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PizzaMane ,

A few weeks ago, on 7 February, the bullying allegedly erupted in violence when Nex suffered severe head injuries during a “physical altercation” at Owasso High School, according to the Owasso Police Department.

Sue Benedict told The Independent she was called to the school that day to find Nex badly beaten with bruises over their face and eyes, and with scratches on the back of their head.

Nex told her that they and another transgender student at Owasso High School had been in a fight with three older girls in a girls bathroom. Nex was knocked to the ground during the fight and hit their head on the floor, according to their mother.

Ms Benedict said she was furious that the school had failed to call an ambulance or the police. She said the school then informed her Nex was being suspended for two weeks.

She took Nex to the Bailey Medical Center in Owasso for treatment. They spoke to a police school resource officer at the medical facility and were discharged.

That night, Nex went to bed with a sore head and eventually fell asleep while listening to music, Ms Benedict said.

On the afternoon of 8 February, Nex was getting ready to go to Tulsa with Ms Benedict for an appointment when they collapsed in the family living room.

Ms Benedict called an ambulance, and Owasso Fire Department medics arrived to find Nex had stopped breathing. Nex was taken to the St. Francis Pediatric Emergency Room where they were later declared dead.

This child's blood is on their hands. Not just the kids who did the physical beating, but also the conservatives who set up a culture where this is acceptable.

Try to join the rest of us in reality when you can.

PizzaMane ,

Right or wrong, a president can’t skip debates.

Why not? There is no law requiring participation to be on the ballot. Strategically its a bad move. Morally it's a bad move.

PizzaMane , (edited )

Because we Citizens need ways to evaluate the people who are running for office to decide which one you want to give her a vote to.

You've had plenty of time to do so for both candidates, as both have recently held office.

Name one presidential election cycle where no debates were done in modern times.

This is moving the goal posts, and a bad way to evaluate the necessity of a given debate.

It would be immoral for someone running for office to not put themselves up for evaluation via debates. No one is owed blind loyalty.

I'm not suggesting blind loyalty. It just seems odd that you're trying to say the public won't have a chance to evaluate the options when that clearly isn't the case. Trump held office from 2016 to 2020, Biden from 2020 to 2024.

If anybody doesn't already know what these guys are about, then a debate won't solve that, as they already pay too little attention.

And besides that, the immorality of platforming insurectionists far outweighs whatever immorality could arrive in the form your suggesting.

PizzaMane ,

They sent a recruiter to my place of employment back when I was in retail. They asked me if I ever thought of joining the armed forces, and I gave them a polite but firm no.

So then they asked "are you happy with where your life is going?", trying to take advantage of me being a teenager stuck in retail.

Even if they werent asking you to throw your life away in some oil war to protect corporate interests, even if they weren't asking you to sell your morals away, they're aggressive assholes. So fuck them they're getting the treatment they deserve.

PizzaMane ,

Thank you for your take.

Completely unrelated to what you said, I appreciate seeing so many star trek fans around here. It really makes lemmy feel like a home.

PizzaMane ,

Idk why they thought I’d be dumb enough to believe them, considering they wanted me because of my test score.

I think therein lies your answer. Their own test scores were low enough to think you might eventually join.

PizzaMane ,

What do we have to do, and why aren’t we doing it?

The list of worker protections needed for that kind of solidarity would take a book series to properly explain. The majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, meaning they can't walk out without losing everything. They would pretty much instantly lose their jobs, which is a huge deterance.

And culturally, the situation is fucked. The U.S. has a much workers solidarity as La Croix has taste. Nobody wants to be the first to stick their neck out for a general strike. Nobody takes the ideal of a general strike seriously. A third of the population is republicans, whom vehemently oppose unions and worker protections.

The culture, values, and worker protections of this country need to dramatically change. And I wish I had solutions.

PizzaMane ,

But people are already losing their jobs without these safety nets anyway.

