
primscha , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

Ehh, surviving. It's not bad but I feel like I should be doing better.

The toll of family drama/finances is getting to me and I've found myself spiraling into old habits. I keep reminding myself to not let it get to me. I'm hoping to move out and get an apartment near my university but... Well, of course it's easier said than done.

I know that being a full-time student is like a full-time job, but I'm considering getting two part-time jobs just to save up. But with my two other extracurriculars, keeping up my social life, and sleep— yeah, I'll burn out at this rate.

I just feel like there's so much at stake, in both the short term and long term future, that I can't sacrifice anything. I'm scared of getting something 'wrong,' but I know that no action is the worst action to take right now.

So that's my long explanation as to why I shouldn't be procrastinating and how I'm struggling with procrastination.

I dunno. Any tips on how to change my environment up a bit to keep my focus? Or something to keep me sane. So far the only safe space I have is my own room. ._.

(Driving is not really an option since I'm still practicing.)

Ah, I am planning on baking a tres leches cake though over the weekend. It's something to shake things up.

DreamyRin , avatar

but I feel like I should be doing better.

I have these kinds of thoughts often. but it's not a good way to think about things, as in, at least it's always been damaging to me. you shouldn't invalidate your own feelings. if you're not doing "better," that's okay. you don't have to be perfect just because nothing catastrophic happened. or because you feel like if you pushed yourself harder things would be significantly better.

procrastination is never for no reason, and as you said, you feel like a lot is at stake. you have a lot going on! and unfortunately, no one has instructions that will make the nebulous "don't get it wrong" voice go away. it sucks. I know that feeling, and I empathize.

what's helped me is to sit down, preferably with someone I trust and who respects my emotions, and make a little "plan." not a full one where I have x, y, and z plus an emergency one, but just something that will make me feel like the world isn't going to crash down around me at any moment. for example, I had to sort out with my partner what we would do if amazon rejected a return I made because money is tight. even just knowing the future isn't a mysterious void had helped me.

additionally, my only safe space is also my room where I live. I don't know what your living space looks like, but things that have helped me is buying something small to decorate it and make it feel more like my own, possibly getting a small living plant (I have aloe and haworthia, they're very easy to take care of and it sparks a little joy when I see them growing), or even just tidying up a bit, or moving things around so that they're not in the exact same place. when I feel claustrophobic and confined to my room, I try to go on walks (weather permitting!) to remind myself there is space that is safe outside of the house. listening to music or podcasts helps me too, if that's something you also like. I try for at least twice a week and find myself walking more than expected because it's nice to have that break.

I wish you good luck on the cake! and apologies if none of this helps. I just feel like our situations have some things in common and wanted to reach out with what solutions I have for myself.

I hope things get easier for you soon!

shortwavesurfer , in What's the best or worst customer support you experienced?

The absolute worst customer service I ever had was with AT&T and eventually I just told them to go stuff themselves. I switched carriers to Ting before it was owned by Dish and it was known around the industry for its customer service and it was absolutely fantastic.

mozz Admin , in What's the best or worst customer support you experienced?
mozz avatar

Cricut has excellent customer service. In addition, their web site also has one of those chat bots that wants you to explain your problem to the AI, and it worked flawlessly for a fairly complicated problem the one time I needed it. I was pretty surprised.

BDC , in What's the best or worst customer support you experienced?

U-haul, far and away. Lied to (multiple times), terrible customer service when the truck broke down - which happened twice.

I would sell everything I own and buy it again new before giving them another penny.

I will say that this happened 20 years ago, so it’s possible things have improved. But I doubt it.

HakFoo , in What's the best or worst customer support you experienced?

Back in the Windows 8 era, I bought a little 8" tablet PC from Dell. It was flaky from basically day 1, and after ~2 weeks it bricked entirely.

I go to RMA and they ask "If we refund you $50, would you be willing to keep the unit? How about $75?"

Admittedly, they did give me a refund, but that was so the wrong branch to follow on the chat script, honey. If I'm going to be out over three hundred dollars for a paperweight it better at least be made of something cool like meteorite.

Kissaki OP , avatar

A meteorite… because it crashed? 😄

frog , in how's your week going, Beehaw

I'm feeling the need to do a social media detox, including Beehaw. Pro-AI techbros are getting me down.

Shockingly, keeping Instagram active. My feed there is nothing but frogs, greyhounds, and art from local artists, and detoxing from stuff that is improving my mood rather than making it worse seems unnecessary.

Gamers_mate ,

understandable tech bros are the worst. Enjoy your frog pictures!

Templa , avatar

This is one thing I noticed as well. I only have my Instagram profile to check on others but whenever the algorithm feeds me something it is always cute animals.

eveninghere ,

Conversely, I'm annoyed by anti-AI nontechbros

remington Mod , in what kind of discussion do you like to see? avatar

what kind of discussion do you like to see?

Ones that are respectful and kind.

feeling a bit insecure about what would be interesting to post about here on beehaw.

I'm sorry that you feel that way. My unsolicited advice would be to engage with the subject matter that interests you the most.

