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RampageDon ,

Idk ozma was pushing a super hard the left should protest vote or not vote before getting called out in every thread. They have been slowly evolving the shill to be less and less obvious. Even started posting memes and other content to try and get the political agenda across without posting negative articles. Now the message isnt the very obvous up front don't vote, but they are just "critical of Biden," yet have nothing to say about anyone else. Doesn't seem like an edgy kid to me.

RampageDon ,

Weird how I didn't say either of those things. Also pretty hypocritical to not like what I said, put words in my mouth, and then call me Blue MAGA. Really helps your point.

RampageDon ,

Love how you quickly diverted from the hypocrisy of putting words in my mouth and then do the exact thing you seem to be crying about of labeling me Blue MAGA because I said something you didn't like. In the US we have a FPTP voting system. We do not have a luxury of choosing the best candidate, but the lesser of 2 evils. So pretending that protesting voting or not voting is standing for a cause is a joke and disingenuous. All it does is help the opposition party. You can be critical all you want but don't pretend to be liberal when you know a protest vote or not vote helps the other party. The message was very clear they didn't want people to vote. Now they are trying to be more subtle about it. But sure lets be a 1 issue voter and pretend a Trump presidency would be better for the social issues everyone crying Blue MAGA seems to care so much about.

RampageDon ,

Welcome to the US where the left is still right of center

RampageDon ,

Kingdom Under Fire. Still one of my all time favorite army battler games

RampageDon ,

Isn't Taylor Swift a billionaire? That is about the extent of my knowledge of her though.

RampageDon ,

Watch out, Mitch is going to be mad about you giving away his secrets

RampageDon ,

Banned from the news communities so they take their propaganda to other ones where people might not know them. A majority of people don't like Biden, he's hit an all time low in popularity. You on the other hand have an anti Biden agenda. Hopefully mods of other communities catch on. Tired of calling out this bs in every thread.

RampageDon ,

News and politics made a new rule that it's fine to post negative articles, but when it's all you post about one politician multiple times a day they consider it propaganda and pushing an agenda. The mod team has a better explanation than me but that's the basic gist

RampageDon ,

Yes almost like that was my entire point. Can't post there so they moved to other communities

RampageDon ,

Biden isn't a king. Again I am not a fan of him either but let's not pretend that he can just snap his fingers and make these things happen. He'll need support of the house and senate, which we know isn't likely. I don't see any critical posts about the voting system in America from you which would actually allow you to vote for someone you liked. It's just anti Biden.

RampageDon ,

My issue isn't the sources. The issue is we vote in a 2 party system. You can be critical all you want of a candidate, but at the end of the day you only have 2 real choices. A vote for third party is essentially not voting and that only hurts one of two parties. We saw what happens when people protest vote. So when 90% of the posts someone make are against one of two candidates and ignores obvious flaws in the system that lead to a lot of the criticism someone is posting it's no longer just being critical. It's an active campaign to dissuade people from voting for 1 of 2 candidates. When you only have 2 options and you are so adamantly against one you are pushing people to vote for the other.

RampageDon ,

All I said was I hope other mods catch on to the very obvious anti Biden agenda. I'm not pushing for them to be ban everywhere idk why everyone is focusing so hard on that point. It was bad enough they weren't allowed to post in news community anymore, and now it's flowing into other communities.

RampageDon ,

So what your saying is the system is working as intended.

RampageDon ,

They did this in Futurama. We just need a really really really big piece of ice to drop into the ocean every year

RampageDon ,

Can we just stop sharing articles about her and giving her the attention she wants. Just let her scream into the void.

RampageDon ,

This one is amazing. One of those ones that goes so far past dumb it becomes funny.

RampageDon ,

Part of inflation factor is the price of food and energy cost. No one is saying you can't be upset about the state of the economy, or the financial pressure you are feeling, but lest not go around spouting nonsense.

RampageDon ,

The only reason the SC hasn't ruled for a Trump immunity is that it would also be giving a green light for Biden to do whatever he wanted with impunity.

RampageDon ,

You don't buy stuff there, just go in to play with stuff

RampageDon ,

I just assumed the Netflix top 10 were movies/shows they were trying to push, not based on actual veiwership.

