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massacre ,

Imagine having $700 million, having almost no responsibility, and still being that much of a putz.

Trump Targets J.B. Pritzker: ‘Presided Over The Destruction And Disintegration Of Illinois’ ( )

On Sunday, former President Trump targeted Illinois Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker, who has been considered a rising star in the Democratic Party but who has presided over the state while natives flee. Pritzker was inaugurated as governor of the state in January 2019; between July 2021 and July 2022, over 142,000 people left...

massacre ,

Am in Illinois today. Can confirm, nothing destroyed and certainly not disintegrated.

massacre ,

We need someone to ask him how he'd like to die like that boat electricution vs. shark question: "How would you rather die? Drink bleach or inject it?"

massacre ,

If you're going to repeat russian propaganda - it's TWO fucking candidates blind to genocide and the one who is now the first ever US President convicted of a felony has repeatedly made comments that he wouldn't even hold back on Gaza and likely would accelerate it to "finish the job". Biden is no fucking hero here, but Trump is objectively worse on Israel-Palestine if you are a single issue voter. And Isreal-Palestine generally doesn't break the top 5 for single issue voters in the US, so please... please... stop with this.

massacre ,

No offense, but then "happening" would have been more appropriate. The other commenter is correct about "happened" being past tense as in... it's over. Or you could have used "has happened" which leaves a bit of room for future violence. But this is pedantry at it's best - you're intent having been acknowledged. :)

massacre ,

Not an excuse... but unironically this is why so many rural States are Red. Lack of opportunity and the only hope is in religion. Addressing very real existential erosion of their livelihoods and economic fears would go a long way toward avoiding a civil war. Which another Trump presidency might just bring the Russian's joy, having set the wheels in motion decades ago.

massacre ,

In all seriousness - can we crowd fund this purchase and make it immediately public?

massacre ,

Vastly overestimate? You mean against their self-reported and self-serving emissions monitoring numbers? What a crock. has a very well researched (and entertaining for this sort of topic) video. You show us all this "legitimate proof" of actual real-world emissions and we'll see who funded it and when. Oh, and it better be current because we have satellite emissions tracking of the entire world which show JUST how full of shit industry numbers have been. Methane is 80x worse as a greeenhouse case than carbon dioxide. We're leaking it globally at MASSIVE rates. We should be making it so expensive to have emissions that every petro company on the planet seals those leaks. At least when it's burnt it's mostly CO or CO2 and H20 emissions.

Go ahead - let's see who is defining the "real-world data" estimates, who funds that research, and maybe then I'll consider believing the "softening" paragraph at the end that this is somehow just a thoughtless over-reach because the current administration couldn't afford to wait. This isn;'t government overreach, this is a planet dying from greenhouse effects and in the midst of the anthropocene extinction (i.e. human activity killing species all over). If we don't curtail the petro industry, then WE. ARE. FUCKED.

massacre ,

Except you did reply to this. With ad hominem attacks of being emotional and annoying. Instead of with any kind of counter argument. All supposedly because I used some caps for emphasis. lol

Show us the facts - I don't care about opinions (including my own). But.. here's some info for you. Perhaps I can change your position...

No? Still think regulating this is an overreach? I'm not even saying we can magically get to net-zero carbon immediately. I use NG for heat and gasoline in my vehicle. I'm no hypocrite - I am making investments in efficiency and will eventually be all electric with a large solar setup. This takes time and money and not everyone can do that. Oil and Gas have their place in the transition to renewable power.

We must regulate an industry that we continue to prop up with 100s of billions in subsidies and which get super special treatment by our lawmakers due to outsized lobbying and coushy jobs waiting in the wings for enablers after leaving government. On its face, the regulation proposed looks to correct for decades of (self) under-reported emissions. They're being asked to play fairly. But listen, if you can show where those regulations are "poorly designed" I'll most certainly read it if it comes from a neutral 3rd party who isn't paid by the NG companies or their lobbying proxies. Like I said above, the climate town video actually does a great job explaining - certainly better than I have. So there - is it that you won't respond or that you can't?

massacre ,

Toobin Tuggin' seems like a nice new euphamism...

massacre ,

Exactly - so people like Ahmed Moor are either not voting for Biden or voting for Trump, when those two are equivalent. The same Trump who encouraged Israel to "finish the job". He'd be thrilled to glass Palestine.

