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I'll be honest, I don't understand why the hell we're not already doing exactly this.

I think I was maybe three or four years old when it finally clicked that you always ask for more than you want / expect. Couldn't elucidate it as such, at the time, but I certainly can now. Corollary is that if you make reasonable demands, expecting good faith, you will get bartered down to zero. Generations of market stall sellers can attest to that one the world over.

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Try it all. Keep good notes.

Some service names are marginally misleading, but understanding what it does and how it bills does two thing: Helps you avoid overbilling; and also ensures you “get” it.

Properly secured and understood, S3 + immutable saves my ass more than o once because could prove that as of x bi-hourly backup, PG reflected some given status.

In other words, “I did not fuck that specific thing up, and as of the last time I was in good faith awake, it looked like x. Let’s look at logs/code, bc last I saw it, it mapped perfectly to reality.”

The bit about “keep good notes,” above, is for future you.

“Oh yeah I played with that random AWS service a few years back, wish I could recall the outcome,” vs “Mind giving g me a sec to have a look at my notes, I’ve seen this before!”

That translates to execs as “Yep, I follow, and u have ref material from the last n times I solved this problem, so I’m your guy, I just need a sec to locate the details of the last round before I straight up commit to an answer.”

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Too convenient, and Foremost is just too damned important in the P&C world for someone not to have signed off on this.

Let’s be honest: “Bruh,I backstop some minor P&C carriers.”

“So do I! How can move the market and still appear blameless?”

Oh look, nexus!

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That is my absolute intent bc the whiny/bitchy perspective is irrelevant to me.

W/ that in mind…. I tend to think I’d be OK w/ a teen going a/ it, running away across the border,,etc.

If I can’t house them directly, I’d gladly to anything I can to contrib to the same.

Comes down to three simple words; “How can I help?”

Not convinced there aren’t the most imp 3W in Eng.

U can be wrong at (your thing, none of my biz) - just don’t force it on me.

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A propos of nothing…

Feel like perhaps we should do voice, and we might have parallel ideas about how the word needs to work.

I think I see that you have some RBL perspective, and we can go from there.

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That was exactly my take.

Regrettably, these folks are in no way equipped for a cyberwar.

All the less so for their deps etc.

I expect my - and anyone’s - employer to pay health insurance, and to keep that data safe. Customers are fine here as far as u can tell, but if you tell me that you’ll cover some amount of risk and then you reneg,were rightfully going to have a humdinger (see OCMS) of a war on that one.

If you insure my health risk, fr where I sit, you also insure the risk of my data that I handed over so you could insure the risk, in the first place.

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Fountain pens. Such a simple and enjoyable process/hobby, and one that made real sense to me long before the entire world did…

I’m not where I want to be today, but I managed to find a few bucks and grab a Kaweco Lilliput in brass for my bday. Cheap af but legit makes me happy - even if I’m just doodling or trying to.

Course, that means I also need to spend money on good paper, but that’s a small expense relative to cost of pens and inks, and the feeling of laying down ink from a good pen, on straight up amazing paper, is nirvana.

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Wasn't but a few hours ago that I was telling someone elsewhere in the fediverse that food is a human right and directly causing famine (Palestine) is unacceptable use of human rights as weapons.

Fortunately, when Israel couldn't quite be offensive enough at that exact moment, Arizona sat up and said "Hold my beer, y'all!"

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Colorado tried a few years back. Vermont has made the effort over the years. Not aware of any successful ones, but like anything else it's a process and requires raising awareness/changing understanding before you'll get a ballot initiative through.

There were some elements of CO's proposal that I really liked.

Edit: It's not entirely dead but they're definitely not there yet.

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That's an astute observation.

TN is home not only to a motivated republican political class bent on ensuring their continued role overseeing the state's people and determining what access to medical care should be available, but also to the Country Music Hall of Fame and to Jack Daniels Distillery. The latter is interesting and getting there takes you through beautiful country, but you should know it's located in a "dry county" before you go and their products can't be sold there.

TN is also the last state I'm aware of where fire departments were in recent years permitted to respond only to protect neighboring property rather than to protect the property which was actually on fire; but had not paid its subscription service

Well, that last doesn't exactly cast it in a positive light, either. But that's life in a red state for ya, there's a whole lot of gorgeous country that is (politically) painted bright red, unfortunately. While I've little need to travel presently, there aren't many southern states I'd go out of my way to spend money in, if I could help it.

