
leaky_shower_thought , in He-Man Reborn: Nicholas Galitzine Steps into the Role for ‘Masters of the Universe’ Film

personally this news is amusing for me.

i understand the nostalgia behind it, but everytime i see he-man, the song and skeletor memes immediately pop up.

MehBlah , in I never noticed it was him in X-Men: Apocalypse

Dude is starting to give off Gary Oldman vibes.

MargotRobbie , in I never noticed it was him in X-Men: Apocalypse avatar

Also, great at tearing up the dance floor with woman shaped dolls.

(That's right, "Barbie" is actually a spiritual successor to "Ex Machina")

reef , avatar

Guess it is time to watch Ex Machina. It has slipped past me till now

That was amazing

Artyom , in Tom Cruise's "MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8" production has been delayed, again, due to submarine malfunction— budget said to be nearing $400M.

The last one was so bad it killed all enthusiasm I had in the whole series.

maegul Mod , avatar

It was oddly bad wasn't it. I described it as a parody of a good Mission Impossible film. Something was definitely off in the directing/writing of that film.

FiniteBanjo ,

I kind of stopped watching Tom Cruise films after finding out he's in an anti-science cult founded by rich people and occasionally murders people. Really puts a damper on his whole vibe.

cordlesslamp ,

I thought it was a satire joke from South Park?

FiniteBanjo ,

That would be nice, but sadly no.

fuckingkangaroos ,

I still watch sometimes, but never in a way that gives them money.

NigelFrobisher ,

Just saw it the other day and it was bloody awful. The actors looked like they wanted to die rather than say “entity” one more time, and it went on for nearly three hours despite having the plot of half a regular MI film. The high RT score doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

NigelFrobisher , in Tom Cruise's "MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8" production has been delayed, again, due to submarine malfunction— budget said to be nearing $400M.

Omg they’re going to kill Tiny Tom aren’t they? Don’t go in the billionaire sub Tom!

Emperor OP Mod , in Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?! avatar

I did also get this in my feed: Anya Taylor-Joy Is The Reason Mad Max Is Failing And It’s Not Her Fault

While she doesn't bring the same physicality to the role as Theron, I think she did a good job in the lead, especially with so few lines.

ringwraithfish ,

Agreed. I thought the movie was a great addition to the Mad Max films. As others have pointed out, some of the CGI was lacking, but other than that it was extremely enjoyable and well paced.

Veraxus ,

She was great. The movie was too long, too unfocused, and generally undercooked (bad CG, etc).

Some more time in the editing bay and the VFX shop and I think there would be a solid 9/10 movie there. As it stands, I’d call it a solid 7/10… but it’s 2024, and 7/10 isn’t going to get people into an inconvenient, overpriced, impractical theater.

Crashumbc ,

MOST movies are too long these days. Lopping 15 or even 25 minutes off many would make them a better movie overall.

Guntrigger ,

Interesring read I haven't seen it yet and am a fan of ATJs other work, but it kind of backs up my gut feeling she is an odd choice. Though I think I'm mainly disappointed we didn't get more Theron Furiosa.

I definitely will see it, but don't have a burning desire to go out to see it. In fact talking about it is making me more eager for another of rewatch Fury Road instead. I guess others are thinking similarly.

Emperor OP Mod , avatar

Though I think I’m mainly disappointed we didn’t get more Theron Furiosa.

Apparently, Miller wasn't happy with the de-aging technology.

JaseW , in Tom Cruise's "MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8" production has been delayed, again, due to submarine malfunction— budget said to be nearing $400M.

For some reason thought 7&8 were both filmed at the same time

circuitfarmer , in Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?! avatar

Personally, I'm tired of franchises. I don't want to see more money grabs when a movie does well. Let's bring new ideas to the table.

The industry has been so obsessed with reducing monetary risk that franchises have taken over.

scrubbles , avatar

I feel like most people think that too, yet the studios keep insisting.

I love marvel and Star wars. Doesn't mean that's the only thing I want to watch. Hire more writers and make what they suggest ffs

Emperor OP Mod , avatar

I don’t want to see more money grabs when a movie does well.

I agree, but that's not the case here - Miller wrote Fury Road, Furiosa and The Wasteland (a prequel featuring Mad Max) at the same time, so everyone would have the back stories leading up to Fury Road. Theron wanted to make Furiosa first and she was probably right to do so - Fury Road feels like it should have been the big spectacular finish to a trilogy that you build up to.

Nosavingthrow , in Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?!

I was aware of the movie but didn't see it because I'm sick of sequels and remakes and prequels and reboots fucking over and over again.

QProphecy , in Bill Skarsgård not happy with The Crow's ending avatar

This movie shouldn't have been made, period. Like many others, the original is too good to be dishonored with a remake...

UKFilmNerd OP Mod , avatar

I feel like the producers of the original film think they have a small cash cow as they have been behind every film since including this one. Although this film has taken over a decade to get to this point.

Emperor Mod , avatar

That's it, folks are looking around for other franchises and they are likely pitching this every chance they get, despite the "franchise" being one great film and quite a few cash-ins of diminishing quality.

I'm booked in to see the original in the cinema and I'm really looking forward to it. I'll go and see the new one too but don't expect much, which might mean I end up unexpectedly impressed by Bill Skarsgård's second one-man-army film of the year.

Drusas ,

Similar to how I feel. I'm sure Skarsgard will be great. I also think the remake is unnecessary and is almost certain to come very far from matching the quality of the first.

Also, if they don't nail the soundtrack, the whole movie is a failure. That soundtrack practically shaped my musical tastes and I still listen to many songs on it.

