
LallyLuckFarm , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

I don't mind so much, to be honest. Like @TheRtRevKaiser said, I'm an old dog in a labcoat on the internet and asynchronous discussions aren't uncomfortable. I have an anonymous account elsewhere and I don't generally check it anymore, because I'm plenty happy with the conversations that do federate here. Besides, being here has definitely been good for my generalized terminally-online anxiety.

luciole , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

No. I came here for a nice place and I'm uninterested in instances that Beehaw defederated from and in banned users.

I subscribed to basically every Beehaw community plus some communities from federated instances, and I browse by "'Subscribed".

More activity would always be cool, but I don't miss doomscrolling through reposts and trolls on other platforms either so.

shortwavesurfer , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?

Personally, I go by the, if I don't want to see it, I block it. And that has worked out very well for me. Mind you, I am kind of in a good position because I don't have any kind of like mental health things that make me absolutely not capable of seeing some type of thing before blocking it. Like I can see some crazy shit and be like you know what that's fucked up I'm blocking that because I've seen it once I don't want to see it again.

Edit: From what I understand, you can transfer your block list if you ever move accounts. So with me, if I ever left my instance, I could just transfer my list of blocked communities and subscribe to communities and be just as at home on another instance as I am here.

OpenStars , avatar

Yes it's in your settings, the Export/Import JSON file, easier done with a desktop - in case you ever need to give it a try! :-)

My problem is that I tend to keep up multiple accounts at a time, bc random server issues creep up (like Kbin.Social that I had to abandon; and then StarTrek got extremely slow and 75% of the time I try to make a comment it would fail). So probably I should make use of this feature more to keep the blocklists more updated:-).

Kissaki , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

I think it's not closed off enough, given that I regularly see accounts from other instances post comments that go against the goals and spirit set by Beehaw.

At the same time, I think we don't have enough of a new content stream. I don't think opening up is a good solution though. That would mean losing what sets Beehaw apart.

RamblingPanda ,

Hey, I'm nice!

Dymonika ,

Then keep it up!

RamblingPanda ,

I'll try, thank you 💕

DreamyRin , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

in all honesty, I don't really want to have to spend all my time blocking and curating when I just want to contribute when I can. I usually don't visit a ton of other lemmy instances, and the ones I do I don't really comment in, either. maybe I'm overly anxious and skittish, but at the same time, I'm 1) very much already tired and don't want to spend a ton of time curating a block list and 2) just trying to find a community to fit in where I'm comfortable.

I know I'm not the most active by far, but I don't want this community to open up just so we can have more content. more content to me doesn't always equal good content, I guess.

OpenStars , avatar

This is what it seems like every instance admin has not wanted to acknowledge: that tolerating the intolerant will destroy us.

Fortunately v0.19.4 has some new features that look like they may help - particularly the ability to label a community with a warning, like : "⚠️ You are about to enter the cesspit of human behavior that actively defends genocide (by mods removing all contrary facts), so long as it is done by the Right people (Russia, or ironically also Left, China)."

It's like the tiniest step that could possibly be done, and it leaves the ability for users to place comments in every post across the Fediverse too - unlike a bona fide instance block, although to my knowledge there are no major instances that actually defederates from them.

Blaze , avatar

It’s like the tiniest step that could possibly be done, and it leaves the ability for users to place comments in every post across the Fediverse too - unlike a bona fide instance block, although to my knowledge there are no major instances that actually defederates from them.

The fact that even Beehaw admins haven't defederated from them is probably an indication that their users are not that problematic.

OpenStars , avatar

A reminder that this is not about Beehaw - this is about Rin, and their own personal preferences:

I’m 1) very much already tired and don’t want to spend a ton of time curating a block list and 2) just trying to find a community to fit in where I’m comfortable.

Each person may have their own idea as to what is "comfortable", for them. If Beehaw works fine just the way it is, then that's fantastic!

More broadly across the Fediverse though, individual users have to put in a lot of effort to curate their experience. e.g. not going to political communities is insufficient, when people (including myself:-D) bring up political matters or adjacent philosophies to many types of discussions - memes, about freedom to enjoy the Fediverse, technology, etc.

Blaze , avatar

A reminder that this is not about Beehaw

We are on Beehaw, and you complained about the lack of instances defederating from

OpenStars , avatar

I made a tangential point, where some people are okay with having less content as a result of being defederated even from as large and central an instance as Lemmy.World - i.e. it's not always the amount of content so much as its quality - to then apply that same principle to the Fediverse at large.

Tolerance of the intolerant is not okay. As you try to bring in more people, some people will balk at coming and others already here will leave, if the experience seems unwelcoming to them.

