butt_mountain_69420 ,

The people have spoken and the military listened - they lowered enlistment standards. Lol.


"We know 35k won't get you far, but PTSD is forever. Imagine blowing your brains off because you can't sleep at night!"

CultHero ,

Ducks don't kill people.

Well, they do but only for fun.

PizzaMane ,

They sent a recruiter to my place of employment back when I was in retail. They asked me if I ever thought of joining the armed forces, and I gave them a polite but firm no.

So then they asked "are you happy with where your life is going?", trying to take advantage of me being a teenager stuck in retail.

Even if they werent asking you to throw your life away in some oil war to protect corporate interests, even if they weren't asking you to sell your morals away, they're aggressive assholes. So fuck them they're getting the treatment they deserve.

mojofrododojo ,

so for most enlisted folks, you have a choice of career paths: recruiting, or drill instructor. both are exceptionally stressful in different ways, but recruiting in this age has got to be the harder one. I'm not going to apologize for dickhead behavior and shitty recruiters, they are certainly out there, but for the most part I just feel bad because they will never meet their numbers in this economy and it often hurts their careers.

zaph ,
@zaph@sh.itjust.works avatar

Seen many good marines not make it back from recruiting duty. Most people don't sleep well at night after lying to a child.

mojofrododojo ,

yeah it fucks people up; and so does drill instructing - being on post at 3a to see make sure the recruits get to ranges by sunup, long long long hours that don't give two fucks about your kid's recital or timmy's ball game.... honestly rough work.

zaph ,
@zaph@sh.itjust.works avatar

I always found it extremely fucked up that you're allowed to do di duty with dependents. I don't really mean the volunteers, they can do what they want. The voluntold with dependents are the ones I felt bad for.

crackajack ,

Not to simp for the US military and dismiss the unnecessary lives lost, but I heard most people who join the military opt for non-combat support role. That way, they are physically and mentally safe but get the free education perk.

Facebones ,

Depending on the environment, that may not mean shit. I killed it on the ASVAB and took a "hide out in my storage container and get a killer bonus" gig then immediately out of training got pulled for a team to "Road Trip Iraq" in a desperate bid for people to stop breaking million dollar systems.

Got taken out by an IED in less than 6 months and put out due to injuries. Bright side I'm chillin at 36 on a 100% disability payment and a sub $500 mortgage.

rob_t_firefly ,
@rob_t_firefly@lemmy.world avatar

I don't feel bad if my local crack dealers don't sell as much crack as they wanted to, I don't feel bad if my local kidnappers fail to steal as many children as they'd hoped, and I don't feel bad for the local military recruiters not making their recruitment numbers.

mojofrododojo ,

you do you man. most everyone I knew in the mil was there for school and vet benefits, not because we wanted to murder innocent people in far-off lands. looking at the hellscape out there, it's not an incomprehensible choice for people with very limited options, aka, lack of trust funds.

Honytawk ,

Yes, that is the exact tool they use to get those people.

Make life as miserable, but allow the military to get all the benefits you should have been getting in the first place.

You want a good life, get a degree! Aww, can't pay for school because we made it expensive? Now you will be forced to join or be bankrupt until your 50s! Tough choice

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Had a recruiter stop by my desk about two years after I enlisted, and tried to pitch the navy to me.

I started laughing at him, then when he got all offended and mentioned me "working in a dead end job in the middle of nowhere" I shot back with "beats DYING in the middle of nowhere, where nobody above your CO will even bother reading the casualty report let alone care" , and that if the navy REALLY wanted me they should have returned my calls after I got a medical discharge for having emergency surgery in basic, then denying my reenlistment due to having a surgery in my adult life.

Of course at this point in my life, with the knowledge and ideals, I wouldn't touch the MIC with a 899.16cm pole.

PizzaMane ,

Thank you for your take.

Completely unrelated to what you said, I appreciate seeing so many star trek fans around here. It really makes lemmy feel like a home.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

I'm a huge trek nerd so this place is basically like A Little Piece of Heaven.

I'm slowly getting my wife into it, but she's still learning the basics so it's great to have a place to read and discuss the finer points.

Like how much RICK FUCKING BERMAN sucks ass, and how Captain Jellico may be a good starfleet captain but he's still an asshole and not a great enterprise captain

crackajack ,

Good, you called out the military and I think you're not the only one who did not fall for it. After all, the US military admit they are having recruitment crisis.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

My high school made us take the ASVAB. I ended up with an 88, and it took threats of harassment charges to stop all 3 major branches from just showing up at my house unannounced.

They also straight up lied when trying to get me to join the reserves, saying I'd never be called to active duty. But, they had already been calling reserves to active duty in Afghanistan/Iraq. Idk why they thought I'd be dumb enough to believe them, considering they wanted me because of my test score.

