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Haven't seen RTFM casually dropped in conversation online in... um... a while...

You've been hanging out on the intartoobz at least as long as I have. Circa the paleolithic era, or so...

When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?

I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out "what's the point then, I'm already invisible to women?" And I don't care about my health tbh......

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You and me both.

Not too many years after that nightmare, I was perfectly capable of enjoying thru-hiking, carrrying exactly same weight anyone else would have been, moving at same speed on rough terrain, etc. Still couldn't run a mile - or much shorter distances - in my wildest dreams. Didn't matter, I was in exactly the shape I wanted to be in, for the things I cared about.

Can't do it anymore, my body widely conspired against me in various ways, but glad I was capable of it and have the memories. If I had been able to run a mile, but not hike any distance with weight, I'd be alot less happy about what I had achieved at that point.

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Yes, but it's much easier to claim 'rigged' after the fact when done electronically. Mail-in ballots are harder to push back on. This isn't about voting, it's about covertly excluding votes from certain groups of people. They just can't say that part yet out loud.

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Pharm tech licensing varies wiiiiidely across the states. Some require natl very, some require basically on job training IIRC.

RPh not so much, but tech also has responsibility not to kill you with a misfill and more eyes are always good for preventing deaths.

The shit wages they pay in relation to being responsible in part for safety and accuracy (in retail) is a big part of why most retail is dangerously understaffed.

Same for insurance agents and real estate agents in many (most?) of US. HS, a couple weeks of “teaching to the test,” and a test is all it takes. Rote memorisation. - lots of those younger folks in insurance couldn’t define what they may/may not say/promise, or who is an “Insured” under a given policy.

Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?

Like the title says, are there any EVs that just have a Bluetooth radio and that's it? Like a normal car, not a smartphone on wheels? If not, do you all think that this will actually happen at some point? This is the main reason why I can't (and will never) buy an EV. I like to have actual buttons everywhere on my car. I think...

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Digging my Mirage. Low-key cheap, simple display that integrates well w/ phone, and 40+ MPG.

Also easy to paddle shift into “oh fuck” mode, which burns more gas but gets me out of some hairy situations when AC is running.

Would prefer a hybrid, but this is the car the numbers worked out on in a sane way. I tried hypermiling in a Prius 1G (99, I think) on both a KY parkway and I24, and it sorta worked but was a huge PITA as well. Context, US 41 thru Evansville, Parkway, 24. Not terrible for the time at all, but a bit stressful here and there.

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Or, try limiting one's actions such that they match the average American's level of criminality, and just don't be a fascist dictator asshole aiming to deport the people who produce food and... Yeah.

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I met someone I thought I'd marry there in the exact same way around '99.

That feature was powerful, and now we just can't be bothered because scammers and blah blah.

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As part of a much larger project that was all-in on Java to begin with, I've used Tomcat to serve pages and PDFs/office doc formats rendered based on a postgres backend and FreeMarker templates.

For these purposes, you don't want that level of complexity (or Java) but the general premise and template libs should be available in nearly any sane web programming language.

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Sweatpants, and old t-shirts or polo shirts if there's a video call planned for a given day. I WFH for a company you've heard of, and all the video calls in question are internal.

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I still can't cook, but my wife definitely taught me that I'm allowed to have feelings; And most everything I know about expressing those feelings without being a complete asshole and without going straight from calm to rant-y.

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“It’s just a waffle house jukebox, my brains are spinning around…”

Not a child of the south, but money does translate to waffles, so time must as well.

Or something like that.

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What was said internally is absolutely brutal.

How many others lack the energy, strength, or (bs) “social skills” to work through this?

Might actually result in change.

My own lived experience is that the blind/deaf orgs who pursue these things should be a model for other orgs serving folks w/ other disabilities.

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Things are no better stateside. To get social security disability takes years, and a lawyer who will take a portion of your back pay settlement when finally awarded.

And of course one can’t be earning money during the process.

Even with private short term disability coverage through employer, while it was more efficient than that, I still barely had the strength to get through it just to get partially paid for 10 hrs a week for a few months, in hopes that I can regroup, get things back together, and be able to make it through forty hour weeks.

Since that’s an external company, and our HR and payroll is a different external company, now I have to stay on the latter to make sure a) they get the memo and b) I actually get the pay in question.

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Entirely valid question, that as a USian, I might just be qual to answer. The ratio between them varies by individual, but it boils down to a core American exceptionalism that’s taught actively from very young; some ridiculous blather about how having founding docs / written constitution makes our rights safer even in context of significant social change; and my personal least fave, the idea that if one didn’t directly and proximately earn something through capital or wage slavery, they just aren’t working hard enough and therefore shouldn’t have it.

