
elfpie , in On Tone Policing

I saw the same post and started writing something that went in a different direction, but that seems complementary. Basically, you don't have to respond.

I do believe you're responsible for what you write, but you're under no obligation to answer any and every kind of criticism that is thrown at you. You might have to read something that's hard or hurtful in the comments, which is fine if they are trying to follow the recommendations listed above, it's a process, but you don't have to accept an attack to your personhood or an attack to what you wrote without any explanation.

I understand the desire to make clarifications and being clearly comprehended, or defending oneself from attacks, but a direct response might be counterproductive. Say nothing, or go back and put amends to the original thoughts with an edit.

Also, and this is for all the parts involved, the discussion is not going anywhere. It will not get drown out in a sea of comments, you can take your time and come back later. More importantly, you'll likely see the same people around again. Take care of your community. Defend, understand, educate, be nice.

jay2 , in The children who remember their past lives

The Dorothy Eady always stuck with me. It's fairly well documented.

After falling down the steps at home, she nearly died. When she came back to life, memories were unlocked of a prior life in Egypt in which she was a priestess in an egyptian temple. She would go on to have a very successful career working in Egyptian antiquities.

As for the really really weird shizz, anyones guess. I try not to just arbitrarily cut someone down, but it's unlikely there would be proof of her having a conversation to an ancient diety.

Nemo , in one of my favorite things ever is the badass heavy metal drum fill that punctuates the end of the Golden Girls theme song.

When a cat yawns and I can see the inside of its mouth. I don't know why, I just love it. It feels private and secret and special, maybe.

rozwud , in one of my favorite things ever is the badass heavy metal drum fill that punctuates the end of the Golden Girls theme song.

When the song ends just as I'm pulling into wherever I'm going.

Shhalahr , avatar

I managed to do that with Abbey Road of all things, though a Round Trip example. Started the album on my way out. Paused it while doing some errands. Went home, and it finished up just as I pulled in. Of course, I had to get lucky with traffic flow, so I don't expect to be able to intentionally repeat it.

originalucifer , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar


Alice , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Bad. Rent is going up so I have to leave town. Probably not going to school anywhere near as soon as I planned because I don't foresee being able to cut hours anytime soon.

I don't even want to do all this capitalist bullshit, but I also wish I'd done it years ago so I could be stable now.

Gaywallet OP , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

Started off pride month practically in heat. Spent the last few days having a bunch of gay sex. Emotions be going wild, not sure what's up. I feel kinda all over the place lately. Maybe I need a day to myself to introspect? Honestly not sure.

theangriestbird , avatar

Spent the last few days having a bunch of gay sex.

all according to the gay agenda 🏳️‍🌈

autumn , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

weekend before last was a two-day agility/rally training event for the dogs. they all did wonderfully! didn't manage to get a good video of loki, but i got a few of the others.

we also took the dogs trailer camping this past weekend, which they (and we) enjoyed.

AVincentInSpace ,

good grief, youtube compression was not kind to your dogs but they are still very cute

autumn , avatar

hah, yeah. doesn’t help that somebody sent these, i downloaded them, then uploaded to youtube. at this point they might as well be taped with VHS technology. 😂

frog , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

Finished with university until September now, and have most of my grades for this year back (still waiting on one module). Having mixed feelings about the grades, because I know objectively that they're excellent, yet I still feel like I could have done better. I still got better grades than everyone else. I will acknowledge the two may be connected: when you constantly feel like you could be doing better, you push yourself harder. Even so, I did learn a ridiculous amount this year, and produced some work I'm really proud of.

The end outcome of this is, of course, that I'm exhausted, yet simultaneously having trouble slowing down. Having been pushing at full speed ahead for many months, I'm now feeling weirded out by not having any assignments to do or deadlines to meet. If I had to summarise what my brain is doing right now, it would be:


There is also tangible relief to be away from... that guy. I can't remember if I posted about it at the time but basically he got caught lying about his part of the group project, namely that he had finished it when he had not even started it. So with 24 hours before the deadline, we essentially kicked him off the team and I did his section of the project. A week's worth of work packed into a single evening. Because he's using his neurodiversity as an excuse for not doing anything for half the year, they're probably going to be reluctant to kick him out... but that's a problem for next September. For now, I'm just going to enjoy not having to deal with the useless, arrogant prick for a few months.

