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lemmefixdat4u ,

I'm one of those people who answer the polls. "Party?" Republican. "Do you support Donald Trump?" Hell ya! (Hell no) I have a few friends who do the same thing. I hope it throws the polls off enough to give Trump false hope, or at least lights a fire under Biden's ass. Another 4 years of Trump and we'll be fighting Civil War 2.0. Just hoping all those McDonald's burgers catches up to him and he has the big one.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Soon to be Former Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye...FTFY

lemmefixdat4u ,

Me: I wish I could stop paying taxes.
Genie: poof Wish granted!
Me: Woah...I don't feel so good!
Genie: It's a fatal heart attack.

If an artist trains an image generation AI on their own digital art catalog, should they be able to get a copyright on what it produces? When does a tool change from a tool to a non-human creator?

Under US copyright law, only works created by humans can be copyrighted. Courts have (imho rightly) denied copyrights to AI-generated images....

lemmefixdat4u ,

I'm a bit confused. If I use AI to generate an image, then modify it, can I claim copyright? And how would anyone know if I used an AI? I know there are telltale signs that computer algorithms were involved, so I guess the question is how much does the artist have to contribute before it's no longer considered non-human art? Or does any use of AI tools invalidate the copyright?

lemmefixdat4u ,

Yes, AI contribution is an area that needs legal clarification. I know you brought the question up for graphic arts, but the same thing is happening with music. I can use an AI tool to generate tracks, tweak them to my taste, then supply lyrics that are also at least partially generated by AI. But if I never admit that I used AI, it's probably impossible to detect.

What makes this really interesting is that entertainment industry workers went on strike partly because of AI fears, yet would the resulting productions be copyrightable?

lemmefixdat4u ,

There are quite a few non-dischargeable debts. When it comes to legal judgments, if the damaged party objects to dismissal of the debt, it can remain, particularly if liens are involved. Liens can't usually be discharged. That may be why Jones is seeking to liquidate. He can then start fresh using an company that he doesn't own (but does control) to shield new assets. For instance, the company can provide him vehicles, a home, and an expense account. The company owns the real property, and the expense account is not considered personal income as long as it's for "business expenses". That limits the amount of his personal income subject to garnishment. I only hope that there's a bidding war on Infowars so that his new company can't afford it - and so the victims get max restitution.

lemmefixdat4u ,

I don't know how much your electric rate is, but a router or server that sucks down a hundred watts 24 hours a day may be a concern. An arcade machine would be my choice.

What the ‘uncommitted’ vote says about Biden’s reelection ( www.politico.com )

Tuesday’s primaries saw the final states cast presidential votes in the Democratic primary. More than 650,000 Democrats voted against Biden over the last four months by choosing options such as “uncommitted,” with others protesting in other states through write-ins, blank ballots, votes for other candidates and other...

lemmefixdat4u ,

It's a protest vote in an inconsequential election. When it matters, they will vote for the lesser of two evils, just like every other November election.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Use bug bomb(s) first to kill the existing spiders. Then apply permethrin diluted with water to a 0.5% solution, spraying at all entry paths to the garage, edges, and dark areas.

The idea is to not just prevent spiders from returning. It's also to deprive them of a reason to return by removing their food supply. Permethrin is a wide-spectrum insecticide and repellant. It has very low toxicity to humans, most mammals, and birds. Not good around cats or fish. It has good persistence (6-8 weeks).

lemmefixdat4u ,

Home and garden center, hardware store, or Amazon.

lemmefixdat4u ,

I know the talking heads are saying that because DJT is a first time offender, he will likely not be incarcerated. But then the sentencing judge is Merchan, the same one who handed Trump $10,000 in fines for violating his gag order. And what he said when doing so is the interesting part:

"Because this is now the 10th time that this Court has found Defendant in criminal contempt, spanning three separate motions, it is apparent that monetary fines have not and will not, suffice to deter Defendant from violating this Court's lawful orders."

