

not much

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lemmyreader , (edited )

You know that PeerTube has a build-in video import tool ?
It can import Youtube / Dailymotion / Vimeo channels or playlists.


I think that downloading YouTube videos is technically illegal unless you have been the uploader of the videos. But with PeerTube you can create private channels which you could share with friends or maybe even paid subscribers I guess.

lemmyreader ,

Don't know. I guess you could ask the admin of friendly instances, or self-hosted or ask friends to self-host. Self-hosting a PeerTube server is not that difficult and "Big Storage" on-line is not that expensive anymore.

lemmyreader ,

it’s also difficult to find content on peertube.

PeerTube has a search engine : https://sepiasearch.org
Does that not work well ?

lemmyreader ,

I know this is the “wrong answer” but I have always used Twitter to keep tabs on local government agencies, newspapers, reporters, restaurants, bars, events, concerts, sports teams, etc. Not to mention all the accounts that pertain to my hobby’s and interests.

Yes, it's a problem. Even several open source projects use Tw(X)tter as their main outlet. A few years ago one project even used it to share an important security update!
They must have posted it in their Discourse forum as well but I don't visit that often. I stumbled upon the important post by coincidence with Nitter (Nitter is declared dead since a few months). Since then, lesson learned, I use some notification.

Really, the right answer here for my needs is that all these groups need to join the fediverse. I just don’t see that happening.

Agreed. Some people stay there because "everyone is there", or their favorite VIPs are there, or people stay there because they think they should fight the bad things that happened to it from within :/ Sad.

Or maybe I should say I wish the “existing platform” of my city government would start their own instance.

That would be cool.Governments, at least in the country where I live in, need to make an effort to be transparent and reach out to their citizens without creating insurmountable barriers.Start an on-line petition and getting people to sign it, and share with the local government ?

lemmyreader ,
On Reddit: “Windows is being enshitified. How can we cope with it?”
On Lemmy: “Windows is being enshitified. Good thing we’ve moved to Linux”

I think I see a pattern here.

Interesting. I guess it has to do with what you are used to and what feels comfortable.

Linus Torvalds once made this remark :

When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows,' people just stare at you
blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, for free.'

If I think back of the days that I was using Linux and I saw friends and family using Windows95 that had just launched (with a massive hype, and using a Rolling Stones song to promote it) the Blue Screen of Death was fairly normal for folks. And they lived with it, and they continued to live with it because they thought that they had no choice, and they were incredibly happy to not having to use DOS anymore.
Later some of the folks I knew after having their Windows computer flocked with Windows viruses they bought a Mac, and as a matter of saying, lived happily ever after.
Not everyone can afford Macs though.And not every "normie" is ready to use Linux.

lemmyreader ,

Yunohost is doing the installation and finishing with having a XMPP and email server, and from there you can install apps on top of that. You can play with Yunohost inside a container if you wanted to but you will have to prepare the proxy in front of it. If you want to try Yunohost the easiest way, rent a VPS for it.

lemmyreader ,

If you only access your local domain name inside your LAN and via VPN you can also use Caddy to have local SSL certificates https://caddyserver.com/docs/automatic-https#local-https
Have not tried this myself yet but I like the idea of not getting any warnings in browser, and this is safe as long as the Caddy CA root certificate is safe.

lemmyreader ,

I hope you too learned alot :) but if I may, I would switch from AdguardHome to Pi-hole.


  • pi-hole rocks! :)
lemmyreader ,

Following this conversation and here it was a pleasant surprise to see this pinned post from a GoToSocial developer 🙂


lemmyreader ,

I feel that that is not what their post was saying.I read it more like the possibility that Mark Zuckerberg would want to talk to the core developer of Mastodon and e.g. buy Mastodon.social, and then when GoToSocial would grow Zuck would want to talk with them as well.I'd be surprised if the GoToSocial software would have Meta Threads blocked by default in their source code.

Mobilizon v/s Nextcloud (v/s other?) for a network of people event calendar

I have been given the task of finding a proper platform for building a network of education, medical and other initiatives in my country, that have all the same focus (I am sorry I can't give details yet on the project, but you could probably could get a grasp of the idea if you think in something like a church whose attendants...

lemmyreader ,

So I think we will be setting up a fediverse instance for this (Still trying to decide between Pixelfed, Mastodon and Firefish), but,

An alternative for Mastodon or Firefish is GoToSocial Till the end of the year they have two developers working on it full-time.

before that, we need to solve a simpler issue: a Calendar of Events.

  • I'd be careful with Nextcloud. It can look very nice from the outside but beware of the hype. If you go read forums posts you will likely see several complaints about how slow it is for some and how buggy some parts of Nextcloud are (Take for example the "suspicious login" app).

  • Mobilizon looks nice though I've unfortunately not have had the chance to self-host and try it myself.

lemmyreader OP ,

Yeah, I like to read Hacker news from time to time. Since reading this article I will surely remember that friendship.

Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

I've explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can't help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a...

lemmyreader ,

One thing you can do :

lemmyreader ,

Up to you. Netguard does need a local VPN connection on the phone to work, so if you would need some VPN app to run there's a problem. Netguard blocks network access per app (with choice for enabling/disabling WiFi and/or Mobile Data per app) which I think is cool. And it is an open source app available via F-Droid.

lemmyreader ,

Cloudron is kind of a freemium product. They offer a few apps (two ?) for free to use. For more apps you need to pay. Their back-end does have a view-source-but-no-edit "open source" license last time I checked. Bu if you want to keep things easy, go for it.

