@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar



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lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Vegetarian not vegan, but I wouldn't really have an issue if ethical. Nutrition is another matter to consider.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

In case anyone wasn't aware, no this didn't go directly into the Biden campaign's funds; it went into a SuperPAC hiding the source(s) behind serveral shell companies. SuperPACs, unlike PACs or individual donations have no contribution limit, and usually require no disclosure of source. Their only requirement is they act independently from the candidate they endorse, and so cannot directly coordinate. This of course is pretty much irrelevant as call-and-response akin to the whole, "Russia, if you're listening..." can work just fine. Some may remember Colbert Report mocking this concept on a weekly basis.

This mostly a result of Citizens United v FEC and Speech Now v FEC, and traces back to Buckley v. Valeo.

Perhaps the single-most damaging action to our Democracy in decades. Thank conservatives.

Democrats must now play by the game in order to ever have a chance to win and change the rules.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

The King of Jordan owns 14 homes in the US and UK. Beachfront Malibu estates, mansions in Washington, etc.

But it's the poor woman and child seeking a better life south of the border who is the problem..../s

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This shouldn't surprise anyone, sadly. In a way there are many parallels with Bibi, and Trump & Putin for different reasons.

For Trump's case, Bibi has been facing corruption trials and his freedom is at least partially contingent on remaining prime minister and possibly revamping the entire justice system so as to avoid conviction.

For Putin, we're looking at similarities in terms of exploiting crises for power consolidation (see the apartment bombings), and just the sheer amount of time a person has clung to power, both over 2 decades, surving several American presidents. All exploit right-wing nationalism.

Let's not Netanyahu's stochastic remarks essentially led to the previous Israeli prime minister's assassination (because he was pursuing a 2 state solution in earnest).

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Right-wing extremist governments exacerbate regional instability, ranging from neocons invading Iraq, the Assad regime gassing and bombing its own people, Russia invading Ukraine, etc... Refugees amass.

Right-wing extremist ideology denies climate change again and again, ignoring the warnings from the smartest most knowledgeable groups among us. Refugees amass.

... And what is the reaction after feeling the effects from these causes? Electing right-wing extremist governments... Smh.

Well, they asked for it...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

We tried but how does one get through to the greedy & selfish, the ignorant and unintelligent? The psychopathic and apathetic?

We can only keep fighting the good fight I suppose and hope for the best, but the sea of ignorance feels so strong. Some people seem to only grasp or are about something when it direct impacts them in a very acute and obvious way.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Some valid criticism here, but in fairness to the campaign manager, you make it sound like she was pulled off the street when:

but she served as the deputy campaign manager on Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ last campaign and is close with the president.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Donald Trump approves this message!

Let's not forget that a massive segment of the voting electorate still supports Israel, which is the needle to thread.

If you care so much about this, what you can do is go on social media as well as speak to your friends and family about what Israel is doing to influence the polls directly. Reduce the national poll numbers and you'll see a reflection in policy. The slow shift in policy towards Israel has obviously been proportional to the degrading national and international support.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

What polling are you referring to, because the March polling from PEW who I'd trust the most in this situation still has 36% supporting Gaza action and another 9% having no opinion.

The question none of this polling dares to ask and probably should is, “will this issue prevent you from voting for a candidate in the general election?”

I think that's a fair question, but at the end of the day, the vast majority of people also do not place the Israeli-Palestinian war remotely at the top of their top list of concerns. So framing another way is: What % of the electorate in key states actually considers Biden's actions as unacceptable, versus the % of the electorate who still continues to support Israel and would consider it unacceptable if he withdrew further support? Moreover in terms of damage-control what would happen to Biden if he withdrew all aid to Israel and they just so happened to incur another terrorist attack? Whether we like it or not, this election is inevitable and Biden is certainly the better option not only for the people of Gaza but also the people of Ukraine and the wider planet for that matter. Certainly wouldn't be that difficult for a right-wing nationalist government to stage a false-flag akin to Russia's apartment bombings. So I think the proportional wind-down as polls continue to turn against Israel is the smart move. If I was in the Oval Office (and of course, none of us here are), that's what I would be advising. Meanwhile the second I win election, I'd be cutting Israel off entirely.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