Given that the judge is cognizant that fines mean nothing to DJT, perhaps he will wish to sanction him by other means. That could mean imprisonment. But not before the election. Trump will surely appeal the verdict, avoiding any immediate consequences until well after November 5th. If there's one thing Trump is good at, it's delaying tactics. Thankfully, he will not be able to pardon himself if elected. Only the Governor of NY can do that.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Assuming that the current Democrat holding the office (Kathy Hochul) is not replaced by a Republican (fat chance), I doubt any amount of coercion would result in a pardon. Coercing a public official is also a felony, and sitting Presidents can be tried for state crimes. Never happened before, but DJT has been busting that mold.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Keeping a political donation for personal use is illegal, as is bribing a public official. They might offer a highly paid position to get around it. But as you say, it's political suicide, and if the money went to the Democrat party, as it did with Marc Rich, the party risks a big black eye as well.

lemmefixdat4u ,

If he appeals, won't he continue to be subject to the gag order until final disposition of the case?

lemmefixdat4u ,

My house is built on an old vertical mineshaft. I'd take the secret elevator to the bunker 300 feet below ground where my command center is. Then I'd take control of the gun emplacements hidden in the trees and the fleet of AI enhanced drones. When the agents are eliminated, the robotic dogs will drag the bodies to the incinerator shaft.

Or maybe not. You didn't think I'd really tell you what awaits you Agent CraigOhMyEggo, did you?

lemmefixdat4u ,

I was with you up until you decided to hide under the insulation. Seriously? I start scratching just looking at the stuff!

lemmefixdat4u ,

Plenty of people make a decent living writing. They're technical writers who create documentation. My friend makes over $140k/yr writing for an Internet security company.

Creative writing, on the other hand, is an overcrowded field.

lemmefixdat4u ,

If it's just one room, use a tower air purifier. Mine is set up in my workshop at a window. I cut a piece of fiberboard to adapt the purifier to the window frame, but cardboard works.

I like this method better than the box fan/filter combo because it provides greater air flow and removes pretty much everything with the HEPA and carbon filters. It's saving my sanity right now with all the pine tree pollen and smoke from debris pile burning.

For a whole home, place a window fan in one room pointing out. Then put air filters in the windows of other rooms. This has the benefit of keeping the noisy fan in an unoccupied room while you're trying to sleep. Alternatively, if you have an attic, you can get a fan that fits the attic access. This works better because you'll be cooling your attic as well. You can also consider a dedicated attic fan which can knock 10 degrees off the inside temperature on a hot day.

lemmefixdat4u ,

If the travel distance of the rod is fairly limited, you can use a corrugated boot.

Otherwise, maybe a gland seal with positive air pressure on the dry side?

lemmefixdat4u ,

That there is an all powerful supreme being that demands our worship or else we will suffer for all eternity after our death.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Her base may not care, but she can't win an election with only the votes from her base. Moderates and independents do care and make the difference in who wins.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Keep doing what I have been doing - dragging MAGA fence sitters back from the brink one by one. The ones who have adopted Trumpism as their religion are too far gone. But there are a lot who just need to be taken by the hand and shown a better path.

When you see MAGA BS, challenge it with well-reasoned arguments. The object really isn't to change the mind of the poster. It's to prevent them from changing the minds of others.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Look up how to debate. Success is not measured by how bad you make the opponent look. That may work on one person, but you have to repeat it for every person who advances the same argument. Instead, take apart their argument, reveal underlying motives, expose untruths with irrefutable documentation, uncover false logic and bad assumptions, and respond without attacking the messenger.

For instance, "The economy is terrible! Everything is so expensive." Well, stuff -is- expensive. But is the economy really the reason behind it? The US stock indexes are at record highs. Most companies have been beating the expected earnings per share. Isn't it more likely that things are expensive because companies are taking more profit to give to their shareholders? Which candidate do you believe is more inclined to change that?

The object is not to defeat the opponent. It's to prevent others from being convinced by their arguments.

lemmefixdat4u ,

It's because of an unfair system of taxation that uses the current assessed value of a property as its base and not the ability of the owner to pay. If not for the grandfathering of Prop 13 protections, a lot of old people would lose their homes. But there's also a downside. Those same people are trapped. They can't afford to buy a more suitable home because they can't afford the full property tax on the new property. That's why there are so many 3+ bedroom homes occupied by one or two elderly people. They bought when they had kids and are now empty nesters. They remain in their Prop 13 home where the tax is based on the $80k purchase price 45 years ago instead of the current $2M market value.