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the president’s refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

And yet I'm seeing him call for exactly that, and publicly suggesting that it's achievable by the weekend or Monday. Just because we didn't all get cut in on the news cycle doesn't mean it isn't happening or relevant...

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IWW comes to mind. They’re not aligned with any particular trade etc, unlike most unions.

Also…. See “You Deserve a Tech Union” recently published. If cost is an issue there is an arrangement that can be made, see author’s masto acct.

Personally, I was hired fully remote, and would fight like hell right beside you any attempt to drag me back. I’m fortunate to be four plus hours from the office I’d likely work in otherwise, so I do t expect to need to fight - I lived here when they hired me.

Whatever you learn and whatever options you find, please come back and post as it will help others.

Disney appeals dismissal of free speech lawsuit as DeSantis says company should 'move on' ( apnews.com )

Disney on Thursday appealed a judge’s dismissal of its free speech lawsuit over what it described as Gov. Ron DeSantis’ retaliatory takeover of Walt Disney World’s governing district, as the Florida governor separately called any appeal “a mistake.”...

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DeSantis should move on from existence.

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The humil kink explains the boots, and I guess even the bizarre “pudding fingers” thing.

Certainly explains some of the ridiculous things he says, as well.

Seems to be a commonality among that wing of the GOP.

Not judging ofc, we all dig whatever we dig. But maybe we should separate kink and politics, preferably with zero intersection between them. The MFL folks who enjoyed playing with another woman are totally justified in doing so - it’s the hypocrisy of it all that I have trouble with.

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The boots were cute, but would have been far more so on a stripper. Just didn’t mesh with his style imho.

Or lack of style in this case.

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Can’t think of a lot of onshore places that would fit the bill in terms of weather and political climate but…

Remember Sealand? To date we’ve mostly built offshore platforms for the sake of fossil fuels, but I’m not aware of a practical reason they couldn’t just build what amounts to a drilling platform, without the drilling and at a meaningful scale.

Or, screw it, international waters on the seafloor - who’s going to stop them from declaring independence? They even foreshadowed it with Ariel.

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I’d have taken her gladly, over TFG, but you are abs not wrong. She was never going to be another Bill - a lot of his appeal in campaigning was that he felt approachable even on TV.

She never had that skill, and didn’t seem capable of developing it.

Can relate, lots of my work and face to face interactions are basically by rote - I’ve honed the scripts over the years to get a thin veneer of spontaneity and make it believable rather than robotic, but…. That works because I lean waaaay into it. Hillary feels scripted and robotic.

Don’t ask me how we rejected her, but our friends across the pond elected the May-Bot tho. While their politics are diametrically opposite, Hillary and Theresa are very similar personalities - or lack thereof.

FWIW, if anyone is aware of a book that meaningfully compares the two, I’d love to know about it. The handful of serious authors who approach UK political bios that I’m aware of don’t do so in a comparative way.

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All the damn time. If I’m I. The same room and we’re both awake, I speak, but if she’s asleep or I’m working and can’t escape from a vid meeting…. Signal it is.

For various reasons, my memory isn’t worth a damn, so there’s an added benefit of “yes, I told my wife that important thing” in the history

We live on one floor, with a bedroom, an office, a living room, and a kitchen. It’s definitely not that I’m too lazy to take the ten or twelve steps across the house lol

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That’s actually kinda adorable.

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When you could express the same sentiment in a few keystrokes? Nah, I’ll text lol

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The local utility co tried to give me a free google thermostat. Nooooope.

Three decades ago, as a kid, the electric co-op put a device on our water heater that would limit energy to that specific device at times of high load. That was sensible, and had zero listening capabilities. It’s also as close as I want to get to (commercial) voice assistants.

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So, it’s EOL but they’re still collecting as much data as possible, basically?

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Excellent word choice, I hear “modicum” so rarely.

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I wasn’t familiar with Lucas, but l lived in Terre Haute until about a year ago and didn’t realize anyone could make Buschon look any less shitty.

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We got out about a year ago, I feel ya.