Those things are at the core of a very large group of American voters’ opinions, and all are fatally flawed.

Of course, as a child of the very early eighties, growing up it was still (at least conceptually) possible to buy a house and a car on one income, within relatively recent history. As it absolutely should be.

Kicking that exceptionalism thought process is quite the struggle (as is the rest), even for those motivated to do it.

Civilised world has mostly lower paid docs (relative to us) but also mostly some sort of universal care. I’d gladly accept NHS-level wait times, if it meant that I could take the $2k a month that my emp and I together now pay for insurance (just 2 adults) - even if taxed to support that sort of system, that is real money.

Things are bettter than they were in my lifetime, even though ObamaCare was basically a typical American “personal responsibility” solution, just with subsidies to avoid actively excluding only the less financially well off.

Used to be that you had to have continuous coverage in order to get a new cost, or pre existing conditions weren’t covered under a newer policy even if one could buy one privately (you really couldn’t, practically).

Healthcare before ACA was a sanctioned and mostly very profitable betting operation for large carriers because the risk pool for each individual policy was large, and there were max amounts and sometimes lifetime total limits that could be paid.

By comparison, what we have is pretty great for folks who lived thru that era, but… Hot garbage compared to many other developed nations.

We’re a nation full of people literally trained to think our system is the best in the world. Helluva barrier to overcome, all the more so when the ACA did actually make things better.

Mild sidetrack but the only reason to assume by default our system might be better is the education (indoctrination) we receive early and often, and consistently.

Always appreciate a comment that makes me question why/how I made some assumption.

Watchdog readies crackdown on predatory lending after Supreme Court win ( www.washingtonpost.com )

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau plans to restart its aggressive crackdown against payday lenders and other companies that offer high-cost, short-term loans to poor borrowers, after a Supreme Court ruling this week resolved a challenge to the federal agency’s authority to act....

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Good. Now someone will come up with profitable, but less predatory, products or find ways to reduce costs.

Capitalism finds a way, three digit interest is not the way.

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She’s fallen off my feed, unfortunately. Pardon me while I go enable notifications.

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No shade, that’s cool. IDGAF what you look like once I know you, and that you are in tune with the emotion of the situation.

Paraphrasing a folk singer I respect here, but “I used to cry when needed, I can’t cry for the life of me anymore as an adult.”

Tears communicate that either I’ve fucked up, or there’s something I legit misunderstood, and I need to take a step back.

In some ways, I envy your ability to do that. Professional me doesn’t scree around, personal me rather wishes I could cry it out once in a while.

I’ve spent a lifetime fixing my inclination to escalate at the first sign of conflict, and…. It’s been brutal. I’m thrilled to mostly be gentle these days, but it still requires work.

You never gave into the BS.

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There’s a certain high in that lashing out that’s tough to let go of. I feel you.

I wish that I could explain how I came to handle that stuff better, truth is I haven’t a clue. I just knew I’d come too far to risk losing what I have over anger of all things.

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I met my wife because she actively lied on the internet about a thing that was important, but the die was cast.

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Are you alternating? Or combining?

Watermelon and salt sounds perfectly sane to me because chemistry.

Tortillas, fruit, and chili doesn’t make sense to me, but I’ve appropriated a ton of foods that “just work” to me so…. I get it nonetheless.

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This is fucked up.

Affordable childcare, and living wages for those providing it, would mark a sea change in our system.

But letting parents believe it actually costs anywhere near that much to provide childcare - even considering overhead - is a crime.

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You are assuming they get healthcare. Dangerous assumption these days, as the ACA has been carved down.

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There was a time when paperwork and such was defensible.

Now, if carriers had a lick of sense, they’d realize that forms are dirt cheap online; and that it’s drastically less expensive just to pay the claim vs fighting it.

They don’t, of course, because mergers and sole-source pharmacies for “scary” meds, but that’s neither here nor there.

Whole idea of PBMs is wrong, offensive, and has set back my care. Know who should manage my pharmacy benefits, my fucking doctor. Full stop.

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Can you even do that anymore?

I’m mid-forties, and that was what you did circa 99, and I was taught how to do it.

But I can’t imagine a manager today wanting to deal with paper resume and walk-in application.

(Also, if I hand you my resume, it means I’m going to skip the job history fields on the application. I hope manager can read and critically think enough to notice the resume and get that concept. Otherwise, I don’t want to work for you.

