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Synthuir ,

My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar.

When will you be back?

I can't tell you that. It's classified.

Synthuir ,

…if he was trying to self-radicalize in the name of terrorism.

This is a very weird way of wording a possible motivation. I guess I never heard about all those suicide bombers shouting “For terrorism!” before detonating. Was he apprehended in full Joker facepaint?

Synthuir ,

Fire : Plasma :: Water : Liquid :: Ice : Solid :: Co2 : Gas

Fire = Plasma

Clearly a mind ahead of our times

Synthuir ,

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas*. Not to be pedantic, but that completely changes the message of the story.

Synthuir ,

“Make sure he doesn’t pick your pocket!”

Synthuir ,

It does look like it, but that is the correct signature and style of a real 3D street artist living in Spain named Eduardo Relero

Synthuir ,

Kendrick: You’re a pedo, your son hates you, your mom raised a terrible kid, and you’ve got a secret daughter

Drake: tf? I don’t have a daughter

Synthuir ,

Yep, and only costs the paltry sum of $50,000+/yr. for unlimited credits and Plus Pro Max features! Honestly, a steal!

^…fuck ESRI…

Synthuir ,

They’ve set up a pretty detailed whitepaper here.

Synthuir ,

He was Parks Commissioner. Did everything in his power to not build parks in Harlem. Known for giving personal touches to parks that reflected the character of the neighborhoods they were in. When he built Riverside Park, the point of the park closest to Harlem was monkey themed.

Synthuir ,

That’s what I’m thinking. The lynx took down those dogs before finally being overpowered, and the dogs’ handler(s) buried them all together to show respect for the impressive fight that the lynx put up.

Synthuir ,

"our rather special find is indeed the 'missing lynx' in this story," Bartosiewicz said.

Oh, you!

Synthuir ,

Funnily enough, the New York Supreme Court is the state’s trial court, not a final appellate court.

Synthuir ,

Language Transfer has been highly recommended in the past. I’ve only gotten through two lessons so far, but it seems like a good place to start, at least. It doesn’t have anywhere near as many languages as Duolingo does, though.

Synthuir ,

Alternate reality where Hannibal accidentally took a left in the Alps

Synthuir ,

Probably benzene and other fun substances. Benzene! If The Nazis Don’t Getcha, There’s Always Benzene!^TM^

Synthuir ,

There needs to be a Lemmy community for crazy Duolingo prompts; I believe there was one on Reddit. The favorite one that I got, translated from French, “I’m sorry that my dog ate your cat”

Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case ( )

Less than a month after New York Attorney General Letitia James said she would be willing to seize former Republican President Donald Trump's assets if he is unable to pay the $464 million required by last month's judgment in his civil fraud case, Trump's lawyers disclosed in court filings Monday that he had failed to secure a...

Synthuir ,

I wouldn’t normally put this much stock in his assets actually getting flipped, but…

Someone or some company signed me up for Trump fundraising emails recently. The subject line of one from 2(?) days ago read: HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER, so it sounds like they’re preparing some kind of mobilization/campaign to play the victim now that their options are quickly drying up.

Synthuir ,

Oh for sure, the spoiled child is ready for their tantrum du jour.

Synthuir ,

I’m just tired of family members hearing on the news that another couple million in debt was just wiped out, and them calling to ask if it affects me too.

No, you’ll know when it affects me, I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops in between benders.

European Union: Designated gatekeepers must now comply with all obligations under the Digital Markets Act ( )

As of today, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft and ByteDance, the six gatekeepers designated by the Commission in September 2023, have to fully comply with all obligations in the Digital Markets Act (DMA)....

Synthuir ,

When someone literally named praises the EU…

Brb, gonna go ice skating in Hell!

Synthuir ,

I’ve seen a few lemmygrad users that aren’t tankies, but by far the majority are extremely opposed to the EU, NATO, etc. Nothing against you personally, just thought it was funny.

Synthuir ,

Thank you for being honest and not flaming, I can certainly appreciate that perspective. I must be jaded from seeing people equate the EU and NATO so often.

Synthuir ,

See, I can get behind this 100%! Real, actual egalitarian society, and not constant isolationist/factionalist/nationalistic bickering.

Synthuir ,

Oh, cool, TVTropes x Wikipedia. This surely won’t be an infinite time sink!

Synthuir ,

Oh, come on, in that time period Google’s made several dozen copies of the same service! And some of them even lasted longer than a year before being killed!

And Microsoft has been steadily rewriting the book on naming schemes in a valiant effort to confuse you no matter which of their product lines/ services you need, and all while graciously providing Candy Crush and telemetry free of charge!

Synthuir ,

I feel like Venture Bros. is a treasure-trove of unused RPGMemes

Synthuir ,

Much longer than the 1980s, or even the 1880s. It just became prevalent again relatively recently because the post-war boom made “The world is ending!” sound absolutely ridiculous, until austerity kicked in.

