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MetaCubed ,

Somehow Ive missed hearing about either of these

MetaCubed ,

Why are you seemingly so bothered by this?

MetaCubed ,

Did you actually read the text of the meme? The 2016 graph is to show that the electoral college can invalidate the popular vote.

There are 155 million levers.
The plurality of the levers might win, but sometimes 46% of the levers is enough to beat 48% (this happened in 2016 due to the electoral college, see above) ----> big arrow pointing to the 2016 election results

MetaCubed ,

iT'S TeLlInG ThAt yOu dOnT

What is it telling of exactly? Is this meant to imply that pug supports the Israeli campaign? That they're also a genocidal madperson?

If you'll humor me for a moment... What happens if progressives pull support for biden and he doesn't change his position? What is the outcome of that scenario?

MetaCubed ,

So, while in a perfect world, I agree with you... The current problem that exists is that opposite to Biden is Trump. And while Biden is currently engaging in a performance of seeing how quickly he can erase a red line after drawing it, Trump:

  • Has on record stated that Israel must "finish the problem"
  • Is the spearhead of the project 2025 plan
  • Is also domestically terrible (to sum it up in one awful term... He's hard-line "Anti-woke")

Given the above, can you understand how, even though its a terrible, awful, disgusting decision to make, a lot of voters will want as many people as possible to still vote for Biden, despite acknowledging his terrible policy? How these voters understand what they are enabling, but they also understand that the alternative is the potential democratic collapse (project 2025) of the USA?

Edit: in addition to the above, what @jumjummy also stands as needing to be answered... Where is the mass outraged call for the right to (in a non-antisemitic way) support Palestine if elected? As far as I'm concerned, ive not seen a single call to action for that side.

MetaCubed ,

Thank you for totally failing to engage with anything I typed 👍

MetaCubed , (edited )

Respectfully, I dont believe we're going to shift each other's views at a rate where it's feasible to undertake this via a Lemmy thread. I will disengage from here, feel free to take this as a "win" if you're the type of person to do that. I sincerely and genuinely wish you luck in your approach, I would love to be proven wrong.

Edit: typo

MetaCubed ,

Hey CumFart I feel like you normally post pretty correct stuff so this take from you is surprising... What part of this do you think is made up?

MetaCubed ,

Generally speaking, men and women do different things due to social pressures and gender roles, it's not like you're biologically inclined to buy $100 flashlights.

There are many, many systemic reasons that there are fewer women in our fields, and it's vastly more complex than "women aren't interested in it"

Be better.

MetaCubed , (edited )

There may be a trend for certain biological influences to make it more likely for someone to enjoy something, however what people enjoy is absolutely, socially influenced. Even if you are raising your children without gender roles when you interact with them... Do they consume any amount of media? Do they leave the house? Do they go to school? I ask this because interacting with the world influences what we know about and what we know about and our experiences influence what we find interest in. If a boy has only ever seen Barbie played with by girls, and all the kids at school say barbie is "for girls", and the TV shows barbie and pink stuff being used by girls, then he may not even want to ask to play with it, even if a parent is providing it as an option.

Examples tangentially related to this article:

Programming used to be a job "for women". It was clerical work that very often went uncredited, and yet now, the field is (nearly) entirely male dominated, even if less than 10 years ago. It's commonly thought that a big reason for the shift is PC's and consoles in the 80's and 90's being primarily marketed to men and boys.

Teaching was a man's career in the early 1800's.. By the late 1800's it was around 60% women, and not it's nearly 75% female.

If our career interests were biologically determined (an insane statement if you ask me) then we would never see demographic shifts like this.

Edit: I make a lot of typos

MetaCubed ,

Yeah, people tend to dislike deranged narcissistic transphobes that parrot racist dogwhistles all day while also driving multiple companies into the ground and endangering people's lives with his vehicles

MetaCubed ,

Musk and Trump fan calling me a chud. Thats rich.

MetaCubed ,

Sorry, have to disagree. Tesla's special blend of vision-only driving and software built seemingly with generative ai leads to unsafe situations.

On top of that, self driving is a solution that keeps cars on the roads.... Yucky. Make the driving tests stricter to weed out idiots and build much more robust transit infrastructure for everyone else.

MetaCubed ,

Sorry perhaps I was unclear. (Or perhaps you willfully misinterpreted me)

You want Tesla to create transit infrastructure?

I don't think Tesla should be making anything as long as the current figurehead is in charge. Transit should always be public infrastructure... Not sure how you would have thought I was advocating for privatized public transit.

