

Always eat your greens!

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Lettuceeatlettuce ,

The true cyberpunk dystopia. They ultimately want to keep you as close to destitute without actually being bankrupt as possible, that way they extract as much as possible from you at all times for as long as they can.

Capitalism will always try to get as many people as possible, to pay as much as possible, for as little as possible.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

Puppy Linux, baby cuz I got that dawg in me!

How much is privacy actually worth?

I can't seem to find an actual currency estimate of how much privacy is actually worth. I see a ton of articles talking about why privacy should be worth more to people or what people would pay for privacy services or how much people would sell their privacy for, but I don't see anything that gives a value for the privacy...

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

This is kind of like asking, "what is water worth?"

To an upper middle class person in the developed world, a dollar or two. To a person stranded in a desert, they might literally kill for it.

If you are just a Joe shmoe out in the world living a basic life, privacy might not be worth hardly anything. But if you're a whistle blower or a political dissident in an authoritarian country, your privacy is worth everything.

Lettuceeatlettuce , (edited )

Causality issues aside, yes I would. Makes a big difference if I found out I had 40+ years left vs 5 years left.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

Wouldn't have mattered either way then lol.

Lettuceeatlettuce , (edited )

Any "quick fix/all-in-one" fitness or nutrition solutions. While there are minute optimizations for elite athletes, 99.99% of the population can adhere to the general consensus of nutrition and health science.

  1. Do something that gets your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes a day. Speed walk, bike, row, shoot hoops, jump rope, doesn't matter, just get your heart pumping hard for at least half an hour a day.
  2. Roughly a third of your food should be fresh leafy greens & veggies. A third should be whole grains and unprocessed starches and sugars like sweet potato and fresh fruit. The final third should be a protein. Lean meat like fish or chicken, or if you're veg/vegan, beans, tofu, seeds, peas, etc.
  3. To build strength, general bodyweight exercises combined with stretching is fine for most people. If you wanna get really strong, get a few kettle bells or adjustable dumbells on the used market for $50-$100. You don't need an expensive fitness club membership or one of those all-in-one $2,000+ fancy machines that mounts on your wall.
  4. Don't drink often, don't smoke, don't pound stimulants like caffeine or nicotine.
  5. Brush your teeth well.
  6. Get 6-8 hours a night of good quality sleep.
  7. Keep your brain engaged, read, play music, play games, learn a language, etc.

I'm speaking from experience, because I have fallen for stuff over the years that promised fast results and optimal methods with minimal effort. Fact is, unless you're training for the Olympics or you have very specific heath conditions, those basic bullet points will cover the vast majority if general health and fitness.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

I said $2,000+ to encompass even more expensive machines/setups.

I never said bodyweight or a kettlebell set could provide exercises for every possible movement or strength vector.

I said that the vast majority of people don't need anything more than those to build a healthy level of fitness. And given that the average cost of a gym membership in the US is around $50 per month, after a few months, their used kettle bells or simple dumbell set has already paid for itself.

And weights last basically forever unless they are severely damaged, so zero maintenance cost.

Nothing wrong with going more hardcore if that's your thing, but that's not at all necessary to build a solid base of strength and general fitness.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

No hate, but I've never understood gaming laptops. They are noisy, hot, almost always with severely nerfed performance compared to their equivalent non-mobile components.

They are heavy and bulky with poor battery life. They are often garish, which makes them less suitable for a professional environment if you're in a workplace where that matters.

It just seems like the vast majority of gaming laptops give you the worst of all worlds. Worse performance than a desktop rig, and none of the good things about a laptop, like portability, long battery life, etc.

To me, there are a few exceptions though:

  1. Gaming notebooks. You sacrifice a bunch of performance, but you at least gain back some of the benefits of a normal laptop like slimness, portability, battery life, etc. As long as you don't play super hardcore games, the thermal issue isn't a huge problem.
  2. Your work has a ton of travel and you are allowed to do it on your personal laptop. You can work and game on the same device. If you are traveling like every month flying everywhere for work, that makes sense to have a single device to do it all on.