Synthuir ,

No, the time for a 3rd party presidential run is after that third party already has local and state support/positions. Top-down attempts at creating a viable third party have virtually no chance at changing the status quo, and would likely make it worse as they’d be deadlocked with Congress and voted out after one term. Then we’ll have to hear forever about how this party was a terrible idea…

Synthuir ,

I’m really confused how you got that from my comment, and it seems from the downvotes, others thought similarly. I’m advocating for more, real action, and more third party candidates, instead of hollow longshot bids that, even if successful, would be deleterious (not to mention the many more poison pill candidates like RFK Jr. who were never acting in good faith to begin with).

Synthuir , (edited )

It’s not the time for a presidential third party run… but it is the time for third parties to create bottom-up change. These aren’t mutually exclusive, but one is clearly the better option

Synthuir ,

Please, I’m begging you to re-read my comment. The time is after a grassroots bottom-up movement builds an actual framework for lasting change. I know people want quick change with just a single figurehead to lead the way, but that’s not how this works.

Synthuir ,

Okay, go back to the 90s and see how Perot or Nader turned out. After their (relatively successful) runs, the US collapsed back into the two party system immediately.

I’m really not trying to argue with you, but rather convince you that as much as I would love a third-party ticket, it just won’t work, unless you want that third party to rule authoritatively without consent from the legislative or judicial branches. I’m pretty sure we agree on almost all points otherwise; the two party system needs to be broken, and it needs to be broken yesterday. But, as someone who voted for Stein, please believe that I’m arguing from a place of not wanting but needing change, and just electing a woke president isn’t change.

Yes, it’s much harder to go bottom-up, but I’m really not seeing any arguments still as to how or why a third party ticket would actually affect that change.

Synthuir ,

But these don’t have to be tiny baby steps, and starting at ‘dogcatcher’ is clearly not arguing in good faith. For instance, if the DSA abandoned their platform of being explicitly not a political party, there would already be a network of hundreds running for real important positions like mayors, councilmembers, district attorneys, etc. Would most of them lose these races? Probably. But you have to imagine the average American is not politically aware at all, and seeing a neighbor making real local change may be the only way to get ‘centrists’ onboard. Otherwise, you’re just constantly fighting the media and establishment, or ordering pogroms in order to maintain power and affect change.

Also, political parties historically have not taken centuries to take off, even in two-party systems like the US. We’ve got so much good data on how to actually do this, things like the Lib-Lab pact in the UK, that show us exactly how to bootstrap a party from irrelevance to dominance in just two or so election cycles. Is that too late to stem fascism or environmental collapse? Maybe, but I’m 100% sure that a third party couldn’t rise inorganically in that timeframe either.

The fault doesn’t lie in people wanting to do this in a sustainable way, but in relying on entrenched systems like the Democratic Party to make these moves, when it’s clear as day that they prefer maintaining the status quo over progressivism.

Synthuir ,

This is just not true, there are countless historical examples. Again, I think the most pertinent one to refute your ‘fighting against two parties’ point is the Lib-Lab pact. Obviously it can’t work the exact same way in the US, but there are methods that countries have used to escape entrenched parties, and we just haven’t tried it in the modern US. Also, why would this point not apply to the Electoral College? Wouldn’t the eco-friendly party draw more support from Dem voters, all but guaranteeing a Republican victory?

I think it’s worth trying something that has some evidence behind it before going straight to eco-fascism, no?

Synthuir ,

Well, idk, you never responded when I was asking what this third party president would do about the legislative and judiciary being very anti-progressive, and just seemed to assume that third party president means no more oil/fascists tomorrow. If you’re willing to discuss the mechanisms behind that, then sure, but what you’re describing without going into any further detail seems to be just eco-fascism.

Synthuir ,

Again, I gave examples of why it’s not impossible and has been accomplished before, but you keep saying it’s impossible because of the time scale. Which, maybe, but the alternative is eco-fascism, unless you provide me with some other means of achieving this rapid change.

I’m also not saying that you can’t or shouldn’t vote your conscience, like I said, I’ve done so as well. Third parties can and should be on the ballot, but actually getting elected or accomplishing what you want just isn’t possible without more than the executive with these views in power.

Believe me, I’m beyond frustrated as well, but even back when I was campaigning for Bernie before Trump had his first nomination, I realized that if he won, change wouldn’t happen nearly as fast as it probably needs to.

Synthuir ,

I think the message of the film was more that he was always good (to some extent) and that his earlier actions were influenced by his upbringing (in contrast to Metro Man’s)

Synthuir ,

鼻の無い男, or, Man Without a Nose is Ohio’s fourth-most popular yaoi manga. Or something.

Synthuir ,

NAVI decals? Gonna get Dendi rushing up mid here any minute now…

Synthuir ,

Oh man, me in 2002 for sure. Yellow benches, real meat on fresh rolls, the vague sense of imminent war in Iraq, the subway map wallpaper…

Synthuir ,

Well, I guessed the Wordle first try today, so…

How do you get rid of "wet dog" smell in a dishwasher?

This is a thing with every dishwasher I've had, some models seem better than other. You wash the dishes and when they dry, they have a musty odor I can only describe as "wet dog". Other people often don't seem to notice this, so maybe I am just sensitive to it. Though if I point it out, then they smell it....

Synthuir ,

Mm, yes, but have you considered that their natural habitat may be cold, dark, wet, and rotating? And in depriving them of that, are you not the true monster?

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