You honestly think there's a person that exists that has done this?

I also never intended to suggest that self driving is pushing individuals from adopting transit.... Moreso that the proverbial carrot of "fewer road accidents thanks to self driving" is likely to prevent regulators from taking the note effective steps of:

  • reducing the number of drivers on the road with stricter testing and enforcement of road laws
  • providing an alternative for those who can no longer drive via larger investment in public transit infrastructure

I understand it might not feel that way, but it's the actual truth, we have massive amounts of data on this, and your feelings don't outweigh that.

Yep. And fewer cars overall makes pedestrians safer as well. You dont want human drivers, I dont want cars

MetaCubed ,

Alright, let me walk back and apologize for my performative argumentation and be extremely clear about my opinion in the shortest, most sincere way I can do this.

  • Fewer human drivers is good

  • Fewer cars on the road at all is better

  • Self driving does significantly increase the safety of roads, however increasing transit and reducing cars on the road increases safety for everyone by a larger margin

  • While selfdriving is good to reduce the number of human caused accidents, telsa's implementation is has no secondary sensors, and no map correlation for it's vision results

  • Even with self driving, car centric infrastructure steals valuable space that could be used for housing, transit or pedestrians

  • Ultimately, I think our disconnect is that my argumentation made it seem like I dont support both (I was really unclear, I apologize) self driving is really awesome for road safety, but on it's own, it still means there's generally the same amount of cars on the road. Implementation of (reliable) self driving in combination with other regulatory changes such as larger public transit investment, stricter testing regulations, stronger punishments for breaking driving laws, and more regulation on where cars are allowed will do more than self driving on its own could ever do.

MetaCubed ,


MetaCubed ,

acting like your morals are any better than Republicans


MetaCubed ,

They havent achieved anything. They sow dissent claiming that electoralism and direct action must be mutually exclusive resulting in dividing the leftists on this platform and broadly across the internet.

To be clear, BERNIE IS VERY CLEARLY THE BETTER OPTION but since the US has a terrible electoral system, all they are achieving is a splitting of the vote unless they convince every last liberal and undecided in the country to vote the same way. 50% fascist is better than Project-2025% fascist.

Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a ‘dangerous individual’ - The Grayzone ( )

Multiple Facebook users have reported being banned, or having their posts censored, after sharing an investigation by The Grayzone’s Kit Klarenberg into CIA and MI6 involvement in the creation of ISIS. Readers who post links to the piece on the social network find themselves frozen out of their accounts, on the apparent...

MetaCubed ,

He's had some incorrect stances, but on average, Chomsky is extremely based, actually.

MetaCubed ,

Care to provide how this is misleading?

MetaCubed ,

Are you from Canada by any chance? Ive only heard other Canadians use Roly-Poly for these little guys.

MetaCubed ,

Can I sincerely ask what we're supposed to use instead?

Kagi has given me the best search experience ive had in at least a decade, I'm not going back to the enshittification engine, and everything else is just bing in fancy wrapping paper. Is there something else like Kagi? Is there something like DDG or Searx that arent just slightly better bing?

MetaCubed ,

Apologies, my question wasn't rhetorical, I was genuinely looking for suggestions. I don't want to use kagi if this is who is running it... BUT all the alternatives that I'm personally aware of are not options for replacement.

MetaCubed ,

Guess it's time to spin up a local search indexer...

MetaCubed ,

I dont see any rain coming, you can close your umbrella

MetaCubed , (edited )

My bets are on "cloud infrastructure is bad for highly secret information" rather than "public web honeypot with zero obfuscation" Edit: likely fake. The sensationalist in me would love it if this was real because it would confirm my "cloud storage bad" biases, but alas, the document markings dont appear to be consistent with my understanding of official US Government confidentiality/secrecy markings

MetaCubed ,

Youre correct it's not the provider's fault, but it's much harder in my very biased opinion to accidentally expose a secure 100% internal intranet than it is to accidentally put a top secret document in a public data bucket.

But it's a moot argument in this case anyway. Fake documents means these are likely exposed just to troll folks like us.

MetaCubed ,

Now this is just vibes based... But I imagine "functionally limitless high output clean energy" would probably solve the "supply side" of the "supply and demand" equation pretty quickly. More, cheaper, cleaner, energy would certainly be less expensive to the consumer than less, more expensive production.

MetaCubed ,

I'm getting the feeling that you dont.

Almost everywhere on earth has a species of grass that is native to it.

The species of grass typically used for North American lawns, isnt native to North America.

MetaCubed ,

Sure. You first.