Again, no hate, just my $0.02

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

That's why I said one of the exceptions was gaming notebooks, something like the smaller Razer Blade laptops.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

Eh, depends I guess. Now days I would just use my Steam Deck and be happy with that.

But back when I went to college, high powered gaming handhelds weren't a thing.

Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

Go to your favorite YT creator's channels and download important content! Educational content, lectures, nostalgic content. Anything and everything you have the storage for.

One day, it will be locked away behind paywalls, poisoned with ads, or just deleted entirely.

Part of preparing for war is stockpiling supplies. Buy bulk storage. An extra 2-4 TB hard drive can be bought for 100-200 dollars. It doesn't have to be fancy, get a friend or two to go in with you on it.

Download and save everything you value. Rip your physical media and save it, pirate the shows and movies you love. One day it will be locked away or stolen from you because the terms of service changed.

Please don't delay, I wish I had started years ago myself.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

You're right though, actually even cheaper than I thought.

5TB portable HDDs new on Newegg for $100 - $150

All the more reason to start hoarding data!

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

Eh, now days unless you're really beating them up, most HDDs will last at least 5-7 years.

You are right that people need to have multiple backups on different media, especially really important stuff.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,


Lettuceeatlettuce ,

That would be really cool.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,

We could do something like their face with one of those circles with a line through it.

If we didn't want it to be of an actual person or company, we could do a picture of an old fashioned top hat with a line through it.


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  • Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    First few months in IT? Welcome to hell...

    I'm kidding (mostly), I'm in IT also and if you're in for even a few years, you'll start to build a collection of horror stories like this one. We've all seen things you wouldn't believe.

    So you need to have full buy-in from the owners. If you're able to talk directly to them, then it sounds like this isn't a huge company. If you clearly explain in a professional way to the owners the situation with documentation and they don't fully support you, leave the company asap.

    As somebody who has been involved in multiple ransomware recoveries, trust me...you don't ever want to deal with a rogue unsecured machine on the network. And owners that don't care or take that risk seriously are absolute fools and this will only be the tip of the iceberg of stupidity.

    That computer is a ticking time bomb. Please for the love of God tell me that your boss doesn't have local admin rights on his system.

    If the only thing your boss uses that system for is to connect to a web app to manage inventory, why is he mad about switching from windows 7? Does he just like how windows 7 looks visually?

    I guess it doesn't really matter. Also, windows 10 isn't a long term solution because it also goes EoL next year in October, so you'll be in this same position in less than 2 years.

    You can either go to Windows 11, or if you wanna be a little wild, install a Linux distro like Mint on there and theme it like Windows 7. You solve the security problem and he gets to pretend he's still in the early 2010's.

    Honestly though, start looking for another job if the owners don't support you 100%. IT is already a stressful and intense enough job, you don't need stubborn idiots like your boss to add flavor.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    I was gunna say, I thought this was already canon.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    That only works if you have managers that give a rip about helping you grow and compensating you well for that growth, which sadly, most people don't have.

    In my experience, staying at the same place and taking on more "growth opportunities" was just an excuse for management to throw more on my plate without compensation increases. Sure I would get a little raise sometimes, but it was always pissy amounts of money, even when I asked for more.

    I started jumping jobs aggressively and magically my pay exploded upwards. I now have basically zero loyalty to the companies I work for, just like they have for me. Contract work is even better for this, but the downside is usually you have bad or zero benefits.

    Do you use both a personal desktop and laptop?

    I'm moreso curious if laptop functions have been offloaded to phones. If you have a full gaming desktop, do you see the use case for an additional laptop? or if most people here don't see the need for the increased processing power of a desktop, do you just use your laptop and a phone?...

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    All the above. Full gaming desktop for editing video, 3D modeling, and hardcore gaming. Laptop for travel needs, home lab administration, and side business use. Steam deck for portable/casual gaming.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    It's over if you decide it's over. I've known people in their late 20's who have given up on all that already. And I've known folks well into their 70's who are happily married/dating, traveling, doing hobbies, healthy, etc.

