Ask UK

yeah , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I'm hellbent on being a relic. Currently railing against the proliferation of "store". SHOP ffs. I look forward to everyone going storing.

livus ,

"Shop" seems to mean buy. "Shop affordable easter instore" = "buy cheap chocolate in our shop".

yeah ,

Do your shopping at the shops.

RGB3x3 ,

Do your storing at the store, your shopping at the shops, your storing at the shop, and your shopping at the store!

It all works!

yeah , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

"Are you in a rental?"
That turns up so much that I'm struggling with the proper way. Do you rent? Are you a tenant? Do you have a landlord?

RGB3x3 ,

"Do you rent?" is usually the way people say it in the US.

ICastFist , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

switching out the word ‘boot’ for ‘trunk’

What's the context of trunk there? Tree trunk? Car trunk?

Moghul ,

Car trunk

Aussiemandeus , avatar

What's a tree boot?

ICastFist , avatar

Makes as little sense to me as a car boot, but tree boot existing wouldn't surprise me given how little sense english makes anyway

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Yeah car boot, it's the place where the bodies go.

It's also an alternative name for a wheel clamp.

RobotToaster , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I like "garbage" when insulting something, it just has a nice guttural sound.

livus ,

Yes, but British English has superior insults like cockwomble.

PatMustard ,

"cockwomble" just sounds like you're trying too hard, like a yank LARPing as a brit they read about on the internet

AllNewTypeFace , avatar

That’s when you pull out the British understatement and switch to ordinary nouns in a context that implies an insult (“you utter teakettle”)

PatMustard ,

Teakettle? Isn't that just a kettle?

yeah ,

It's a way to call someone extra or superfluous.

livus ,

Really? Is it regional maybe? Irl I've only ever heard it from English people who want to say something stronger than "bell end".

PatMustard ,

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it IRL. It's a pretty minor thing really, use whatever insults you fancy, but if you want something very British you've got classics like muppet, nonce, pillock, bawbag.

Hossenfeffer , avatar

I'm partial to 'wankspanner'. Which is pretty un-American since even if they knew what to wank meant, they'd probably to with 'wankwrench' which just isn't the same. Sorry, I'm moving into rambling territory now.

livus ,

I myself use the insults of my own culture (NZ), but I just like hearing the British people in my life using theirs.

I know an elderly British woman whose worst insult seems to be to call someone a "rotter".

Holyginz ,

Honestly, bellend is a wonderful insult in my opinion. I used to watch a lot of sovietwomble and similar youtubers in the past so that and using cunt like a more colorful version of calling someone a dick were something i heard a lot and have a lot more behind them when said. That being said, I live in the US and would have to explain Bellend which would cause it to lose the impact. And cunt is far more negatively received here so you will likely be regarded as a mysoginist and/or get clocked here.

disguy_ovahea ,

As an American in awe of your insults, I can’t get enough of the English pronunciation of twat. It cracks like a whip. Truly spectacular stuff.

Holyginz ,

Lol, I'm American as well. But I agree with you 100%. It really feels like most of our insults here are lacking compared to the rest of the world.

AFC1886VCC ,

Garbage and trash are excellent American words. Much better than "rubbish"

Sizzler , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I'm all for Canola being the replacement for R@peseed but in just checking there does seem to be a difference between them (Canola is GM R@peseed)

Patch ,

You can say rapeseed on the internet, friend.

Sizzler ,

I can also choose not to, never sure about filters.

Patch ,

Sure. But it's a normal word, and censoring a few letters makes it look ruder than it is. Like writing "cockerel" as "c***erel". Just draws attention to the offensive bit.

Rogue ,

I went to school in a rather rural part of the country. One of my school friends was a tad concerned when he came across a folder named "Rape Photos" on his dad's computer.

Thankfully it was just a record of their field crop

Deconceptualist , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

I'm American but would really appreciate it if aubergine caught on here across the pond. I know it's French (and from prior languages) but I commend the UK for sticking with it. In contrast, eggplant sounds so crude and unappetizing. If you've Americanized this one, please stop.

