Yet to actually kill a yote with it because I have to be 35yds optimally and I can never sit that still for a canine to be oblivious to me to get that close. Won't stop me tho, I'ts peaceful as fuck in the woods in the middle of th3 night lol.

11111one11111 ,

I saw that. There must be an exception for businesses tho, right? Dont they still blow up buildings when they need to come down?

I didnt look it up till your comment and my original comment was because I assumed it was still used based on the amount of roads I've seen on my way through the PA hills or going up to the ADKs where it looks like they drilled through the rocks every 10ft or so and I assumed it was for dynamite loads (giggety) they'd drop in each hole. Maybe they're just relief cuts tho. Lol someone should google this hahah.

11111one11111 ,

Psssshhhhh I've been on their lists since before anyone knew they had lists😎

11111one11111 ,

I know it's a flawed system but how else would you ensure everyone of our 300 million citizens are properly represented? I also recognize the preverse exploitation the EC allows but without it you would have every state voting whichever candidate the lagest Metropolitan region votes. The only presidential election that NY state ever voted republican for was the a
Regan landslide which wasn't even a testament to the victor. It was a result of the challenging candidate not winning a single fucking district other than his own and the district for his home town iirc.
Yes a lot can be said for the benefits of not having current Republicans in office but this country never stays still very long and there is no way of knowing 10-20 years from now that the democrats won't evolve into a super toxic party. Which without the EC would bind us to the scenario I explained above where we would have no escape.

11111one11111 ,

It amazes me how many people seem to forget how much the polls played in Trump's victory. The media practically encouraged people it 2ould be such a landslide for Hillary that people didn't bother to vote. Trump has never won an election. The fucking retards running the DNC keep losing elections by their own incompetence. I feel like we keep living out the episode of Avenue 5 where the actor playing the captain in a TV sitcom wins the fucking election. We haven't had a deserving president since Obama and in THIS election I would vote for Baldwin's SNL Trump over either of the geriatric fucks who are actually running.

11111one11111 ,

Trump wears his stupidity on his sleeve. Biden continues to lie thru his teeth that he is not supporting and funding a genocide. I'd rather know someone is an idiot than someone who is convinced they are not while murdering an entire civilization.

11111one11111 ,

Yes. As i already stated, I am more "cool" with someone who says they are going to commit war crimes than someone who is denying that they are actively committing war crimes while they actively supporting and funding a genocide.

11111one11111 ,

Really? The 3rd party candidates are all receiving funds from the GOP? You super sure about that or did you blatantly lie knowing only Kennedy received any funding from the GOP.

I feel like this is fruitless to explain if you could draw this conclusion for yourself. None of the 3rd party candidates are running to get anyone but themselves elected. Noone is going to risk the cost and exposure for ANY campaign unless they think they can win. If there is doubt, political strategy 101 is to just lay low and move focus to the next election.

All the GOP is following is another 101 tiered strategy: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. There wouldn't be a single suit in DC who would support anyone in either the GOP or DNC if they morally chose not to give donations to parties drawing voters away from the competition.

"They know anyone educated enough to seek out a moderate candidate wouldn’t have voted for Trump in the first place."

Whew, that's got to be the hottest take I've ever heard. Hahaha. So by this logic, all the intelligent undecides will be too smart to vote for Trump so they are going to support... someone who thinks chemicals in the water make you feel like a woman but grow a dick at the same time? Isn't that Kennedy's thing? Chemicals in the water are creating more transgenders?

You do realize Trump left office with 39% polling that they thought life would improve under another 4 years of Trump. As of this article, the same question polled with 42% supporting Trump now. Those additional 3% of support, sure as shit didnt come from devout liberals, right? They prolly more than likely had a chance of coming from the undecideds.

Either way, I'm not picking on you. You do you boo. I would just recommend not making arguments with 2 out of 3 paragraphs containing wildly incorrect information. People might think you're an idiot.🍻

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