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hactar42 ,

There is a version of Macbeth from 1979 with Ian McKellen and Judy Dench. It's not really a movie but a recording from the Royal Shakespeare Company. It uses minimal sets and just the actors standing in a circle. My wife is a huge Shakespeare fan, but I had no real interest in watching it outside of making her happy. But it was amazing. The acting was absolutely incredible. I've never seen anything else like it.

hactar42 ,

I grew up on DC because I'm a huge Superman fan.

Every time I've tried to get into Marvel I'd find out that I had to read like 17 different crossovers just to be able to start in on a current issue. It became the same with their movies where everything is interwoven together. Which can be great if you watched it from the get go, but jumping in halfway through could be daunting.

While DC does do crossover events they are usually much shorter and self contained. Although when they started all these huge crossovers with the New 52 and the rebirth, is when I stopped buying the monthly editions. Now I just wait for the stories to be packaged into graphic novels or collections.

If I have a USB powered device, could I leave it plugged into a portable power bank (like the kind you charge your phone with) as a power outage backup?

Basically as the title says. We have semi frequent power outages where I live. The noise machine in my daughter's room goes out and wakes her up. If I were to buy a USB powered one, plug it into a power bank like one of those 10000ma ones you get for charging cell phones, would it have continuous power. Basically like a cheap...

hactar42 ,

I got my son a noise maker that has a built in battery for this same reason. It doesn't seamlessly switch to battery I'm sure there is one that does.

hactar42 ,

Not a chance. Basically your opinions would be to retrain your entire user base, or set a GPO or Intune policy to disable a service you don't want.

hactar42 ,

I would think the environment factors into that a lot too. I've had 30 mile rides kick my ass more than 80 mile rides due to things like hills and wind. But put me on a stationary bike and I could probably go 150+ miles in a day.

hactar42 ,

In the same vein I have odd shaped feet. They are very narrow at the heel but get really wide at the ball of my foot. My sister used to tell me I had tennis racket feet. Never found shoes that would fit. Regular would be too tight on my toes but wide would be too loose on my heels.

That was until I found Altra. They actually make shoes that fit my foot shape. Consequently, they stopped me from getting shin splints too.

hactar42 ,

I remember the last time, I almost bought a map. Back in 2006 I had just moved to one of the largest metropolitan areas in the US. I went to Walmart to get one of those local atlas books, and saw it was like $75. They had Garmins on sale for around $100. Bought a Garmin and haven't purchased a non-decorative map since.

hactar42 ,

I still remember the huge marketing push IBM put into it in the mid-90s. Who would have thought it wouldn't take off when they never actually showed what it looked like. Just a bunch of people describing it.


hactar42 ,

Like the saying goes:

Everything I know about the Kardashians I learned against my will.

hactar42 ,

A pool. It came with the house, but damn is it expensive to maintain. I say I've never gotten full use out of it because I spend way more time and energy maintaining it, than I do using it.

hactar42 ,

It's not really that it needs to be fixed up. The chemicals and supplies are outrageously overpriced. Then there always seems to be some major issue every year or two. I've lived in the house for 7 years and have had to replace the control board and the pump. I had to replace $2,500 worth of piping after Texas cut my power for 3 days during freezing temperatures. Then last summer it was so hot the ground shifted and it broke two return lines that had to be repaired through the concrete deck. And I know by next year it will be due for resurfacing.

hactar42 ,

Smart man. My wife convinced me to get it swearing she would take care of it. Apparently her idea of taking care of it was to hire someone for $350 a month. And that price didn't include the chemicals.

hactar42 ,

I believe there was someone on Shark Tank trying to get funding for an app to let people do that. If I remember correctly he did not get funded.

I would also assume there are some legal obligations with that. Like having to have lifeguards or other safety measures a public pool is required, that a house would not have.