People need to feel safe in the space they are in, or else they will not enjoy talking. I guess it may sound counterintuitive, but being intolerant - but only of the intolerant!! - actually increases engagement and participation, not the other way around. imho.

Powderhorn , avatar

And you would be ... 🤣

I do kid. I enjoy that we have the options to dive into the deep end elsewhere or just hang out in a space where bullshit is quickly quashed. I'm here for discussion and to be active in ensuring this is a place I never find myself regretting joining.

Is it what everyone wants? Of course not, but that was never the intent of Beehaw to my knowledge. I'm glad you're happy here and hope you continue to feel that way. And, you know what? Fuck anyone who tells you not to be happy with what you have. This is not Beehaw- or Lemmy-specific, this is life. Never let anyone else bring you down for what you're comfortable with.

averyminya , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?

No. I have a few fediverse accounts, Beehaw, Kbin, Leminal, SlrPnk, and 2 mastodon ones that I made cause I didn't know what would stick.

Beehaw is by far my favorite. It looks like most of my issues are already covered here. specifically is so awful, for every 1-3 normal, chill people looking for a reddit alternative there's 5-10 powermods and powerusers who make it just unbearable. It's the same for quite a few others too, that at this point I can't even keep track.

In order of values based on curation, Beehaw, Kbin, Slpnk/Leminal. Beehaw needs no curation as it is curated, Kbin despite the issues lately has generally been great, a few users who act poorly but that's just a widespread thing online. It's really just been the spam accounts lately. Then... Instances that are federated with .world/etc like slrpnk and leminal, by default it's just so awful to read. Browsing not logged in on places? Oh man. The perspectives, rhetoric, and visible mod abuse is just so bad right now thanks to the U.S. political year, in some ways worse than Reddit pre-extreme corpo takeover.

Because of all of this, I really appreciate how easy Beehaw is. You can talk philosophy and have differences of opinion and it's not something that lingers. Beehaw, like a small community, has people you recognize and see around and I appreciate everyone I see here, and rarely have I disagreed. And I'm not coming from an echo-chamber perspective, but the way we carry ourselves. The snark here is minimal, humorous, and when it happens, seems warranted. When it isn't, genuine apology occurs. That's something that doesn't happen often. People put effort into comments, there's occasional one-liners which I'm guilty of myself when I'm just browsing or tired or it's just something that doesn't have much to go deep into.

So the way I see it, if someone wants something not closed off, it's not that hard to make an account and have it bookmarked. Beehaw is different, but I have the same usernames on my other ones (Wolf Shadowheart). I keep coming back to Beehaw.

blindsight ,

Well said, and you touched on one of the things I like most about Behhaw, that people are actually willing to put effort into writing with sufficient depth to address complex topics authentically, and others are willing to read everything and respond in good faith, even when they disagree.

I browse Beehaw's somewhat-curated-by-defederation /everything quite frequently, too, and I rarely ever have any snarky replies to my comments. It's lovely. Granted, conversation threads are generally quite small, but I don't need an endless firehose of content, so that's not a problem.

I don't have any other Lemmy accounts to compare, but I didn't enjoy reading /everything from a Lemmy app that pulls from it's own feed instead of your logged-in instance feed. On Reddit, I mostly enjoyed smaller niche subs, and very few of the popular ones.

apotheotic , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

I don't feel like its too closed off, no, I appreciate how closed off it is!

renard_roux , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?

In short, and mirroring what seems to the general sentiment: no. I like it here, and I like the heavy moderation and intolerance towards intolerance 🙂

I've yet to see a Beehaw de-federation action that I disagree with.

GolfNovemberUniform , in The unsung genius of MLK avatar

My English is limited so I'm not sure I understood this essay correctly but I think it says that one should treat every single person as a person and not as something else which is what I absolutely agree with.

In Ukraine the government, bloggers and journalists are trying to make people think Russians are basically no more than objects. If you try to share a different opinion on it there, you can get in serious trouble. It's a very big problem. Same with ultraconservative racists. You do not treat anyone as an object or anything else except for a human being, no matter the reason.

For example, I do not agree that alternative sexual orientations are normal/healthy but it doesn't mean I can treat people that (falsely) identify themselves as LGBT not human beings. In this case I consider it a disease so I should consider them not just as human beings but ones that need even more attention and care. Same goes to every person with a serious disease such as AIDS or schizophrenia (there are more causes of discrimination of them though).

The case of people with dark skin is even worse. I don't even know what is the reason of them being discriminated. What I know is some of my relatives think that dark skin is an indicator of a person with increased chance of becoming a criminal. This is prejudice (that is obviously bad and inhumane but also instinctive I guess). Some other people probably discriminate them just to keep themselves privileged or "to be like the crowd" idk.

