faintwhenfree ,

I am coming from cold on this, I knew kagi existed, It was on my bucket list to do research before even considering any trial, well kagi is not for me since I will never make an account to search web.

That being said, I read through both the blog and the email chain, and I was still so confused on whose side to take i read through OP's other articles and comments and oh my god. Only thing i concluded is Vlad may have crossed boundaries in terms of emailing someone against their wishes, but the email chain wasn't enough for me conclude he is narcisst, OP however is definitely pot calling the kettle black.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

nice try but we know the contents of lori’s blog and posts elsewhere and if you’ve got an issue with a queer person posting their takes on tech and being queer, you can fuck on off of TechTakes

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

oh cool there’s also anti-trans shit in your recent post history, cause of course there is

ikidd ,
@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Actually, that email exchange isn't as combative as I expected.

I'm not going to de-anonymize my search history, so Kagi isn't a thing for me, but he doesn't seem as unhinged as some of these other techbros.

ebu ,

Actually, that email exchange isn’t as combative as I expected.

i suppose the CEO completely barreling forward past multiple attempts to refuse conversation while NOT screaming slurs at the person they're attempting to lecture, is, in some sense, strictly better than the alternative

chunkystyles ,

I'll be honest, I wanted to like Kagi because Google has become so useless. But I've not had any better success finding things on it than Google.

ChallengeApathy ,

I don't use Kagi. Frankly, I hadn't heard of them before this, but I'm not sure what classifies this as unhinged narcissism. I don't know if there's more to see but what I saw was an email trying to address concerns with the product.

No "apologist" stuff here, I'm just not sure why this would be classified as unhinged narcissism. Can someone explain? Genuinely would like to know.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

oh hey, you’re also an apologist for the bigot Brendan Eich so thanks for making it easy to determine that this stupid bullshit is a pattern for you

Nia_The_Cat ,
@Nia_The_Cat@beehaw.org avatar

The main reason is that the CEO continues to respond after 2 requests to stop the conversation, it would've been more appropriate after the request to just simply make a blog post or something addressing the points made on the blog post itself without naming the author, that way they're talking to their community about community concerns.

Repeated responses via direct message after being asked to stop 2+ times is harassment. The initial reach out itself was perfectly fine and expected, but respecting when someone doesn't want to engage in the conversation directly, and reaching out to the community in its entirety about the concerns is what should've been done by the CEO here for this to have ended in a better way for everyone.

dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar
jonne ,

Eh, nothing wrong with accepting payments in crypto. Sometimes the gas fees are a lot less than what a payment provider / credit card provider would charge.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

wow, you’re fucking lost aren’t you

let me show you the way out

gnomicutterance ,
@gnomicutterance@hachyderm.io avatar

This post has been a real honeypot, hasn't it?

(Can we try mixing the honey with a little borax so they bring it back to the nest, like you can do for ants?)

prex ,
sailor_sega_saturn ,
@sailor_sega_saturn@awful.systems avatar

Seeing how successful Kagi is when run by someone who actively sets their own money on fire for no reason almost makes me want to try and start a search engine company. I mean I couldn't do it any worse right? And there is a market for it.

BlueMonday1984 ,

Kagi basically admits they're just piggybacking off of Google, Bing, et al, so getting into the space shouldn't be a serious PITA.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

yall really are making me want to massively overextend and start that federated search engine project based on human-driven indexing and whichever APIs each instance wants to query and cache. yes, like a fancy web directory

maybe this is a good idea for a FreeAssembly project once Philthy’s in a good state? it’s a better idea than starting a shitty Wikipedia clone at least

capital ,

This seems like a totally even keeled response though?

sailor_sega_saturn ,
@sailor_sega_saturn@awful.systems avatar

If a CEO emails some random unsatisfied user out of the blue with strong "no one must ever be unhappy" energy and they reply with:

I may not have spelled this out explicitly in my previous reply but I will do so here: I am not interested in getting more replies from you on this subject

Then the only even keeled response is silence.

capital ,

You’re wrong. And I’m not interested in any more replies from you on this subject.

sailor_sega_saturn ,
@sailor_sega_saturn@awful.systems avatar

Look at me. I am the CEO now.

capital ,

REEEEEEEEEE don't respond!!!!

froztbyte ,

Please go be a gamer discord entrant elsewhere

capital ,

Just making a point.