It was surprisingly low effort to GTFO, found a nice lil town just across the IL line - might as well only have moved across town for all the work involved, but with the bonus of a hell of a lot fewer unnecessary Trump flags and the like.

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Seems reasonable to me - I got my state’s id card for ownership of a firearm, and just haven’t felt compelled to take the 16 hour class for a carry permit.

TBH, I have some concerns about the intersection of fed law and legal marijuana states that I’d rather not risk being the test case for.

You bring up a very valid point about funding of the course and equity. On further reflection, anyone who wants to learn ought to have access, whether they want to own/carry, or not.

The more educated and responsible citizens, the fewer sanctimonious fools who think “good guys with guns” stand a chance of stopping a motivated shooter with an assault rifle.

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I collaborated with folks for many years in far eastern Russia - the only hard part was tracking DST and adjusting standing scheduled meetings accordingly.

Holidays that weren’t shared were much more of a pain to deal with than the time difference.

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Fountain pens and inks. Nothing like enjoying the mere act of writing meeting notes with my preferred pen, ink, and paper.

A5 Clairefontaine 90gsm, and usually Pilot Iroshizuku Tsutsiji.

It is the perfect color to be appropriate for signatures and the like, while also being interesting and having the tiniest bit of sheen.

Haven’t used a Bic in ages, I just fill pens as needed.

Got a safari in F that’s perfect for tsutsiji and I just keep filling it.

Yeah, FP are my “thing”, helped along by the insane vari lets of available inks. If I sign something [wet], it’s with a fifteen dollar safari and that ink, or on (diamine) Sherwood green.

Anything else, and it’s not my sig.

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If I can - in my sole judgement - safely cast a ballot and my wife can do the same, I’ll back down.

If however there are difficulties with that…. Just wait until you see what a liberal who believes in the Constitutiom and 2nd and 4th/5th handling that.

Wanna watch drop boxes w obscured tags? Yeah we can do that too, and report every instance of threats and violence.

I can’t do 24/7 anymore, but a lil vid while I nap seems totally reasonable.

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They will.

I joined a company about eighteen months ago and was hired as fully remote. Advancement etc will depend on remaining so. Company looks good on my resume, and there’s no fucking way I’m moving to DFW in this political climate.

Might consider the MI office, big only as hybrid. We are settled comfortably currently. I’d be ok with driving wed night to be there thurs and fri, and make the entire trip at my leisure.

It you better believe there’s going to be a huge carrot in it for me if that comes to pass.

I don’t even have a reason to hate the MI town the company considers an office hub. For the right job I’d even consider moving, but SO has veto on that which I respect.

Not that MI sucks entirely. There just isn’t much there for us and it increases the drive to fam for holidays hy 4 hours or so.

Not averse to hybrid, could sort it out easily enough, but key is that it would be a new position or promotion.

Got the paperwork that says I’m perm remote and would happily go to bat with said paperwork, esp for the right job. Just bc the internal positions says DFW, does not mean I can’t do 3-4 days here in Kettlecorn, Ks, and another day or two at the actual office.

But - apologies to Barbara mandrel - I was remote when remote wasn’t cool.

Nobody is taking that away from me. Circa 2014 I learned how to be remote, for context, and executed well.

If hiring mgr doesn’t want to give a little on “mandatory” on office days, I’m out.

Checking in with a disability that benefits greatly from remote work, and all the paperwork on place. Just try and mandate “RTO” and see what happens.

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Pure internet gold. No personal need atm but dropped it in shiori for future ref.

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I run my own instance (behind basic auth and some other stuff) and default my phone and personal boxes to it.

I fall back to DDG on work machines (no reason to even hypo risk exposing personal search hist to my corp IT folks) but otherwise I’ve little reason to use anything else.

Reverse phone search kind of sucks, but I can live with that.

None of the engines SXNG hits would meet my needs individually, but a quick skim of the well-ordered results (which by default note the source) generally gets me what i want in first page.

If not, it’s a cue that either my search terms are crap, or I need to narrow further.

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Standing my instance up was painless af. Docker blah blah, tweak my nginx, update dns, throw an autorenew LE cert in front of it, and that’s about the extent of it.

Sure ya could get more fancy but for my needs and single user env, that’s about all there is to it.

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RE: office chairs…. You could spend a shit ton of money or…. You could totes cheap out and replace them every 4-6 months.