The_Che_Banana , avatar

Yeah I remember you writing his part of the project... fair warning, work life is generally full of these assholes and consider this some valuable training. Do not let them slide, make sure you're representing your efforts (fairly, but firmly) keep your name out front, these shitheads will not hesitate to sling mud at you and your work to save themselves.

frog ,

For sure, it's definitely been valuable experience! I would like to think in a working environment, things would be a bit... easier, I guess, since a big part of the problem was this project didn't have any effective leadership that could challenge the asshole on his lack of contributions. Whereas I would hope that in an actual studio, department heads wouldn't let someone produce absolutely no work for months, while blindly believing every excuse which is, sadly, what the leader for this project did. The lecturer knew what was up, because despite taking a hands-off approach, he was watching far more closely than most of the class realised - but he let it play out this way precisely because it's a good learning experience. Suffice to say, I got an extra few points on my grade because I stepped in at the last minute.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

I'm glad they were tracking the efforts of the students behind the scenes, and extra happy that your own efforts were seen and rewarded.

I want to reassure you about your future workplaces, but I've definitely had some supervisors/managers who were incredibly complacent about staff issues. One thing I'd add to @Che_Banana's great advice is to reflect on your responses to those challenges - what did you do that helped to destress you and keep you on track, and what did you do that didn't? Practicing the helpful ones with less stressful events to ingrain them and improve on them will serve you really well.

And always feel free to vent to us!

frog ,

Wonderful advice, thank you! I still haven't really worked out what actually helped to destress me and what didn't (aside from venting - just feeling heard makes a difference!), because I don't think I ever really destressed until the deadlines had passed.

Dymonika , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

I'm onto borrowing a bunch of sci-fi movies (like Blade Runner) from the library after realizing that it carries them!

And I'm thinking of giving in and posting in /r/cf4cf, finally... not sure of what the equivalent community might be in the Lemmiverse...

MangoKangaroo , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

Hey, that's not Alyaza! (ik they're probably busy with other stuff ty wallet for making this)

Tried to unalive myself two weeks ago, since then I've just been on autopilot. Last week we changed out our core switches at work. What was supposed to be a 2-hour late-night jam ended up a) getting delayed by several hours because our ER had a last-minute critical patient come in, and b) turning into a fucking 25-hour slog of our firewall deciding it was sick of our BS and taking down literally everything with it. Between that extra-long shift and my being kept up for 30 hours in an ER the previous week, my sleep schedule is absolutely toast.

The_Che_Banana , avatar

Glad you're still with us.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

Really glad you're still here. I hope you'll be able to catch up on some sleep, deprivation makes everything worse.

LallyLuckFarm , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

Going well enough, I suppose. Made some new acquaintances and had a good time at the farmers market on Saturday. Hoping some others remember they took a card and reach out to us. There's still plenty to do, though, and there's a countdown running in the back of my mind until my time gets stretched even thinner.

For now, at least, I am done with the scramble to get things done for market and into the scramble to get things done when not at market.

Gabino3503 , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

I am done with my exams for one-year predatory course for engineering and civil engineering. I got my grade for the physics exam yesterday and will be getting my grade for the mathematics exam on Friday the 21st of June or the Monday following.

remington Mod , avatar

Congrats 🎉 bee cowboy emoji

primscha , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

Saving up. Getting a summer job has been harder than expected, especially since I thought I'd have my job over the summer... But I know it's not the end of the world either. Just a little bummed out. Maybe I can still find something but I'm not holding my breath— at least I have a bit of money coming in from a design commission and selling off a phone.

Still reading. Picked up the book Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Studying and searching for UI and graphic design internships to take in the fall. Been practicing chess daily. (Not great at it but it's fun.) Practicing driving. (Which is a whole other story I could get into...)

But right now I feel slow and antsy. I'm hoping something in life turns around soon... Atmosphere in my house feels too heavy. It's a sleepy and hot summer.

rozwud , in How's your week going, Beehaw?

1st day of summer break! Aiming for a good balance of relaxation and productivity, as there are things I need to get done this week. So far it's working out.

rozwud ,

Update: Fire pit time. It's been too long. Drinking a lovely sour IPA to go with it.

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