PizzaMane ,

Idk why they thought I’d be dumb enough to believe them, considering they wanted me because of my test score.

I think therein lies your answer. Their own test scores were low enough to think you might eventually join.

CheezyWeezle ,

I got something stupid like a 96 on the ASVAB and I just told the first air force guy I smoked a lot of weed and I never heard from any military again lmao

It was tempting when they offered me to go right into a program to become a satellite operator starting off making $125k/year immediately after boot camp... but I don't regret not taking that offer. Who knows what would have actually materialized, anyways. Probably would have been 6 years deep dreaming of hopefully seeing 6 figures one day while I end up managing logistics or something.

cazsiel ,

$18.50 is all they can offer? They can indeed fuck right on off. In this economy?

Zehzin ,
@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for your service Duck Chad 🫡

Toneswirly ,

Lol yeah 35k to sign your life away to the government. Ill just smoke weed in my duck costume thank you very much.

Serinus ,

You're the one firing missiles at ships in the Red Sea?

DarkGamer ,

35k in 2022 is not a living wage.

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

It's not the wage. It's an enlistment bonus for shipping out to basic within a short time frame of enlisting. Meant to help fill vacancies in the Army.

knobbysideup ,
@knobbysideup@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not to mention clothing, housing, food are all taken care of too. Not to mention perks of military base discounts and programs.

themeatbridge ,

Plus, you abandon all bodily autonomy and you might be wounded or killed.

Gigan ,
@Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

you might be wounded or killed.

This is not unique to the military, a lot of jobs are dangerous.

themeatbridge ,

Sure. I work from home, so my risk is slightly lower, though.

ours ,

Harder to get PTSD at home.

NocturnalMorning ,

Nobody wants to join the military because people are tired of going to fight strangers in foreign countries they have no beef with. We're figuring out that our military is actually more of a terrorist organization with veto power in NATO.

Plus you know, people are worried about the impending climate crisis and the future water wars more than the geopolitical dick swinging the military is used to enforce.

thedirtyknapkin ,

plus all we ever hear about from vets is how this country refuses to take care of them... the abysmal state of veteran care in this country has broken the line in many traditionally long running military families. like, if big papa breadwinner of the traditional southern family comes back broken and unable to work that family just ends up on the street. that alone breaks that chain of what may have been 10 generations of military men. now think of every less extreme scenario and how common they are and how they affects the minds of those children that may have previously been gung-ho to sign up.

veterans these days have little pride over what they accomplished or failed to accomplish, the war stories are hard to make glorious sounding, they all have some severe medical issue caused by the military that the military refuses to acknowledge and/or help them with, so very many homeless veterans...

I'm not at all pro military, but even I can see how ridiculously fucked it is that a man can sign his life away to fight for a county and for that county to not even have the decency to pick him up out of the fucking dirt after...

mojofrododojo ,

veterans these days have little pride over what they accomplished or failed to accomplish, the war stories are hard to make glorious sounding, they all have some severe medical issue caused by the military that the military refuses to acknowledge and/or help them with, so very many homeless veterans…

I don't disagree with your conclusion but fyi - korean vietnam and 80s conflicts vets very rarely have gung-ho battle glory stories to sell. they experienced as much trauma as iraq/afghanistan vets, there's not a lot of glory to go around. the familial tradition of service is being broken, but the service is also trying to diversify and get away from being 80%+ legacy/ mil family tradition we had in the 90s.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod ,
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Meant to help fill vacancies in the Army.

I thought it was to help boost sales of Dodge vehicles

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It is when you are in the military and housing, food, and healthcare are paid for. At that point all you REALLY need the 35K for is to buy a V6 Camaro (or Mustang).

mojofrododojo ,

bah, someone hasn't been on post in the last decade... it's all about 'dem chargers now. fucking chargers, as far as the eye can see..... oh look, there's one getting repo'd now, to later be resold to some e3 on a ridiculous loan! the majesty of nature!

Facebones ,

I remember my base tours where they desperately try to accentuate the "for sale" lot your fancy car will inevitably be on in 6 months, unsurprisingly it deterred approx nobody.

Artyom ,

Well private annual salary is actually $23,011 according to goarmy.com. Idk where the 35k is from, might include a signing bonus or something.

neptune ,

Thanks for sumarrizing this potentially false, outdated story, with those helpful images.

Edit: 44 people so mad I hate dumb wojack shit they just assume I'm an army recruiter.

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for adding whiny bitch energy to a meme with your helpful comment

hark ,
@hark@lemmy.world avatar

How's recruiting like in 2024, recruiter?

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