    If you give up on life, then of course you won't get anything out of it. I hate how people act like getting older just means you become boring, weak, ugly, broken down, slow, etc.

    If your life is over when you turn 50, it's because you chose to let it be over.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Let's use this as a catalyst to support them and similar projects. I'll be donating a chunk of money to them and also to the Wikimedia foundation and other related FOSS projects.

    If you are able to donate, please do! If we all do our small part, we can make a big difference.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    When writing on paper, I will sometimes think, "Ctrl + Z" to undo an errant pen stroke lol.

    Lettuceeatlettuce , (edited )

    Yeah, at least with something like the fake moon landing conspiracy, there is a clear motive for it. Like the USA and USSR both had very strong propaganda machines and really strong incentives for hitting the next space race milestone.

    The tech was barely advanced enough to perform the functions necessary to complete the mission, everything was pushed to its absolute limits to successfully perform.

    But the flat earth thing has none of that. The tech necessary to demonstrate the curvature of the earth existed thousands of years ago and in fact was believed pretty widely by even ancient peoples.

    There exists no motive, no incentives, and requires believing that basically all of known physics is completely wrong despite thousands of obvious counter-examples.

    Just stupid.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    This would be an even funnier comment if the subject wasn't so horrifying.

    Welcome to our cyberpunk dystopian future. It's not the sexy, aesthetic, neon hacker-world version. It's a dull, dreary, hyper-capitalist, hyper-consumerist, post truth, AI sludge hellscape.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    When my brother and I were pretty young, my dad once left us in the car to run in fast and grab something from a grocery store. (I know, bad, but this was several decades ago. It was more normal back then.)

    While he was gone, an older man came up to our car and started aggressively trying to unlock the door.

    My brother and I froze in fear and just watched as he kept trying to unlock the door. We had unbuckled ourselves to play while my dad was inside, so we were on the floor.

    We both just shrunk down into the floor and hid silently, not knowing what to do.

    After probably 30 seconds, he put his hands up over his eyes and looked in the car window, then made a frustrated sound and quickly left.

    Once our dad came back a few minutes later, my brother and I told him what happened. We were pretty freaked out.

    He said the man was probably just confused because he was elderly and thought it was his car. I think that makes sense, but as little kids alone, it was still really scary.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    I'm in the US and we lived in a medium-sized city at the time, so a higher level of danger than in many other developed countries.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    True, I guess it varies depending on where you live and the circumstances.

    Lettuceeatlettuce Mod ,

    I'll throw my hat in. I've moderated multiple Discord communities before and currently. I've also moderated forums back in the day.

    I am passionate about FOSS and the community around it. I've been a Linux user for 4+ years now and work in IT, so I have a good handle on the current trends in tech.

    Thanks for your consideration!

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    The fact that you're asking other people about this while being so concerned about all the red flags, is itself a red flag.

    Think about it this way: If I wanted you to invest in some company, but I prefaced it with a long list of reasons why the company was really risky and not a wise choice to invest in, would you still invest your life savings into it?

    I've known several people, men and women who dated somebody similar to your description, a tortured soul/bad boy or girl that was trying to get better. Do you know how many of them it worked out for? Zero, a zero percent success rate. Worse yet, all of them were hurt in the end by that person. It caused trauma, heartache, and in some cases, straight up abuse.

    You shouldn't get into a relationship with somebody who's not fully healed. It is absolutely possible for people to heal from severe trauma and life circumstances, I've seen it happen. But until that happens, you shouldn't get into a relationship with them. It's a bad idea for both parties.

    If they get therapy, work on themselves, become established, fix their issues, heal their wounds, and are like that for years consistently, then you can think about dating them. If they are truly on the right path, they will be completely fine with it working out or not at that time down the road.

    If they aren't alright with that, then it is a confirmation that they aren't actually healed because they aren't healthy enough to accept that happening. A mature and well-adjusted person is patient enough to wait, and mature enough to accept that different people's lives sometimes go in different directions.