I know that naming variables is one of the biggest unsolved problems of Computer Science but how would you name a boolean flag to be self explanatory?

What I mean is: some boolean flags are perfect for the real world phenomenon they are representing e.g. is_light_on makes you understand perfectly that when it is true the light is on and when it is false the light is off....

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If canx notice has been received, processed, blah blah, eventually it’s set to true.

If/when a reinstatement is received, set to false.

Zero ambiguity, something along that line saved my tail when working with devs in different countries with different insurance customs.

Carrier sent letter telling policy holder to get bent because “fuck you, pay me?” Field is true.

Otherwise, or with reinstatement letter, field true.

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While that’s getting harder - RTO vibe is strong - I’m on same page.

I’ve had to pass on a few interesting opportunities, but Its served me well.

If I go out, it’s because I need something that can’t be shipped or door dashed, and/or it’s imprudent to pay the vig for delivery.

2x $4.99 bottles of wine? Yeah not paying $40 for that, I’ll take the risk.

Working on that POV, it’s basically always worth paying the vig to minimise my human interaction.

Edit: have WFH since c. 2012, so it makes zero sense to take the medical and driving risk to do otherwise, except for gig work in a pinch.

Demanding hybrid (“hybrid in Arizona”) is a clear sign the company is working towards RTO, and you’d have to wave a pretty big carrot to get me to move quickly anyway. OOP max met for the year, so…

Now that I’m $7k in on that stuff, why the hell would I make a move in May? I’ll suffer until the Sept deadline and peak season we suffer through, and then start looking.

Well, I’ll start looking before that, demo my loyalty by pushing out start date, and go from there. Like everyone else.

Wouldn’t cry if nothing else presents though, it’s not terrible company given that it’s non-union. Damn, I miss the CWA, but I was maybe twenty at the time and didn’t grasp the value fully.

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I would have spelled that, “pay for my fountain pens and ink, and let me talk to my wife while she’s conscious,” but we are on same page.

Got caught young and “encouraged” into a stupid amount of hours so the boss could go fuck off. Won’t make that mistake again. WFH or not, if you expect 60+ a week, you can kiss my ass.

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We moved from the Capital District of NY - which i loved - to the Midwest where my wife is from because money goes about three times as far here and I was still making NY money at the time.

Lots I miss from “back east generally, but not the prices.

Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious

Hello, i was looking for a wysiwyg html editors i could use for my personal website, perferrably just as a simple open source desktop program on linux (though anything else is fine). i DID find something called KompoZer but i was wondering if there's any other ones, thanks

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Have made numerous mockups for devs, as a PM, that way.

When you have one style sheet for users and admins, you get creative.

At the time, building it wasn’t my problem. Explaining what needed to be built was, and the devs in question were not native speakers of same language I was.

Show, not tell, works quite well IFF you recognize immediately when it’s needed.

Copy the thing you want from where it is, paste it where it needs to be, and tweak the (easily recognisable by any human, cmon) verbiage.

I’m not a particularly visual person, so dev tools was quite useful for that. “${foreach} state, ${foreach} county, ${foreach} postal code,” here is the expected UI both expanded and not, beats hell out of trying to spec out what amounts to the better part of an RFC, especially when I am not the one actually writing the code and also not the one who came up with the straight up crazy schema.

Schema created years ago, and there’s only money to add this UI to replace an UPDATE WHERE that the boss decided he didn’t like because he didn’t “get it” and couldn’t personally do it if ever needed (literally no world where it would be needed, and boss didn’t understand the geo that made the whole thing necessary, but…. That’s life.)

(Edit: created, not ‘creates’, and FreeMarker is brutal. Things that binary work/do not work belong in code, not templates. Templates should be as tolerant as is sane given a use case. Boss wouldn’t know HTML or a variable if I whacked him over the head with a variable (length walking staff))

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On one hand, I’m a fan of the ESP32 as a challenge.

OTOH, sometimes you actually need a full fledged computer for your semi embedded task, and sometimes you just don’t want to (or can’t be seen to, from PR standpoint) support Beijing.

While arguments can be made either way about the prior para, from a biz POV, it’s pretty binary.

Would love to find similar platforms that don’t involve those concerns and might theoretically be commercializable by hackers, but I’m not aware of many.

USA Lemmies: Where do you live?

I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:...

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Call it Champaign-Urbana.

I am juuuust outside the MSA, without doxxing myself too badly.

Chicago is accessible, if I plan around a few hrs drive or an Amtrak that’s not crazy far.