I keep seeing this same messaging and can only conclude Russian influence to put out this message as wide and frequently as possible. If you are brown or you are muslim or an immigrant and not a White CIS man, Trump HATES you. He thinks you are scum. You might disagree with Biden, you might think he should cut off Israel, and you might think not enough is being done to earn your vote, but your only reasonable alternative, Trump, is demonstrably worse FOR THE SAME REASONS YOU ARE WITHOLDING YOUR VOTE FROM BIDEN.

massacre ,

You're not wrong, but there's no incentive for the people operating in the current system to change that system.

massacre ,

Imagine in the world where we do stock trades that are measured in the milliseconds and it takes 2-3 weeks to process a check. This involves 3 things: establish communication with the bank, verify the account, verify the funds are available. If yes = transfer. Unreal that we enable these scammers still.

massacre ,

Which is hilarous on it's face when Trump is telling them to finish the job. Trump would glass Palestine given half the chance.

massacre ,

It wasn't Federal, so he couldn't pardon himself for State Charges (NY)

massacre ,

All of them - ocean temp, ocean salinity, ocean's ability to absorb CO2, air temp... and # of species disappearing, especially insect.

massacre ,

Was just about to say - you can probably find some literature on most of those that COULD sway someone who doesn't understand statitics or peer reviewed scientific papers, but fuck me... Chlorine Dioxide? It's fucking Bleach!

This is on the level of Trump's "inject some bleach in me to kill all the bugs" (paraphrasing) I suppose technically that would kill the pathogens, but most of them would outlive the host it killed first.

massacre ,

a sunk cost is a sum paid in the past that is no longer relevant to decisions about the future.

massacre , (edited )

I genuinely thought I was reading /c/lemmy_shitpost - great googilly moogilly

massacre ,

There is no way on earth that budget passes while Biden is President. But look for it to come back with vengeance if Biden loses.

Millenials (and maybe some younger GenX) will almost certainly be fucked. They will not touch any precious retirees because they know their voter base: "fuck the planet, fuck the youth, I got mine"

massacre ,

If anyone believes that's where all this cash ends up, I've got a few bridges for sale...

massacre , (edited )

So this bill is purely for the strong "Message" it sends, but like everything it's all hat and no cattle. Or maybe it should be all boot and no height.

massacre ,

If it holds up, and it's a longshot, it probably changes down-ticket races if people can't turn out for Trump.

Christian nationalism's support is strongest in rural, conservative states ( )

In states including North Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia, half or nearly half of residents support the view that Christians should dominate all areas of American society, including its laws, according to a new survey about the influence of Christian nationalism by the Public Religion Research Institute, based on...

massacre ,

Don’t take away the rights of these physicians and these parents to have these conversations.”

So.... she's pro choice?

massacre ,

Among Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican Party who say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, a large majority (78%) identify as conservative

massacre ,

Probably they weren't serious, but why not take the moment to educate others and possibly even, OP. Sometimes facts can change minds.

Edit: That's why I posted a direct response. You just never know who needed to hear that.

massacre ,

Disbar all of them. The peaceful transfer of power is the bedrock of democracy and our rule of law.

Trump Promises Voters Vengeance In His Final Pitch Before Iowa Caucus ( )

INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) — Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.

massacre ,

I want to know what they make those white collars out of... self-bleaching teflon?

massacre ,

I think I watched this episode of Handmaid's Tale

massacre ,

So we've progressed from Cancel Culture to Cancel Terrorism? Threats to judges, prosecutors, politicians and now hotels. Cowards

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