Plus people are gross. I'm sure this would only increase the amount of cleaning I would need to do.

hactar42 ,

My cat is the very definition of a cat, totally aloof, fiercely independent, kind of an asshole. She only acknowledges my presence when she wants to eat. She loved to bait the dogs and get them in trouble for chasing her. No guests in our house have ever seen her. The only times she even allows me to pet her is when she has a mat she wants me to get out.

The only exception is with my daughter. She absolutely loves her. As long as no one else is around she will love all over her. This picture was from about 2 years ago when my daughter got a nasty cold, and she watched over her the entire time. She even turned around and yelled at me shortly after taking this picture because my daughter started having a small coughing fit.


hactar42 ,

I've worked as a consultant for 15 years, so I've worked with a lot of companies. There have been two companies I refused to work for. A payday loan company and one of those places that runs stand alone ERs.

hactar42 ,

They are basically glorified urgent care clinics that can charge you exorbitant sums because they call themselves ERs. Plus like you said they aren't attached to hospitals, so if something is really wrong they'll have to transfer you. And bonus for them, they probably own the ambulance that will transfer you, so they can take more of your money.

Let's gloat a little, What makes Lemmy/Mastodon/KBin/BlueSky and the Fediverse better than Facebook/Reddit/Twitter? ( kbin.social )

With Lemmy - I can block whomever is bothering me and I will not see their posts ever again. I can see their notifications and they somehow can keep responding to me (which ought to be worked on). But erasing their existence on my end should be a thing when you don't want to deal with them....

hactar42 ,

The ability to contribute beyond posting/moderating. Anyone with a good idea and some technical know how can make a significant difference to the entire platform.

hactar42 ,

Ducks are also assholes for stopping traffic to cross the street. Fuckers can fly, but they decide to just waddle their dumbasses across busy streets.

hactar42 ,
hactar42 ,

I rotate back and forth. Sometimes I'm all about Red Vines then a few months later it will be Twizzlers. Right now, I'm on a Twizzlers kick. But who knows next week I could find myself craving Red Vines again. And I have no idea why.

hactar42 ,

Red Dragon too for the same reason. The way he writes really gets you into the characters mind. I still get chills thinking about the part with the reporter in wheelchair. He describes the victim thought process as he's dropped off outside his office building. Even after all the killer did to him, he starts thinking he'll be set free, and you start to think that too, ::: spoiler spoiler
just moments before he is set on fire and rolled down the hill.

Another one that really distributed me was when he describes the killer just watching a family in their house. They are completely unaware that he has been watching them and that they'll be his next victims.

I read that book 25 years ago and I still remember vivid details of it.

hactar42 ,

I've been listening to punk for 30 years now. I'm so glad politics have never made their way into the scene.

hactar42 ,

This is the thing I love the most about the younger generations now.

  • Boomers: If you don't like it do something about it
  • Gen-X: nah we're too nihilistic
  • Millennials: sorry we're too busy trying to survive on the scraps you left us
  • Boomers: that's what I thought


  • Boomers: If you don't like it do something about it
  • Gen-Z/Alpha: okay!
  • Boomers: no, not like that!
hactar42 ,

Whenever I see things like this I think back to something Lewis Black once said back during the Occupy Wall Street protests. They had him on ABC or one of the major news stations and asked him what he thought about it. His answer was along the lines of, "When were the college kids ever wrong?"

hactar42 ,

I coach youth soccer, so yeah, I've had a couple of confrontations. Usually I can stop them pretty quickly. It helps that I'm a 6'1" 220 lb male. The worst (or stupidest) one I had was a parent trying to sit on the kids side because there was no shade on the parents side. I told him he needed to move and he refused. I explained to him that only coaches and players are allowed on this side for player safety. He told me he was a coach, so I asked to see his coach's card. Which of course he didn't have. I told him he needed to move or the game would be forfeit and I would call the police because he did not have the proper background checks to be near the players. He moved, but moved behind the goal. So he technically wasn't on the players side. You know like something a 10 year old would do, not a grown ass person.

hactar42 ,

When I was 6-7 years old my friend's mom would send us to the corner store to buy her cigarettes. We would use the change to buy candy cigarettes.

hactar42 ,

The Death and Return of Superman. It's the story line that got me into comics. I still remember getting excited each week when the next book in the storyline came out. All Star Superman is a close second.