And it's absolute bullshit. But from the average workers perspective, there is a strong incentive to not lose your job even if you know there is a high chance of losing it to begin with. So the resulting behavior is that workers try to keep their head down and postpone that eventual job loss.

Until a worker can be confident there will still be food on their table and a roof over their head when they strike or try to form a union, the incentive to keep your head down will continue to remain too strong.

PizzaMane ,

Try to put Programs such as Firefox , emby in startup of linux

Ignore me if you're not still looking for solutions.

IIRC, some distros have a way to do this through the gui, some don't. I'm on LMDE, and it thankfully does have a gui to set startup programs.

But all distros should be able to do this. Here are some a common ways:

Instead of a complicated script, your command would literally just be "firefox", or "emby". You might need to search for what the command for a given program is.

It's nowhere near as simple as it should be, but it is certainly possible.

PizzaMane ,
PizzaMane ,

Hard to call it a conspiracy theory when the statistics are this clear

To quote lookin:

"God damn it, I hate this guy. He said earlier, that H1B visa applications had skyrocketed under Biden. These are specialty occupations according to the government. Then, towards the end, he’s like, “Are these people software engineers? Are they coders? Most likely not.” That’s in direct contradiction to what he said earlier about the H1B visa applications.

There is no reason to believe anything this guy says. Even if there is a border crisis, any information from him about anything at all should be summarily dismissed until he gets his shit together."

the democrats are so clearly pro-illegal immigration.

Not really. The democrats want to unfuck the regulation preventing legal immigration. Until that happens (can't happen till the GOP stops blocking attempts to reform), the only pathway for a lot of people will be illegal immigration.

And yes, the Southern Strategy was the greatest PR campaign ever.

So then you're aware that the republican party more closely represents a desire for cheap labor/slave labor than the democratic party. You have no real point.

PizzaMane ,
PizzaMane , (edited )

We take in a fifth of the world’s immigrants, last time I checked. At some point, you have to say “This is too many, please take a number and wait your turn”.

Sure, there is technically a limit. But in effect not really. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigration and diversity has always been one of the core strengths of this country. It's shortsighted to fuck over one of our core strengths.

That, and immigrants are generally a net positive for the economy, and are just trying to escape a shitty life elsewhere. So it's ultimately a good thing.

Have you seen Canada’s issues? They can’t build homes quick enough, let alone upgrade infrastructure.

They absolutely can. They just choose not to. They have too many NIMBYs and lack the motivation to deal with rent seekings slumlords/corpos.

Illegal immigration just creates more problems, and is entirely selfish.

People are trying to escape their destroyed homes for a better life for themselves, their family, and their children. And they are willing to work for it (providing value to our country in turn, through labor and taxes).

I'm quite ok with that.

Hell, just sending a few thousand to NYC caused massive problems that it was considered an attack. That’s less than what we get in one day.

Let's say:

  • I have 10 bags

  • Each bag can hold 1,000 marbels before it begins to rip

  • Each bag currently has 500 marbels

  • I need to figure out to do with an additional 5,000 marbels that I've been given

There are two proposed solutions, and an ongoing fuckery.

Proposal 1: Evenly distribute the marbels so each bag gets 500 new marbels. No individual bag is strained or ripping.

Proposal 2: Throw the new marbels in the trash.

Ongoing fuckery: Another person is trying to send all 5,000 marbels to a single bag, causing it to rip.

Democrats are in favor of proposal one. Republicans are in favor of proposal two, while doing the ongoing fuckery.

We absolutely have the room. New immigrants make up a fraction of a percent of the U.S. pop. If they were granted legal status and spread out roughly uniformly, it wouldn't be a problem.

You can't just send every marble to a single spot and then act surprised that it's causing problems. There is a solution and intentionally ignoring it and instead intentionally causing problems is being called out for what it is, fuckery, and attack, human trafficking, an abuse of power, etc.

The democrats are still for the same things they were in the civil war.