JFC. Take your pick:

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Nah fuck capital punishment. Prison is fine.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine ( kyivindependent.com )

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I'm just a shitty software engineer but I've always dreamed up a social media network — perhaps opensource/non-profit — that promoted in good faith the best of humanity... I think there are methods that this could be achieved and I wish someone like Wikipedia or Mozilla would pursue in earnest. I've been part of the Jimmy Wales Wiki Social discord but I'm not yet sure if they're on the right track.

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain ( wapo.st )

At this point, it's fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they're a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it's something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting and...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Hard to imagine being this dumb. These people just aren't firing on all cylinders...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah there are the grifters and the grifted and I'm mostly directing my frustration toward the common Joe who believes all this.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Dive into a hobby or passion, or find one. Fitness is a great alternative because it helps rebuild your own self-confidence while giving you an outlet to vent some of your feelings. Try to do something more socially that may transition into making new connections slowly.

Edit: Music is also fantastic for this. Dive into playing an instrument.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I watched PBS Frontline's recent documentary about these university protests and my blood was boiling. Complete convenient anecdotes from students; a complete disregard for the anti-Islamic sentiment; and I laugh at the absurdity when Republican reps grandstand about antisemitism to these university president's when they continue to blindly support a raging antisemite for president.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Are they deleting their old posts?

They also seem to be full of shit, considering in one breath they say they've never been with a woman but also just recently commented they isolated and drank after a breakup in another thread.

Very weird.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

My wife is pretty well-traveled and said she'd never go back to Paris, for it was one of the dirtiest cities she visited. Combine this with the bedbug pandemic they're going through now and you literally couldn't pay me to go.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

According to Reuters, the issue is real but Russia certainly amplified the news heavily and tried to erroneously link it to Ukrainian refugees.


Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed ( apnews.com )

A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but dismissed his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax....

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This monster is a pure psychopath, exploiting the vulnerable state of these poor families.

I'll never forget the story of the one father committing suicide. It would be so much to bear. If they received more support from the country; if Republicans didn't block action.. If Alex Jones didn't exist.... Maybe he would still be alive.

... Actually, if the Republican ideology didn't exist, those kids may still be alive as well.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar


Young and charismatic. That's all that is necessary for Dems to sweep elections. Proven time and time again. With a hearty message of progress and love.

It's that fucking simple.

(signed someone who ultimately voted for Hillary and Biden but they were far from my 1st preference in the primaries).

Edit: Typo.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I get people want to fall in line at this point and I have and will vote for Biden, but your head is deep in the sand if you believe Biden's senility and lack of charisma isn't hurting him here. The only thing we're lucky on is that Donald is running again who is for all intents just as senile and far more deranged and far less compassionate.

But Biden doesn't hold a candle to Obama.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, dude — Just humor me for a second:

  • A whopping 66-77% of Americans polled again and again view Biden as too old to be President. So in this respect, I'm just reflecting a widespread concern of what millions upon millions of people see and feel.
  • His staff, who must literally kiss ass to maintain the privilege of working a job in the White House and like warfare will give no quarter to any argument the GOP makes no matter how true it is - is NOT a good counter-argument to make. It's as outlandish as the Republican senators coming out of the meeting yesterday saying Trump is sharp as ever.
  • Even the likes of The Daily Show to SNL mocks this aspect of Biden for good reason.
  • Blaming for the stutter works only insofar as you're old enough to remember Biden as VP under Obama in 2008.

