MaJ1 , avatar

& G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Ok stuff to do this morning so I’ll have to dash across your TL & catch up with you all later , you lovely Peeps !

BTW Apparently the fact that you folks are the only ones I have regular contact with is classic ASD!

Have a cracking Thursday , you’re all nuts & I 🫶 yers ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

Picture an AI cartoon rendition of a squirrel in baseball cap & shades hiking thru the countryside. Thanks to @PlaystationPixy for the AI Whispering 😊

PixysJourney , avatar

Hope you had a good day dear! And hopefully also a good night! 🤗 😘
@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

MaJ1 OP , avatar
PixysJourney , avatar

You're very welcome 🌸 🤗

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Good morning to you too. Still in a bit of a sleepy haze here after a naff night, thank you insomnia. Still, the sun is trying to find gaps in the clouds and there are lots of lovely flowers in the lanes; mostly little white ones that makes the lane smell of onion but lovely all the same.

Hoping you, and anyone reading this of course, have a wonderful Thursday xx

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning Rose 🤗

Insomnia sucks ! I suffer from it from time to time (thankfully not an issue right 🏧 ) .

Oh you have a lovely way with words, I can almost smell the flowers !

Hope the day is as enjoyable as your walk & that you get chance to get some rest in!


RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic It's strange, it doesn't matter what time I go to bed, almost exactly 4 hours later I'll be wide awake for almost exactly 3 hours. No over thinking, just staring at the inside if my eyelids, or on here. Those 3 hours awake sometimes cross over with almost time to get up though.

Thank you, I did train as a proof reader and editor, mix that with partial sight (descriptive alt texts are essential) and it may explain something.

Soooo tired though.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I feel for you Rose, it’s horrible when your body won’t follow a proper sleep cycle!

It’s worse when all you can do is lay awake, not being able to read / watch TV etc, the hours stretch endlessly!

I can be like that when I’m in a deep depressive episode, I will wake within minutes of 5:30am no matter what time I go to bed.

At my best I only sleep for 6 hours unless I’m truly exhausted.

Your training shines thru 😊

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Awww, thank you good squirreley Knight. Lol. I love language but tend to struggle with anything other than Glaswegisn so concentrate on getting it as correct as I can.

Certainly feel the depression side of this. Just can't be arsed to eat/sleep/do anything. And the last 9 or 10 months of rain really hasn't helped at all. Depression aside, running on fumes is a killer.

skyfire747 , avatar

@RosePuckey @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic lucky thing getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Try only 4 hours of sleep a night or less every single night!

RosePuckey , avatar

@skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Not easy is it? I can almost set a watch by the 4 hours and awake. In fairness, I do get back to sleep sometimes, it can take a hot drink to do it and a hot toddy doesn't always seem appropriate at 5am. No, seriously, mint or lemon and ginger tea help me now and then.

You are totally right, sleep deprivation is horrible.

Someone told me hemorrhoid cream gets rid of the bags under your eyes but I'm not brave enough to try that.

filmfreak75 , avatar

@RosePuckey i've started taking this for the past 3 months and it seems to be working for me -- unfortunately, it's not cheap

@skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

RosePuckey , avatar

@filmfreak75 @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Great that it works for you. I'm not sure I could afford the price tag personally. I have been known to have hot milk with a shot of honey which sometimes helps but it's not a consistent help.

filmfreak75 , avatar

@RosePuckey yeah, the price is a barrier for a lot of people i tell about it but it's the only thing that has seemed to work for me @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @filmfreak75 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Oooh hot milk & honey, I have not tried this …. I generally have a little honey with china rose tea, never tried it in milk!

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @filmfreak75 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic It's something my big sister used to make me, would sometimes slip a brandy or a scotch in it if I wasn't well. The hot milk and honey thing sort of stuck.

skyfire747 , avatar

@RosePuckey @MaJ1 @filmfreak75 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic my sleep last night from my fitbit sense.

filmfreak75 , avatar

@skyfire747 i had a Fitbit for years and when i switched to an Apple Watch the data was night and day -- not sure the Fitbit ever truly tracked my sleep properly @RosePuckey @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

skyfire747 , avatar

@filmfreak75 @RosePuckey @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic not sure any of them actually get things right. It all has to do with the algorithm in them...

