
Zoop , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Not good, as usual. My poor sweet cat is suffering and I don't have the money or resources or ability to do anything about it. I'm tired of being useless because of my disabilities and I'm tired of being so burned out and in pure survival mode all the time. I wish I had the energy/functioning/mental bandwidth to put some words down about what's actually going on. If anyone wants to send some good vibes or thoughts or prayers or whatever in the direction of my sweet kitty Ziggy and I, I'd appreciate it. She deserves so much better.

Gaywallet OP , avatar

As someone who shares essentially the same name with a different spelling, I'm sending all of my vibes in her direction 💜

remington Mod , avatar

I beseech the ineffable universe to rain down blessings upon you and Ziggy.

newtraditionalists ,

Your love for Ziggy is so apparent even through this virtual space. You have done so well by her just by loving her the way you do. Perfection is not required. You are a blessing for her. Hope things improve immediately for you both! Huge hugs!!!

rozwud ,

Been in this situation before. Sending all the vibes. ❤️

godzilla_lives , avatar

<3 all the good vibes to you and sweet little Ziggy. You are not useless.

AVincentInSpace , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Still slogging through the last two weeks of school. (Still don't understand why this community college has to start and end like a month later than everybody else.) Just have to finish two more math assignments and write two papers (one of which is minimum 7 pages) and then I'm free and clear to start speed summering during the 5-week window where my summer break and my siblings' actually overlap. Ugh.

On the plus side, though, my Framework laptop is coming in the mail tomorrow, and I'm super excited for that. I've always been a huge fan of open source and repairability and being able to take things apart, see how they work, and make them do something different, so I'm a huge believer in what the Framework company is doing. Plus the one I ordered is fully kitted out and massively overspecced (do I need 7TB of storage or 32GB of RAM? No, but why not get them anyway?) and unlike my current laptop I'm actually going to be able to game on it! Looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077 at more than 20 frames per second with every graphical option turned all the way down! (Gotta love that iGPU life...)

Another thing I'm super excited for is the Open Sauce convention this weekend! I was there last year, saw a bunch of cool gadgets people had built, and got autographs from a few of my favorite YouTubers in the technology space, and that was super cool! Really looking forward to going again and seeing even more cool stuff and getting an autograph from Technology Connections which was the one I really wanted last year but couldn't get.

rozwud ,

That's awesome! You should definitely write about it after if you're so inclined.

AVincentInSpace ,

Will do!

Megaman_EXE ,

Maaaan I wish I could go to open sauce! Enjoy! That's going to be a blast

boolean , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

not so bad

bownage , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Not great! What was supposed to be a regular biweekly update with my team lead turned into me hearing I'm being let go. The company is dissolving my position. Apparently because they believe everything I did to set up data pipelines and structures is so solid they just need someone to maintain it now (which will be a third party).

I definitely saw myself working there for a few years, now I'm back to looking for a job after just 1 year. Feels unfair and all the 'it's not personal, we love you as a colleague' is definitely not helping at all.

At least I won't have to come out to them which I was dreading... I'll just introduce myself with new pronouns at the next job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Back to the LinkedIn hellscape it is

Edit: forgot to mention that the worst part of this to me is definitely this week where we're still discussing details/severance etc. and I can't tell my direct colleagues yet. So here I am pretending everything is fine and I'm not actually super depressed about it until I can finally tell them next Tuesday.

Alice ,

I'm so sorry. Let go for good work. What a rotten, unfair situation.

bownage ,

That's how it feels. They don't deserve me though 💅

godzilla_lives , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

It's okay. Had another dream where my mom inexplicably comes back from the dead. She even joked about how we'd have to reevaluate how we think of the situation. It's wild how going back to sleep before my alarm can just ruin the rest of my week. There's a lump in my throat that just won't go away. I feel guilty writing these thoughts out, hell I'm tearing up now because I know so many other people have real problems and there's this fucking election, and my wife's work is so much more difficult than mine and I haven't a leg to complain upon.


I wish

to beat my fists against this desk

until they are bruised and bloody

for that is something

I may yet control

Thank you for allowing me to vent. Much love to you all.

Megaman_EXE ,

I feel the same about my own issues and troubles. Just wana stop by and tell you that your issues are valid. Even though there's always bigger fish out there. Your issues and feelings are valid and sometimes life is just unfair and fucking hard.

I hope that this can help even a little bit. I try to tell myself this sometimes, but I find it hard to take it to heart unless I hear it from someone else. Hang in there! I hope your week shapes up and gets better

godzilla_lives , avatar

This really did help, thank you so much for your kindness. Your feelings are just as valid friend, and I hope you can take solace in hearing that from someone else, just as I did <3 We're gonna make it.