In any given case, after some analysis, we can clearly see that discrimination is always an immoral and ultimately bad thing. However, the immorality of it can just have various, sometimes not obvious, forms in different cases.

What we should do is change our mentality to delete stupid discrimination from it. As civilized and intelligent beings we should just be "above it". This means we should think instead of simply using reactions (usually wrong ones) we already have. This can make us more resistant to evil propaganda and negative social trends, as well as help to delete already formed wrong things in our mentality too.

But tbh idk if this world can change. It's getting worse all the time and I'm very depressed because of it.

DreamyRin , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

welp, time to explain why I don't have a desktop after my post two weeks ago that I had to put new parts in.

the short version is that the motherboard's AMD bracket was covered mostly by a plastic piece that said "REMOVE" so I did that, but it wasn't clear that I was supposed to put it back on. ultimately when I kept trying to put things together and they didn't work, some of the motherboard's CPU pins got crushed, and now I have to hope I can get another. I'm trying to return it to amazon and use the money for a second one, but we'll see how that goes. the CPU itself might be damaged too, it's not clear, and I have no way of testing it without the motherboard. I feel really dumb for not knowing that the bracket was supposed to go there. and I can't just buy a new one right now because being on disability sucks.

originally I thought it had been the RAM since I was told the motherboard was finnicky with it, but I had to take two sets of it back after I found out it was the motherboard. thankfully my cousin looked at it and is willing to put things together for me again. it's just waiting on amazon is killing me. I spend a lot of time at my desktop (especially because it's going to be over 90 degrees here for a while) and my laptop is a low end gaming one from 6 years ago. it can't run much, including my favorite game, although I can play it for very short periods of time. I broke out my nintendo switch to play, but that's not helping the depression too much.

some issues with my partner popped up, as well as some with my mother, and I just don't feel great. been trying to do what I can for that (like making some posts here) but it's a battle and I wish I didn't have to have it. I hope the week improves but I'm just tired already.

Aloomineum ,

It sucks when life feels like a smash mouth song and the hits don't stop coming. Hope you can fix your mobo/cpu problem without spending any extra money. Sounds like things are tough right now, I hope your week improves too :)

leetnewb , in how's your week going, Beehaw

Think I'm getting the hang of a shift in dietary stuff. Feeling less overwhelmed after a few weeks of mental chaos. Little more glass half full.

autumn , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

echo (border collie) passed her community canine test last thursday. 🎓 pics in a separate post when we get our certificate later this week. also got to meet one of the other foster dogs (buck, pictured below) in our program, and he is a beautiful dog. very driven and toy-motivated. gonna make a nice sport dog for someone.

buck, a black and white dappled border collie

rode to the other town over on greenways on saturday (~50 miles) with a couple of folks, then met up with some friends for dinner/drinks. took the train back home; it was all pretty chill.

finally hung a bunch of the artwork in the house over the weekend. feeling much more homey now.

heading to the beach this weekend, which i'm looking forward to. it'll be echo's first time there! 🏖️

LoamImprovement , in how's your week going, Beehaw

Work still sucks, haven't found another job, but we're supposedly getting acquired by a larger company and that's going to trigger a restricted stock unit payout. I've been here for a while so maybe I'll get a nice chunk of change out of this debacle before I get fired.

rozwud , in how's your week going, Beehaw

Started Orff Level III today! Which probably means nothing to any of you, but it's a really great course for music teachers.

cassiacow ,

What's Orff? That sounds exciting!

rozwud ,

Basically it's an approach to teaching music with a heavy focus on giving students the building blocks they need to have a creative relationship with music. It comes from the idea that music is inherently in all of us and that everyone has something valuable to offer. As teachers our job is to give students the tools and vocabulary to communicate it.

JCPhoenix , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

So I thought I was good to start a new job (though I've yet to set a start date), as the HR person assigned me said it was all good about a month ago, but then today he me tells me there was "a problem" with my drug test. A drug test I took 3 months ago. So I need to take another.

While I've only taken a few drug tests for employment during my career, they've never taken 3 months to get results. Like 2 weeks at most. Something tells me my HR person screwed up (which isn't surprising), got this notice a couple month ago, yet just now noticed this. Hate to say it, but typical government. The irony is that I'll soon be a govt worker. If we can get this straightened out.

On a more positive note, I just paid off one more student loan! After 19yrs of paying and thousands of dollars in interest on this one -- more than the principle at this point -- it's finally done. I had to get a hefty loan from my parents, but their terms are much better: 0% APR at the Bank of Mom & Dad versus the current variable 10.02% APR with the bank. Though I still have lots more students loans to go. Such a shitty, shitty system. At least I'm lucky enough my parents can help in this manner.

Stay in school, kids. But only if you don't fuck it all up like I did. I may be paying student loans til I die.

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