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milicent_bystandr ,

I dunno though... The power of love is a curious thing.

I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations. ( )

I am truly honored. I hope every blood donation I gave was able to help save a life. I always wonder about how the recipients are doing, and what circumstances led them to need a life saving blood transfusion. The blood bank keeps all of that private for security reasons, of course, along with the name of the donors who donate....

milicent_bystandr ,

Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese.

Like no cheese I've ever tasted.

(Just beware of vending machines with dreams of skiing.)

milicent_bystandr ,

You know what comes out of their bums?!

milicent_bystandr ,

Turn your life around with this ancient trick!

milicent_bystandr ,

Efficiency in produce per monetary cost. But for efficiency of human health per natural resources, I think gardening might be a winner.

milicent_bystandr ,

I mean, say you have a certain amount of natural resources (land, chemicals, organisms) and you want to maximise health; or you have a certain standard of health and want to minimise resources used.

To put it another way, I think if across the whole of society we had more small-scale gardening that would be a benefit to human health and the environment compared to exclusively using large scale farming.

Conversely, if the goal is maximum financial profit, or absolute quantity of produce, it is more 'efficient' - i.e. more quantity of your goal for less quantity of your cost - to do large scale farming.

milicent_bystandr ,

Sounds pretty defeatist to me.

milicent_bystandr ,

That seems to be what you're doing. "Only the wealthy can live healthy" and giving up on discussion to change that.

milicent_bystandr ,

*proposes way to help*

"Noo! You're fleeing from the problems"

Good. You go ahead and work on you proposals to improve industrial agriculture. I might not think that's a complete solution, but it's not defeatist. Saying, "only the wealthy can eat healthy" and leaving it at that, sounded defeatist.

But I hope you can agree my support of more people doing home gardening - also not a complete solution - is a suggestion of how to improve things, not defeatist. You might disagree with its utility. You certainly disagree with it being a solution for everybody. But need you attack it as defeatist and running from problems?

milicent_bystandr ,

Okay I've re-read back to your first comment and I think I see what you mean, now.

You mean, that you see gardening as something available only to the wealthy, so discussion of gardening helping with health is of no relevance/help to the question of how to improve the situation for the less wealthy, right?

I see your point. When I chimed in with gardening's 'efficiency', I wasn't trying to think of it as a solution for all people. That said, I do think some of the less industrial methods of farming are worth more effort. Maybe more people having gardens, rooftop aquaponics allotments. Small/local farming collectives. These things can help the balance be more in favour of getting the most health and human benefit, rather than the most money for shareholders and owners.

milicent_bystandr ,

That's morphemes, rather than a phonetic alphabet, right? Unless the whales have become literate?

milicent_bystandr ,

Thank you, I was mixing up terms. I suppose I was thinking of phonemes, but I see they're also not purely the sound... Though (I didn't actually read the article yet!) I wondered if that is what they think they found: units of sound that can vary in exact audio/phonetic expression but 'mean' the same sound to the whales. (And from which longer audible communication structures are built.)

Okay, side thought, since I'm also tired and don't feel like looking things up properly:

In simple communication, such as one might assume whale-baleen* to be, perhaps a one to one mapping of phonemes to morphemes is likely.

*I think the baleen is that krill-filtering thing you were after?

milicent_bystandr ,

Dog not broken. Dog is slow dog. Slow dog go slow. Slow dog live slow. Slow dog live long.

milicent_bystandr ,

There's a certain kinship.

milicent_bystandr ,

common animals


"And here on your left you will see a prime example of the common European prince. No longer afforded a natural habitat, the nation of Britain has built special reserves for these princelings and other royalty, called palaces. On certain days you can observe royals being transported in specially equipped vehicles from one palace to another to encourage mating."

milicent_bystandr ,

People take pictures of those, too, I think.

milicent_bystandr ,

Just don't touch them. AFAIK They're one of few species in America that can give you leprosy.

(Though if, by chance, you do catch leprosy, it is in fact very easily treatable. It's the already-done damage from banging toes and touching fire and things, if you catch it late, that's harder to repair.)

milicent_bystandr ,

So, something the better journalists have to be careful with, is using neutral language even in certain clearly one-sided situations. That's not just to not upset people on both sides; it helps to inform the truth to those who want to read carefully and critically.