We are collectively mostly left-leaning though the UIUC students prob skew that to some degree. We landed here because it was a reasonably affordable place, close enough to something else to be feasible for holidays, and also close enough to a major ish city that not WFH would be on the table, maybe.

Got here via south central PA, New England, and marrying a girl from Kettlecorn, KS who missed the flatlands.

I miss the mountains, but I’m also sane and honest with myself - the local bouldering place is as close as I’m getting to a mountain, at my age.

That makes me sad, having hiked up plenty of mountains back before I fell off the “fitness cliff”…

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I carry a bunch of pride for all of my favorite places I’ve lived in (I was easily bored in my early 20s), but…


Kidding, ofc, friend.

Lived up and down the east coast along the way, including places whose current inhabitants I would not want to publicly associate myself with.

South Central PA wasn’t per se “appealing,” but it was home for many years so I get it. Neither good nor bad, just home, but easily judged.

I still smile a lil when I happen to cross US 30 and notice it, so I get it. Feels like I “could” make that turn and be “home”

OC, MD was “the” vacation dest growing up so…. I have very little affinity for Jersey. A few years working for a guy who was proudly “from JC” (sorta) and a giant dick didn’t help my perspective, to be honest.

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Respect for staying and staying strong. That devolution has been rapid and concerning.

You sticking around encourages every person (disclosed or otherwise) in any of those groups to stay, and eventually force that SOB running your state out.

My partner is a huge Disney fan, and I see behind the magic and respect everything they do to hide the actual mechanics of it all. It pains us that we can’t get on a WN flight to MCO because we refuse to spend money (that we are aware of) in states behaving that way generally.

We miss Nashville, too, as well as a place between Nashville and Orlando that sells stuff people failed to “claim” for cheap.

But I’m not buying gas in GA or FL, much less anything else, in the current environment.

Miami once was a haven and a melting pot, and I personally welcome everyone to this country. But… current state of affairs.

I couldn’t do it, we are both straight and a conventional married couple (mosly, aside from things that are no one’s biz). We fled a Midwest state because, among other things, we got tired of defending that WE wore masks/used hand sanitizer over a period of years.

Fuck those people, we are not hurting them by vexing cautious. Turns out (it seems, per current research) we were right.

The diesel bros are slowly feeling the long term results.

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My company has a campus there (among several other places) and I’ve abs ruled out any chance of landing there. Not just because screw you, I am more effective WFH, not less, but because the highly vocal haters populating the area make me look like an asshole just for living there.

I’m also particularly sensitive to heat, but car ac is a thing. I just can’t justify supporting and effectively representing TX. Not a lot of good ways to state that I’m an ally of anyone misunderstood or whose rights have been trampled, while living in a state that consistently makes news for the exact opposite.

Not worried about colleagues who know me, but if I want to make a move into a new position - internal or external - and the hiring mgr or hr rep is e.g., my friend who went through NB and landed on male, whose decision I respect, how the hell can I possibly claim to support them or any other group, if I’m daily buying gas and food in TX?

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Spot, and Jefferson Davis Elementary.
Only limits that to half hr country, though I kid of course.

Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction

Hey hello, self-hosting noob here. I just want to know if anyone would know a good way to host my writing. Something akin to those webcomic sites, except for writing. Multiple stories with their own "sections" (?) and a chapter selection for each. Maybe a home page or profile page to just briefly detail myself or whatever, I...

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Not aware of a FOSS 1:1, but that sounds like Ghost or your blogging platform of choice.

Except WP, if self hosting, IMHO. Wordpress == PHP == trouble and risk. I don’t mean to malign WP specifically, but if you’re a noob, you want to avoid exposing PHP to the public internet - especially if there’s any possibility you’ll eventually forget about maintaining and upgrading.

Just too damn easy for some threat actor to come along and exploit a vuln you missed, in the software or the web server or WP.

That said, years of WP taught me that, roughly, you want “pages” linking to “posts” ( == chapters). In theory, the former is a permanent reference and the latter is dynamic to some degree.

In reality, the existence of search engines before enshittification means the two have been conflated frequently.

Pages would often get links in a sidebar or menu. Posts might get buried much farther down, but can also be linked to. They’re often, but not always, time—specific.

“2023 NY [financial product] Guide” (page) might well link to a years-old post about subrogation regarding an attempted BBQ of a random wild animal that went wrong and caused a fire, because it’s a positively classic example of the same that makes a great deal of sense to most people, even if they don’t understand terms like subrogation.