Also, we should all bring back a few Old English terms.

GBU_28 ,

Call it what you like, it's an F tier veggie

Deconceptualist , avatar

No way man, it's a great vehicle for flavor. Soak the slices in a basil balsamic garlic marinade a for an hour then roast them in the oven, simple and delicious.

GBU_28 ,

To each their own garbage

GiveOver ,


Patch , (edited )

What I hate about "eggplant" is that none of the varieties that anybody actually eats look even remotely like an egg. It's a massive purple banana-shape. They also don't taste like eggs, smell like eggs, or get used like eggs.

It'd be like calling cucumbers "cheesefruit" or something. It's just destined to baffle.

thesporkeffect ,

It looks like eggs in an early stage of development, but aubergine is a way better word nonetheless

NigelFrobisher , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I’m in Australia now and it’s zucchini and eggplant here, though in general words are much more like British English. No idea what’s going on with the pronunciation of “cache” here though - I work in tech and it’s mental how they say that. Like, Brits and Yanks are in full agreement about that word.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

I'm Australian and it's always been zucchini and eggplant.

I don't know what's wrong with the way we say cache though. How do you pronounce it?

Brewchin , avatar

It's supposed to be pronounced as "cash" or "kaysh". Americans often pronounce it as cachet (ie. "ka-SHAY"), which is a different word with a different meaning. Needless homophone that introduces confusion.

I'm guessing that's been picked up by Australia in recent years, but not when I still lived there.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Yeah I'm a cash person along with everyone I know.

I have heard cashay though.

But I prounce sachet as satchet-et so I'm all over the show.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I'm American and I've only ever heard it pronounced like "cash", whether that's someone speaking or in tv/movies.

It's not a very popular word and most of the times I've heard it is on the topic of geocaching.

GiveOver , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I said "gen zed" the other day and everybody frowned and said "Don't you mean gen zee?". NO I FUCKING DON'T. Still fighting the good fight in pronouncing schedule with a soft sh but I think I'm in a small minority these days. I've given up trying to call it an aubergine emoji, we may as well accept it's an eggplant now 🍆

hushable ,

English is my second language and I despise zee, it gets confused with cee. Zed is objectively superior

Patch ,

You know, I don't think I've ever heard an American say "Gen Z" before, and it literally never occured to me that they were pronouncing it "Gen Zee". Obvious now you mention it, but I've just been assuming that every time I see it written down it's "Gen Zed" by default.

GiveOver ,

My friends were the opposite, they accepted that Z is pronounced Zed, but they said that gen zee was different, because "it's like ZZ Top". I argued back that it's not like ZZ Top, it's just a letter assigned to a generation. They were so used to hearing it said by Americans on TikTok, they refused to even accept that a normal person would say gen zed. "It's just gen zee though! Nobody says gen zed!". I'm angry again thinking about it!

Fiivemacs ,

Lol zed zed top

EinfachUnersetzlich ,

I have never heard that said out loud so to me it's zed zed top.

Lay-zed-boy make beds and apparently Dragonball Zed is wrong too?

funkless_eck ,
Aussiemandeus , avatar

I used to call him this.

Boy did I get the puss taken out of me

1rre ,

I'd argue it's a proper noun which happens to be a letter long rather than a letter assigned to a generation

That said I believe the correct term is Zoomer which resolves this issue

Deebster , avatar

Schedule, yes! We're very much in the minority on that one, but I'll keep on using it the right way, even if it doesn't seem to make sense when looking at other words like school.

blackn1ght ,

It's never occurred to me it could be pronounced "gen zee".

funkless_eck ,

Expat in the US. I met a guy called "Z" the other day - I didn't want to be a cunt and pronounce his name wrong, so I went along with it.

I do pronounce Aaron correctly and not call them "Erin" though.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Yeah it really isn't hard to double up on the a sound.