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@skyfire747 @filmfreak75 @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I have an Apple Watch but I refuse to wear it to bed, I don’t need sleep data to stress me into not sleeping ! (Which it would ! )

RosePuckey , avatar
RosePuckey , avatar

@skyfire747 @MaJ1 @filmfreak75 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Blimey! I used to wear a watch to record sleep but sort of knew what it was going to tell me so stopped using it.

MaJ1 OP , avatar
JoBlakely , avatar

You can try adding lemon balm to your tea as it’s a natural relaxant. It’s also very easy to grow. In mint family.

@skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Bizarrely I find an ordinary cup of tea & a bowl of cereal help if I’m up in the wee small hours & need to get back to sleep.

It has to be said the days (or rather nights) of going to bed at 10pm waking at midnight & then gaming thru till breakfast are behind me now.

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Yeah but its the WIDE AWAKE time that coincides with what should be breakfast. Never really been into games, sorry, give me a book every time.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Books work. If I’m actively re-reading HHGTTG then you’ll know I’m a fairly poorly bunny , I tend to resurface via Discworld as I start to recover.
If I’m not reading at all then it’s a very bad sign!

I’m currently on the way back up & have , today, started Andy Weirs’ ‘Hail Mary Project’. This is very positive as I only move on to new books when I’m well enough.

skyfire747 , avatar

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I am still battling my way through Red Mars.

MaJ1 OP , avatar
RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Met Terry Pratchet a few times. I know where Ankh Morepork was first thought of too. *skips off whistling smugly.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Everyone but me seems to have met my favourite author ! This is what happens when your ¾ s hermit ! 🙄🤦‍♂️

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic If i had a time machine, I would introduce you. He had some lovely friends in Cornwall.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Again , semi hermit so would prolly shyly wave to him from behind a door ( A la Schepple from Reaper Man)

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic In that case, you would almost certainly become a character in a book. I actually had no idea who he was the first couple of times, just some bloke in a big hat.

MaJ1 OP , avatar
RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Naaa, don't be, he was just another person, just the same as you or me.

DoubleTreble , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
stevenray , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I, too am quite often up for two hours in the middle of the night. With my bladder issues, tea is right out for me in that situation, so I often opt for the Benadryl. A whole pill would leave me groggy for 24 hours, so 1/5 to 1/6 of a pill plus a slice of bread to chase it down does the trick for me. Sometimes bread by itself is enough. Wishing you well from California.

RosePuckey , avatar

@stevenray @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Bread always works but again, with good honey. Maybe it's just the honey! I try to make my own bready so it sort of fights back. There's nothing quite like a freshly cooked wholemeal loaf with home made soup. Made a focaccia today.

skyfire747 , avatar

@RosePuckey @stevenray @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic love fresh home made bread, specially when I have done the baking of it.

RosePuckey , avatar

@skyfire747 @stevenray @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I use a machine to kneed it(I have a very knackered wrist) but oven bake every time.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @stevenray @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Ohhhhh my Mum used to make her own bread … that brings back memories! 😊

RosePuckey , avatar

@stevenray @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Oh, haven't been to California for years. Drove from San Francisco to San Diego once. All the best from Cornwall - the UK one.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@skyfire747 @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I have, it sucks, thankfully I’m currently in a better place sleep wise, now if I could only drive my mood and motivation up we’d be cooking with gas !

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Well squirrely Knight, maybe we should make a concerted group effort? Although I'm possibly not the best one to give advice.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @skyfire747 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Works for me, we have a little group here that acts daft & also supports one another, if you can cope with the fact that you share a TL with a 56 yo Squirrel in armour with a Scouse sense of humour then anything is possible 🤗🥰 😆

RosePuckey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Depression sucks big time, I have suffered from it (as it relates to ASD it turns out) since I was a kid. SAD off the back of the dark skies just makes it worse !

You gotta try & find a little chink of light somewhere, for me it’s gaming, Discworld & Hitchhikers.

I sleep by pushing myself to exhaustion, but I get that doesn’t work for everyone.
I hope you manage to get some decent rest soon 🤗🥰

SteveClough , avatar

@RosePuckey @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic If you can work out your sleep to need to be awake 4 hours later, it could be good.

But yeah, it sucks.

harriettmb , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning Harrie , hows you mo chara ?

ravensrod , avatar

@harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Morning already? Seems like only a few hours since I went to bed.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@ravensrod @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Awwwwwww !!

