@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar



Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: wreckedcarzz.com

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wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I did this, for flexibility and to tinker without screwing myself.

But then my first install was Debian to run my docker containers sooooo

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

NO HUMOR IN GERMANY. Have a pleasant day.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

"if only we had a way to like, take a desktop pc and make it, like, not tethered to a power outlet. and made the mouse and keyboard a part of the case. and added a screen and speakers too. too bad we have no idea how to do that." -Microsoft, as they shove the 10,000 laptops off of the desk. "guess we will have to do it ourselves."

(yeah yeah a laptop "isn't a handheld" but you get the stupidity all the same, surely. MS abandoned their platform just to make a different, more constrained platform, and charge people for multi-player. and they want to act like they couldn't do that 25 years ago for free. fuck off MS.)

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I mean yeah, there's billions of us. Have you not gone outside for a while?

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Burger consumption is just hard vore

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

peeks out from your bushes


wreckedcarzz , (edited )
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Eh. I'm just (again, take 371) trying to get a ThinkPad running on Linux for light use, and I've dabbled with a lot of distros in the last 20 years, but I've always reversed course because something didn't work, and I got frustrated troubleshooting it.

This go around, I wanted Debian 12, fde, btrfs, snapshots. And I wanted it to work ootb (spoiler: it did not). It also needed to support my hardware, which includes WWAN.

D12 installs fine, everything is great, until the restart, where it hangs on hardware errors (I thiiiink it's thunderbolt but I can't remember) on boot. Okay, let's try Fedora - yay it works. Oh no, the fcc unlock for WWAN doesn't work. Let's try Mint (Debian Edition). Wtf, I can do fde but only on ext4, and gparted is useless here. I want Debian(-based) since I have the most experience with it, and the software I use is available easily. Don't like straight ubu, but not a lot of options so let's try kubu. After a couple installs, it checks all my requirements (Debian, fde, btrfs, snapshots via gui, WWAN, ootb* (with fcc unlock and added apn)).

It's fine, it works, but it's not what I wanted. And between needing WWAN working, and needing compiled packages for my software, I'm kinda stuck.

So I dunno. Kubu is fine. It's like the compact car you get as a rental. It does the job. But fuck, WHY is WWAN support so shit, why isn't btrfs support in the installer more common, why is it often difficult to do fde. Those three were a huge pain for me. And I'm not fresh off the boat, but I'm not going to fuck with the terminal just to install a fucking system. Ugh.

Anyway. I'm not "happy", but it's currently working. Suggestions (or assistance) welcome.

E: I should add that I tried fedora because it was recommended to me to try; afaik it's based on red hat

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I'll check it out, thanks :D

wreckedcarzz , (edited )
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Could I bother you for some guidance? I installed spiral an hour or so ago, and I got to the fcc unlock, but the expected folder with the scripts doesn't exist, so ln fails of course. Searching / came up with 2 folders and a few files that aren't what I need, and trying to search for ideas online has just been frustrating. I'm assuming I'm missing a modemmanager package that contains the scripts, but again searching online has lead me nowhere. And the Debian package info site is having server errors so I can't even use that as a clue D:

Do you have any ideas?

E: command that worked on kubu was
sudo ln -sft /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d /usr/share/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.available.d/105b:e0ab

E: I copied the required files (for the command) from the kubu live system, ln successful, reboot, but I'm still stuck as it's acting like there's no (usable) WWAN card in ModemManager gui. I setup the apn but can't connect to the cellular network, there's no option to connect.

E: also if it's any help I have been using this guide (successfully on kubu) https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Thinkpad/X13s

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, essentially 'all' WWAN modems (in the states?) that are sold as part of a laptop, have FCC locks. One needs to run a script designed for their modem (I believe, I'm new to cellular modems in Linux) on every boot that unlocks the modem so that it can be used by the system. I grabbed the necessary script but there's something else missing that I'm not aware of, but kubu has ootb.

I'm just a geek who pokes at things and learns by doing/breaking/fixing, I'm nothing special. But I'm just very baffled at this. It would appear (?) that maybe the service necessary isn't running, but I don't know what that service would be (afaik things ending in .d are daemons, of which the /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d is) so I'm sort of flailing, confused.

I might poke L4N, as if I can get this going, I'd be content with the system. I'm used to struggling with stuff (flashbacks of getting wifi working in the 00s), it's just so frustrating to be right there and stuck.

Thanks, by the way :)

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

As a disabled cub(?)/bear, I'm conflicted. I worry about (mostly others') health, but it's nice to be wanted for the way you are.