I'm not interested in any further replies from you on this matter.

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

weird, we’re not interested in any further replies from you at all. fuck along now

froztbyte ,

it's amazing how many people voluntarily choose to be Well Guy

DAMunzy ,

He missed the opportunity of just replying unsubscribe or signing the CEO up for cat facts.

MetaCubed ,

Can I sincerely ask what we're supposed to use instead?

Kagi has given me the best search experience ive had in at least a decade, I'm not going back to the enshittification engine, and everything else is just bing in fancy wrapping paper. Is there something else like Kagi? Is there something like DDG or Searx that arent just slightly better bing?

dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

Feel entirely free to use Kagi, just remember that it's run by an idiot and could blow up at any moment.

MetaCubed ,

Apologies, my question wasn't rhetorical, I was genuinely looking for suggestions. I don't want to use kagi if this is who is running it... BUT all the alternatives that I'm personally aware of are not options for replacement.

dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

basically the whole area is gallopping enshittification. Until this blowup, I had seriously been considering Kagi too.

MetaCubed ,

Guess it's time to spin up a local search indexer...

AlecSadler ,

Also looking for answers. I've been a Kagi convert for 5 months now and it has absolutely saved me time and effort.

I was looking at Perplexity but it isn't exactly the same.

Amoeba_Girl ,
@Amoeba_Girl@awful.systems avatar

https://search.marginalia.nu/ is the only actually good search engine.

200fifty ,
@200fifty@awful.systems avatar

ok but for real... it's not great for finding actual answers to queries, but I find like 800x more interesting results with search.marginalia.nu than any other search engine. It's the only search engine that I find actively fun to just browse around on recreationally.

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

it’s not great for finding actual answers to queries, but I find like 800x more interesting results

Dunno if this is just poorly phrased or... Finding actual answers to queries is the only job of a search engine, what does "interesting" mean here?

Amoeba_Girl ,
@Amoeba_Girl@awful.systems avatar

You can use a search engine to explore the world wide web and find curious little pages made by real human beings. Google et al. and the SEO twats have made that mostly impossible without drastic measures.

froztbyte ,

For me instantly evoked the memory of using the internet from when I first got to access it (~92) until 2012..2014ish, years I could describe as “the party is emptying, not as big as earlier”, vs 2014..2016 which I’d describe as having definite “okay there’s only 3 people left on the dancefloor” vibes (and the downslope started being felt 2008..2009 already, but slowly, only later more pronounced).

It was a time when you truly could just randomly browse search results and find all kinds of interesting things. It’s hard to convey, in today’s ecosystem, what that felt like. The fedi scratches a similar itch, but it feels (and I don’t mean this as criticism) more “a diamond in the muck”, a glimmer of hope in a sea of awful. A general optimism was quite prevalent among the internet of then, even despite it also having its awful aspects

I have years of irc logs in multiple channels, filled with the shared experiences of years of people delighting and gaping and pointing at all kinds of stuff like this. And things rarely feel the same.

I will never forgive the walled gardens for what they took from all of us, for what they destroyed

phoenixz ,

I was about to jump off DuckDuckGo as its also going down, was going to go for kagi, in very much reconsidering that now... But then what?

Running your own personal search engine might be a bit much to chew off for most people, but is there a good open source federated search engine out there that I can contribute a server to, perhaps?