Morning Raven 😊🫶🐿️🖖

RosePuckey , avatar

@harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Chad! Love it. Apparently during ww2 and the rationed years that followed, a wee character appeared as chalked graffiti called Chad. He was the top of a head with eyes, a nose that hung over a wall and fingers, he was accompanied by the words Wot No... insert something you couldn't get instead of the ...'s

Thank you, I just had a rare nice memory from my childhood of listening to my aunt and uncle by a coal fire in the back room by the kitchen.

harriettmb , avatar

@RosePuckey @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I didn’t know anything about Chad, as I grew up in rural Ireland, and we didn’t have the war, the way folk in the UK did. It was just a meme in my list. I’m delighted it means something for you and has given you some fond family memories.

RosePuckey , avatar

@harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Chad was wayyyyyyy before my time, it was all recalled from the mind of my old uncle in a cluttered wee room with an open fire, laundry dryer that pulled up on ropes to the ceiling, lots of strong tea and amazing home made cakes. My cousin who stopped by regularly, was a real outdoors type, looked after a couple of lochs. Just remembering the smells of that room now. What a lovely place to escape.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic It was alive & well in the 1980s in the depths of Lancashire where I grew up.

Never knew the actual origin of it until now !

It’s good that it takes you to such a lovely place, it takes me back to prefab classrooms , wooden desks & notes passed in secret when the teacher wasn’t looking 😆

SteveClough , avatar

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I am glad I am not the only one - I remember it from the 70s-80s (I was born after the war and after rationing. I know, I am so much younger than I sound).

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@SteveClough @RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I’m a ‘man on the moon’ baby so I’m younger than you 😜

RosePuckey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic What , I was born 2 years before they landed on the moon, hence I’m a Moon baby 😊

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I was born after elvis died. Hahahaha.

punishmenthurts , avatar
RosePuckey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Oh Nuggan I’m a decade older than you !

Right on that cheery note I’m gonna polish off the last of the current notifies on my TL & go to bed ! Us old fogies need our beauty sleep!

RosePuckey , avatar
pathfinder , avatar

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Speak for yourself and I was born 5 years before they landed on the moon.

jacquiharper , avatar

@pathfinder @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I’ll see your five years and raise you seven 🤗 looking forward to the eclipse!

pathfinder , avatar

@jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
I would too, but I'm in the UK and I don't think it will be visible from here. Remember the last full one we had though and even though it was cloudy, it was still freaky.

jacquiharper , avatar

@pathfinder @jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I am doing a road trip to Rochester NY to be in the path 🌚 in 2017 the drive was longer, so I didn’t get the full effect

pathfinder , avatar

@jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Sounds fun and as long as the weather gods smile, worth it.

nddev , avatar

@pathfinder @jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Was that the back in 1999? We all trooped out of the office into the car park to watch it. I expected the sky to go dark, obviously, but I was surprised by the rapid drop in temperature.

It's a strange experience. I can quite understand why earlier societies imagined something supernatural in it.

jacquiharper , avatar

@nddev @pathfinder @jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic We had one in 2017 that passed through the southeast US

pathfinder , avatar

@nddev @jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
That would be the one. I didn't get the best view through the clouds, just the odd glimpse and one fortunate one of the totality. But, it was the way everything seemed to go still, that got me. Definitely, weird enough to make you think.

nddev , avatar

@pathfinder @jacquiharper @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Am I imagining it, or did the birds go quiet? It wasn't a total eclipse where I was, but the light level felt like late dusk.

pathfinder , avatar
punishmenthurts , avatar

@pathfinder @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
but I'm sure that's not the reason for the space program, just for a few guys to get away from you and me for a day 😀

pathfinder , avatar

@punishmenthurts @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
It's not impossible, though. My Aunt immigrated to Canada after seeing me as a baby, possibly swearing never to return, so... 😂​

punishmenthurts , avatar
Starbrother , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@pathfinder @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic We can tell you don’t get your beauty sleep Kevin 😜😂

pathfinder , avatar

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @SteveClough @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

Dr_Obvious ,

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
I know that as Kilroy with the grafity "Kilroy was here"

RosePuckey , avatar

@Dr_Obvious @harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Ah ha! According to wiki, Mr Chad was probably drawn next to the Killroy graffiti but they were separate.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @Dr_Obvious @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Yeah , they never went to our school !