Regardless, thanks, everyone <3

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

It's almost like they have no spine and merely want to cash in on the rainbow-washing.

Who would have thought?

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

So it's a worse plan than a month of prepaid internet via hotspot you buy (once), which is (usually) a worse deal than just running a hotspot on your phone or cellular laptop as needed.

So uhhhhhhhhhhhh is the target market people who can't do addition and subtraction, or....?

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Now I'm not telling anyone to do anything... but nobody has ever had a baby by pounding your best bro in the ass while you stroke him off. Same with your gal pals. Make it a competitive event! Learn new things and create memories you can cherish for a lifetime as you scream louder and louder with every shaking orgasm, in sync with the boys.

Just something to think about the next time you get frisky.

(tomorrow's headline: "popularity of gay sex spikes 9700% overnight thanks to republicans")

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Treat the guys to a fat knot this weekend, they'll keep coming back for more. ;p

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Every other service: "oh yeah, oops" scratches that feature off the free plan

You: "no wait not like that"

Command senior chief busted for secretly setting up Wi-Fi on US Navy combat ship ( go.theregister.com )

In the Navy, no, you cannot have an unauthorized WLAN. In the Navy, no, that's not a good plan The US Navy has cracked down on an illicit Wi-Fi network installed on a combat ship by demoting the senior enlisted leader who ordered it to be set up.…

What's your server wattage?

I'm in the process of wiring a home before moving in and getting excited about running 10g from my server to the computer. Then I see 25g gear isn't that much more expensive so I might was well run at least one fiber line. But what kind of three node ceph monster will it take to make use of any of this bandwidth (plus run all my...

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I just moved my home assistant docker container to a new-to-me Xeon system. It also runs a couple basically idle tasks/containers, so I threw BOINC at it to put it to good use. All wrapped up with Debian 12 on proxmox...

(I needed USB support for zigbee in ha, and synology yanked driver support from dsm with the latest major version, so 'let's just use the new machine'...)

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

This was the straw that broke yada yada, and why I moved my data out of G a few years ago. If I pulled a cb and they axed my account, I'd lose some gift card info in gPay (that I have backed up in bitwarden), some YT uploads, and the general account, but nothing of value.

But most people aren't in my situation, unfortunately.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

No no no, you misunderstood. The mattresses are going out of (the) business, because they were for sale. Going out of business, sale!

Oh, shouldn't have that bar association logo on here either...

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I'm disabled, and I'll very occasionally make use of them, but I hate them too. Fucking the workers, making my $11 chicken into $24, and complaining that they aren't profitable to both sides. Absolute bullshit.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

(this reads like a rant but it's a message of remembrance and reflection)

Rose-colored glasses? I remember my realization in the 90s and being in the closet for the entire 00s. Me and other queer peers were terrified of our own family, openly being mocked in school by students and faculty, I have friends that have attempted suicide more times than I have fingers per person. You should not know the ER staff on a first-name basis. Friends who didn't reveal they were trans until they were in their 30s and separated from anyone but their closest, most trusted friends. Friends who still, after years of therapy, are still suffering from depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. And this spreads wide with the people I grew up with. It'd actually genuinely be difficult to think of someone in my extended social circle that didn't have the view that school was literal hell because of the constant belittling, insulting, second-class treatment from everyone from the students to the principal (I can think of literally just one individual). We had at least one person I know of who viewed the Columbine shooters as someone they looked up to, because of how badly they were treated at a place where you are supposed to be safe.

It's not all rainbows and unicorns now, but it's a stark contrast to what it was 20+ years ago. Children shouldn't have to wonder if they are going to be stabbed or shot or beaten by so-called 'adults' and 'caregivers' for who they like. They shouldn't be scared of being put out on the fucking street for taking their partner to prom. They shouldn't have to create a second life of lies and then mirror that data around so if anyone questions anyone in the friend circle, the stories match up.

A child/teenager should be happy and joyous, not like a fucking prison sentence. 20 years ago, it was. I lived that hell, many of us did. Abuse everywhere you turned, even if you were still in the closet (to everyone but us). People were absolute terrible bastards, but the victims are changing that, because we are the people those fucks who call themselves adults should have been. Everyone I've spoken about is in a better place now - scarred physically, suffering from mental trauma, often still questioning why they don't make today their last, every single day. But we are still here, we have always supported each other, and we want this hellhole to never be experienced by others ever again. A tall order, but we are trying.

I'm sure there's thousands, shit, millions of others just like us. We are the shy, timid ones, boiling in our memories of bullshit, our permanent rage. Suffering one last time in the hopes that others don't have to. Out in the world, some of us just want peace and quiet, to be left alone and forgotten, as their defense. Some carry weapons, due to their location and popular opinion against them. Some relocated to more accepting parts of the world, many right out of high school. But we all want all of us to live safer, happier, better lives. Together, we make progress, bit by bit.