Post/page are distinctions that WP makes, but are abstractly relevant to setting up abs any CMS (which is what you want, Content Management System) so that you (ideally) never have to figure out how or where to link something, its just native. Changing the structure means changing the URLs which is annoying at best, and fraught with peril at worst.

Above 2023 xxxx Guide page, would be https://example.org/NY-Xxxx-Guide and that way you DGAF about the sidebar links, for instance. Link it once, and then you only have to update 50 posts with the year and/or some change in the data, which can be done programmatically in the db as a trivial exercise. “UPDATE page SET title = (SELECT title FROM… WHERE ‘2022’ in title TO ‘2023’;”

Disclaimer: do not run that query as copypasta, it’s meant to illustrate a point and not to exhibit valid SQL on any db (Not least because I intentionally left out at least one closing paren and simplified a bit. I’m a PG guy, and I am 100% certain it would fail as written, but fully expect anything approaching the standard to reject it. But you get the idea, update 50 states at once with a fairly simple query, once a year.

Lots going on here, but go for a modern CMS and repeatable updates, not a legacy product with a bunch of tech debt accumulated. Build it clean, plan it out first, and know whatever DB is backing it fairly well.

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You say, as if that sentiment isn’t nearly universal.

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Migadu has been amazing. It “”just works,”and there’s no reason to deal with any of the crap that comes with hosting email.

They are affordable, and provide exactly what they claim to provide.

Email is not - IMHO - worth the trouble to self host. There are too many hard stops where email is required as login, etc to bother.

I enjoy hosting and using a variety of services. But I’ve no desire to bother with something I can ship out to folks who live and breathe that particular service.

Regarding sublinks and feeling concerned about what is going on with it ( lemmy.world )

Right now, I'm feeling concerned and wondering what is going on in regards to Sublinks here, since I have created a community for discussion on koalas about a week ago on here and have started and been doing work on it recently. But now I'm hearing about Sublinks and feeling concerned if I created it on the wrong instance or the...

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Seems to be something about the link rewrite, from where I sit - I can copy and paste the link and get exactly the expected page, but if I click it, it's broken. Seems like a Lemmy issue, if anything, as the pasted link opens just fine.

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If they’re good, awesome. If they’re meh, jam on some CCR. Or anything that was released on and most folks first hear on vinyl.

It’s not hard to tweak, it’s not hard to play, and nobody else will ever hear it so if it sounds good to you, in the room, that’s all that matters.

Can hear Lodi bouncing off the limestone now…

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Hazmats are prohibited in both tunnels. About the only option for those is to go all the way around 695, adding the better part of 50 miles.

otl , to Privacy
@otl@hachyderm.io avatar

Finally deleted my LinkedIn account!

After putting my account into "hibernation" for the past few weeks, I finally closed it. But I'm still looking for work. Thankfully I can still find positions (SRE and software dev) by just going directly to the company's site and finding a Jobs page.

Good luck to everyone else out there looking for work!


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The same has occurred to me numerous times. I'm not the guy to lead the project, but I'd certainly be willing to dive in and help.

Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised there isn't one, or at least a zygote of one, already.

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Woah, if he wouldn’t touch it, that’s a bill of goods no one can sell.

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Lord, I remember back when the worst thing calling was either a telemarketer, or a collection agency.

Some of them were unpleasant, but not nearly as unpleasant as the people who are trying to straight up steal your shit these days.

Barring a known number, that phone can keep on ringing.

Tennessee becomes the first state to protect musicians and other artists against AI ( www.npr.org )

The Ensuring Likeness Voice and Image Security Act, or ELVIS Act, is an updated version of the state's old right of publicity law. While the old law protected an artist's name, photograph or likeness, the new legislation includes AI-specific protections....

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Nor do I, but I certainly see how this could become a shitshow quickly. See, e.g., bar closing times, concealed carry permits, nuances around medical decisions, and a host of other things individually legislated by fifty-two jurisdictions (incl fed and dc) - consequences of an accidental trip one exit too far down the interstate can be devastating.

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I can think of a single example in my living memory within the US, the loner who attacked the congressional softball game was left of the average democrat. How much farther left, I don't recall.

Part of that surely has to do with the way the gun debate in this country has been framed, and the positions the left has taken up on the same. That's a separate conversation, of course, but I hypothesize that the dearth of guns on the left also leads to a dearth of acts that kill people. Well, that, and the lack of baseless bs conspiracy theories (mostly).

Edit: Source

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"The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017.

Perhaps I need to get my eyes checked, but.. Isn't he black? I shudder to think what a black man "knowing his place" in NC meant just a handful of years ago.

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