MaJ1 OP , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic We doodled Chads a lot at my senior school! We had childishly humorous items as the target, generally items of underwear or equally less than salubrious things. 😆

harriettmb , avatar

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Told OH about this Chad/Kilroy character a little while ago and showed him the meme. He totally remembers Chad, but not Kilroy.

RosePuckey , avatar

@harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I seem to remember watching Morecombe and Wise or something on a Christmas re-run and them doing a who is Kilroy or something. Could be wrong, you know what memories are like.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic That sketch doesn’t ring a bell but while I love their shows I’m far from an expert on them.

RosePuckey , avatar

@MaJ1 @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic It could have been anyone from that era in all honesty.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic It was an excellent era 😊

peterainbow , avatar

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic well that's bloody weird happened to switch to bbc4 to get away from news and there was a drama about m & w, made me feel old as full of childhood stuff.
Later just by accident I see your post, this really is the matrix isn't it

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@peterainbow @RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic This place is very weird like that !

RosePuckey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic Well if you follow @weirdfolks then being psychic will be the least of it 😆

RosePuckey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks Oh dear - there’s a disclaimer somewhere 😆

ravensrod , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks Oh Nuggan’s nuts , lets not get into the whole cake thing again 😆

Cbfoley , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks No, they didn’t!

It was just your imagination ! 😆

ravensrod , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
ravensrod , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@ravensrod @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks I like the way you’re thinking there Raven 😆

Cbfoley , avatar

@ravensrod i discovered that recently! I was shocked! Shocked, I tells you!

@MaJ1 @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks

MaJ1 OP , avatar
Cbfoley , avatar
HeatherMJ , avatar
Cbfoley , avatar
niamhgarvey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks Oh sweet mother of Offler !

All we need now is for @PaulNickson to catch the scent & it’ll be the great cake wars of 2023 all over again ! 🙄🤦‍♂️


niamhgarvey , avatar

@MaJ1 @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks @PaulNickson 😂😂😂😂 now my sweet tooth is aching for a nice slice of madeira

Cbfoley , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Cbfoley , avatar

@MaJ1 nooooo. Kerrygold real butter. Enough to leave teeth-marks 😁

@niamhgarvey @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks @PaulNickson

niamhgarvey , avatar
ravensrod , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
niamhgarvey , avatar

@MaJ1 @ravensrod @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks @PaulNickson somebody get @MaJ1 a nappy!! With a hole for the bushy tail

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@niamhgarvey @ravensrod @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks @PaulNickson Hey there’s nothing wrong with the one I’m wearing ! 😜

Cbfoley , avatar
niamhgarvey , avatar
Cbfoley , avatar
MennoWolff , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar

@MennoWolff @ravensrod @MaJ1 @niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks All because someone (who will not be named) mentioned the trigger word cake. I was trying to avoid the obvious trap but here we are 😜

MaJ1 OP , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
niamhgarvey , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
ravensrod , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
farah , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@farah @ravensrod @PaulNickson @niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks And this is how it starts 😜😂

Afternoon Farah , lovely to see you 🤗🥰

PaulNickson , avatar

@farah @MaJ1 @ravensrod @niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks Too late. Someone already did and I claimed it all.

Like the Germans with towels on deckchairs you have to get up preeetty early in the morning to claim the cake round here!

PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar
PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
NormanDunbar , avatar

A hummingbird laid an egg in your cake! That's highly unusual. 😉

@MaJ1 @PaulNickson @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks

niamhgarvey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Starbrother , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Starbrother , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@niamhgarvey @PaulNickson @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks That is cruel & unusual punishment !

Happily I have these to stave off the worst effects 😆

PaulNickson , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Theosuwb , avatar

@MaJ1 @PaulNickson @niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks
A great list! I followed all! Good evening Maj! Good day y’all 👍🐿️👋

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@Theosuwb @PaulNickson @niamhgarvey @Cbfoley @ravensrod @RosePuckey @peterainbow @harriettmb @actuallyautistic @weirdfolks Afternoon Theo, hope you’ve had a great day my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

niamhgarvey , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Cbfoley , avatar
tursiops , avatar
jens , avatar
Dr_Obvious ,
MaJ1 OP , avatar
SteveClough , avatar

@RosePuckey @MaJ1 @peterainbow @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I think it is close but needs an extra "ot".