Property tax should be abolished. Local goverment should be funded from state income tax on a per capita basis. That would also solve another problem - wealthy areas having lots of cash while poor areas have little.

lemmefixdat4u ,

The problem is not that Trump is under felony indictment. It's not that he's a liar, a cheater, a misogynist, narcissist, and elitist. It's that, knowing this, a lot of people STILL support him for our nation's top office. That's how screwed up our populace has become. That's the problem.

lemmefixdat4u ,

This. Absolute game changer. If my job gave me the money they spend on my behalf for the crappy health insurance they provide, it would likely result in an actual increase in my net pay after the increased taxes to pay for the program. Cut out hundreds of thousands of parasitic middlemen, like insurers and pharmacy benefit managers. Throw out the crazy quilt of non-doctors who decide what medications and procedures are are covered. Reduce billing staff because of the major paperwork reduction (don't need to deal with hundreds of different insurance plans). And do away with coding - the letters and numbers on a bill that can drastically change a procedure's cost to the patient.

lemmefixdat4u ,

The same things were said when industrial robots replaced assembly line workers, when farm equipment replaced agricultural labor, and now with AI systems. People still need jobs. But looking at the big picture, those improvements made sense. Most displaced workers found other employment.

Our medical system costs much more than it needs to, creates anxiety about long term medical needs in "at will" employment, has forced millions to declare bankruptcy over medical debt, destroyed the financial security of millions more, and in some cases, has lead to patients who opted to forgo medical treatment because it wasn't covered. And when payment for care is tied to a job, that leads to age discrimination - older employees cost more to insure.

Taxes were meant to pay for things everyone needs. I can't think of a better example of that than medical care.

(Edit for clarity)

lemmefixdat4u ,

No. That's age discrimination. If you're concerned that a person could be suffering from mental degradation, require annual testing for it. I know folks in their 90's who are better critical thinkers than a lot of 20-somethings.

The problem we have is not that a bunch of old people run the country. It's that a bunch of young people put them there because they were the only real choices they had. Fix the two-party system first by employing ranked-choice voting. That will break the stranglehold that Republicans and Democrats have on the US political system.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Where did I ever say that? Age discrimination is age discrimination. Either you're qualified for the job or not, independent of your age. It seems like OPs question is a one-size-fits-all reaction to the geriatric choices forced upon us by the two party system. The real solution is to open the system up. Ranked-choice voting does that. You don't have to vote for the candidate who has the best chance of beating the opposition. You rank your choices. First choice is the person who best represents you. After the votes are tallied, the candidate who gets >50% wins. If nobody achieves that, the candidate with the least votes is removed and the second choice of those who voted for them is used. This process continues until someone achieves the supermajority.

It has the advantage of doing away with the idea that you're wasting your vote by not voting for the candidate who has the best chance of prevailing against the opposition. If your candidate is removed, your second choice receives your vote. Your vote ALWAYS counts. A side benefit is that we no longer need runoff elections. Everyone's second (and third and fourth) choices are already taken into account.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Based on telomere degradation. Recent developments may result in human telomere repair in the near future.

lemmefixdat4u ,

If the random number comes from an event beyond the control of the group or server, why not? For example, many Keno games post results online. It is agreed by all parties that when the server says, "flip", the next number generated by the Keno game will have modulus 2 applied to it (even or odd), resulting in the coin flip - 0 for tails and 1 for heads. Everyone can see the source of the number independent of the server and no party has control over the source of the number.

Alternately, any independent source of true random numbers that are time stamped can be used. The agreement is that the server will specify a time in the future and the number generated closest to that time will be used. The number is independently verifiable and out of the control of all parties.

lemmefixdat4u ,

One independent source of true random numbers with timestamps:


lemmefixdat4u ,

But it's OK. God told them to do it. God is OK with genocide against enemies of the faith. Says so in the Bible. 1 Samuel 15, Ezekiel 9, Numbers 31, Deuteronomy 20 /s

lemmefixdat4u ,

Covering my cough or sneeze with my shirt collar.

Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?

Is it a 'thank you for prepping my room' or 'please clean my room today'? If you tip post cleaning, it's likely going to someone else the next day. Many hotels now only do housekeeping on demand. How do employees feel about this - do they miss the tips or are they happy for a less stressful workday?...

lemmefixdat4u ,

On multi-night stays I tip if I want anything special, like extra coffee, or when my drunk friend destroyed the toilet. The only time I tip when leaving the hotel is if the housekeeper did something above and beyond normal expectations. Like when my wife started early and soiled the sheets. Left a note apologizing, a $20, and just expected fresh sheets. Nope. She replaced all the bedding and the mattress too. Left her another $20 and a thank you note when we checked out.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Well, the post a few days ago with the footage at the end of this video did say he was "immobilized".

Why does a state like California that has supermajorities in both houses of the legislature not have a livable wage, housing guarantees, universal healthcare, and other very progressive policies?