PizzaMane ,
PizzaMane , (edited )

Then why are republicans flying a democratic flag? (I'll government you a hint: p-rty sw-tch)

PizzaMane , (edited )

To go with your analogy, I’d add that each bag is a different size. Rhode Island can’t take as many immigrants as California for instance. A tiny border town can’t take as much NYC as another example.

Right now the Texas bag is stuffed and bulging and tearing at the seams


NYC is practically empty comparatively, yet they’re still having problems with a few thousand marbles.

I wouldn't go that far. While they may technically have more room, the amount of fighting for that room is far higher NYC than anywhere else. And the cost for land/residences in NYC is far higher than anywhere else.

If it cost $40,000 per marble to put then in bag A, and the rest of the bags cost $23,000, it makes far more sense to place them in the rest of the bags.

The median rent in NYC is ~$3,375 vs U.S. median of ~$1,967. And that's before accounting for the fact that due to size restrictions NYC residences cannot individually house as many people.

And it’s not like it’s the sort of thing where 1000 marbles is fine and 1001 will destroy everything, Everything simply gets worse and worse and it doesn’t end with a bang, just a whimper.

Agreed. But it's just a metaphor.

Finally, it’s a fire hose of marbles, a ridiculous amount of marbles. From 400,000 marbles in 2020 to over 2 million in 2022. That’s almost an entire percent of the population, in just one year, and it’s not like they leave, they stay forever. Year after year, just compounding the issue and always getting worse.

The baby boomers added roughly 4.4 million a year, double that of immigrants.

And then pretty much double it again on the basis of proportion, because the U.S. was far smaller in population then.

The baby boomers had to grow up before they could provide themselves, needing roughly 15 years before they could begin to provide for themselves. Immigrants on the other hand are typically adults, or families with parents already providing for their children.

If we could handle an explosion of population of baby boomers, we can handle the comparatively much smaller, much more able bodied and self providing immigrants.

And the already manageable numbers will die down again soon provided we stop raping central and latin america. The U.S. played a huge part in causing this issue. It's only fair that we play part in handling the fallout.

PizzaMane ,

The government switch is a lie.

No it isn't.

PizzaMane ,

None of that accurately describes the democratic party.

I'd say the party that intentionally disenfranchises black voters by gerrymandering their districts to have less power and intentionally makes it harder to vote in person by banning giving food and water to voters in long lines, after intentionally causing there to be fewer polling places is easily the bigger candidate for party of racism.

Though I'd agree with you that the democratic party is racist. But comparatively, the republicans are x10 more racist.

And they don't go spouting shit like this:

PizzaMane ,

If there was never a switch, republicans wouldn't be flying confederate flags, it'd be the democrats.

But for those of us who still live in reality, it's the republicans flying the confederate flag.

PizzaMane ,

Get your eyes checked then

PizzaMane ,

Could have fooled me.

PizzaMane ,

Or are you just ignorant of history and think the battle flag is THE confederate flag? You never disappoint in how little you know.

I've already explained this to you. It seems beyond your abilities to understand, but I'll give you one more chance.

Yes, it is technically just a battle flag. But that's not how it's used, that's not what it CURRENTLY represents. The meanings of things can change and have changed. Shocking I know.

Said flag now represents the confederacy, who's proposed was to protect the institution of slavery.

Racist republicans are quite ok with that though, because they always have the excuse that it's their heritage or southern pride or some other bullshit excuse for their blatant support for racism.

Southerners fly it for Southern pride.

Yeah, and people fly nazi flags because they're just trying to represent their German heritage. Get a grip.

PizzaMane ,

Yeah, because you're so much better with your boomer ifunny memes, and prageru oil propaganda.

And Mr. Beat is a history teacher. Scary I know.

PizzaMane ,
PizzaMane ,

It's not.

PizzaMane ,

Really impressive

PizzaMane ,

Are these people racist?

Who? Be more clear.

Once again you don’t get to define a symbol.