If I read, "beware! The right-wingers are conspiring to make a fascist government!" then all I can do is shrug at another sensationalist conspiracy clickbait.

If I read factual details of things said, done and published by said right-wingers: it turns out I'm capable myself of seeing something is bad or good. Sure, it's still the journalist's job to interpret the facts to a degree, but those facts should be as transparent as possible and attaching inflammatory language, even if appropriate, often obscures that.

There is a place for opinion writers. But we need, I think, more of the less-opinioned honest truth for honest people. Even if that scares you that readers might not take up your call to arms as quickly as you think they ought.

Sorry, that went a bit off the rails, because I'm not quite sure how to express - though I still think it's true - the important place for journalism that doesn't call a spade a spade but tells you its shape so you can understand.

milicent_bystandr ,

I just want to throw in here, that the 'silent majority' used to mean the dead.

* according to a comic I read on the internet, but meh, maybe I'll look it up later

milicent_bystandr ,

Real Journalism is discussing the situation on its own implications, merits and demerits, and presenting options and explaining their pros and cons.


The whole "both sides" reporting is an artifact of it being Propaganda in a system with a Power Duopoly

Both sides is a falacy since for most human subjects it's incredibly rare for there to be only two options.

'Both sides' is also a shorthand for both or more. I like your description of "discussing the situation on its own implications..." but I think it's common in human discourse to frame things in two main perspectives and discuss from there.

milicent_bystandr ,

This was posted before the collision of the Indian subcontinent plate into Asia and the formation of the Himalayas.

milicent_bystandr ,

Apparently 'convincing' can be... persuasive.

milicent_bystandr ,

But-- if you stop deforestation, rapid growth and poor working conditions for low-paid labourers, the economy will slow and I might have to invest more of my personal time in farming, instead of enjoying my farming sim!

milicent_bystandr ,

I love it!

-- @Evil_Shrubbery

Well yes, you would.

milicent_bystandr ,

Murder is good, racism bad;
Sorry, <insert ethic slur here> that's the best take I had.

milicent_bystandr ,

Is it new? I got the impression that's also been going on a while.

milicent_bystandr ,

I've always been extremely against having bots posting here.

As are all who live to see such times.

Except certain transparent bots that serve a clear, particular purpose. Like, we could have a bot that adds a new honorific to your description every time someone says, "oh hey, I saw a Margot Robbie on TV! Is that you?"

MargotRobbieHonorificBot: That's Her Esteemed Greatness The GOAT Academy Award Deserver And Future Empress Of The High Seas Margot Robbie!

milicent_bystandr ,

What if it's an actress, does that count? Or is it like, yeah, that's just her character saying that.

milicent_bystandr ,

Or, the neighbourhood starts a new trend for duckling soup...

milicent_bystandr ,

Is that brown friend the ham to smoke? Or did the mouse smoke too much of that powdered ham?

But yes I think this is the wrong community.

Should I join "free speech" alternatives?

Hello! I've been searching for a reddit alternative, and yes, I've picked Lemmy and Raddle, but here's the thing. My morbid curiosity is perked up, and a part of me wants to join the "free speech" alternatives, like Saidit, Poal, etc. What's wrong with me that I want to join toxic places? I mean, yes I'll find a whole new...

milicent_bystandr ,

Perhaps an unpopular take, but my suggestion would be to think if you can come from the perspective of love: do you love these people, and care about them, though they've believed lies? Can you converse with them with respect, listening to why they feel how they do, and be patient to bring truth only to help them, not to self-righteously vindicate yourself?

Then again, this is the internet, so if you jump in, post inflammatory memes, pat yourself on the back for being so clever, and jump out again, and show us the results; perhaps I'll giggle along with the rest of us.

For a different take, you might like to note that part of the effectiveness of propaganda is not a good rational explanation but repeated asserted lies. Jumping into a different set of assertions can help pop you out of ones you've wrongly believed from your own background - but it can also wear you down to believe, or half believe, what the other community is saying even if it's without merit. Keep a check on the things you read: What's the actual source behind this? Could these be repeatedly misconstruing that thing in the same way (so they look coherent but aren't)? Is there some useful truth in here I missed? And is there a subtle lie attached to the truth? And there's lots of other helpful questions you can ask: but keep a sensible head and be prepared to step back and look at something else.

milicent_bystandr ,

I feel for you, though that's where the true test of compassion is.

milicent_bystandr ,

Britain's Horizon

... Wait, that was Britain too

milicent_bystandr ,

Lol, the leftist memes I see look just as much kneejerk propaganda reinforcement.