My siblings and their friends, I hear them talk about things now and then. A few years makes a huge difference in tolerance - two decades might as well be completely different planets.

Just don't pretend or romanticize years past, is all I'm saying. Progress is forward, not backward.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

"we have a billion people interested in our ad campaign!"

"wait why is it coming from just one ip?"

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

(based solely on the title) ... "favorite brand"? I have a thousand and one gripes, issues, knowledge of shit that companies do/have done, but I don't have a "favorite brand". They have to not suck ass (so the majority is out), they need to make quality/reliable/and-or tasty products, they have to not fuck me in the ass for pricing, and they have to have decent or better warranties and support.

With that criteria, I might prefer one company or brand over another (good experiences, low pricing, a friend works there...) and I might even recommend them to others. But there isn't a fucking company or brand that is "omg my bff jill". With the exception* of non-profits, no matter how much you <3 a company, they actually don't give a shit about anything but your money, and thus their profits. It can be a mutually benefitial relationship, but like work relationships, don't catch feels, that's how you get fucked (and not in the fun way).

*even that isn't guaranteed

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Did you know that some vehicles have a trunk release within the drivers reach? Did you know that some of these vehicles do not check for speed readings before allowing you to release the trunk lock? Did you know that some of these vehicles have springs so strong that they can hold the trunk open against wind resistance of over 50mph? Did you know that some of these vehicles have an angled license plate location, obscuring the plate when the trunk is open? Did you know that you can test this with just you and a friend following you on a quiet/rural road? And did you know that not all states require a frontal license plate?

Use this information wisely. And fuck speed/combo cameras that are set to a very low tolerance.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Ugh I have to run a business now too? What's next, taxes?

(because context 'bars' mean 'of copper' but also generally 'liquor establishments'.... this thing on?)

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar



wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Most of the stuff here I can't relate to as I scroll by (I'm not really into card/dice based rpgs) but this one, uhhhh... 😳

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

My ex was very into ltt when they were just getting off the ground, and I thought the content was trash but I stuck with it so I knew wtf the latest video was about so I could be prepared to discuss it. Then started the bell curve of 'decent', then for a very short time 'good' and almost 'enjoyable', then sliding down the other side of the bell curve back to 'decent', and now it's just actual garbage.

I only remain a subscriber for the weekly wan show, and that is wearing on me too. Linus just can't shut the fuck up to save his life, and he interjects more than a helicopter parent. He seems like a decent guy but I want to punch him in the face regardless.

I've been a subscriber to gn for like a decade now and the quality of the content is just night and day. I feel like the poor editors at ltt are pumping out stuff that would be cool if if was 2004 and they were using windows movie maker. But it's just sad for everyone who got pulled into this toilet vortex, and the people who actually have skills are being ignored for the lulz and the most basic of internet humor. At least Arby n The Chief didn't try to cast itself as a serious, educational show. "my roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoi" was great for that. Ltt at that level is just awful.

I'd absolutely love to see Emily (I think that's her name..) break away and start her own channel. Their knowledge dwarfs all the other presenters, and they actually know what the fuck they are talking about, instead of half-assing a script and going 'yolo lolololol money is no object for short-term internet fame'.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I mean keyboards and yada yada but you get the point.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

You're missing a 0 there. Stripping and repainting ain't free.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

This has legitimately always pissed me off. The mid(dle) west is not in the eastern portion of the country. The first thing I'd do as supreme leader of the united furry states of america is put everyone that says things like "Ohio is in the midwest" onto a boat headed to the Bermuda Triangle. Then sink it when it approaches, just to be sure.

I've heard arguments "but in 1612 we didn't know that if we kept walking we would find more land" or "the population density is what matters". You know what I say? On the boat.

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Ah - I actually moved away from Memos (I just wasn't using it and it was taking resources for no benefit) so I can't actually directly help, buuuuuut I want to be optimistic and assume that the 'feature' was removed given the page 404ing.

You could use something like NextDNS (or any other DNS solutions that offer logging, I just use ND on my network), set up as the server's DNS provider, and see if the domain (above) shows up in the logs after a couple days. Though if you're running other software alongside it, then it might not be from Memos, which can lead you down a 'disable, wait, check, repeat' rabbit hole. But that's how I would do it, myself.

Sorry I don't have a quick and easy solution for you :(

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

If you remember, reply back - someone else will surely run across this and have the same question!

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