I never said I could. It's already been defined elsewhere as a hare symbol, and a symbol or slavery.

You thought it was the flag of the confederate states which it isn’t.

I never said that. I have more than 2 braincells, which is more than can be said for many people and therefore I am capable of realizing that when the term "the confederate flag" comes up, I can acknowledge that while technically not correct, this is the one that people are generally referencing. It's a hate symbol, and a representation of the confederacy, for which the entire purpose was protecting slavery.

And evidently that's too complicated for you.

PizzaMane ,

voted against the civil rights act of 1964

Clearly you didn't pay attention in history class when they were discussing the southern strategy, and when it took place.

If the parties switched these guys wouldn’t be representing the racists democrats up to 2010.

If the parties hadn't switched, it'd be the democrats flying confederate flags. Instead it's the republicans.

Why the fuck would the republicans be flying democratic flags?

PizzaMane ,

Cherypicking is fun

The Confederate flag is a controversial symbol for many Americans today. A 2011 Pew Research Center poll revealed that 30% of Americans had a "negative reaction" when "they saw the Confederate flag displayed."[46] According to the same poll, 9% of Americans had a positive reaction. A majority (58%) did not react. Among black Americans, 41% had a negative reaction, 10% had a positive reaction, and 45% did not. A similar poll taken in 2015 revealed little change from 2011.[47]

In an October 2013 YouGov poll, a plurality (38%) of those polled disapproved of displaying the flag in public places.[48] In the same poll, a plurality (44%) of those asked viewed the flag as a symbol of racism, with 24% viewing it as exclusively racist and 20% viewing it as both racist and symbolic of pride in the region. 35% viewed it exclusively as a symbol of regional pride.[48]

In a national survey in 2015 across all races, 57% of Americans believed that the Confederate flag represented Southern pride rather than racism. A similar poll in 2000 had a nearly identical result of 59%. However, poll results from only the South yielded a completely different result: 75% of Southern whites described the flag as a symbol of pride. Conversely, 75% of Southern blacks said the flag symbolized racism.[49]

Another poll, administered by Economist / YouGov after racially motivated violence in Charleston in August 2017, showed that by a 5% margin – 43% to 38% – the Confederate Flag was viewed as a symbol of southern pride rather than racism. However, participants of color were 32% more likely than their white neighbors to see it as a sign of racism.[50]

In July 2020, over a month after the George Floyd incident, Quinnipiac released a poll[51] showing that the majority of both Southerners and Americans in general now viewed the Confederate flag as a racist symbol rather than one of heritage, with 55% of Southerners associating the Confederate flag with racism compared to 36% who said the flag a symbol of Southern pride. Closely followed were Americans in general, 56% of whom said the flag was a symbol of racism, with 35% saying it was a symbol of southern pride.

This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.

PizzaMane ,

Nobody is flying confederate flags. lol. Jesus.

This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.[53]

Cherypicking is fun

The Confederate flag is a controversial symbol for many Americans today. A 2011 Pew Research Center poll revealed that 30% of Americans had a “negative reaction” when “they saw the Confederate flag displayed.”[46] According to the same poll, 9% of Americans had a positive reaction. A majority (58%) did not react. Among black Americans, 41% had a negative reaction, 10% had a positive reaction, and 45% did not. A similar poll taken in 2015 revealed little change from 2011.[47]

In an October 2013 YouGov poll, a plurality (38%) of those polled disapproved of displaying the flag in public places.[48] In the same poll, a plurality (44%) of those asked viewed the flag as a symbol of racism, with 24% viewing it as exclusively racist and 20% viewing it as both racist and symbolic of pride in the region. 35% viewed it exclusively as a symbol of regional pride.[48]

In a national survey in 2015 across all races, 57% of Americans believed that the Confederate flag represented Southern pride rather than racism. A similar poll in 2000 had a nearly identical result of 59%. However, poll results from only the South yielded a completely different result: 75% of Southern whites described the flag as a symbol of pride. Conversely, 75% of Southern blacks said the flag symbolized racism.[49]

