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Revonult ,

There are still waves. Imagine if the sea isn't calm. People already can't stay alive forever in the water. This might not be a "fresh" capable person after a long day of sun and swimming. Add the panic of rapidly being sucked out to open water. Even the strongest swimmers could succumb in certain conditions. Even if you get out how long can most people tred water and fight waves for?

Revonult ,

It depends alot on body fat content. Fat floats. My BIL is very slim and muscular and he sinks like a rock.

Revonult ,

Adorable. Look at those little rascals go.

Revonult ,

My friends getting their PhDs had a really hard time getting theirs and almost had to leave the country.

Revonult ,

The alternative is absolutely unfathomable. Like I am an atheist and the fact we exist in any capacity is insane. Where did everything come from? Where will it go? People
believe in religion because it's easier.

When I have an existential crisis over it I sometimes wish I was religious.

Revonult ,

I don't consider myself as religious, but this is just such a bad take.

I too dislike religion, but judging people based on their beliefs and discrediting their views because of it is exactly the problem.

Revonult , (edited )

What field would be the cut off? Is religion going to influence how a metallurgist analyzes microstructure? How about how a chemist developing new polymers? Who gets to decide? If a scientist allows their religion, or any external influence, to influence their work they are a bad scientist. Which is why we have peer review and reproducible results. There is no need to label anyone. If their work is shit there is mechanisms to correct it, which we are seeing in the article.

People's relationship with relgion is not up to you, just how the options of the religious shouldn't get to dictate the lives LGBT+. They might be in it for community and don't belive the "fantasy". If an individual is spouting hate that is one thing, but judging individuals by their religion is the same persecution the religious zelots dish out.

Edit: some wording

Revonult ,

The cutoff statement was a question for the previous commenter to show that only some science is relevant to religious beliefs and therefore their thinking is flawed.

Revonult ,

I don't understand this comment. Why do you need to ask "The Left" what to do instead of not being misogynistic or promoting toxic masculinity?

Implies it's someone elses responsibility to provide you with alternatives to being a POS rather then just doing anything else.

Revonult , (edited )

Bad analogy. My choice of beverage does not affect other people.

Treating people with basic respect and as equals is no one's responsibility to "make sexy". Let's say the convo was about being racist. Is it someone's responsibility to make it cool to treat another person as an equal? Or would you be bigoted because it just how things are?

Edit: changed Influence to affect

Revonult , (edited )

The act of people calling out toxicity is the guidance. It is corrective action. It's disciplining a child.

Your orgional comment reads

Toxic man: doing something toxic

The left: Don't do that is toxic.

Toxic man: what should I do instead?

The left: ???? WTF ????

Toxic man: oh guess I am just gunna keep doing what I am doing if you aren't going to tell me what to do.

The answer is literally stop doing that thing. Obviously people need role models, young people are going to make mistakes, and when they make mistakes they need to be corrected. It is on the person to change their behavior. It isn't a failure of "the left" from preventing this behavior, it's a failure of those acting poorly to correct their behavior after being called out for it.

I just don't understand how someone can write a comment implying it's "the lefts" fault for not elevating people out of the absolute shit hole wasteland of ethics and behavior the GOP and right wing personalities have created. Like damn maybe you right, people like Andrew Tate are really a failing by left wing ideology to prevent them from spouting toxic nonsense.

Edit: Changed him back to them in last paragraph

Revonult , (edited )

I have to say I think your comment is very well written. You are much better with words than I. However, I fail to see where I am lumping people together.

Like I understand there is some discontinuity between your orgional comment and my approximation of how it comes across. I get what you are saying about swapping "young man" for "toxic man" and see how it seems I conflated the two. But the answer to their question is still "dont act like this". I am clearly not insinuating that all young people are automatically misogynistic just because the word was omitted. People acting misogynistic are (intended or not) perpetuating misogyny and if they fail to respond to correction, even if not directed at them, is not the failure of the left.

I am not sure what you meant by "makes your first sentence completely wrong". If you are referring to my use of "child" it was a euphemism comparing how social backlash for poor behavior is akin to disciplining a child.

It's clear that you want the best for young people and to keep them out if the right wing ideology. But blaming it on "the left" and not the source of the probelm is just ridiculous.

Edit: Deleted my last sentence about positive role models because it was incorrect. And added stuff below.

After thinking about your comments overnight I understand what you are saying and agree. The left needs to do more to educate and guide young people.

How do I explain two years of doing nothing to a university for masters?

Ever since I've graduated on September 2022, I've not had a job. Maybe a crappy internship, but I wasn't provided with a 'certificate', or letter that proves if I've worked for them. That was around October 2022, and I quit voluntarily at the end of January 2023. Since then, I've not worked anywhere as a software dev, be it...

Revonult ,

In my experience a Resume is a one page. A CV is 2-3.

Revonult ,

Not the same as barking but wolf howls are complex and unique to species and pack. Atleast shows they may be something there.

Revonult ,

I desperately hope he doesn't. I never appriciated the power becoming a martyr could be until I thought about Trump dying. We would literally never hear the end of conspiracy theories or bad faith bills made in his name. Think of all the rallies of people protesting the "deep state" that caused the stroke. It would be absolutely insufferable and set the country back even further. He has to live to be old and forgotten.

Revonult ,

People keep acting like if we defeat him this election we are safe. Trump isn't the mastermind behind all these horrible policy changes. He didn't write "Project 2025". He is just the populist figurehead. The GOP has gone off the deepend and very election cycle will just be another chance for them to implement their BS. In the mean time congress will delay progress until they get their chance in the WH again.

Revonult ,

An exam or class I didn't study for or somehow haven't been attending.

