Off My Chest

cerement , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar
Shampoo_Bottle OP , avatar

It's terrible. This shouldn't have had to be a thing.

Cuttlefish1111 , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

The only real solution is the elimination of billionaires running the world. Do your part

orphiebaby Mod , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

Note from moderator: The comments here are walking a thin line and I'm not always sure which to remove. But here's my advice for y'all:

I'm not against people saying OP likely has schizophrenia and has paranoid delusions. I'm not sure how insensitive it may be to make those arguments. But for the love of god please watch your tone and phrasing, and use some common-sense empathy when people are struggling with mental health. I'm removing a few of the more callous-sounding comments, but I'm not sending any warnings unless they're really mean. Thank you.

Update: also feel free to report comments if you think they are too mean.

givesomefucks ,

You removed mine for saying the name of the thing OP appears to be experiencing...

Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people.[1] The term is associated with the "targeted individual" ("T.I.") virtual community formed by like-minded individuals who claim their lives are disrupted from being stalked by organized groups intent on causing them harm

Not sure if you knew that or thought it was an insult.

But it's highly relevant and people experiencing this can benefit from seeing that it is a relatively common thing that can manifest from paranoia. Just being aware of it can help break them out of it.

orphiebaby Mod , (edited )

That's not why I removed it. If you're trying to post a helpful comment in response to a mental health issue, I recommend phrasing it in a way that doesn't sound ambiguously toxic. That's not a rule or demand, it's just why I removed it.

Update: For context, it was a minimalistic statement along the lines of "I thought all the gang stalker victims were on Reddit" or something-- I forget the exact phrasing. I only removed that and one other comment here, and performed no other moderator actions; because I couldn't tell the intention of the commenter, and I'm not here to "crack down" on people unnecessarily. If I took the nature of the comment the wrong way, then 1. so could OP, which is the point of the removal, and 2. you can always try posting again in a different way. We're all chill here, or so I hope, fam.

Welcome to being a mod-- people will always think you either do too little or do too much, and your decision is always wrong. I've accepted this. But I do like to be transparent and chill.

givesomefucks ,


Thanks for telling me why you did then I guess...

orphiebaby Mod ,

I further updated my explanation, there you go.

ParabolicMotion OP , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

I would like the mods to examine the IP addresses of the people leaving abusive comments on my post. I have concerns that these comments are from one individual from the same IP address, or perhaps a group of men in their 30’s-40’s who are all related, and living in the same local area as me. Please consider that the ones stalking me do not draw the line at social media. They are browsing my posts and comments.

orphiebaby Mod ,

I promise you these are all different people, just responding how they naturally would to posts such as yours. The internet can be a mean place, and some people are easier targets than others. And it's unlikely any of the commenters here know you personally.

Either way-- regardless of which events may not be happening-- your issues sound tough. Please speak to a professional mental health worker, and I wish you well.

amio , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

So... either the entire world is stalking you, or you have severe psychiatric issues. Please see a health specialist if at all possible.

Nobody here can help you, nor should they try.

Maxxus , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

I’m a stranger on the internet, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I was into your story up until you said planes and helicopters were flying low over your home. It sounds like you may suffering from some level of schizophrenia or other paranoia related condition. Get evaluated, or don’t, but I hope you find peace.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Today’s helicopter was a local police helicopter. One summer, in 2013, my parents took my son with them on an out of town trip, and I was home alone, house sitting for them. I decided to tan topless to avoid tan lines, as I sat alone, by their swimming pool. About fifteen minutes later, a law enforcement chopper flew over our backyard and began to hover over it. It stayed there long enough for me to grab a towel and move out of their backyard, and into the house. After I left the backyard, they flew away. I’d that paranoid? I was harassed by the same organization that later ordered me to be strip searched four years later, with the door open, for male staff members to watch. They could probably put any label they want on my file, and people like you would dismiss me. They could also do the same thing to your spouse, your mother, your sister, or even you. If you later post that something similar has/is happening to you, I won’t call you any mental labels.

Maxxus ,

I’m not going to dig into the details because I can’t convince you your experienced reality isn’t real. Paranoia can stem from delusions, a key factor in your story is that most people, even those close to you, aren’t backing up your experiences.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I never mentioned the views of anyone who is close to me, or claimed they aren’t backing me. I worry that you might be one of the individuals stalking me, and trying to discredit my claims. I wonder where you’re located and how you just stumbled upon my post. Is this even a forum you frequently browse? My post is also new. It hasn’t been viewed enough times to become popular. What led you to my post? Why would you be making claims about family and friends (people close to me) when I haven’t mentioned the views of my family and friends in any of this.

Nawor3565 ,

This post is on the front page of Lemmy when sorting by hot, just fyi (that's how I found it). Lemmy is a small forum so it doesn't take much to get to the front page.

Kernal64 ,

There are several red flags that this is a mental health issue before that point IMO, but yeah, that's for sure the clincher.

I hope you can find a measure of peace, OP. My opinion is that you should really seek an evaluation, but whatever path you take, I hope things improve for you.

TheChurn ,

Yes - this reads like textbook paranoid delusions.

While there are certainly cases of police abusing their authority to harass people over personal grievances, this level, for this long, and involving this many third parties stretches belief.

