@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar



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Macklemore Attacks Joe Biden On Pro-Palestine Song "Hind's Hall" ( www.hotnewhiphop.com )

He hasn't released on streaming yet or YouTube only insta and Twitter. Once it's up on streaming he said all proceeds will go to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)....

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Same Love is one or the best songs of all time. That's the main one I remember.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. Imagine if it wasn't just Trump but Mike Pompeo that piece of utter dog shit instead of Blinken. They'd be cheering on the bombings faster than Dick Cheney could say WMD while they just laughed at the protesters.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Bibi says the same for Gaza.

Putin says the same about leveling civilian centers, too.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I'm about to vomit at the thought but if Trump gets locked up and sinks what are the odds Musk runs for President either this year or in 4 years to capture these same bottom-feeders of society?

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Oh thank fuck I keep forgetting his not native born.

old.reddit.com login redirects to www.reddit.com/login

I use old.reddit.com, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to old.reddit.com extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is https://www.reddit.com/login/. That, of course, takes you to www.reddit.com....

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Imagine being them, subbed to a "Reddit" community on Lemmy, complaining about people who use reddit...

They're not exactly deep thinkers.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

They're cracking down harder on these protesters than the January 6th insurrectionists lol.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Let's go a step further keep every Republican out of office.

They're all losers. I could substitute 100 Republicans in her place and expect every single one to act the way she did.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I genuinely cannot comprehend how uneducated and uninformed one must be to think Biden has done the same or worse than Trump LOL.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Shouldn't surprise anyone, really. Mike Johnson did Putin a big favor in delaying aid for so long. Now Putin will push for any last-minute gains before the aid can be fully deployed.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I'll never stop associating her with the scummiest of scum after she sat round-table with Putin (evil fuck), Putin's henchmen, and Michael Flynn (traitorous christian nationalist fuck). https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696

... The event? A 10-year celebration of Kremlin's RT propaganda network.

Jill Stein is what Jill Stein has always been — a wedge-driving pawn to Putin no different than Tulsi Gabbard or Glenn Greenwald post-Kompromat.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Because people who vote Stein at least in theory should be ideologically-aligned with Democrats than Republicans. If you're voting Stein because you are on the left side of the spectrum, then you need to educate yourself that this is a wasted spoil vote that only enables the Republican party candidate who is further from your goals to get in power. Green party candidates are often bankrolled by Republicans. Guess why.

Ideally, we'd want life-long Republicans to not vote or vote Kennedy or West while we want Stein voters to vote Biden.

Moreover within this community that is predominantly left-leaning, the message is: not-voting or voting third-party helps Trump. If I was in a conservative community, sure I'd be pushing for apathy and voting third party.

Now you know what right-wing operatives and online troll farms do.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This is what Putin conveniently does for any opposition.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Guess I'm another proud ban of the world news .ml instance. Honestly, the pettiness of the mods over there is insane. They're a cult. I can't help but think they're at least partly hijacked by some state sponsored astroturfing campaign.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

When I understood they're descendents of ChapoTraphouse it all made sense. Half are righty astroturfers posing; some other sizable chunk are assuredly edgy teenagers. Some are foreign operatives. The rest are, frankly, the duped.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

lol tankies trying so hard to rationalize what China and Russia is wrongly doing now for what US may or may not have wrongly done in the past.

But tu tuoque / two wrongs make a right, amirite gais!?

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

lol who cares. Irrelevant to the conversation. Why fixate on the past when the topic is the wrongdoing happening now and that can be thwarted now?

  • Anti-capitalism
  • No tankie
  • USA bad!
  • Doesn't side with China.

What a unicorn!

Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how'd you acquire the device you're using right now?

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Oof, looks like I hit a nerve and won.

Again: Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how'd you acquire the device you're using right now?

I'm not even a liberal, haha! I'm actually left of there. Closer to a Social Democrat.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Ah! So they're just hypocrites who can't practice what they preach — got it!

Always makes me chuckle when someone spits out something like "capitalist scum" but guaranteed wallows in the scum on the daily like a pig in feces.

Zero self-awareness.

