Off My Chest

ArbiterXero , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

Elder millennial checking in…

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to do more to make the world better.

Stick with me little bro, I’ll pave the best path I can so you can march on after my time has passed.

Orbituary , avatar

Youngest Gen X/Millennial cusp, here.

OP blames Millennials. I blame Boomers. Boomers don't blame Silents. Boomers got the boon, but it's not their fault either.

WWI and WWII created an unprecedented opportunity and glut of wealth. That wealth drove greed. Greed motivated bad behavior, which eroded the notion of worker loyalty in lieu of profits. More greed broke wage and productivity models, broke company loyalty, broke common decency... Rinse, lather, repeat, ad nauseum.

We're all fucked. I wake up nightly when I don't smoke enough weed to keep me sedated. I wake up and wonder why I try daily. I'm treading water. For a pittance.

Fuck our government. Not boomers. Not Gen X. Not Millennials. Not Gen Z. Fuck corporations. Fuck politicians. Fuck the police. Fuck our systemic need for validation and fame.


Shampoo_Bottle OP , avatar

It's a bit late, but I don't think you saw my edit. I don't blame any one person, expect the people who DO say those things.

Amazing people come from every generation and every walk of life. I'm not going to write of millions and millions of people off of the actions of a few bad apples.

I think I would feel like I failed as a person if I did, to be honest. There are way too many nuanced situations and too many different life stories to even try to fit so many people into one box. That's the exact problem that I was talking about.

No large group is a monolith. Please ignore the poor phone grammar and reread the post, including the edit. I did not blame Millenials for the state of things. I am just disappointed in the specific ones who do the same things that they complained abour boomers doing. That is not all Millenials, and if you happen to feel like it is, you should meet more Millenials. Awesome people come from every background.

If EVERY single older person was bad, WWII would have ended in a much worse state than it did.

ParabolicMotion OP , in We are so close to getting treatment for my cat.

To all of Blue’s donors, thank you! Donations are still being sent to his fund by some of you, and I am so grateful! I don’t have money to repay you, but if any of you ever need a blood donation, or a bone marrow donation, please email me. Since I thanked all of Blue’s donors by email, they should be able to reach me. You are all wonderful people!

mycoffeeisready , in The staggeringly-idiotic company Brother (printers) won't let you update your email (which is your account name), but also won't let you register the same printer on a new account (with the new email)

This is why i havent bought my own printer. That shit is a scam industry. 15 years ago printers already had plenty of issues and now it's only gotten worse with this type of shenanigans

givesomefucks ,

Brothers is one of the few good brands left...

The only reason to register is a warranty, but I've never heard of anyone needing to use one for one of these.

OP is complaining that it's slightly difficult to do something with no benefits no one is making them do...

Agent641 , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

Don't give up now, we need your strong, youthful bodies to hoist the blades on the guillotines.

jdf038 ,

I mean I can try as an older millenial but if the Committee on Public Safety drug tests for workers comp injuries I might be SOL

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I thought the Millennial Council has agreed that Drugs Are Good In Moderation?

jdf038 ,

Yeah but also as a millennial I don't trust bureacracies.

mrcleanup ,

I'd encourage you to run or volunteer to be a part of your local bureaucracy but they all operate during regular business hours, so I'm afraid that's mainly just available to retirees and the rich.

vladmech , in 25 donations and more to go!

Hell yeah, that’s awesome! Donating blood’s one of those things not nearly enough people do consistently.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

So true!

Colour_me_triggered , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

M8 I'm a millennial and almost 40. I've only just managed to buy property. (The cheapest I could find in my city despite having what would normally be considered a comfortable middle class income). I get it. But on the bright side, the boomers will all be dead soon and as long as gen X know their fucking place, we can fix this shit hole together.

Things will get better, we just need old age to take care of a few of the people in charge.

Huschke ,

I'm not sure about your country, but at least in my country the most popular political party among young people (especially uneducated men) is the right-wing party so I doubt think things will get better when the boomers die out.

Adalast ,

It'll only get better if the Boomers leave their houses to their kids like has been done for centuries instead of cashing out on their "investment" and selling to a landleech.

PlasticExistence ,

Not so, because the real issue is that they won't be around to keep voting for fascists. Millennials aren't skewing further to the political right as they age as was the case with the Boomers.

With Gen Z being so over all this shit already, together we will have a much better starting position for change.

Adalast ,

Well, yes, there is all of that. You actually articulated the reasoning for one of my most ludicrous conspiracy theories that I pray is not true.
"The right is being manipulated by the wealthy to evangelically push for the systematic disenfranchisment of groups to return to the 'original constitution' where only white land-owners are allowed to vote. Simultaneously they are attempting to create a rental society where the vast majority of citizens never have the opportunity to purchase any real property, so thus under endeavor (A) they are unable to vote, and thus there will never be progressive policies and we fall under a corporate totalitarian oligarchy."

I know it is not true. I'm sure some people out there want to see that happen, and I'm sure Clearance Thomas would happily vote in favor of it, but it is something that hopefully would be kiboshed after the first active disenfranchisement was attempted. shrug we all have to have some insane theory, right?

ArcaneSlime ,

Clearance Thomas

85% off Thomas in this doorbuster deal...

doublejay1999 , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

Get some help with your mental health.

You’ve become wrapped up in this generational wars which is entirely, 100% fake and media generated.