Tar_alcaran ,

I'm not a psychologist, but I'm a true pro at wikipedia-diagnosis. Let me leave this here:

Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people. The term is associated with the "targeted individual" ("T.I.") virtual community formed by like-minded individuals who claim their lives are disrupted from being stalked by organized groups intent on causing them harm

ParabolicMotion OP , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

There is always someone who upvotes, or downvotes everything I post, or comment, within minutes of putting it online. Even when I post something in a low traffic forum, like offmychestgood. I am fairly certain that the ex of mine who works for the sheriff’s department, is sniffing my phone, and using his law enforcement gear to stalk me online. I am tired of being stalked. I know he will most likely be the first person to view this comment, and it will most likely be downvoted immediately.

kebabslob ,

Those may also be bots. Its a public facing API so I don't think its too difficult to set up

ParabolicMotion OP ,

True, but in 2016, I rolled over in bed, and saw my phone screen light up on its own, and apps being opened without anyone touching my screen. It only happened once, and I never saw that happen again, but it looked like someone was opening my settings on my phone, with a Remote Desktop sort of application. That was three years after all of this began. I think my ex boyfriend began sniffing my phone, and maybe even hacking it. The fact that he was present to hand me a folder of forms at the sheriff’s facility, after I called to arrange a time to pick them up, tells me that he has the ability to stalk me through my phone. I doubt someone at the desk turned around and read off the names of people picking up records, so that he could be there to interfere.

Nawor3565 ,

Sorry to say, that but that sort of thing doesn't really exist. Not on iPhone and not on Android. If they did somehow manage to hack your phone, it would not show up on the screen in a visible way, it would happen in the background without your knowledge.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I really think you may want to seek medical help for schizophrenia. I mean, what do you have to lose? At best, it could solve all of this, and at worst, you've wasted some time and are back to square one.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Yeah, it does exist. Splashtop remote desktop app can do that. So can Blue Stacks. With blue stacks, all you need is a phone number and email account of the person who created an iCloud account for their iPhone. As soon as you have those two items, you can access their screen remotely. I used it once on my own device to try to remotely control my mobile screen while projecting a work related game on a larger screen. It worked really well, but if the owner of a mobile device wasn’t the one using it, it could become illegal.

Nawor3565 ,

BlueStacks is for emulating an android phone on a PC. It's not a remote desktop app, and regardless such apps can't be used to control iPhones due to the way iOS sandboxes applications from the system.

Either way, all such apps need to have connections approved by hand on the device they're connecting to. I think Occam's Razor applies here- is there really a world-class hacker breaking into your phone using crappy, easy-to-spot remote desktop software? Or is there a simpler explanation?

visnae ,

Nono they do exist. We use them in lab setups.

GluWu , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • phoukas ,

    That's pretty callous. This is obviously someone in a long-term battle with their mental health. It's not hard to just scroll past instead of leaving a hurtful comment.

    givesomefucks , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

    Man, I thought the gang stalking community stayed on Reddit?

    paysrenttobirds , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

    I don't have any advice, but I want to say I am very sorry you are going through this and have had this hanging over your life for so many years.

    ParabolicMotion OP ,

    Thanks. By the time anyone bothers to investigate it, my exes will probably no longer work for law enforcement, and new law enforcement will be sifting through old employee records. I just hope no one makes good on those death threats before then. I have been trying to pay off debts that I incurred from changing jobs. I have debt due to all of the bullying. It has been almost impossible to put any income towards savings, to prepare for my retirement. At 35, the idea of retirement is not that far away from now. If I keep being bullied out of jobs by all of this, I won’t be able afford to exist after age 60. I can barely afford to exist now. I miss having a contracted job, with health benefits. My kids lost their health care coverage when all of this happened. So did I, but after signing over my kids, they were picked up by my mother’s health insurance. Every time I start to rebuild my life, I’m bullied out of it.

    wesker , in I wanna try out vtubing avatar

    Who cares, have fun man. Don't over think it, and just start trying things.

    randomdeadguy , in Loud engine and street cars


    rob_t_firefly , in My parents paid for my vacation aboard a cruise ship, and I hate it. avatar

    This sort of thing may be the ultimate fun time for them, and they may have just wanted to give you what they see as the ultimate fun time, but it's not that for you. It's okay that different people like different recreational things, and sometimes people with their hearts in the right place still need to be reminded of that fact. So, you can be gracious about the gift but keep this writeup.

    When this is over, you can politely thank your parents for the gift and say no more if you want. But if they press the issue and genuinely want to know how you felt about it, if they really want you to be honest, you could tell them what you've just told us. If in the future they invite you to another cruise and give you any guff about taking no for an answer, tell them what you told us. You can still express gratitude that they gave you the chance to give this a fair shake, and politely decline repeating the experience. "I tried and it's just not for me" is a valid takeaway from this, both for you and for them.

    NounsAndWords , in My parents paid for my vacation aboard a cruise ship, and I hate it.

    I got told shit like “you’re getting a free vacation” and “how many opportunities like this are you going to get” and “we tried our best to accommodate you.”

    "Yes, and it must really not be our thing if we are saying no to all of that."

    Sometimes you need to pick a position and dig in your heels. Even when they start pushing and you start doubting yourself you can remember that you already made your choice...but not so easy when something is just suddenly thrown at you and you don't get an opportunity to think on it first.

    A lot of the experiences you described sound a lot like stuff I deal with. Have you ever been tested for autism?

    themeatbridge , in Fuck the mods of r/freecompliments and r/trueoffmychest too

    One time, I received a message from some mods that I had been permabanned and muted from some random sub where I barely participated. I had been banned because I made a comment in a thread I found in r/all. Apparently the thread was from a differen sub dedicated to some kind of bigotry, and making a single comment calling them bigots was enough to get me auto banned from an unrelated sub.

    That was years ago, and I don't think it's gotten any better.

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