
BuxtonWater , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

Seems like I am meeting twice a week with the chef girl on the regular now, we swap who comes over who's city each visit. Things are going pretty well in that respect, but my life is still a bit of a mess as I can't get effective ADHD medication because my diagnosis was private (because the waiting list for a diagnosis on the NHS is 2+ years), so now I have to suffer through being unmedicated and buy what little methylphenidate I can afford off the black market to keep myself sane for the foreseeable future, makes me feel pretty fucking hopeless.

BevelGear , in how's your week going, Beehaw

This week has been a rollercoaster for me due to work, but everything should be easing down now. Nothing else has been going on, but I'll try to do something this weekend.

xilliah , in How do you date? avatar
  • Attraction for me is more like waves. Like I meet someone new and there's just tons of different waves between us and some resonate internally with me and build up an anticipation and excitement. Over time this fluctuates a lot and there are also plenty of times where I need distance. For those feelings to really settle I need a lot of evidence. I need to feel safe and seen and I need to see emotional effort, like say take me to some place that's meaningful to them.

  • When it comes to dating, yes it changes a lot. Initially it's just dinner but later I want to go on walks and visit nice places. Eventually I'd like to have a peek into their lives for example friends and family and their home, hobbies etc.

  • As long as there are no red flags and it keeps developing emotionally and anticipation keeps building I am always up for more dates.

  • I only meet and date afk. Something like tinder always has seemed like a joke to me and I don't understand it. Ideally I see the person multiple times over several months with some flirting and then I know we can start dating. However if I meet someone at a random place and we spend some hours together it can go faster. Sometimes you just don't have the luxury of time, and taking chances is a part of life.

  • That's unique to every person. The person I'm dating right now impressed me when I met her because she was able to talk to everyone and really listen. And we had a great time dancing and talking and she seemed like someone with a lot of love in her heart. However if I'd have to pick a single trait it would be kindness and after that curiosity and playfulness.

  • It frustrates me when someone imposes expectations on the moment, rather than listening to their feelings.

reric88 , in How do you deal with suicidal thoughts? avatar

I have been in the same boat. I have no friends, but a wife and kid. Life sucks a big one, especially work and the work-life balance, and finances, etc.

The only thing that helps me is medicine. I'm on a cocktail of Dextroamphetamine for ADD, Lamotrigine for Bipolar Disorder, and Propranolol for anxiety. I'm still far from 100%, but I'm in the more positive side of the fence.

Talking about problems can help a lot of people, and that's great to have a therapist, but it doesn't work for me. Talking about stuff doesn't change my circumstances, neither does my mindset. Definitely discuss issues with a doctor and medicate. Nothing else has helped me deal with the shit in life.

noctisatrae OP , avatar

I think I’m gonna become a weed farmer then. Better life, better mindset and the music will sound fire.

ted , in These days there is too much nerve-racking content on Beehaw, we should post less articles and more about the life of the people here!

I'm ok with an article, but I much prefer it when someone accompanies it with a discussion in the body or comments.

tiago , in These days there is too much nerve-racking content on Beehaw, we should post less articles and more about the life of the people here! avatar

When the migration started on early June, the content on Lemmy was mostly organic (people writing posts/requests and actual discussion).

Now, a few months later, it is mostly links to articles in mostly every instance. I wonder how many are bots flooding the human voices.

The communties I've come to follow are good, but not numerous.

elfpie , in These days there is too much nerve-racking content on Beehaw, we should post less articles and more about the life of the people here!

I would suggest something like a "good news week". The last week of every month dedicated to sharing the good content we have stumbled upon or experienced. Something to practice a new behavior and make it stick. I don't believe the changes will come organically. Or maybe a weekly challenge thread, with some goals to the ones that participate. Share a good memory, uplifting news, something that made you smile...

Pratai , in These days there is too much nerve-racking content on Beehaw, we should post less articles and more about the life of the people here!

It’s because walled gardens don’t have a very long life expectancy on the internet. If Behaw doesn’t relax its strict rules a little, it will evaporate.

LonelyLarynx , in What are some libraries, software, etc... that you'd like to see be built in open-source?