    TL;DR Don't do it. You almost certainly will end up hurt, worse off, and possibly even abused. You might also ruin their healing process unintentionally too.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Not really, accept that he definitely needs professional therapy from a licensed personal who is experienced dealing with that specific form of PTSD.

    Remember, you aren't his therapists, nor can you ever be, and trying to fill that role won't be good for either person.

    I had to learn this the hard way with a friend of mine who grew up with a very rough childhood. Lots of deep trauma, some pretty horrible stuff. I was trying to act like their therapist without intending it, and they started unintentionally treating me like a therapist.

    It caused a lot of problems in our friendship and almost ended it actually. I had to eventually tell them, "I care about you, but I'm not your therapist, and I can't ever be your therapist. You need professional help to deal with your trauma."

    Lots of space, no even hints of a relationship for a long time, (years). It takes a long time to heal from that level of trauma, and there isn't anything wrong with that. If at the end of all that, he's truly a new person, fully healed, and there is still a potential spark, then it's a different situation.

    But until then, And I do mean several years at least no relationship, trust me, you both will be better off.

    PS, not sure if you're also getting professional therapy, but if you can, do it. You very likely need it too, and I say that lovingly. I have received it myself and seen many people I know get helped by it.

    Stay smart, stay safe, and best wishes.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    This whole scenario makes total sense to me. Try to put yourself in the role of the woman:

    Man vs bear, random encounter alone in the woods. Both can easily overpower and harm you.

    With the bear, you know it's one or the other, it either is going to be scared off by you yelling at it, or it's not and it will very quickly kill you.

    The man, if he intends no harm, cool. But if he does intend harm, it can be impossible to tell. He can lie to you, appear friendly and helpful, all the while plotting to harm you horrifically. The bear can have no such malice.

    The bear will not target you because of your race, sex, political views, gender identity, sexuality, or nationality.

    The bear won't pretend to be your friend to lure you into a sense of false security. The bear won't become enraged at something you say and all of a sudden turn on you.

    The bear has no fragile sense of ego that it will attempt to assert if it feels you "wounded" it in some trivial way.

    A bear cannot be brainwashed by toxic propaganda or cultural norms about gender roles. A bear will never have any sense of sexual entitlement.

    A bear won't drug you and assault you, a bear won't call its friends to join in when you are vulnerable. A bear won't hold blackmail against you after getting you drunk and manipulating you.

    If all women had to do 99.99% of the time to scare away dangerous men was stand up tall, puff our their chests, and yell loudly, I doubt we would be having this conversation.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Sitting in a hot tub as a kid will make you infertile.

    Totally an old wive's tale. I looked it up when I was an adult and found out I had been deprived of tons of hours of hot tub time.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Unclear, my grandma was a nurse. I thought she should have known better, but then again, maybe back in the day that was considered accurate advice medically.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Well you assumed my sex, but regardless, that claim is still disputed. Some research indicates that it does temporarily lower sperm counts.

    None of that is particularly relevant though, because my family was claiming it would permanently cause me to become infertile.

    Menthol cigarette ban delayed due to "immense" feedback, Biden administration says - CBS News ( www.cbsnews.com )

    The Biden administration said Friday it would again delay a decision on a regulation aiming to ban menthol-flavored cigarettes, citing the "historic attention" and "immense amount of feedback" on the controversial proposal by the Food and Drug Administration. ...

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Great, in a country where smoking rates have steadily declined across all major demographic groups since the 70's, this is the kind of legislation we are worrying about.

    Forget about actually pressing issues like the crushing student debt and college costs, general consumer debt, soaring medical costs, soaring housing costs, homelessness in major cities, the genocide in Palestine, the growing environmental crisis, the erosion of civil liberties and labor rights... But we gotta talk about banning Menthol cigarettes...

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    I switched because I was sick of dealing with corporate garbage and abuse at the hands of Microsoft.

    It wasn't the cost, I've always activated my Windows installations with gray-market keys bought on eBay for 5-10 dollars. Plus I've paid far more for open source software than I ever did for Windows and their proprietary trash.