I WFH and use my office for other things as well. My ass is in that chair 60-70 hours a week, in a weird position that’s comfy to me but no chair is designed to support.

The padding isn’t the issue. I can always throw a pillow too thin to sleep on under my butt. The hydraulic cylinder is the issue.

Give me a hard chair that stays at a constant fucking height with no effort any day. Padding I can fix, but if I’m constantly at weird and non ergonomic levels with little control that’s a real problem.

Context, I’m actively typing much of my day on the kb directly in front of me, and jumping back to the keyboard at around 45 degrees to the left any chance I get.

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No harm enjoying a distro and being stable.

I’m a fan of Arch and derivatives but I need better odds of shit just working. Been running Mankato on desktop for some time to get both stable ish packages and also AUR as/where needed.

For servers, it’s Debian all the way for me. Ubuntu does some things I don’t personally love - no offense to the distro, it’s well constructed - and the recent ish changes in the RPM world didn’t sit well with me - strictly personal opinion.

Anything in a container generally runs on whatever the image was built with. It’s only a minimal pain to port simple dockerfiles, but when you get into multiple linked containers, that risks edge case bugs down the road.

Honestly, between the lot of it, I use a pretty representative sample - I think alpine on desktop would be kind of pointless to say the least, doesn’t mean I’m going to forego any container built on it.

Use case is a huge factor here, as is ability to grok multiple distros concurrently. I find that easy, but plenty of people don’t. For them, maybe rebuilding that image makes more sense.

Linux is all about doing what works for you and your use case.

FWIW, pacman doesn’t resonate nearly as well as pamac does with me. Probably because I haven’t had to dive deep into it. All about what works for an individual. If that’s stability on an Ubuntu derivative, great - Linux is Linux, in that context.

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I work for a MS shop. I tolerate it because they provide the machine (as they damn well should in any case!)

In my personal world, I’m Linux across the board - couldn’t pay me enough to a) own securing RDP on a win box or b) use IIS.

Is Linux perfect? Nope. Never suggested otherwise. But in the areas that matter to me, it’s far superior.

Definitely haven’t given up, and my main personal machine would have been in the trash heap ages ago if I was still trying to force windows on it.

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In what fucking world does housing status have to do with knowing your target?

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Seems a bit excessive of a judgement - under the best of conditions, my cursive is an absolute horror show. Always has been, and I’ve zero need for it with any frequency.

Suffice it to say, he’s not writing under the best of conditions. If you’d like to judge the content/intent, that’s your prerogative. But the quality of his penmanship is an utter irrelevancy.

Biden "running out" of patience with Bibi as Gaza war hits 100 days ( www.axios.com )

President Biden and other senior U.S. officials are becoming increasingly frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rejection of most of the administration's recent requests related to the war in Gaza, four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios....

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That’s amazing, especially that it’s controllable. Solids have the disadvantage of being difficult at best to cut off, and while presumably a cutoff would result in LOMC (barring an impressive escape process), that part can be iterated on meaningfully.

I also have to respect and love the hell out of the fact that it came out of a partnership with Ukraine, who has clearly put to good use their experience in such engineering and manufacturing in previous decades.

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While my primary masto is a single user instance, basically anywhere else I exist on the fedi is a subset of infosec dot *.

Those instances are all run by someone who a) is cool with spinning up a whole bunch of instances, b) is willing to risk the costs, and c) is excellent at delineating policy. There’s a “no fucking threads full stop” instance, and a “no threads by default, but user can flip switch” instance, for example.

That’s a method of operation that works from my pov but doesn’t suit everyone’s needs. Personally, I want nothing to do with threads but am more able to express my anti corp tendencies than I was in my twenties, and I’m more willing to accept that “it’s just bandwidth, find the instance that meets your needs.”

My needs involve no threads at all, but I can accomplish that with a very small amount of effort given. My circles.

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So glad to hear that - it's the humans in the process who make it possible.

I know a guy who once gave his probation officer a UPS store box, and they didn't even blink. For the thrity bucks or so, it was well worth it. Not once did said PO knock on my friend's door a couple states away, and all was right with the world.

Also, congrats on the giant pair it takes to sa 'yeah, homeless, but look at me, I've got my shit together - because I've a place to stay, and your def of homeless is very different from mine."

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