Megaman_EXE ,

You're very welcome, I'm glad! We definitely can get through this. :)

theangriestbird , avatar

i feel fortunate to have both of my parents still with me. Not sure how far out you are from that loss, but my understanding is that it's a grief that never leaves you. My best friend lost their dad 5 years ago, and they STILL have enough feelings about it to fill an entire poetry book (after previously filling a separate poetry book in the 2 years immediately after).

you're still allowed to be sad about it and have a hard week about it, no matter how long ago it happened <3

godzilla_lives , avatar

Thanks coy, I really do appreciate you taking the time to send some kindness my way. And that's true, it does get easier but it never really goes away, nor should it I guess. You're good people <3

rozwud ,

When my dad passed away a few years ago, a friend who had been through the same described it to me as waves of grief that get further apart. I've found that to be true. Your mom will always be with you but also not, and that absence can be incredibly painful sometimes.

Alice ,

That sounds like a real problem to me. I'm sorry for your loss 💔

godzilla_lives , avatar

Thank you ❤ these comments are really helping me through a rough time, and I am so grateful.

Megaman_EXE , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

I'm sooooo close to getting a week off work. Just trying to hang in there. It's funny how a persons focus wavers when they know a break is coming.

I have been making some small progress with my youtube/livestream channel. I'm up to 54 subscribers, which feels like I've moved at a snails pace since September. But I'm picking up some steam, in the past while so that's super cool. I think my videos are bad lol but given the amount of time I can actually work on stuff during the week, I think I'm actually doing alright.
I'm hoping that eventually, I'm able to find a solid direction of where I want to take my videos. But for now I just want to make stuff that is fun/ that can make people happy in even just a small way

theangriestbird , avatar

channel link?

Megaman_EXE ,

This is it here. Please keep your expectations low lol

It's not amazing by any means. I'm basically mostly just messing around with streams and shorts recently as they're much faster to make.

(I hope this doesn't come off a spammy as I mention my channel from time to time. It's basically just a little hobby right now. My goal is to just currently keep improving. My childish dream would be to eventually just be able to live off of it and just be able to bring together a cool community of people. But I'm not holding my breath haha.)

theangriestbird , avatar

you didn't provide the link until i asked. it's your life and you're talking about it. no spam detected, homie bee happy emoji

Megaman_EXE ,

:3 cool beans, well I'm glad then! Thanks for taking a look at my little corner of the internet

PaddleMaster , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Got back from vacation yesterday. Today, the Blue Angels are practicing for their show (exhibition? Not really sure what they call it). Super fun to get to watch them play in the sky all day.

FlashMobOfOne , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

Not awesome.

Dad's in the hospital for the umpteenth time.

Kid brother died yesterday morning, and even better, may have inadvertently hung himself during autoerotic asphyxiation. (Though, objectively, that seems like a decent way to go, truly.)

LallyLuckFarm , avatar


frog , in How to Deal With Cyclists

I did not know the exact wording of this guidance, but this is basically the strategy I use. I've always figured that because I prepare for my journeys, I am never in such a rush that I need to put someone else's life at risk in order to pass them quicker - it's not like it's going to make a difference to my day if I arrive at my destination 2 minutes later, but it'll make a huge difference to someone else's day if I rush past a cyclist when it's not safe.

loops ,

I appreciate you. I cycle almost everyday, and the amount of times I've been put into dangerous situations because of someone else's impatience is way too high.

frog ,

I honestly don't get why so many people are so reckless and impatient on the roads. I've seen some people being really fucking stupid around cyclists and motorcyclists. One incident haunts me, because I know someone would have been severely injured, maybe killed, if I hadn't been quick enough to get out of the way of an impatient person overtaking in a stupid place.

And it's just like... why? Just leave home a few minutes earlier!

Swallowtail ,

I honestly don't get why so many people are so reckless and impatient on the roads.

Driving provides you anonymity and a getaway vehicle. It also anonymzes other people on the road, which I think kinda gives people like, main character syndrome?

Seathru , (edited ) in How to Deal With Cyclists avatar

Also cyclists. If there is a person behind traveling faster than you, Get over when it is safe and allow them to pass. If that's an inconvenience, you should have "left the house a few minutes earlier".

I've raced motorcycles 2 decades now and this is brought up in every safety meeting. If the rider behind you is faster, let them pass, regardless of how important you think your run is. It's safer for everybody.

ranandtoldthat ,

Also cyclists, don't cut off other cyclists. Ever. Whether it's out of selfish convenience or to prove something, don't do it. Pass safely and ride defensively.

