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GlendatheGayWitch ,

Bush wouldn't have dodged that shoe without quick reflexes. Haha

GlendatheGayWitch ,

That would lead to false charges against political opponents or lead to laws that declare certain things as a felony to prevent certain populations from office.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Does this mean that it's potentially safer to be at an oxygen bar during a pandemic? Would that be enough to stunt the viral load in the air?

GlendatheGayWitch ,

The Jade Helm Scare was before that and I wouldn't be surprised if there were other efforts before that.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Use your knuckles and the space between from left to right. The higher points are longer months.

The left pinky knuckle is January, the space between pinky and ring knuckle is February, the ring knuckle is March and so on. The left index knuckle will be July and you continue with August being the right hand index knuckle. All the months that land on a knuckle are 31, while everything else is 30 (except 28 or 29 for February).

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Wouldn't that be double jeopardy since he has already been tried and convicted by the court?

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Ok, thanks for the clarification

GlendatheGayWitch ,

If he was found guilty of a crime, couldn't he then be removed from office? The Constitution says that they "shall hold their Office during Good Behavior". Surely being convicted of a crime would be the opposite of "Good Behavior" and disqualify them from office.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

This doesn't address what she found or the fact that her stance changed. TLDR below. From the article:

"But after taking office and examining hundreds of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found — and didn’t find.

The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized, and she could find no examples of critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that examines systemic racism. She’d examined curriculum related to social-emotional learning, which has come under attack by Christian conservatives who say it encourages children to question gender roles and prioritizes feelings over biblical teachings. Instead, Gore found the materials taught children “how to be a good friend, a good human.”

Gore rushed to share the news with the hard-liners who had encouraged her to run for the seat. She expected them to be as relieved and excited as she had been. But she said they were indifferent, even dismissive, because “it didn’t fit the narrative that they were trying to push.”

So, in the spring of 2022, Gore went public with a series of Facebook posts. She told residents that her backers were using divisive rhetoric to manipulate the community’s emotions. They were interested not in improving public education but rather in sowing distrust, Gore said.

“I’m over the political agenda, hypocrisy bs,” Gore wrote. “I took part in it myself. I refuse to participate in it any longer. It’s not serving our party. We have to do better.”"

Far right republican ran on platform saying that schools are indoctrination students to be progressives. She spent many nights and weekends going over the curriculum for the district and found no evidence to support her previous claims and in her excitement, she told her supporters what she found. They didn't believe her and she was so disgusted that she changed her platform.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Don't forget we are only 21 years since SCOTUS ruled against the state of Texas and overturned the anti-sodomy laws in the US. Those laws are still on the books and the current Attorney General has said that he will enforce them should Lawrence v TX be overturned.

There are also a lot of gay conversion camps in the state using electrodes and other means of physical, emotional, and sometimes sexual abuse to pray the gay away.

GlendatheGayWitch , (edited )

Remember originally that -1 was 1 BC, meaning 1 year before the birth of christ. The negative numbers are measuring the distance away from 0.

Edit: in the positive direction, the 1 was 1 AD, meaning the first year of our lord. Just like when talking about the reign of kings/queens, the first year of their reign is 1 and the 14th year that they reigned is 14. I believe the timekeeping for Ages in LOTR may also be similar.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Cruz recently won a scotus case where they decided that you can donate an unlimited amount of money to a campaign After an election is over.

The courts are going to continue allowing himself to funnel money to campaigns.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I'm American and I've only ever heard it pronounced like "cash", whether that's someone speaking or in tv/movies.

It's not a very popular word and most of the times I've heard it is on the topic of geocaching.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Not so much in the US. At least in my state, they don't have enough subs and have to double up classes when a teacher is sick.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

In a way yes, NPR talked about a study where conservative brains have a bigger fear center in the brain. There were a lot of cool distinctions made between conservatives and liberals in their brains and behavior patterns.

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too ( )

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Republicans are good about showing up to every election and vote all the way down the ballot, which helps them pack the courts. They can then do things like this to give their party a better chance at winning an election.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I know, his mental state hasn't been very good at any point in his campaigning. I remember seeing a speech of his that interrupted some TV programming shortly after he became president and it was just mindless rambling. I have ADHD and I couldn't even follow it, it was so bad.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

No, we don't get letters in the mail about elections. The options are news, radio, or look it up yourself outside of social media. With streaming so popular, people don't see near as many ads as they used to on their TV. That leaves social media as the biggest informer of upcoming elections and to hear about issues.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

They had McCarthy in the 50's around the same time that the Christian Nationalist changed the pledge of allegiance and national motto to include their god.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I imagine that white guys are famous who kill black people are big celebrities for the klan.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

The straight flag has been around for quite a while. It's black and white horizontal stripes. The ally flag is the straight flag with a rainbow "A" on it.

These guys in the picutre didn't bother doing any research evidently and started flying the wrong flag.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

That's not the straight flag. The straight flag is horizontal black and white stripes and has been around for about 20 years.

The ally flag is the straight flag with a rainbow "A" on it. If you've been to Pride, you have probably seen flags or pins with that design.,originating%20in%20the%20early%202000s.