Another poll, administered by Economist / YouGov after racially motivated violence in Charleston in August 2017, showed that by a 5% margin – 43% to 38% – the Confederate Flag was viewed as a symbol of southern pride rather than racism. However, participants of color were 32% more likely than their white neighbors to see it as a sign of racism.[50]

In July 2020, over a month after the George Floyd incident, Quinnipiac released a poll[51] showing that the majority of both Southerners and Americans in general now viewed the Confederate flag as a racist symbol rather than one of heritage, with 55% of Southerners associating the Confederate flag with racism compared to 36% who said the flag a symbol of Southern pride. Closely followed were Americans in general, 56% of whom said the flag was a symbol of racism, with 35% saying it was a symbol of southern pride.

This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.

PizzaMane ,

Meanings can and have changed. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

PizzaMane ,

I never said it was cut and dry. Yet again you are just trying to put words in people's mouths, so no wonder your so lost as to the meaning of what I've actually been saying.

Try reading and understanding next time instead of thinly veiled accusations posed as questions. You have such a had time with it.

As I said it’s complex but by default it isn’t a racist symbol

Yeah, a flag that represents a rebellion who's sole purpose was to defend slavery sure as hell isn't racist. Get real.

PizzaMane ,

I am not sure why you are being rude

I'm treating you exactly how you treat me. Want me to treat you better? Fix your attitude.

I understand the concept but I think you are wrong. You have not made a compelling argument and then have liberal tears because people don’t agree with you. Maybe you need to reflect on why people don’t agree with you

This is what's known as projection.

PizzaMane ,

Conservatives really love policing the genitals of students for some reason.

PizzaMane ,

Funny, that isn’t what the article is about but thanks for not reading it.

The article is about school policy of student’s use of their respective genders bathroom:

"At issue was whether either the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which says that the laws apply equally to everyone, or Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, protects transgender students in that context."

It is absolutely what it is about.

For some reason, liberals always want to talk about people’s genitals. What is your obsession with licking boots and thinking of other people’s genitals?

Do you have anything better than a "no u"?

PizzaMane ,

Do you not understand the difference between gender and sex? The school wants people to use the bathroom of their sex. Not their gender identity.

So in other words, it's about genitals. Thanks for playing.

PizzaMane ,

I do not. Try not to put words in other people's mouths. You have a real problem with it.

PizzaMane ,
PizzaMane ,

You are beyond obsessed.

PizzaMane ,

You can't go a single thread without lying about this shit. You're obsessed.

For your own health, try to think about something other else.

PizzaMane , (edited )

"I dare you to look into the eyes of a Gazan child and tell him you tried your best," he told the crowd. "Our day will come. But we must not be complacent. Our day will come. But we must normalize massacres as a status quo."

"I was clearly saying we shouldn't be complacent, we shouldn't normalize massacres," he wrote. "Willfully distorting my words is an indication of your own bankruptcy. I'm allowed to misspeak. Also: idagf. Call the police! Write a Yelp review"

PizzaMane ,

Claims of absent integrity coming from fox news, especially on subjects about the election is something else.

PizzaMane ,

It's because conservatives aren't actually against big government.

PizzaMane ,

Did you expect something different from politicians?

PizzaMane ,

He was not an anti-capitalist. lol.

“The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.”

Conservatism and capitalism are different things. One is a political belief system and the other is an economic system.

I am aware. However you don't seem aware that conservatism specifies that capitalism is the only valid economic system.

You sound so silly when you talk

No sillier than you, someone who can't even read basic quotes and understand their meaning.

A guy straight up calls capitalism evil and you say they aren't anti capitalist.

It’s some weird fetish you commies have

I'm not a communist.

PizzaMane ,

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

Funny how that doesn't apply to MLK but somehow does apply to me.

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