RampageDon ,

What about States rights they like to talk about so much?

RampageDon ,

Takes out magnifying glass to read fine print

RampageDon ,

It's called a pizza pie, and this is truly a pie, not like those dumb normal flat pizzas.

Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support ( www.nbcnews.com )

The campaign plans to have a presence this month at more than 200 Pride events in 23 states, including all of the battleground states, and to launch a paid media blitz aimed at mobilizing LGBTQ voters, two campaign officials said in details first shared with NBC News....

RampageDon ,

So anyone who doesn't know already return2ozma is very anti Biden as seen by basically only posting anti Biden articles. I'm curious as to what they think a better option that we have right now is? We all know the Republican party isn't the better option for LGBTQ. They push the anti Biden agenda but don't offer other options. Don't fall for the Subtle Trumper tactics.

RampageDon ,

The lack of an answer to my question is all the answer I needed. This person has a strong anti Biden agenda, just look at the post history. It's fine to be critical of Biden, but they are not critical of anyone else. Please people do not be fooled.

RampageDon ,

Someone explain to me what a Supreme Court Architect is/does. The only things I can find are historic people who literally built the building or helped shaped the Supreme Court. And the only other thing I can find seems to be a glorified grounds keeper.

RampageDon ,

Okay that is what I thought. Just making sure it wasn't some official title I didn't know about.

RampageDon ,

One electoral college is bad enough, wtf was scrabble thinking adding that as a rule lmao

RampageDon ,

First Past the Post in case anyone doesn't know what FPTP stands for. It's the type of voting we have in the US.

RampageDon ,

The mask ban is happening because of the Gaza protests

RampageDon ,

Idk if we have any NYJ fans in here, but 2 years ago the coin meme was born. One fan flipped the same quarter every game to predict a win or a loss. It was correct for like the first 7 or so games of the season. It was a pretty wild ride predicting some unpredictable upsets for the jets for both wins and loses.

RampageDon ,

What about original tactics? Or were you going for the GBA ports only?

RampageDon ,

Well it's a dope collection! I'm pretty sure I have a few of these around somewhere. Maybe 1+2, 4, and tactics.

RampageDon ,

I think that's DS and not GBA. FF3 is posted in the pic because it was only released on DS and not GBA so the only way to have the "full" set is by showing 3 as the lone DS game.

RampageDon ,

Doesn't it take only 1 of the counties with veto power to shut this down? Why would Russia ever approve?

Edit: Had a brain fart. Thanks for the corrections. Leaving my dumb comment anyway.

RampageDon ,

That's not a love of the theater, that's just their fursona.

RampageDon ,

I do not have the answer to your question, but I am also curios so leaving a comment to follow for an answer.

RampageDon ,

Easier for me to find one of my comments than search through all the junk I save

RampageDon ,

But then homeless people would have a warm safe place to stay! /s

RampageDon ,

So glad more people are catching on to this person. I would still call this a negative Biden article though. OP might just be trying to be a little more subtle about the Biden hate since people caught on and call them out in every post.

RampageDon ,

I love following you in all these posts. I actually started adding tags to people after I saw your post a few times. The tags really make it more noticeable how small a lot of these communities are when you can point out the same few people making posts and comments. I highly recommend tagging people for anyone who doesn't already.

RampageDon ,

I only use connect so I can't speak for all apps or the website but I just click someone's post/comment, hit the 3 dots and add a user note.

RampageDon ,

Some real, "They had us in he first half" energy.

RampageDon ,

It must be getting worse on .ml world news. Either that or they have some new power tripping mods. This is like the 5th post I've seen in 24hrs about being ban from there.

RampageDon ,

I think you did the quotes backwards. All your replies are greyed out like you quoted from the website and the stuff you quoted from the website is the normal color of typing in a post.

After default password disclosed online, 1200 inmates have prison issued laptops seized by guards, threatening their ability to make class deadlines ( www.opencampusmedia.org )

Zhang, an electrical engineer in Boston, decided to post about trying to unlock his Justice Tech Solutions Securebook 5 on the social platform X. The thread went viral — also catching the attention of Washington corrections officials, who have used the device for college programming since 2020....

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