YouTube Music team laid off by Google while workers testified to Austin City Council about working conditions ( )

YouTube Music team laid off by Google while workers testified to Austin City Council about working conditions::Some workers learned of the YouTube Music layoffs while testifying to the Austin city council about Google's refusal to negotiate with the union.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

If you watch the video, one of the union members is at the Council meeting speaking to the City Council and another union member walks up to him to inform him that they were laid off with immediate effect. The workers both seemed genuinely surprised that they were laid off.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

It would be a big win if people drove their electric vehicle to the train station. They could even put small wind turbines up around the station, like flower turbines to generate power for EV chargers and some of the station's needs

GlendatheGayWitch ,

The courts are going to ban it, just as they sanctioned hair-based racial discrimination in TX despite a law protecting against that specific discrimination.

It'll be just like abortion being denied the people. Bans for thee and rights for me

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Yet the person is decided for their district because they don't go vote. The vast majority of states also have a voting period of more than 7 days, making it easier to vote. People just like to drag their feet and wait until there are massive lines on the last day to vote.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

That math makes it 1,489 people per mile of arable land.

Edit: don't forget that not everyone lives on arable land. We also have apartments and skyscrapers that house people, thus packing in many more people per mile than individual.

A State Supreme Court Just Issued Another Devastating Rebuke of the U.S. Supreme Court ( )

The Hawaii Supreme Court handed down a unanimous opinion on Wednesday declaring that its state constitution grants individuals absolutely no right to keep and bear arms outside the context of military service. Its decision rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, refusing to interpolate...

GlendatheGayWitch ,

This is how I've always read it, especially given the historical context of the minute men being ready to go within a minute should the continental army/US call them to service.

The US wasn't intended to have a standing army when we were founded, it was supposed to be militias.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

The Republicans recently had a split with the Tea Party, that's where we got Ted Cruz from. Then they lost the election to Obama and came back to republicans

GlendatheGayWitch ,

The first episode was good because it was setting things up and stuff was happening. Then nothing much happened until the last 15-20 minutes of the last episode. Most everything in between should have been done in 30-45 minutes. Visually, they did well but it'd so poorly written nothing was memorable and there's nothing there to pull you into the story.

The whole thing feels like a slow crawl until they get to the actual story and just when you think you'll get a payout for watching hours of character introduction, it's over in 5 minutes. It's the most underwhelming thing I've watched. Imagine if LOTR was just the Fellowship walking the trail, watching them set up and tear down camp, hunting, and other minutia for hours until they get to Moria and then you get 5 minutes split between entering moria, the room with Balin's tomb, and see the flames of the Balrog before the Fellowship makes it out. You don't actually get to see the Balrog, just get to know that it's there and that it's gone.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I'm not a scientist by any stretch, but would disposing of plastics with these mushrooms in a terrarium of sorts help? They would have to be big and numerous.

The mushrooms would break down the plastics into CO2 and water and the plants would absorb the CO2 and water. As the plastics start to go away, we could add more of our excess plastic to keep the cycle going.

If this works, it also keeps the plastic eating mushrooms contained and away from all the essential plastics we have today.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I hate that phrase, it just shows how ignorant people have been of the right. They have been saying all those things loud and proud forever, even if you weren't paying attention to them.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Pinochet, the dictator who assassinated the elected president and violently took over Chile with US assistance was removed from power by a vote. For years his political opponents had even been sent to concentration camps that are still around to this day.,a%2Dhalf%2Dyear%20rule.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Forgot to mention that the coup was on Spetemer 11, 1973. Pinochet had been in power for about 15 years by the time the vote happened.

In order to help get the youth to vote No and end Pinochet's reign, the campaign created a pop song.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Unfortunately for us, people kept voting him into office even after he called the Texas guard to watch the US army with the Jade Helm panic that Russia started. Idk if they will ever vote him out

Why are we required to sit down when getting our blood pressure taken? Would the results be affected if we were standing?

when patients get their blood pressure taken at the doctor's office, the doctor requires you to sit, legs uncrossed. But what would happen if we stand up to get our blood pressure taken? can we stand? or do we have to sit? And why?

GlendatheGayWitch ,

It does make a difference. After a car wreck, a neurologist was assessing me and took my blood pressure acouole times. Once after standing up and sitting back down and another after sitting for a while. Not sure the exact reason, but it does make a difference.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Theoretically yes, but the first past the post system leads to really only having 2 choices.

Here's a video with a good explanation, I believe it's part of a short series if you like the first one.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

It's probably the same democrats that let Trump win in 2016 by doing nothing.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

No, that only means the Florida electors have to vote for a different vp. Trump/DeSantis could still win an election

MIT Passive Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water, scales down to the size of a suitcase. ( )

According to MIT, this technology works even at small scale, with one the size of a suitcase able to desalinate 6 litres per hour, and only needing to be serviced every few years....

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Would building one of the salt towers with mirrors from the salt gained from the desalination process be a better solution?

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I was thinking instead of a nuclear plant for power, the salt could be used for the tower to power the desalination plants and prevent the salt from being dumped in the ocean, which can damage the ecosystem.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

You're also assuming that the bottle water is filtered. Some of those companies just bottle up tap water.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Where is it illegal? I've seen Market Price listed for various menu items across the US.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

They will tell you the price when you are there and ask or if you call the restaurant. I've seen Market Price listed for fish and some more rare and exotic things like alligator and rattlesnake presumably because the price to the restaurant can change or the it could be based off the weight of a lobster or something like that.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

It would be nice to have consumer protections in place like in the EU.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

When I've seen it, the menu item was something like fish or lobster mostly, presumably because the cost to the restaurant can change as the prices as the market change and depending on the size of the fish or lobster. Otherwise, I've only seen it for rare/exotic meats like alligator or rattlesnake.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

I wonder if they would have allowed the play with a different bullying scenario.

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