NOW, here's the thing: less time needs to be spent trying to shore up the bullshit argument that Biden is "sharp as ever," and more about pivoting to Trump's incoherent rambles and his own age. Acknowledging Biden's age is actually a great one-two punch to use for anyone on the fence because it gives you a point where both can agree: "Yeah, I agree Biden is showing his age clearly. No differently than McConnell... No differently than Donald (give examples), but I think Biden is at least a more compassionate person... And say, while we're at it, can we agree we should have an age limit if we already have an age-minimum on the Presidency?" <clinks-beers and everybody laughs.>

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that the third-way shtick of the Clinton era must go. Watering down reality to appeal to ignorance just doesn't work.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Not the guy you're discussing with, but on this rare occasion I'll toot my own horn for once: If only the average American were as intelligent — or at least informed — as me. Unfortunately one must get on their level, sometimes. Besides, having a logical platform and having the charismatic youthful platform are not mutually-exclusive things.

Welcome to America, where everything from high school to your career prospects is basically a popularity contest as opposed to a formal job interview based on legitimate experience and qualifications.

They who can thread the needle between populism and substantive policy win.

I'm just happy Donald is the nominee again because I don't think Biden could've beat anyone else.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I'm no Hillary fan, but I thought the consensus was she lost because of Comey's bullshit October surprise.

Her Basket of Deplorables remark is actually the moment she MOST energized her base and grassroots coalition. That was a blip of authenticity I and many others appreciated.

You know, the people who actually go out and do the door-knocking, phone-banking, fundraising, and pushing back against Uncle Bob and their parents while dragging their friend to the poll out of voter-enthusiasm.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Oh yeah let me repeat myself to be very clear: I think not voting or a protest vote or a third-party or independent vote is downright stupid. I think anyone suggesting this is either a right-wing operative as it only benefits them, or they're very naive and likely a newcomer to politics. who also lacks an understanding of risk/reward analytics.

Absolutely, at this point we should all vote for Joe Biden.

All I'm saying is that unfortunately you and I are far-and-above average in terms of political knowledge and civic engagement. Most people lack the depth of understanding to look at things logically and so must go off intuition and emotion as shortcuts. So to some extent, I think a party would be crazy not to put a heavy emphasis on this. Unfortunately it benefits the GOP more because of the nature of their deeply-ignorant and gullible and griftable base.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Well said. Both Hillary and Biden had very lower voter-enthusiasm when people were surveyed... Even for dyed-in-the-wool Democrats. People like Obama or Bernie had high voter enthusiasm. If only institutions followed suit...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar


I get people want to fall in line at this point and I have and will vote for Biden,

Yes, repeat. Please, work on reading comprehension.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Geriatric, old, senile — same thing for all intents of this discussion. Yes, they are head-deep in the sand.

Hell just watch the clips from this Daily Show skit of Biden.. I can tell you three things: (1) Obama never did this, (2) Biden never did this during Obama's first term in office, and (3) this is clearly a sign of senility no different than McConnell just freezing during a press conference.

Wow and now you’re trying to ignore that he does in fact have a stutter?

Not what I said. Work on reading-comprehension, please. Try again and stop putting words in my mouth.

Also I didn't "sneak" senile in anywhere — I said it quite in the open, really.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, that's the correct use here.

I'll repeat the deflected:

Hell just watch the clips from this Daily Show skit of Biden.. I can tell you three things: (1) Obama never did this, (2) Biden never did this during Obama's first term in office, and (3) this is clearly a sign of senility no different than McConnell just freezing during a press conference.

You already attacked, hypocrite. Auf wiedersehen.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, those obviously connote the same idea. I would know, since you know, I wrote them. Peace!

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

In fairness I emphasized young and charismatic — was McGovern charismatic? I don't know about that.

Still, I think this is the exception as opposed to the norm, considering we can point to FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. RFK was setting up to be another obvious front-runner.

It's a race to the bottom to put forward someone who will water their rhetoric down and cater to ignorance; but of course, some of the country isn't educated enough to understand why progressive policies must be better — hence why you run someone young and charismatic — hence why Obama swept traditionally red counties that neither Hillary nor Biden picked up.