We are all Psychotic.

MaJ1 OP , avatar
RosePuckey , avatar

@SteveClough @MaJ1 @peterainbow @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic I knew I was close but yes, I think you're closer.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @SteveClough @peterainbow @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Oh for the love of Nuggan, don’t encourage him Rose 😜😂

juliasnz , avatar
juliasnz , avatar

@SteveClough @RosePuckey @MaJ1 @peterainbow @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Actually that will be my phrase this week... I'm still ticking! 🤣💖

Obviously there will be some people who will assume I think I am a bomb 😆🤷‍♀️

MaJ1 OP , avatar
peterainbow , avatar
SurrealSeal , avatar
juliasnz , avatar

@SurrealSeal @harriettmb @RosePuckey @peterainbow @actuallyautistic @SteveClough @MaJ1 @weirdfolks this is highly likely!! But then I am a passionate, possibly obsessed, drummer 🤣

peterainbow , avatar
SurrealSeal , avatar
juliasnz , avatar

@peterainbow @SteveClough @RosePuckey @MaJ1 @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic only if it's a cake where a crazy thing leaps out & makes everyone run away screaming 🤣

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@juliasnz @peterainbow @SteveClough @RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic That is not beyond the bounds of possibility on this TL !

juliasnz , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar

@juliasnz @peterainbow @SteveClough @RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Sorry just got an image of the crocodile out of Peter Pan 😆

Tooden , avatar

@harriettmb I am Australian, and I knew him as in "Foo was here" @MaJ1 @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

RosePuckey , avatar

@Tooden @harriettmb @MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Thats a new one. Thank you.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@Tooden @harriettmb @RosePuckey @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Ohhh you truly learn something new everyday on here !

18+ androcat , avatar


I remember my older sister enlightening me on the topic of these fellows, who very importantly only live on edges.

This was in the late 80s.

@RosePuckey @harriettmb @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

HistoPol , avatar
MaJ1 OP , avatar
Rasta , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Your day isn't so bad? Wanna trade places for a day? I have to identify an alternator, that is an exact match to fit my truck engine, but higher output than stock (not enough output to run things when driving) Teddy and I have been watching installation videos for 2 hours now. If I can do it myself, I'll save $600. It cost me $1000 yesterday.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@Rasta @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Ouch , cars (etc) are sooo expensive !

Nah you can keep your day , I’m not sure I have the energy to research if I want tea or coffee next, let alone track down a none standard alternator ! $600 is a lot to save, I hope you can sort it yourself !

NormanDunbar , avatar

@MaJ1 @Rasta @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning all. Have a good one. Good luck with the alternator. Hope you find a decently priced working one.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@NormanDunbar @Rasta @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning Mr D. 😊🫶🐿️🖖

DoubleTreble , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Good morning lovely 🐿️🐿️
Hope your busy day is a good one,
Catch you later 😄

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@DoubleTreble @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning Dee, my very favourite tall Peep (😊 )
So far so good , I’ve only contemplated diplomacy by extreme means twice today.

See yer in a while crocodile😊🫶🐿️🖖

DoubleTreble , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
See ya later alligator 🐊🐊

CazimodoCreative , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Good morning 🌅

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@CazimodoCreative @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic G’day Caz, hope you’re having a good day sweetie 🤗🥰

dgar , avatar

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic @MaJ1

*starts cracking things.

*interwebs coincidentally breaks, but that was totally unrelated.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@dgar @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Evening Jon 👋

So you would have me believe that the fact the DNS server is now making up site names based on random lyrics from tracks is nothing to do with you ???


dgar , avatar

@weirdfolks @MaJ1 @actuallyautistic
Those lyrics could be from anyone’s songs!! I wasn’t me I tells ya!🤪

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@dgar @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Hmmmmmmmm

“& she said…”


SurrealSeal , avatar

@MaJ1 @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic
Morning MaJ1. Happy Thursday. Hope it's a good one for you. Hugs.

MaJ1 OP , avatar

@SurrealSeal @weirdfolks @actuallyautistic Morning Lydia, Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Have a great day 😊🫶🐿️🖖

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