But if you count Vertigo as part of DC, then my answer is Sandman.

hactar42 ,

Eddie Hazel is one of the best guitarist ever. For those not familiar just give Maggot Brain a listen. It was completely improvised and record in one take.

hactar42 ,

Man they sure missed out on...(Googles June 11 1894)... nothing.

hactar42 ,

I just drove through Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas and confirmed there are still enough bugs out there to make you use a squeegee when you fill up for gas. But I remember when I was younger having to stop just to clean the windshield or else you wouldn't be able to see.

hactar42 ,

The first record I remember going to the store and picking out was Michael Jackson's Thriller.

I don't remember my first tape, but I do remember listening to the Beach Boys a lot when I got a walkman, so that's a good guess.

My first CD was the Wayne's World soundtrack.

hactar42 ,

Similar tastes, but you always one step ahead of me in media technology.

hactar42 ,

One thing no one has mentioned is the brakes. Do not apply the parking brake because it can actually become fused on after a long period of time. The best thing to do is actually remove the wheels and use jack stands. If you don't do that then use chocks.

Before driving it you will want to bleed the brake lines to remove any air that might have gotten in there, and ensure the brake fluid reservoir is full.

hactar42 ,

I would say that Lex Luthor is more of a villain who sees himself as the good guy. He thinks he is humanity's savior from what he perceives as an alien threat. Whether he is evil or not depends on the actions of Superman.

hactar42 ,

I'm going to see Bad Religion for the first time next month.

Are there any comicbook you revisit often?

I have been thinking about this, there are some videogames i usually revisit every year or so like some older Fable and AC games. I dont reread comics that much, outside some outstanding issues like The brave and the mold from Tom King's Batman or Lemire's Green Arrow, but those have been more occasional rereadings more than a...

hactar42 ,

All-Star Superman - whenever I'm having a tough time this comic will always cheer me up.

Also anything Neil Gaiman wrote. Marvel 1602, Mr. Punch, and of course Sandman and its many offshoots. There is so much detail in those stories that I catch something new every time I read them.

hactar42 ,

I had a drain coming from my HVAC get clogged. Figuring I could fix it myself and save a few hundred dollars by not call the HVAC repair, I stuck a pipe snake down there. As soon as it got to the u-bend, it got stuck. A couple of tugs later the head broke off.

This pipe goes from the HVAC in the attic into the upstairs bathroom, then down and out of the house. I knew if the head went down it could result in needing to punch a hole in a wall or ceiling if it got stuck again. So, I cut the pipe on either side of the bend. Sure enough the head of the snake was lodged at the bottom of the U.

No matter what I did I could not dislodge it from the bottom of the u-bend. This is around 7-8 PM on a Saturday. So I race out to the big-box hardware store, because they normally close around 9 PM. And they did not have a single piece of PVC with a u-bend that is the size I needed. And nothing even close. I go to the other big-box store across the street they don't have it either. But I did find the wise old man that works there, I explain to him what happened and what I need. He tells me I need to go to this specialty plumbing store a ways down the highway.

I looked up this plumbing store. They are closed for the day. They are also not open on Sundays. Okay I live in one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the US. There has to be a plumbing store open before Monday. Well there might be, but I couldn't find it.

Now this is Texas in August. There is no way my wife and kids should suffer for two days because of my dumb ass mistake. So I called the HVAC guy. They send some out at like 2 AM and the guy replaces the U-bend and installs a cleanable filter before it, so I can prevent that from happening again. In all a 30 second job that should have cost me nothing, cost me 7 hours of anxiety and $500.

hactar42 ,

If it makes you feel better all the u-bends at the big box store were specifically for under the sink, so at least you'll have that going for you.

hactar42 ,

Gambit in the X-Men: The Animated Series from the 90s was by far my favorite character. I hate that he never got that level of respect in the movies.

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