TheRtRevKaiser , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

I don't really mind. I created an alt on a larger lemmy instance a while back to subscribe to meme communities, and to be quite honest the comments are really bad, frequently as bad or worse than Reddit. I think Beehaw is just aiming for something different than other instances. Then again, I'm old enough to have been part of forums where the pace of discussions was much slower than most aggregator style sites are today so it doesn't really bother me.

Powderhorn , avatar

I've done the same and feel the same way. I'm still active on Reddit because I want to be an active part of helping people who have questions. I don't feel the larger Lemmy community wants that so much as to complain about things. I certainly have things to complain about in life, but I don't feel it's healthy for me to engage with spaces that are going to cause more issues than they resolve.

Gormadt , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

Because of it being so closed off I've hopped instances

And honestly I'm probably going to hop again because having down votes disabled isn't very good IMO

Edit: 1 big thing though that I wish existed Lemmy wide would be if you have a comment or post removed (hell even bans) you get a message to your inbox. As it currently stands it just happens and unless you check mod logs you'll never know.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Could say the same about mastodon,

How is blahaj zone?

Gormadt , avatar

It's pretty chill in general and is well moderated

It's has the occasional instability day here and there but it gets sorted out pretty quick

They don't federate down votes and you can't give them out which IMO isn't the best

But I'd say it's a nice place overall

Cube6392 , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

So... Yes and no. Yes from the perspective that there can be a feeling of FOMO and some entire communities on the big instances that see a lot of activity that you can't access here. I use to see those. But the thing is when I log into slrpnk (which is VERY well moderated) it doesn't take me long to find some horrible awfulness that has found a platform here in the fediverse. Genocide denial, alt right bullshit, authoritarian communist bullshit (which isn't even communism, GODDAMMIT), it's all out there right under the surface across some of the biggest Lemmy instances. Its bad enough it makes me not want to log into log in to see what's going on on Lemmy most days, so I don't. I probably check beehaw about once a week and slrpnk about once a month.

I'm very excited to see where sublinks goes and if they can put together a version of a federated link aggregator with moderation tools that work

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Yea. Lemmy is home to a lot of shitheads :c

OpenStars , avatar

One thought is to try user blocking Unlike an instance block a user one is not sufficient bc you can still view the comments, and I'm pretty sure that they can still downvote you (occasionally they have been known to coordinate mass downvoting campaigns on Matrix too, people say), so all it really does is block communities from those instances from showing in your All feed, and if someone replies to you then you won't receive a notification to that effect. Otherwise it's back to blocking users one by one...

I wish there was a major, known instance somewhere that defederated from Even Kbin.Social does not though.

It will indeed be interesting to see how Sublinks will improve things.:-)

Danterious , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?

I think that the best thing you could do is choose a different instance that is federated with more instances.

I remember the admins saying that they already conducted a survey of their users and a majority were fine with staying defederated from and where a majority of users and content is being made. So currently they probably are fine with where they are. It is a matter of what kind of space they are trying to create.

Also you if you appreciate the moderation here you can always choose an instance that federates with beehaw so you can keep using their communities which is where most of the moderation happens anyways.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Blaze ,

Good advice

baggins , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

No. I'm jacked off with all the crap that comes from Lemmy and the sooner that Beehaw drops Lemmy the better. So many bots and trolls there. If you're not a flag waving Hamas apologist you're a Trumper. It's a cesspit.

Blaze ,

Even when Beehaw will switch to another platform, it will probably stay compatible with Lemmy (the way Mbin is).

I personally blocked all politics and news communities, found much less bots and trolls since then.

comicallycluttered ,

I personally blocked all politics and news communities, found much less bots and trolls since then.

Same. It's a much more pleasant experience in general.

Gormadt , avatar

Sounds like you picked the wrong instance for an alt account

I'd say if you pick one that isn't federated with Hexbear, some specific domains ending in .ml, and some of the other conservative ones you'll have a far better time around the fediverse.

Also don't be afraid to block people

Blaze ,

some of the other conservative ones

Which instances are conservatives? Genuinely asking, when people ask me if there are conservatives on lemmy my only example is !conservative

Gormadt , avatar

Specific instances are hard to find which is usually why I flex the block tool a lot around here. Blocking them when they start spewing their bullshit.

I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'd check the federated list of instances for some of the instances you see with large queer communities (like the one I'm posting from now) to get a general idea as us queer folk get hella targeted by conservatives online.

Blaze ,


I just had the look, the most notorious one is, which is closing soon

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