Change begins with you, good sir!

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

A reflection of their constituents to boot.

... Well, okay. Not all are psychopaths. Many are just naive, low-educated, and grifted.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

"Look I stand up for individual freedumb and small guv'mint and minding yer own beezwax... But I draw the line when I'm forced to see two men that ain't me holdin' hands or having to call someone a different name than they want, like Jon over Jonathan! The audacity!1!"

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Without delving into this event I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this is the common trope of framing something that is Anti-Netanyahu or Anti-Israeli or Anti-Zionism (Read: Far-Right Nationalism) or Pro-Civilian — and associate it with antisemitism. Let me edit upon review to see if I can confirm this hypothesis.

Edit: I'd say I'm pretty much right.



Times of Israel of course has a convenient anonymous student referring to chants that are curiously not captured on video/audio. If someone has something, then do let me know. I suspect like most things this is a matter of colorizing the protest by the few bad apples who, according to an AP article, were not even students. So you may have actual antisemites trying to hijack the movement; or you might have pro-Israelis trying to tarnish the protest by painting it in a bad light.

Either way, the protests should be judged by the overwhelming narrative projected by the mass at large.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

So maybe I missed something but the report doesn't make it really clear who is to blame for the mass graves or when they were made.

So at this point this could've been Hamas or Israel, right?


lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

It showed some self-awareness I appreciated, and damn do they have good chemistry.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

There are loads of investigative journalists they just don't have the audience size these satirists have.

Propublica does insane work. PBS Frontline as well. Amanapour. Many stories break from the likes of WaPo as well.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Eh it's 24/7 news.

Jon nailed it that covering this stuff isn't necessarily an issue unless something more important comes up.

And sure we could say these news outlets could cover a range of topics if not just teach civics when nothing is happening... But they're viewer/profit driven.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. I didn't mean to sound like I'm excusing it as Jon also noted the problem is how everything is a crisis and breaking news and it just exhausts what actually is urgent.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Even there Reagan was like, "Hold my Movie Script" and crushed the airline industry union, essentially leading to the post-labor era.

With all the news about Air Traffic Controllers falling asleep and making poor decisions, would be nice if Democrats connected this failure to Reagan's fuck-up, but I guess the electorate is too short-sighted to connect the dots.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I remember when it was all the rage during the Ron Paul era. Took a while to get through to people why it's a terrible idea.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

There is no hope for fascist authoritarians of the Republican spectrum. Here one drones on and on about Biden and what he promised and didn't promise -- yet you ignore the elephant in the room, conveniently. Curiously. Suspiciously.

I'll edit my comments all I want. There's nothing wrong with reviewing grammar and typos and revising sentences to improve clarity. You still haven't elucidated exactly what I edited that is aggravating you so much, lol.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Your attempt to wedge-drive fell on better-informed ears here and only reinvigorated the existing population here to turn out for BIden. Your objective failed spectacularly. Better luck next time.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Irrelevant. Read again, except this time more closely.

What matters is who changed first.


Democrats changed first.

As, in recent history preceding the great ideological shifts of party banners, they always do.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Belligerent? Good sir/madam I'm merely reflecting the tone and sincerity I receive. Ethics of reciprocation is something I live by! If you find me to be belligerent, then one need merely look in the mirror.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Cool, then there’s nothing to worry about

Exactly. There isn't. I've done enough damage-control here that my job is done and the rest is just icing on top.

"Terrified"? Well, yes anyone obviously would be with creeping fascism on the line.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Does it really matter to the point being made?

Oh man, how far we've come in 30 years. I really am quite proud of the Democratic party.

On the flipside, Republicans have if anything continued to regress.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Real solutions necessitate getting obstructionists out of the way. Minority polls are beginning to swing back as Democrats actually begin campaigning as of last month. I'm not too worried, for we know early polling yields no valid data and the concerns will be addressed.

Meanwhile Trump will be stuck in trial after trial as he attempts to grift more of his followers for every last dollar they've got to pay for his legal expenses as opposed to actively campaigning.

So again, yeah, I'm actually more confident going into this year than 2020 OR 2022 midterms :)

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I prefer data-driven, really.

