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el_abuelo ,

This is despicable. What specific service was this? So I know how to avoid it if it should resurface.

el_abuelo ,

And didn't he maim someone? Took the life that person could have had.

el_abuelo ,

Any idea why he went with you instead of his actual girlfriend?

el_abuelo ,

I think you need to be intentionally naive, or just an absolute shitbag, to want to vote for lower gas prices at the cost of increased human suffering. Let alone whether it's something Trump could even deliver.

el_abuelo ,

Isn't the average life expectancy caused by infant death? Anyone living through pubity probably had a good chance of living to 70.

el_abuelo ,

Yes. And that's why life expectancy of a 20yr old was 60yrs not 80+.

Source: https://ourworldindata.org/its-not-just-about-child-mortality-life-expectancy-improved-at-all-ages

el_abuelo ,

In 1885 the legal age of consent in the UK was raised to 16. The average life expectancy of adults had barely changed.

So while this disproves your correlation theory, it's also important to remind the reader that correlation is not the same as causation. Society, the role of government, the rule of law and its encroachment on personal choice changed hugely from the 13th Century and 17th Century - I would therefore claim that society would not have been accepting of paedophilia in the 13th Century despite the lack of law.

Sexual desire of prepubescent children has, as far as I know, never been considered the norm.

el_abuelo ,

You didn't go to hospital? How did you know you weren't going to die?

Sincerely, someone about 1000 miles from my closest Scorpion.

el_abuelo ,

Thankfully Tom Scott can tell us which one is best:


el_abuelo ,


el_abuelo ,

I like when I go to some hotels and they have "international sockets" - basically the bastard child of all these sockets.

el_abuelo ,

I don't mean this in a bad or critical way: I genuinely do not understand this thought. As humans we are born shit at EVERYTHING. Literally. We can't even fucking walk.

In the developed world we spend the first 16-18yrs learning. And then some of us spend some more time learning.

I learned a new sport when I joined uni. Then I learned to programme. Then I learned a martial art.

I have spent my entire life being shit at things. Because I've also spent my entire life learning.

If you refuse to be shit at something, then you also refuse to learn, and to me that makes no sense - I think I'll only stop learning when I die.

This is just my unfiltered thoughts - I am not trying to be critical, I am just trying to explain how I cannot comprehend this kind of thinking because it is the literal antithesis of me.

el_abuelo ,

Yar matey! Step right aboard for yar viewing pleasure! Yo ho! 🏴‍☠️

el_abuelo ,

That's the fun part. We're all broken in some way.

el_abuelo ,

Yes! I got a new error!

el_abuelo ,

Sometimes I even stand up.

el_abuelo ,

That's not an error though, so maybe that's what you're after!

el_abuelo ,

What's the ableism in the comment? Sincere question because I thought I knew what it was but can't spot any here so I must be ignorant.

el_abuelo ,

Because you can't afford to buy a property? So you need someone else to do it for you and then pay them a service fee for living in their property.

There's a lot of smaller victories to win before we can have the big victory of outlawing landlords, so we should fight those first imo.

I am not a landlord. Yet.

When i do buy a 2nd property I do intend to rent it out at a reasonable price - and I have no guilt over doing so because all of our country's private property is being bought up by foreign "investors" driving up the cost of ownership and rents while leaving properties unoccupied. It's disgusting and I'll fight it directly when I can afford to.

el_abuelo ,

That does sound like it would be of benefit but I'm not sure how realistic it is to set up a system like this and it work for everyone - would the government just start buying property off people? Would that crash or balloon the market? How do you ensure that families aren't priced out of moving home either by higher property prices (from the government buying up everything) or from a catastrophic crash caused by no one wanting to buy property as investments?

Also how would the government provide attractive housing options across the economic spectrum across the whole of the country? Sounds like a monstrously large government department would need to be formed, which amongst other things would be very inefficient and goes against the objectives of the government. Take for example state health care- there is only one tier of care, and if you want anything better you pay for it privately. If we had the same for housing but didn't have the private option then in all liklihood the government would be thrown out and the next one would be the one who promises private housing. Because like it or not, the middle class doesn't want to live like the working class.

As I said, there a lot of battles to win and I think this anti-landlord stuff is just short sighted because there is no realistic solution that could be implemented today even if a country was willing - which it isn't. Instead we should focus on fighting the smaller fights that would lead us towards the utopia: rent control, taxation, foreign "investors", empty dwellings, single-family properties etc....all of these things could be vastly improved today for the benefit of everyone except those leaching on society.

el_abuelo ,

Nothing funny about it. USA has a lot more money to spend, and spends a lot of money on overseas defence - basically bases across NATO and beyond - along with maintaining a huge technological advantage against any of its adversaries.

If you look at Russia, it spends a much higher percentage of its GDP on its military than the US - it just happens to be a relatively poorer country (so probably should focus on economic growth than aggressive foreign policy...) - since its invasion of its sovereign neighbour it has only gone on to spend an even higher share of its budget on war machines, further stunting its economic growth and long term prospects. Things the US doesn't need to worry about as much.

China's spending per GDP is difficult to know given their self reported figures are largely regarded as under-reported. Some estimates put their spending at a higher % of GDP than the US as well.