More a case of,

When I look at my side's meme, it's humorous relief at the horror of the other side's madness.

When I look at the other side's meme, it's dumb echo chamber and propaganda.

When they look at their meme, they're dumb and reinforcing their dumb biases with no thought.

When they look at my meme, it challenges them to think and they don't like that.

milicent_bystandr ,

Because there all dumb so i must call them dumb

milicent_bystandr ,

So, leftist memes are long and nuanced? Leftists must not hang around Lemmy and Reddit then, because by the time I see anything long and nuanced around here it's not a meme any more.

Moreover, a short, meme-length satire absolutely can challenge and give reason to change, as it draws attention to the incongruity in the reader's expectations. If course it can also be dumb, wrong, maligned or ignored.

No, I do think this post is essentially "my memes clever, your memes dumb"; and, "stop having fun at your own satire. You're all stupid and you need to know you're all stupid"; and back again, "see guys, I called them stupid. Now we can all feel relief and walk away."

Boring endnote, please stop reading...

I take to the comments again to complain that there's too much oversaturation of defending good things with dumb takes. I'm not, above, trying to defend right-wing memes; what frustrates me so often on Lemmy and Reddit is seeing good values - caring for the poor, having justice in society, treating women with respect, making policies with science not assumptions... - seeing good and important things defended often with lies, ad hominem attacks and other bad takes. If your true goal is for the 'poor' to win, then lies and tantrums make superficial logical sense, but (a) watch your necks when today's poor become tomorrow's rich and (b) do you actually care for the poor or is it "my segment of society" win? But if your true goal is for society to be good and kind and just and honest, then while you fight for justice, be just; and be honest, while you fight for honesty; and be kind to those you don't like, while you fight for people in power to be kind even to those they don't like; and choose your sources with integrity when you fight for science; and consider your own views when you fight for people to seek truth outside their echo chambers. But do you care about the people you're memeing to? Or do you really want to make yourself look good.

milicent_bystandr ,

Begging your pardon, I mean the attitude of the meme(r) is "people dumb therefore I must call dumb".

P.S. some do seem to be pretty dumb though

milicent_bystandr ,

That missile hurt him more than it did the wizard.

milicent_bystandr ,

This was the topic of discussion between an historian, a mathematician and a mystic.

The historian said, "writing. The ability to put words on paper to be communicated to people who never even met the 'speaker', is the single greatest achievement of mankind."

The mathematician said, "no, numbers. The ability to express and develop truly abstract concepts, which in turn leads to Incredible real applications. Numbers are the single greatest invention of mankind."

The mystic said, "the Thermos flask."

"The Thermos flask?"

"The Thermos flask. It keeps hot drinks hot in the winter, and cold drinks cold in the summer. But think - that little flask - how does it know?"

milicent_bystandr ,

Who stop at 60? Immortal dogs!

This is your father's dog. An elegant puppy for a more civilised age. Take care of it, you and your descendents, for it will outlive you all.

Oh wait, now I realised that's basically r2d2

milicent_bystandr ,

Call him Theseus

milicent_bystandr ,

Aw, poor little guy. But that's why you have children - they grow up and the family dog inherits them.

milicent_bystandr ,

R2, stop licking the lightsabers, you'll get a hairball!

R2! Hold still while I give you this oil bath! Oh no, he's run off to the desert again to find Old Ben.

"Captain! All the other droids died, but this little one fixed the ship and saved us!" "Be careful in the future though, it says 8 out of 9 lives left."

R2D2 is a cat.

milicent_bystandr ,

This world is full of conflicts and full of things that cannot be reconciled. But there are moments when we can reconcile and embrace the whole mess, and that's what I mean by 'Hallelujah.'

His original version, recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions, contains allusions to several biblical verses, including the stories of Samson and Delilah from the Book of Judges ("she cut your hair") as well as King David and Bathsheba ("you saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you").

You didn't really read your linked source, did you? It references Bathsheba but - if I understand right - isn't really about that, per se.

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