    I had so many problems with Windows over the years. Fighting with drivers, fighting with software installs, fighting with the registry, etc etc.

    I also couldn't stand how bad their spying was getting, how bloated and clunky their software was, and how much adware they were forcing on me.

    I finally vowed about 3 years ago that I would never use Windows again for any of my personal computing, no matter what I had to sacrifice.

    Turns out, I didn't have to really sacrifice anything significant, and I gained far more than I lost. I would never go back to Windows now, especially with what is happening with windows 11.

    My main computer runs Nobara, because I use it mostly for gaming. I use KDE Plasma as my DE. Both work fantastic, games run fast and smooth, and everything looks so pretty lol.

    I use Mint Debian Edition with Cinnamon on my laptop and it's awesome too. Almost never have any problems with it.

    My work allows me to use Linux, so I run Debian with KDE Plasma. It took a bit of work to get everything running smoothly, but I'm enough of a power user that it wasn't too bad.

    My phone runs GrapheneOS, I'm on it right now typing this. Love it also, so glad to be off a corporate version of Android. GrapheneOS is awesome and does everything I need very well.

    I've used a ton of different distros. Different strokes for different folks. I've used Arch, Fedora, Zorin, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Mint, Manjaro, Alma, and several others. Some were a fad, some I use for my servers, some I use for home lab testing, etc.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    "Ay, you ever heard of Lemmy? Lemmy get your number?"

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Now try it again but give yourself amnesia so you don't have any prior knowledge of skills or lessons learned from before.

    Give yourself a severe drug and/or alcohol addiction for several years so you develop chronic health problems and hardcore substance dependence.

    Experience enough traumatic events that you develop some severe form of mental illness, preferably multiple at the same time.

    Destroy all your contacts from your former life, don't record anything or log anything because you can't have any permanent support group. Surround yourself only with people as or more desperate than you.

    Make sure your social problems have caused you to rack up a significant number of criminal charges, bonus points for felonies that stay on your record for all to see if anybody even considers hiring you.

    Now you're close to experiencing what many homeless folks' lives are actually like. This guy's "experiment" is asinine. Just another sigma grindset bootstrap husk social influencer who has no idea what it is actually like to have nothing.

    His conclusion is that people are homeless because why? They aren't grinding hard enough? Because they aren't putting in the hours? Because they just don't really want it bad enough? Miss me with that bullshit.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Very true.

    Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

    My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Piracy is a great example of a topic where legality and morality aren't the same.

    Those kinds of topics are incredibly valuable teaching moments for children.

    I would teach them when they are mature enough. Help them understand why some people think it is wrong, when/why you think it is acceptable, and how to do it safely.

    You can teach them the difference between actual theft and copying. Explain how piracy has benefited humanity as a whole, explain why knowledge and cultural experiences shouldn't be gate kept by mega-corps from underprivileged people.

    There are so many valuable lessons that you as parents could pass on to your kids through the topic of piracy.

    And as every major platform enshitifies and information of all kinds gets locked behind more paywalls, piracy will become a more and more important skill to have.

    Open source e reader ( lemmy.ml )

    I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn't the best. The "touch screen" is the...

    Lettuceeatlettuce Mod ,

    Kobo e-readers are known to be pretty hackable and many of their models can be used with 'KoReader' an open source e-reading OS/app

    There should be a way to give directly to the developers

    I realize that, after all this time, I have never payed for my all-time favorite games I grew up playing (Fallout 3 & Skyrim). I can pay for it, but I really do not want to pay the money to the Bethesda’s marketing team, CEO, and whoever bullshit middle man who wants a cut of that. I want to give directly to the team that made...

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    Could you link/provide a list of coop dev groups? I'd love to help support them.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    DDG is my primary engine, but I've had good results with Brave Search too.

    I've heard good things about Qwant, but unfortunately it requires you to turn ad block off, so no go for me on that one.

    Lettuceeatlettuce ,

    The glee I feel thinking about how livid Elon must be when he heard about this is immeasurable.

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