I use Obsidian for journaling and knowledge management. Each page is saved as an individual .txt file rather than in some database which ensures continuity of my data even if I switch applications one day.

I sync the files between my devices using Syncthing. Some of my notes are collaborative with others: by sorting my notes into specific folders and syncing select folders to select devices I have a notes library with a mix of personal and shared notes.

Syncthing is good at managing file conflicts. It surfaces the conflict and lets you select which file should remain. It also has options for very good versioning control.


So, to your question, I would love to contribute to Syncthing to provide an optional capability to merge content from two conflicting .txt files rather than selecting one or the other. This would greatly improve the collaborative experience when using Syncthing to manage notes in Obsidian or similar applications.

I think there are a not-insignificant number of people who could get value from this. Syncthing is written in GO, and I've never contributed to an open source project before. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot but if someone else starts first that's just fine with me. :)

noctisatrae OP , avatar

Maybe you want to do that in collaboration?

ShinyBiscuit , in How much should I care about news? avatar

For the last several months I reduced my news intake and unfollowed a lot of stress-inducing accounts on social media. I have been happier and more relaxed. Can recommend.

jarfil , in How much should I care about news? avatar

If you think you can compensate with the strength of your own inner contemplation, you are wrong

Is that a thing about neurotypicals, or just people without any selfcontrol?

I know I can compensate all the rhetorics, because I can spot most of the techniques by name, never get "pulled in" by the news, extract only the facts (if there are any), then contrast them with other sources, before "making my mind" about anything. I'm not afraid of saying "beats me, I don't know enough", until I do learn enough to build a consistent picture without holes or contradictions (doesn't mean I'm always right, just coherent). Most times when I look at news, I end up taking away maybe a single sentence, which almost never is the one being highlighted.

There is also picking which news sources to care about. Right now I only know about two sources that are somewhat impartial: one of them is the weather channel, and the other a news meta-debate where they like inviting people with opposite points of view, without letting it turn into a cage match.

As for the rest of the article... it's just describing the techniques used to produce what I like to call "news for toddlers": fake human interest, full of rhetorical resources, cut down into tidbits easy to chew and swallow, aimed at eliciting an emotional response rather than a rational one (BTW, they're the same techniques used by trolls).

You shouldn't care about "that kind" of news. There are other kinds, like scientific breakthroughs, investigative reports, or news meta-analyses, that you might want to care about. Or whether to take an umbrella tomorrow.

autotldr Bot , in How much should I care about news?

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

Click here to see the summary

In the past few decades, the fortunate among us have recognised the hazards of living with an overabundance of food (obesity, diabetes) and have started to change our diets.

Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which require thinking), we can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes, which are bright-coloured candies for the mind.

Out of the approximately 10,000 news stories you have read in the last 12 months, name one that – because you consumed it – allowed you to make a better decision about a serious matter affecting your life, your career or your business.

Scientists used to think that the dense connections formed among the 100 billion neurons inside our skulls were largely fixed by the time we reached adulthood.

The more news we consume, the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus.

I don't know a single truly creative mind who is a news junkie – not a writer, not a composer, mathematician, physician, scientist, musician, designer, architect or painter.

Saved 88% of original text.

fracture , in How much does a creator's worldview influence whether you use their tech or consume their media?

ever since kagi expressed that they're not interested in caring about the effect of LLMs on the environment (, i had already hopped off because i could see their talk about "making the world a more humane place" was just talk. so i'm not really surprised to see this shit unfolding either

i'm surprised to see that the dude who replied on my post is actually the kagi guy, though. that's surprising, i took him for some q&a support mod lmao

but yea i'm trans so i do my best not to support transphobic (or otherwise bigoted) people. seems like it's in my best interest y'know. and sometimes i don't know! i was pretty excited for kagi at first blush, it's really a shame they're not worth the time or effort

Moira_Mayhem , in Favorite Charities?

Child's Play, Doctors Without Borders, local soup kitchens, the ACLU, The Trevor Project, Action Against Hunger.

There are a few sites out there that rank charities based on transparency and impact, they might help you find something specific.

araneae , in Favorite Charities?

Others are great, also shoutout to Equality Now. Another one that is not a charity is the ACLU.

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