BoisZoi , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

American here, I tend to spell words the British way because they make more sense, and I've done it since I was a teenager, for some reason it pisses off my older brother lol.


  1. Grey
  2. Defence
  3. Offence
  4. Theatre
  5. Customisation
  6. Analyse
  7. Flavour

etc. etc.

SpoopyKing ,

Cancelled has 2 Ls and I will die on this hill

BoisZoi , avatar

I’ve always spelt it with two Ls and just found after your comment that American English doesn’t 🤢

Anticorp ,

Gray is the superior grey.

klemptor ,

Funny... in my head, "grey" refers to a light gray (e.g., dove gray) whereas "gray" is more like when it's overcast.

Hossenfeffer , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

I'm old enough to mostly have a British vocabulary. And, although I did live in Yanklandia for a year I seem to have come out relatively unscathed.

My kids (who watch too much Youtube) use a lot of American words and pronunciations. It's an ongoing struggle to get my daughter to say tom-ah-to.

Anticorp ,

Tomato, tom-ah-to. Potato, poh-ta-to.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Just wait till she's having taters

AmosBurton_ThatGuy , in What film did you watch when you were too young, and how did it traumatize you? avatar

Fire in the sky. I know little green men aren't actually here taking people but that movie still traumatised me as a kid and I still hate aliens to this day. Just seeing a "picture" of one will give me nightmares for a few days.

Stupid I know but I can't help how my stupid mind works.

Dolphinfreetuna ,

Close Encounters of The Third Kind scared me

AmosBurton_ThatGuy , avatar

Anything with what are usually called grey aliens or anything that looks like them scare me. Even the kaminoans from star wars make me feel quite uncomfortable lol.

Eyes have zero business being that big.

rab , avatar

Now the Hypocrisy song is stuck in my head

Digestive_Biscuit , avatar

This is exactly the movie which caused me damage too. I would be trying to sleep and this movie would keep going through my head. Every small sound became a big deal. I think it was the idea of something happening to me while I slept and I wouldn't even know until I was taken.

Years before this me and my cousins would somehow get rentals of movies like poltergeist, pet cemetery, nightmare on elm street, etc. Out of all of them it was fire in the sky which got to me.

ChillNigz , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions?

I don't speak Bastardized English

Jakaan ,


halcyoncmdr , avatar

English (modern)

ICastFist , avatar

English (free for all)

ProstheticBrain ,

It's "bastardised"

RobotToaster ,

Oxford spelling is "bastardized", actually.

livus ,


ProstheticBrain ,

Well... could you just hold these reins while I climb down off my high horse?

feedum_sneedson ,


RobotToaster ,

-ize comes from the Greek root ‑izo, using -ise is a Fr*nch imposition.

Deebster , avatar

Yeah, but the OED is basically the only British dictionary that thinks that way.

Emperor , in Have you replaced any British words with their American versions? avatar

I use often use "movies" and "TV shows" instead of "films" and "telly series" and I am mildily disappointed with myself.

I feel I should use the Old English Fall instead of the French Autumn but it seems a step too far. Perhaps I could use Harvest.

Deebster , avatar

I seem to use movie when describing the blockbuster/B-movie end of the scale, and film when talking about a quality bit of cinema. But I also am more likely to call a US flick a movie and a Brit one a film.

I like the sound of the word autumn, and particularly autumnal. I can see those reds and browns and feel the crisp air. Fall does give more opportunity for puns and easier rhymes, I guess.

Flax_vert , in Would you be in favour of assisted dying being introduced for terminally ill patients in your country?

No. Because it's a slippery slope, before I get called out on this being a "fallacy", take a look at Canada

Flax_vert , in So like, what absolutely ridiculous thing did you take to be fact when you were a kid?

I thought it was dark at night because of very thick clouds, and stars were just gaps in the clouds. Probably because I saw a very cloudy sky on a summer night with light peaking through.

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