403 via archive.org ? ( lemmy.ml )

Trying to access this https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.dataguidance.com/news/czechia-%C3%BAoo%C3%BA-fines-avast-czk-351m-gdpr-violations got a 403. Never had that before with the WayBackMachine. Then I tried to load it directly and got a "You are blocked!". Does the WBM not really make a full copy ? Not very Tor friendly...

lemmyreader OP ,

Thanks, I had no problems so far with the WBM archive. Other pages did load fine in the same Tor browser session. Maybe the copied page had some Cloudflare or Cloudfront (?) related JavaScript copied in ?

lemmyreader ,

Yesterday I saw a post on Lemmy about software tracking in cars. Reminded me of a Mastodon post I'd seen earlier that day, by journalist Kashmir Hill. I looked up the Mastodon post I had seen in the Explore time line, cursed somewhat because the time line was filled with newer posts, and gave up. Started searching with a search engine and found the Mastodon profile page of the journalist. Found the toot, and began writing a comment in the Lemmy post page, and just before hitting the Send button I noticed that the Lemmy post was about a newspaper article written by ... Kashmir Hill 😑

lemmyreader ,

Journalist Kashmir Hill is a name I remembered after reading Life Without The Tech Giants series

In 2019, when I was a reporter at Gizmodo Media Group, I spent 6 weeks blocking
Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple from getting my money, data


lemmyreader OP ,
lemmyreader OP ,

Yes, agreed. But read the other post and this comment : https://lemmy.ml/comment/10590333 I fear that big tech giant products usage is too strong and only increasing. More and more Google and Microsoft data centers and offices are build in Europe lately. More jobs, less nature, more pollution, less digital sovereignty, more dependency on big tech :(

lemmyreader OP ,

I like the idea! But from what I've read USA will be able to access EU citizens data even on EU servers maintained by USA big tech companies.That's how USA law works :(

lemmyreader ,

😅 Great! Keep them coming. Thank you!

InternetIsScary , to Lemmy French
@InternetIsScary@mstdn.social avatar

The fediverse is amazing!

I can’t get over how cool it is to view my posts from any server. I’m definitely going to use activitypub for my social media I’m planning on making. I was going to use @Discourse , but considering it’s like #GitLab where you are only able to self host and each instance of discourse can’t interconnect makes me kinda sad. But activitypub seems like the only way I feel happy in both ways.

#ActivityPub #discourse #Email #Git @lemmy

lemmyreader ,

The OP posted from Mastodon (check their profile) hence the hashtags.

lemmyreader ,

FYI : The embedded OS in the elevator infrastructure was the [NOT DISCLOSED] OS.

lemmyreader OP ,

🙂 Well, you know I'd say you don't have to sacrifice your daily driver Linux install. I use more than one computer and SBC cause I like to tinker with Linux and BSD. In the country that I live in a reasonable (as in : I only need to browse the Internet and check email and Fediverse, no gaming or 3D rendering or pro photo editing and so on) refurbished laptop with touchscreen can be had for just 75 Euros. I'm thinking about getting another one so that I can omit some clonezilla restore/backup time.

lemmyreader OP ,

Oh and it seems KDE went back with the cube for Plasma 6! Alas it’s still masked in Gentoo and who knows when it would be ready, but it’s a bit great I’m not the only one for that cube nostalgia.

Nice. Learning some more Gentoo Linux is on my wish list, but every time I find the first step too intimidating. Now that they have binaries since (half a year or so ?) I expected an installation to be easier. Maybe I should try it with QEMU or VirtualBox. Hmmm, actually, are there any VPS providers that provide Gentoo as image ?

lemmyreader OP ,

I like to tinker and learn how things work, and windows ME blue screened on my one time too many, so I picked up Linux in 1998.

Nice. So you're an old timer :)

Redhat box from compusa, if anyone remembers that place.

compusa does ring a bell. Suddenly reminds me of InfoMagic though. Here's a photo found with a search engine.

And that’s when my life changed; using the skills I taught myself i got well paying jobs as a sysadmin and then as software developer and now I’m an “infrastructure engineer” (I write terraform to manage cloud infrastructure and i do other sysadmin stuff ).


lemmyreader OP ,

I’ve read through the Linux command line by William shotts,

That didn't ring a bell though on further inspection I've seen it before. Thanks.

https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php (Creative Commons licensed. PDF free download).

But to answer the question, I love shortcuts. I got into emacs and learned enough to use enough of the agenda features to have a lot of journal entries on it.

I guess this Emacs orgmode, right ? I read of lots of people being very happy with that.

lemmyreader OP ,

My personal tin foil hat theory is that they purposely made windows 11 trash so that people would support a subscription based Windows service with Windows 10.

I'm with you on that.

lemmyreader OP ,

I like Vanilla Gnome nowadays and when I want to see a new distro, I just check it out in a VM.

I liked GNOME 3, and first disliked GNOME 4 but with the gnome-tweaks tool (to get the two extra window buttons back)
and the easy to enable Night Light feature, I got used to it and appreciate it more and more.

I think Chrunchbang (R.I.P.) was my favorite distro when I was all-in on distro hopping and customizing everything.

btw, there's a new life : https://www.crunchbangplusplus.org/

But at some point for a developer, your OS becomes more of a tool for opening an IDE and/or terminal and you
value stability over customization or having the very latest software. In the Flatpak era, that’s even more
true since you can run the newest versions regardless of the system.


lemmyreader OP ,


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