If I have a USB powered device, could I leave it plugged into a portable power bank (like the kind you charge your phone with) as a power outage backup?

Basically as the title says. We have semi frequent power outages where I live. The noise machine in my daughter's room goes out and wakes her up. If I were to buy a USB powered one, plug it into a power bank like one of those 10000ma ones you get for charging cell phones, would it have continuous power. Basically like a cheap...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Any recommendations of a modem/router UPS that would keep one up and running for a few hours? I've been needing to get one for WFH.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Whew, thank supply-side Jesus. I was really wondering how I'd defend my family from tyrannical apache helicopters or my home from intruders without a bumpstock...

On a side note I listened to some of the arguments of this case in front of the court and holy shit these Justices are both dumb and arrogant.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This. If we're bringing math into this, then it's mathematically impossible for not voting / 3rd party to change anything in the same way calculus may not be 0 but near-zero enough to be indistinguishable. Combine FPTP with Electoral colleges with the power of existing political parties and the only way you're going to make change is by either one or both of the following things:

  • Supporting one party so greatly you eradicate the other party, creating a vaccuum (eg, send GOP the way of the Whigs). In this situation, Democrats likely reconstitute themselves as the predominant center-right party while we get something of a social Democrat or true Green Party in their original place. A rubber-banding of the Overton window, if you will.

  • Utilize an existing party to change the system. This means evolving the party, which for anyone old enough, recognizes how much Democrats have changed in the last 2 decades relative to the Republicans who have actually somehow managed to only get worse.

These are the only two proven methods to work. Third parties, Independents do not work until the system changes. And in order to change the game you need to first play by the rules of the game.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

That these institutions, especially Columbia who is renowned for their journalism program, caved to pressure is as sad as it is pathetic.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I genuinely fucking love Merrick Garland and it confounds me that people have an issue with him. There may be some hindsight 20/20 wishful thinking about making things magically happen faster, but the guy is genuinely trying and did everything by the book; and in doing so, he ensures his own actions don't jeopardize the trial outcomes.

Most of the criticism comes from people who know not a fucking thing about the legal system.

I think people forget Garland was denied an appointment to the SCOTUS by the GOP as a nominee by Obama.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Reading Atlas Shrugged, liking it, and supporting Ron Paul.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Nah I actually meant to say Ron Paul but Rand was apparently on the mind lol.

US will send Ukraine another Patriot missile system after Kyiv's desperate calls for air defenses ( apnews.com )

The United States will send Ukraine another Patriot missile system, two U.S. officials said Tuesday, answering Kyiv’s desperate calls for more air defenses as it battles an intense Russian assault on the northeastern Kharkiv region....

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Do we really know the true range of the Patriot system? I suspect not.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I was hoping it was the stroke causing his deranged comments on Russia/Ukraine but alas the stroke was months later.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Then just change it to, "I like presidents/candidates who..."

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

My dad worked down in Georgia on a nuke plant for a spell. Being from Pennsylvania he always said while the West was 10 years ahead of us, the South was at least 10 years behind.

Anyways to exemplify this, he was the only white guy on the job site to associate with the black man, sitting with him on the bus and playing chess with him. My dad said he never once won a game against that man.

The good old boys didn't like this and would give my dad a lot of shit, referring to him as the damn Yankee and even carving the shit into bathroom stalls. My dad was always something of a scrapper with a pretty keen sense of justice and so one time in the break room following more comments about his northern roots he shot back, "we beat you once we'll beat you again."

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

But this is just a news report detailing an event in the war... And plus, Russia is bad... So...

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Because I believe the strict legal definition of a convicted felon requires sentencing.

You are not convicted until the judge enters that judgment of guilt. Now, in New York, it’s very likely that Judge Merchan will enter that judgment of guilt against Trump on the same day that he issues sentencing. That’d be July 11th.

This is from a Yale Law professor.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Let's not forget IDF already did shoot 3 of their own hostages... Who were unarmed... Who had a white flag... Who wrote an SOS sign with food...

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