"Poa pratensis commonly known as Kentucky bluegrass (...) [is a] species of grass native to practically all of Europe, North Asia and the mountains of Algeria and Morocco. It is a common and incredibly popular lawn grass in North America (...) despite the fact that it is not native to North America. (...)When found on native grasslands in Canada, for example, it is considered an unwelcome exotic plant, and is indicative of a disturbed and degraded landscape."

Edit: See also -

MetaCubed ,

This is the dumbest fucking argument.

Women dont buy clothes with pockets because they're not in stores as much.

Just shop online!

Idk how often you actually shop for clothes online but getting something that:

  • Fits
  • Has pockets
  • Won't fall apart in a couple months

Is far more difficult than you'd expect. Broadly speaking, women want pockets, but expensive purses exists so capitalism's gotta go do it's thing.

MetaCubed ,

It's willful misinterpretation day I see.

My implication wasn't that there's a global conspiracy of purse manufacturers to prevent the production of pockets. That'd be retarded. However when there's companies that make both women's clothes and purses, it's certainly more profitable to make sell clothes and a purse, and it's certainly easier to sell that purse if there's no pockets on the clothes.

Shien is shit that people buy to wear once, and then donate or throw away. Ive yet to see people buying shien crap for long term wear. Meaning it doesn't fulfill the "doesn't fall apart" requirement.

Either way, seeing as neither of us have evidence and this is just vibes bases argumentation, this isnt gonna go anywhere.

MetaCubed ,

I... Where are you buying Caesars that you're getting them with fried pickles/onion rings/etc?

Or am I misunderstanding and you meant that those are on the side?

MetaCubed ,

can be had around $500 US

attainable for most Americans in a fairly short timeframe

This is a frankly deranged take considering that 40% of americans dont even have the funds to save for a $400 emergency as of May 2023

how can something be so courageous and yet so true ( )

Edit: Jesus Christ, people. If you buy a $150 Thinkpad made by slave labor instead of a $1,200 MacBook made by slave labor, you're still supporting a capitalist economy based on slave labor. We all do. We have no choice. The number of smug liberals in the comments saying "well I buy a cheap used laptop" or "well I buy coffee...

MetaCubed ,

As someone who has worked a help desk for nearly a decade now, and hates Mac's and Apple with a general burning passion:

Suggesting that modern windows 11 is any more usable than MacOS for a general "browse thw web and check email" user, is ridiculous.

Furthermore, some educational programs, jobs, courses, software, may in fact mean that a person has a requirement for a Mac, even if they can't afford the Mac. >!Though I imagine your response to this will simply be "just dont do the things that need a Mac if you want to complain about capitalism 4head"!<

MetaCubed , (edited )

Cars are, in fact, broadly bad.

Now thats not to say they should be banned. No, due to the personal freedoms they allow they should be allowed, however: where they can go, who can drive them, and how you can drive them should be much more strictly regulated. If you enjoy driving, and you do it safely you should support regulating vehicles and creation of better transit so that there are fewer cars on the road and more open roads for those of us who enjoy the act of driving.

MetaCubed ,

Care to explain how the US is currently trying to conquer the world when they are at their least imperialistic point in history? NATO isn't an answer, NATO membership is requested by the member country, not forced by NATO (or the US)

MetaCubed ,

You are complicit with the result of the vote as long as you live in the country where it takes place.

MetaCubed ,

At least go and put in a spoiled ballot if youre going to participate in this bullshit fucking liberal abstainiousness.


Don't care. Vote. If you dont go and submit something then you dont get to complain when the actual genocidal fascist is elected and decides to just glass the entire region.

Our obligation is to vote for the least bad option on an election year, and then in the interim years, protest, riot, mail, and petition to make the necessary changes.

MetaCubed , (edited )

The road used to be a canal, and was drained, and paved to 12 lanes in the 70's. They ripped it back out and re-naturalized it to great success.

They canal is the road, the nature is sidewalks. Literally everything is different.

MetaCubed ,

It's the same spot, just after the road was ripped out and replaced with the canal

MetaCubed ,

You mean bulldozing and flooding the land that they drained and paved? It was a canal before it was paved in the 70's

MetaCubed ,
MetaCubed ,

The dutch have more than one road (surprising, I know). Removing the eyesore won't impact their shipping and transport

MetaCubed ,

As neither of us are civil engineers, I'm going to stick with my intuition on this until you can provide proof of impact.

MetaCubed ,

I was pretty happy with tuta, but I just switched to proton for the IMAP/SMTP support.

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