Revonult ,

But Uncle Ruckus is white and has a skin problem. This is more like Stephen from Django unchained, which is even crazier.

Edit: Reworded

TIL scientists stepped on 175 rattlesnakes with a fake leg to see how many would bite. The study found that only 6 bit. The rest just froze or tried to wiggle away. Snakes just want to be left alone. ( )

Revonult ,

There is alot of room for bias here. Is the fake foot a realistic proxy of an orgional? Can the snake recognize the difference? You don't fistfight a book or other object falling onto you. Would a snake bite a rock that shifted onto it when it bumps into it?

How much pressure is the fake foot applying? A person accidentally stepping on a snake would apply their whole weight because they didn't know it was there. Likely hurting the snake and warrenting a more significant and immediate response. I doubt the fake foot was applying the same force because of ethical reasons.

Edit: Phrasing

Revonult ,

I think the biggest factor is pressure. A person would put their full weight down because they don't know the snake is there. This would probably hurt the snake and warrent a panic/significant response. I doubt the fake foot was applied with the same pressure because ethical reasons.

Revonult ,

The justification people use is that allowing them to profit through "normal/legal" channels prevents them from taking bribes or seeking other forms of income.

Absolutely disgusting and boils down to the same thing. Very effective at preventing corruption too (/s). A normal person would be jailed.

Edit: Some words.

Revonult ,

Correct, it doesn't work. Which is why the justification is stupid and there should be stricture regulations to prevent conflict of interest.

Revonult ,

Two people met online and live on opposite sides of the country.

Revonult ,

Mine doesn't sound like anything but I can change the cadence or accent. Like it doesn't make the "noise" as hearing. Like it bypasses those "channels".

Revonult ,

I agree that all jobs need some training, but I think the termology is the real enemy. Like yes a cashier needs training but is it comparable to what is considered "skilled labor/trades" like qualified electriction, plumbers, welders, engineers, etc?

I think everyone should make a living wage and think the terminology is definitely used to oppress and divide but whenever I see these arguments it really feels like people don't see a distinction between the amout of work/time it takes to be competent in these jobs.

Revonult ,

I think the big part of it is the required time it takes to be considered competent. Like for arguments sake lets throw out cost of education. The amount of time and effort it takes to be considered a competent surgan is hundreds of times longer than training a competent burger flipper.

Even with grilling there is different skill levels. A professional chef/smoker takes a long time to hone their art.

I think everyone should be paid a living wage, but when people throw trained professionals that require years of experience in with cashiers or fast food cooks it really subtracts from their argument.

We should be trying to elevate all jobs to a living wage while recognizing some jobs are just harder. Otherwise no one will listen.

What is the area of the shaded region? ( )

An 8x5 rectangle. If the bottom left corner is considered (0, 0), then two lines are drawn within the rectangle, from (0, 4) to (8, 1) and from (1, 5) to (7, 0). The smaller two regions of the four these lines cut the rectangle into are shaded. What is their combined area?

Revonult ,

Also got 6.5. Calculated one section of white space as a sum of a square and two triangles. Then doubled it and subtracted from overall.

Revonult ,

I really like Alien Vs Predator but I acknowledge its a terrible alien movie and terrible predator movie. I just like seeing two big screen movie monsters fight it out. Like Godzilla and King Kong or other crazy crossovers.

Revonult ,

This made me realize that if we encounter aliens there is a non-zero chance there will be alien weebs that become obsessed with our culture and think it is superior.

Revonult ,

Don't bring them back maybe, invest in developing ways to get more complex testing equipment to mars? Obviously there are tests where this is impractical, if not impossible, but I always loved the idea of being able to land like a robotic controlled science center there.

Revonult ,

So the short loader can reach the breach.

Revonult ,

A family of beavers should be released at every dam to provide continuous maintenance and patch any holes.

Revonult ,

Humanity DID use AI in the 40k universe. We are on the other side of Age of Strife.

Revonult ,

I was entering my appartment lobby as someone was going to leave (door swings out). I went to open a door for them, stand to the side, and let them out before going in myself. However, I went for the handle as they hit the auto handicap door opener so I am just standing there sudo holding the handle as it SLOWLY self opens and waiting for them to go through.

Revonult ,

People who claim they are not a member of any country. They resent the fact they were born into a country and automatically considered a citizen of that country without their consent and then bound by their rule. They get told by grifters and other delusion people that through legal loopholes and long forgotten legal jargon they can excuse themselves from the rule of goverment.

There is something to be said for not getting to choose your birth country and yadda yadda. However, typically these people still benefit from infrastructure and protections provided by the government while refusing to be comply with the rules that come along with it IE taxes, regulations, rules.

Revonult ,

Its really unfortunate because one of the best national labs in the country is in Tennessee.

DeSantis orders Florida National, State Guard members to Texas border ( )

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday he is sending National and Florida State Guard troops to Texas to help that state put up razor wire fences on the southern border, a move in apparent defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the contentious immigration issue....

Revonult ,

I don't support DeSantis or the hanging of new wire, but dont National Guards get deployed to other states for disaster recovery like floods and wild fires? Not sure about the clasification of razor wire, but might not be a stretch. I agree military operations would be an overstep.

Revonult ,

He is not saying anything about it being weird there are gay or bisexual relationships. Just that every instance of a homosexual relationship is also bisexual.

Like its interesting there are no purely homosexual relationships as you would expect from an accurate sampling

Revonult ,

Perhaps the battery is damaged? In some EV it runs the full length of the car. Side impact in ICE dents door and side frame but engine is fine. Getting hit basically anywhere has potential to damage battery.

Also probably is just more expensive to repair and requires specalized/qualified repair places. Kinda like Iphones with lack of Right to Repair protection.

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