Colour_me_triggered ,

To an extent. But income inequality and the housing crisis is manufactured by the older generations. In my city it's impossible to rent a 3 bedroom house because ALL the houses are being horded by established home owners and rented on Airbnb. They have a VERY comfortable life and don't need the extra income. It's just greed. Meanwhile people under 45 basically have to get assistance from parents and also have good jobs in order to have any hope of buying a home. (A flat/condominium of course, no way we could afford a detached house).

doublejay1999 , avatar


“Capitalism, Did, This”

crumbtalk ,

You're commenting on a post in a community dedicated to venting frustration. What entitles you to tell someone they should get help with their mental health? OP's feelings aren't invalid just because you've generalized their thoughts into being "wrapped up in this generational wars".

AA5B ,

God point, thanks. I was going to reply to several and hadn’t noticed

AA5B ,

My first reaction was seeing an analogy to an article in c/Science on dementia. The breakthrough was that neurons are not killed directly from protein clumps in the brain, but their stress reaction gets turned on and stays on until they die. The analogy was, imagine bright lights are on, and you can’t turn them off. …. seems like this is the same. Yeah, the world sucks in many ways. (It’s also much better in others but we’ll ignore that for now. ) The point is internet culture and always on electronics keep sending a flood of stressful news, information, and falsehoods ….. your stress reaction gets turned on and you can’t turn it off. You’re under the glare of a spotlight that you can’t turn off. There’s no peace or calm, you can’t make it stop.

How can we make it stop? Can we focus on moderating our constant exposure (wearing shades and sunblock)? Do we have to give it up? Can we redirect it somehow?

krashmo , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I've never heard a millennial talk down about Gen Z in real life aside from a few cultural comments that every generation deals with. Stuff like "why are they so into anime?" The rest of what you're talking about seems more like internet drama to me than widely held beliefs.

Remmock ,

Millennial here. We’re the generation that paved the way by being “so into anime”. Never heard that statement about Gen Z before.

Kolanaki , avatar

Fidget spinners were the first fad that had me going "kids these days are weird." And I'm sure some old dude said that about my generation when Pogs were huge.

I_Miss_Daniel ,

Weren't yo-yos kinda odd too though?

Kolanaki , avatar

I've seen a headline from a really old newspaper that was like "DO BOOKS CAUSE VIOLENCE IN YOUTH?" and it read like the kind of article you'd see applied to video games now. But with books.

ezmack , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I don't know where you're at in your career but as an older millenial genx or boomers complaining about your work ethic is a joke dude. They ran these companies into the fucking ground lmao. When I was younger I kind of liked that office space 'nothing matters' affect but man, you do not want to work with/rely on those people at all.

Was kinda nice seeing the shift to writing think pieces about zoomers after all the shit they talked about millennial over the years but they'll move on. Just ignore it. But seriously watch these people at work they're useless. My parents paid for college with a summer job; I worked 40+ hour weeks in high-school. There's no comparison on work ethic here

Ultragigagigantic , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

I’m heavily disappointed with a certain group of Millenials for following the exact same things that they’ve complained about for multiple years. You can’t complain about being judged as an entire generation while also complaining about another entire generation without being a hypocrite. Millions of people are usually not a single monolith, sorry to tell you. You are not an exception. No one is.

It's the 1% vs the working class, not generation vs generation.

Although the 1% would sure love it if we divided ourselves in more easily managed groups

Croquette ,

It is not just the 1%. I've heard many friends complaining that the younger generation ask for more and refuse to be given less like it is a bad thing.

awwwyissss , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I feel your pain. I've lost faith in humans. I saw a post on here saying something like "I actually think people are great", and just thought wow, ignorance is bliss.

Thankfully older generations are dying. You said some disparaging things about your generation at the beginning of your post, and that's not how I see you. I see hope in your generation. I'm excited for you to grow up and take over from the shitheads running the show now.

For what it's worth, remember that older generations have heavy metal and other pollutants in their brains. Also, it takes time for societies to change.

klemptor ,

remember that older generations have heavy metal

Fuck yeah we do 🤘🏻🎸🎙

and other pollutants in their brains

...oh. :(

awwwyissss ,

Maybe it's both!

card797 , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

It's gonna be ok. We're gonna take over at some point and stop this dumbfuckery. We'll do it together.

Damage , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

All the generational crap is just another "war of the poors". It's foolish to antagonize people based on their age, the real issue is the structure of our society.

uienia ,

It is indeed one of the most succesful "divide and conquer" propaganda tactics reactionaries have ever come up with. People are different and have grown up in different environments regardless of their age. Generation theory is basically the astrology of sociology.

magnusrufus ,

The effects kind of make it obvious too. Blame the other generations regardless of their individual beliefs or their financial and political status. Just wait till they are all dead then magically things will get better.

Hugin , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

Elder gen X. Your generation does seem unmotivated. But I think it's justified. Jobs expect a lot and offer very little to your generation. Why toil for little reward for a company that dump you the moment something better comes along. Why try to save for a house you will probably never be able to buy in world on fire.

It's like when employers say people don't want to work anymore. Well yeah people don't want to work. That's what wages are a bribe to get you to do something you don't want to do. If the bribe isn't good enough then people won't take it.

klemptor ,

Your generation does seem unmotivated.

I don't know man, they called us the Slacker Generation at the time. The world Gen Z is inheriting is a goddamn disaster. At least we could get a degree in something silly like Philosophy and still expect to get a well-paying job, because a degree (any degree) was a ticket to a nice life, and it didn't put you in the poorhouse. Gen Z is fucked.

BruceTwarzen , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

That's fine, same happened to millenials a few years ago.

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