Edit: and before anyone ironically says "Google that yourself", I already searched and found a lot of blog posts, GitHub projects, but nothing concrete, no "that's the one!" Project that is and open source and federated...

dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

clearly, finding things is not a good idea

self ,
@self@awful.systems avatar

a good open source federated search engine out there that I can contribute a server to

I’d love to contribute to something like this. it might even make for a good replacement for lemmy’s awful built-in search

thunderfist ,

Check out searxng

froztbyte ,

looks interesting. got any experience with it / any references you can share? don't think I've run across it before

froztbyte ,

also suddenly remembering magellan, dogpile, etc

fuck that was a long time ago

gerikson ,
@gerikson@awful.systems avatar


never used it, mind, but author has written a lot about its development.

inb4_FoundTheVegan ,
@inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world avatar

I've never had anothee CEO mansplain his company to me


Slayed me.

I haven't paid Kagi much attention up to this point, so I'm coming in cold to this. But gawd Vlad (makes himself) sound like a huge dork.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I love it. It screams xkcd-386 energy and he keeps digging

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

There seems to be an incredibly large intersection between sociopathic dipshits and failure to understand the basics of GDPR.

"Email address is not PII" is such a deep level of not getting it it's indistinguishable from satire.

dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar

i wonder why that coincidence keeps happening over and over

slopjockey ,

they did in fact reach at least 20,000 users, and to celebrate they set up a business entity in Germany (they are currently US based), in order to start a tiny little t-shirt printing company. And their goal was to print 20,000 t-shirts to give out, FOR FREE, to their first 20,000 users (with users paying only shipping costs). But I cannot stress enough, they did not just spend money on 20,000 tshirts to give out, they set up a whole new business entity in Germany to run their own t-shirt printing operation, with its own building and warehouse and employee(s? I get the sense it's one guy but I don't know). And this cost them 1/3 of their $670k funding round. One, fucking, third. For t-shirts. Did I mention that the t-shirts don't even have the Kagi name on them? Just the Kagi dog mascot

0% interest rate behavior

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

I literally learnt about Kagi like a week ago from a Cory Doctorow's post. I was like oh, cool, someone there to fight google.


dgerard OP Mod ,
@dgerard@awful.systems avatar


they just got THE BEST word of mouth

and then Vlad just ...

No1 ,
@No1@aussie.zone avatar

So close!

We were right there!

And then Vlad had to do his impaling thing...

shadow ,

Ah man, same. Thought I'd give it a go after reading about if from Cory...

Honestly, for what I search for, DDG is sufficient, and it's not gonna hassle me about subscriptions.

What I'd really like to find is something like a pihole for search, where you have your blocklist, cache of things you've searched already (your own mini search engine?), and then a fallback engine (DDG, bing, Google, whatever) for things it doesn't already know.

I dunno. Search and AI botshit is everywhere, and it's gonna keep getting worse. Self-hosting tools seems to be the only way to take control back.

ahopefullycuterrobot , (edited )

I was trying and failing to do something like that. Basically, using ArchiveBox to download bookmarks, and then use recoll to index the webpages + PDFs + my own writing. Assumption was that I probably already bookmarked or had copies of what I wanted and just needed a quick way to find them. Was eventually going to import my browsing history as well. It ended up being more trouble than it was worth. (Too many bookmarks, not enough disk space, didn't know what the best setting for ArchiveBox were, Archivebox has its own search and I wasn't sure how that compared to recoll, unsure most efficient way to delete useless downloaded pages or curate them, etc.)

I do use uBlacklist and the Huge AI Blocklist subscription to try to clean up my search results. Not sure how effective they are over all though.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Isn't the DDG guy an asshole as well though?

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

But you don't pay him.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

He's not getting paid?

V0ldek ,
@V0ldek@awful.systems avatar

What I'm saying is that for Kagi you have to pay a direct subscription. DDG you can just use for free.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

What I'm saying is that free things arent really free.

mawhrin ,
@mawhrin@awful.systems avatar

+5, insightful.

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