Emperor Mod , avatar

Also, if they don’t nail the soundtrack, the whole movie is a failure. That soundtrack practically shaped my musical tastes and I still listen to many songs on it.

That's an impossible task as the original soundtrack came together at the right time to create one of the best of all times. Anything they do will sound like they are trying to hard or not hard enough and the whole musical landscape is different.

Death_Equity ,

I hope they made a great film, but just like Heath Ledger's Joker, I don't think you can have a better Eric Draven than Brandon Lee.

I don't think the modern filmmaking process can make The Crow as good as the 90s filmaking did.

SpaceNoodle , in Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?!

I saw infinitely more marketing for Garfield, for which I have infinitely less interest in seeing.

Learned that Furiosa was released after watching Chris Hemsworth on Hot Ones, went to see it a couple days later, loved it.

Also movie tickets cost a fucking arm and a leg so we waited until discount day.

Audacious , in Tom Cruise's "MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8" production has been delayed, again, due to submarine malfunction— budget said to be nearing $400M.

His best movies are the lawyer ones earlier in his career. I don't like most of his action movies. Too bad he basically ruined Mission Impossible's formula.

jaschen ,

Tropic Thunder was pretty good tho.

IphtashuFitz ,

As an old school M:I devotee I couldn’t agree more. I still watch the original series fro time to time and thoroughly enjoy it.

I also cringe at the mental gymnastics over the plot of this new 2-part movie…. You’ve got an evil AI on board a Russian sub that tricks the crew into torpedoing itself. The crew all dies but the AI survives onboard the sunken sub. And despite being stuck on a blown-up sub at the bottom of the ocean the AI is still a serious global threat. On top of that a two-part physical key that is the only thing that can disable the AI somehow made it off the sub and everybody is scrambling to find them. Once the keys are recovered somebody (clearly Tom Cruises character) will have to get onto the sunken sub and destroy the AI.

Why doesn’t the US or UK just go shoot a few more torpedoes at the sunken sub and obliterate the AI once and for all? The need to suspend so much reality for this plot drives me nuts.

Couldbealeotard , avatar

The AI has made it out into the world, and the submarine has something that can stop it. The ai probably was recovered from the sub by the same people who went for the keys.

BroBot9000 , in ‘Furiosa,’ ‘Garfield’ lead slowest Memorial Day box office in decades avatar


Let them burn money on nonsense projects.
Maybe if they loose enough money they will finally learn to stop it with the franchise milking and remakes.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

The 2 top grossing movies on that list are milling franchises, though.

BroBot9000 , avatar

The milked franchise is the one burning money and won’t make its 168 million budget.

If you judge quality purely by sales then you must be the reason we’re getting another fast and furious movie.

feedum_sneedson ,

I've got a franchise, Greg.

thorbot ,

Can you milk me, focker?

MimicJar ,

I'm not sure you can call Furiosa franchise milking.

Apart from sharing a name the 2015 film came out 30 years after the previous film and has little to actually connect them apart from the main characters name and the general theme. If it wasn't the same director it would be just a love letter to those films instead of a reboot.

Furiosa is a prequel that came out 9 years later.

Making a film and then a follow up 9 years later is FAR from milking a franchise.

Additionally both stories are completely new and not remakes.

BroBot9000 , avatar

So why didn’t they name it something new instead?

Go on come up with an original name for your story about new characters that aren’t a part of an existing franchise.

Oh wait.. they revived a 9 year old brand that’s been dead for 30 years prior to milk some more nostalgia from the fans wallets.

MimicJar ,

What the fuck are you talking about.

The original director revived a 30 year old movie franchise. In doing so completely reset the story.

Call the film "Fury Road" staring "Mad Matt" and you'd be calling it a visionary new story with tasteful callbacks to 80s action films.

Then we get a prequel to the film 9 years later. In what world is that milking? A follow up to a film isn't milking a franchise.

BroBot9000 , (edited ) avatar

In doing so completely reset the story.

Reseting the existing timeline doesn’t mean it’s a new product or a new story. It’s the same franchise still.

Call the film "Fury Road" staring "Mad Matt" and you'd be calling it a visionary new story with tasteful callbacks to 80s action films.

Yes. But it’s not. It’s another sequel. (Prequel is still a continuation of a franchise)

So many shows and movies could have been new standalone stories but have a brand tacked on because of sales and marketing bull.

Ptsf ,

Lol I agree with you somewhat, but I think you're too lost in the sauce here. There are plenty of egregious examples of Hollywood and movie studios doing what you dislike (Batman rings some bells...), but this ain't it chief.

Socsa ,

Furiosa was great though. George Miller is actually making original scripts and doing a great job of it. You should support this if you don't want more Marvel and Star Wars focus group fluff.

SomeGuy69 , in I never noticed it was him in X-Men: Apocalypse

I like him most in Dune.

Telodzrum ,

Well yeah, because Leto I is an awesome dad and a textbook benevolent dictator.

UraniumBlazer ,

Oh, he's a dictator? Interesting... I thought the Atreidis were feudal lords

Telodzrum ,

The Great Houses in the Dune universe rule fiefdoms as bestowed by the Emperor (and their ancestral planets, generally). So, they are feudal lords but they also exercise near total authority on their worlds. House Corrino has a semi-checked (by the Lansraad and somewhat by CHOAM and the Spacing Guild) authority over everything in known space, but rarely exerts it directly so the leaders of the Great Houses effectuate complete control over their planets and the populaces of them.

style99 , in Sim-ply unfilmable? Inside The Sims movie that never was

You would assume that Barbie would be the tougher one, considering it already had a media empire. Sims is really just the ultimate incarnation of SimCity.

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