  • Economy is better than either election cycle.
  • COVID is now largely behind us.
  • Trump is distracted and subject to numerous criminal lawsuits which a majority of independent voters say he's guilty of.
  • Despite Trump being in campaign mode since his previous term, he still can't out-raise Biden LOL.
  • Biden administration is at the helm, which means no attempts to "find votes" in Georgia, etc. LOL.

But true, there are classic hurdles to overcome, like the archaic slave-era Electoral College giving land a vote and disproportionately giving Bubba more voting weight (I can make those jokes; I'm from Appalachia); the fact that Republican states are trying their normal shenanigans of adding more hoops to vote (especially in lieu of conservatives gutting the VRA).

I just wish you demonstrated enough courage to show revealed true colors instead of hiding behind anonymity. Then we could have a real conversation if you'd just confess whom you really support. Crazy that your positions are so unpopular you can't even openly say it lol.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

When the average Lemmy poster is the average member of the electorate, then you let me know. Not too concerned for tankies and right-wing wedge-drivers, if that's who you're referring to.

Put another way, by every classic metric Republicans would hold the economy over Democrats if Trump were in office, we're doing fantastic. GDP Up, Inflation coming down, Gas prices coming down, Stock Market all-time high recently, unemployment low, etc. etc.

Most importantly, pretty much every single metric is improved since — again — the previous two election cycles.

I find it amusing you always try to just reply to singular pieces of low-hanging fruit because you have fundamentally no argument consistently for >80% of the points I make; and of that which you do respond, it's quite easily picked apart.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

LOL as if that has anything to do with the subject at hand. I haven't even attempted to advertise. You're trying so hard to find something and got: Nothing.

Looks like I'm right.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Being the sole gateway through which Marijuana legalization has occurred is a, "modest aesthetic"?


Of course you're not interested, because you know you've got nothing. And yet, here you are.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

My thoughts exactly.

But then really, what more is there to get?

  • We're in a thread about a concern-troll criticizing Biden for not doing MORE on Marijuana decriminalization.
  • I point to the fact that literally all Marijuana legalization efforts have stemmed from Democrats.
  • And since we know Republicans will do nothing on this and in fact take us backwards in most cases, there really isn't a further point to be made.
  • Thus, within the given context, calling Democrats' action on Marijuan legalization, decriminalization, and outright pardoning of offenders a "modest aesthetic" is gross euphemism.
  • It is, of course, conveniently never enough with folks; and to that I point to the famed adage, "never left perfection get in the way of progress."
lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Biden can't do more. History aside, he has shifted his stance since. However, he is not a dictator.

The solution is pretty simple, really: Vote Democrat; vote out Republicans — then watch Biden be able to pass what has already been introduced by Democrats.

So yes, it really is as simple as, "Democrats are FAR better than Republicans."

After all, when it comes to decriminalization, I can now smoke weed if I want to — thank a Democratic liberal.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar


Indeed, I believe everyone should strive for rationality.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

What did I not address? Pretty sure I addressed everything! If I missed something, let me know!

its a bad look.

As is the number of grammatical mistakes I see. I recommend improving that in order to improve your ethos and legibility!

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Curious of the state but I'm willing to bet money >90% of those activists were, conveniently, voting Democrats or of the Democratic coalition.

This is generally reflected in public polling: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/03/26/most-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana-for-medical-recreational-use/#:~:text=62%25%20of%20conservative%20and%20moderate,Democrats%20(84%25)%20say%20this.

Finally, conservatives are starting to come around but they're always behind the curve.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Ah — correction — having unreasonable expectations of Democrats in the face of immovable majority opposition, suggests you're a spoiled child.

lennybird ,
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Well since you're speaking for someone else, how about we just ask them who was closer to "what they meant" instead of just presuming with your blatant strawman?

$10 I'm closer.

lennybird , (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, you can thank blue states and democratic activists for paving the way years ahead of anyone.

... Eventually reds trail behind.

Edit: Also I'm willing to bet those referendums in those red states were petitioned largely by left-wing Democratic-caucus members.

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