I keep being told it's because of the Republicans that we can't have nice things. So what gives in California? We should be overflowing with progressive policies.

lemmefixdat4u ,

They are trying. AB 2200 aims at laying the groundwork for universal healthcare. Minimum wage just went up to $16 for everyone and $20 for fast food workers. There are experiments going on in several cities with guaranteed income. But everything comes with a cost, and the state is having budget problems. There have been job losses associated with the wage increases. Employers have begun to get very picky about who they hire for even minimum wage jobs. Hours have been cut.

Even Democrats realize one state can't offer free stuff without attracting every freeloader in the country. Someone has to pay for the benefits, and if they tax those folks too heavily, they'll find another place to live. There's a real limit to how many social programs can be offered before they break the piggy bank.

lemmefixdat4u ,

If you can get your doctor to prescribe noise cancelling earphones to help you sleep, they can be bought using money from an FSA or HSA.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Clean the contacts inside the case or maybe adjust them with a pin. Make sure the buds fit snugly in the case. Had a pair of bluetooth buds that had a similar problem, and it was because one contact was barely touching when the buds were in the case. Any jiggling of the case would make the bud think it was being removed.

lemmefixdat4u ,

That's why you use a hammock. Trade a heavy tent for a light hammock and fly. Then knock down the weight of everything else. Look into ultralight hiking and use poles. Then set realistic distance goals. I thought I'd have to give up hiking after knee surgery, but going ultralight and using poles keeps me racking up the miles.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Where does that put entertainers, professional athletes, and lottery jackpot winners? I hear that Taylor Swift is a billionaire solely through her music sales and performance income.

Is a sound level of 105 decibels for a few seconds enough to rupture a person's eardrum?

In 2022, a Texas family filed a lawsuit against Apple for damaging their son's hearing after an Amber Alert went off while he was wearing Airpods. According to Google, the maximum volume of phone headphones is around 105 decibels. The family are claiming that the son now requires hearing aids after his eardrum ruptured....

lemmefixdat4u ,

Police and emergency responder sirens are about 120 dB at 1 meter. The duration of exposure is similar to an Amber Alert tone. I don't see people suing cities for ruptured eardrums from exposure to sirens.

Long-term exposure over 85 db can cause hearing loss, but rupturing an eardrum takes a lot higher intensity - 165+ dB. That's a shot from a large caliber weapon from a few feet away. I know it can rupture an eardrum because it ruptured mine (shooting partner emptied his 50 cal Desert Eagle next to me before I got my protection on).

lemmefixdat4u ,

Ah, the Bobbitt technique!

(Does he really expect us to believe there was a hot dog under the sofa?)

lemmefixdat4u ,

Most of us still have the pandemic quarantine fresh in our mind. What if the next pandemic is something deadly, like airborne ebola? You may need several months of food. 200 lbs of beans, 300 lbs of rice, 160 lbs of sugar, 300 lbs of corn flour, etc.. All vacuum sealed in 5 lb mylar bags with oxygen and moisture scavenging packs, stored inside sealed steel garbage cans to keep out the rodents. The bags are numbered. Certain bags contain poisonous substances, and should not be eaten. So if they're taken by force, karma will be a bitch.

Don't wait. I got everything for under $500 by purchasing wholesale from overstock warehouses. Had to dip into it once a few years back when we were snowed in for two weeks, so it's not just for the zombie apocalypse. Stay away from canned goods unless you're very good at rotating inventory. Most only have a two year shelf life before the flavor will go "off". If they do spoil and you eat them, there might not be any medical services.

Speaking of medical, hit up your local feed store for some antibiotics. They're much cheaper than the human variety and don't require a prescription. Print out what each is good for and required dosage. They'll last for several years past the expiration date if you keep them in a cool place. A triage kit is another essential, and learn how to use it.

Finally, learn what edible plants grow in your area. You may be surprised at how many "weeds" can be eaten. They can help round out your diet.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Put up a sign that says, "Pursuant to ordinance 347-1236, a sexual predator resides here"

lemmefixdat4u ,

A "Mr. Clean" sponge (one of the white ones) or a knock off. It cuts through haze and overspray on glass. I used it for the windows when I was spray painting the eaves and forgot the spray shield.

lemmefixdat4u ,

They don't ban solely by IP. When you're banned, they note the IPs you use, but because most internet account IPs are not static, they watch what new accounts from the IP do. If they go to the same subreddits as the banned account, it gets the ban hammer.

lemmefixdat4u ,

I want to know which US companies are importing Russian plywood.

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