Don't be fooled into thinking Russia and China wouldn't be just as bad, if not worse, than the US if they were able to achieve military dominance. Make no mistake that Russia would have invaded many more of its neighbours by now, and China would have at least invaded Taiwan and likely subjugated many of its other neighbours along with taking control of a huge swathe of international and foreign territorial waters by force.

Personally I am better off with the US having the dominion it does, and I worry for those who will start to fall into the dominion of those other fascist and totalitarian states. But I can also see the evils that the US has perpetrated in order to gain and maintain and dominion.

None of the players have clean hands - don't think for a second any of them wouldn't do the same shit if it could.

el_abuelo ,

Adolf Heusinger? The guy accused of being part of the 20 July plot to kill Hitler? The guy who was in the army long before naziism and long after?

Germans bad. Soviets good.

el_abuelo ,

Not all ml users

el_abuelo ,

Ah right over my head haha....I usually get people calling me a tankie or socialist or fascist or whatever I lose track...im just your run of the mill European lefty in reality.

el_abuelo ,

Imagine the communal gasps when these folks realise that an entire generation cannot be generalised in such specific ways. There will always be sociopaths - all the while there is the human condition.

el_abuelo ,

One of the best uses of this meme I've seen so far, so far

el_abuelo ,

To me, shop lifting is taking small value items.

What you described is, to me, theft.


el_abuelo ,

Maybe it's not true?

I would thinn scents tend to sink, not rise, or best case they just disperse and given the volume of a sphere goes up at a rate of r^3 you just want the scent to be as close to other people's noses as possible.

el_abuelo ,

They're essential, but they're also numerous. The barrier to entry for a lot of these jobs is "went to school for some time" - which means pretty much everyone is qualified.

Supply and demand.

Notice how when service staff were allowed back to work, a lot of them didn't, and that drove up zone wages.

And to be clear - I am not advocating for below living wages, nor saying that people doing these jobs are unskilled. You can tell the good from the bad, and I think everyone should be paid at least a living wage.

el_abuelo ,

Ah my sweet summer child...how wonderful it must be to live in your world.

el_abuelo , (edited )

And likely the US would eventually intervene once both sides had slugged it out for a while, ensuring they have a seriously compromised enemy and seriously dependent allies...and enrich themselves in the process.

el_abuelo ,

Is that any worse than stuff he's actually done? I don't see why he'd care about this particular instance of being a thunder cunt.

el_abuelo ,

Find another job. You'll quickly find out if you are worth the raise you wanted. My bet is you are.

el_abuelo ,

Oh man Titan AE was how I discovered Lit, was really into them back then. Still love Over my HeaD!

Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done." ( lemmy.world )

She decided to kill the 14-month-old dog she was training to hunt birds when it attacked chickens, an understandable mistake for a young dog IMO, and bit her once when she grabbed it's collar (no word on how seriously). She killed a goat by shooting it twice because she didn't like it, calling it mean and smelly. Apparently...

el_abuelo ,

The first half of the 20th century has entered the chat.

el_abuelo ,

I believe theyre referring to the usual two-finger-fuck-you. As in v for victory.

If you take that same sign and press it to your lips you get a gesture recognised as "eating pussy" when accompanied by some tongue action through the V of your fingers.

el_abuelo ,

This is exactly what Octopus Energy are doing in the UK. You tell them when you need your car charged by and they schedule it to happen (usually overnight) so that it's done by then.

Rather than laying 30p/kwh you pay 7p/kwh.

You can of course tell it to just charge, and pay the usual rate.

el_abuelo ,

And you do realise that a people do not automatically revert to the state they were in the last time they were independent, right?

If Scotland were to gain independence I highly doubt they'd revert to their 17th Century feudal state.

el_abuelo ,

Exactly. No point in worrying if there's nothing we can do about it anyway!

el_abuelo ,

Which is also the point of the article. It's only people who have nothing more serious to complain about, that complain about "political correctness".

People in Thailand probably aren't complaining about "not being able to say anything these days" because they can actually complain about something tangible- that is: you can't speak freely about the monarchy.

el_abuelo , (edited )

I took a promotion without a pay rise on the agreement it would come when pay was reviewed annually. A shit deal, but one I was prepared to accept on the balance of things. I made clear that if they didn't follow through then I would immediately demote myself and start looking for a new job.

Pay review came around and it was below inflation. I immediately demoted myself and started looking for a new job. I even requested an internal transfer that was denied (made them too much money where I was).

I handed in my notice a short while later and everyone was, to my surprise, surprised. I really didn't understand why the shock....until I learned in due course that most people don't follow through.

Funnier still, I returned 6 months later (due to a quirk in contracts) at double the salary in the dept I requested a transfer to.

Anyway my point is - do what is to your benefit, always. Companies can play games - as can you.

el_abuelo ,

So true. I've seen promises broken for a multitude of reasons: malice, ignorance, naivity, legality...we always reach for malice but it isn't always.

Same deal though - a company will break promises, so don't feel any obligation on your part. Of course this needs to be balanced with your reputation in your industry.

el_abuelo ,

What's that got to do with the question?

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