DreamyRin OP , avatar

it's not honestly a beehaw issue, if that helps! I'm just a very anxious and insecure person in general, and I very rarely have engaged in online spaces. beehaw has been the first place I've felt safe enough to start trying to, after a series of bad discord servers.

y'all have a lovely place here, and I'm happy to be along for it!

remington Mod , avatar

The administrators of Beehaw, my self included, are interested in helping people such as your self. We hope to curate a space online where people feel safe. Especially underprivileged and minority individuals. On the 22nd of this month you will be a one year old Beehaw user and we are happy that you are here.

DreamyRin OP , avatar

thank you so much!

I really appreciate the admins for making such a good space. and for you saying that, I really enjoy being here. I'll be making some new threads soon!

along_the_road , in what kind of discussion do you like to see?

I think there's always interest in more technical posts on beehaw/lemmy

One thing personally I would like to see is more "Ask reddit" style posts. It was interesting to see what different people had to say.

DreamyRin OP , avatar

I had a lot of responses to one of my more recent posts asking about linux distros, which was really nice and interesting to see what people said. I'll keep that in mind for future posts, thank you for the reply!

comicallycluttered , in how's your week going, Beehaw

I feel kind of bad.

I really don't like killing things, but ants have literally invaded my home, so I've had to do something.

Sprinkled some diatomaceous earth today. Watching a few stragglers just kind of meandering and basically not knowing what the fuck to do while they dehydrate and succumb to death has depressed me a little.

On a basic level, the way it works, it's just cruel. Yeah, they're not "sentient", they're mostly drones, etc., but still. Seeing this lonely ant kind of just... slowly dying and not knowing what to do is a bit heartbreaking.

autumn , avatar

i know how ya feel, but sometimes you gotta look out for you!

cassiacow ,

That's rough... I always find death (in all forms) really heartbreaking to witness too. You had to do it, but that doesn't always make it easier.

Templa , avatar

I've had ant infestations in my bedroom window. I understand completely how you feel, it is awful indeed.

Nemo , in what kind of discussion do you like to see?

I personally am interested in seeing more of wild theorycrafting.

DreamyRin OP , avatar

for video games, I assume? correct me if I'm wrong! if so, I really enjoy seeing people do off the wall stuff myself, even if I'm not terribly good at it anymore. I've been delving into Caves of Qud recently and seeing videos of people doing different builds is really cool.

Nemo ,

I like videogame lore theorycrafting like r/TESLore but real life theorycrafting is fun, too. You would see it sometimes on r/DankChristianMemes, r/Stoicism, and lots on r/etymology. r/C_S_T was devoted to it.

EvilSarracenia , in what kind of discussion do you like to see? avatar

I’m recently dipping my toes into linux

welcome aboard :)
Linux communities sometimes tend to be a bit "elitists" but they always try to help so don't be afraid to ask even if you think it is a stupid question, 99% of people had the same problem in the past probably

as an additional question, somewhat related, but is there a new hobby you’ve recently gotten into?

Plants, i do not why but working with plants is very relaxing

ps. it's my first post on beehaw :)

DreamyRin OP , avatar

welcome to beehaw!!

thank you for letting me know. reddit was my first exposure to linux communities and I did get that vibe. but people have been nice here (even when I was talking about my "baby's first self hosting" experiences) and I appreciate that the community is usually good about answering questions. as soon as my desktop is back and functioning, I'm going to be installing a dual boot with linux and windows 10.

what kind of plants are you working with? I have a couple of my own, and I've found the planting and gardening community here very friendly too. I currently have lavender (most recent addition), aloe and haworthia.

EvilSarracenia , avatar

Thank you :)

I have some random succulents and cacti people gifted to us or born from cuttings (aloe and haworthia too) but my favorites are carnivorous plants, they are very strange and particular. Unfortunately here there isn't a real gardening community (especially about carnivorous plants) so I'm trying with online communities, mainly on facebook. Some years ago my parents had lavender and they used to dried it and put it in small paper bags in the wardrobe as perfume, it's very nice

Kissaki , in what kind of discussion do you like to see? avatar

Go ahead!

Less experienced is fine. Questions is how chat and discussions start.

Beehaw has too little content. Be bold and post.

In both cases after inspiring Videos, I bought good cheap:

  • Mini MIDI piano thing with a Joystick for modulation
  • Knife sharpening utils
Gamers_mate , in what kind of discussion do you like to see?

I am also a fan of Linux so that is something I would like to talk about. Also non commercial gamedev I like the old days where people just experimented and made games for fun community gamejams to see what other people made regardless of skill level.

krimsonbun , in What do you think should be the demonym for Beehaw users?

Lemmings. Beehaw is lemmy.

DreamyRin , in what’s your favorite way to beat the heat? avatar

mine is actually something I learned about in therapy. wet a washcloth with cold water, then put ice cubes in it. there are various places you can put it to cool down (inner part of your elbow, neck, lower back, etc.) but the first one I was taught was actually the pulse point under your chin, because it also serves a purpose of calming you down. if you're angry or anxious, it might help, on top of cooling you off.

a second thing that I've done is, before bed, putting my comforter and/or my pillowcase in the freezer. only really works depending on size of the freezer and comforter, though.

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