@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar



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Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba ( www.cbc.ca )

The Royal Canadian Navy now finds itself in the unusual position of both shadowing Russian warships as a threat in the Caribbean and sharing an anchorage with them as a guest in the port of Havana — because Canada accepted an invitation to send a patrol ship to Cuba while the Russian navy is in town....

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Cuba might get the short end of this one. If it becomes too embarrassing for our military/government they might cut off relations. And Canadian tourism is a big sustainer of Cuban coffers. Canada could cut off that income by blocking travel there, or even just declaring it as an "avoid all travel" zone, effectively cutting off tourism.

The truth is, we don't know what's going on. Maybe this was a deliberate decision to get closer to the Russians without triggering an incident. Maybe the US knew about this and approved it. Maybe it was a blunder, but we can't just assume it was.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I foresee the "ramen challenge spicy 3x" coming to your TikTok by the end of the day. (Someone will have to let me know if I'm right, i don't have these new-fangled tikky tock things the kids are talking about.)

JohnnyCanuck OP ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar
JohnnyCanuck OP ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I would think the area would be a no go zone for boats, and there should be a tower with a clear view. In the video it looks like another similar boat is moving out of the way. But it looks like a lot of mistakes all at once to me.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I couldn't handle the wall of text with no context on what it would be about, so here's a TLDR from ChatGPT:

The blog post by Michael Roberts critiques the optimistic predictions of AI's economic benefits, arguing that AI may not significantly boost productivity and could exacerbate inequality. Roberts highlights economist Daron Acemoglu's skepticism, noting modest productivity gains and potential negative impacts on wages and job quality. The post stresses that AI's benefits depend on its application and warns about the high energy costs and environmental impact. It calls for AI to be developed for human welfare rather than profit.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Luckily, each one of his alleged shots missed and no one was killed or seriously injured as a result of the tirade.

They buried the lede that he's a stormtrooper.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Looks like they might be removed (except one). Sorting by new and looking for downvoted posts I just see the one ad and an article about string theory + AI (double whammy).

Can I fix a missing capacitor by just soldering the spot short?

So, I've got a laptop screen that's giving up on me. 2/3 of the screen runs alright but the 1/3 on the left edge is acting weird. Half of the broken section displays an image but the image smudged and weird, while the other half is just dead. I opened it up to see what's up and, lo and behold, a wee tiny capacitor is missing (I...

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I wonder if the cable connecting the screen to the main part of the laptop is the issue. They can wear out over time and being bent over and over.

‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Rice ( www.theguardian.com )

Scientists have warned that a court decision to block the growing of the genetically modified (GM) crop Golden Rice in the Philippines could have catastrophic consequences. Tens of thousands of children could die in the wake of the ruling, they argue....

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

According to the Greenpeace website:

But behind the hype, GE ‘Golden’ rice is environmentally irresponsible, poses risks to human health and could compromise food, nutrition and financial security.

My take from this: It may be that they targeted more than the safety, but also the possibility of gene flow (to other rice crops including wild rice), possible effects on biodiversity, and the ever-present patent issues that come up with GMO's.

Scanning down the page though, they don't specifically say why it poses risks to human health other than some hand-wavey stuff about how it would make people rely on rice instead of providing other sources of vitamin A in their diets.

They also brought up that at least one experiment with the rice on children in China wasn't done ethically, and also that this could be imposed against people's religious beliefs.

It mentions the cross-contamination gene flow stuff, but I thought because rice was self pollinating that that wasnt as big an issue with GM rice. (I'm not an expert by any means.)

Their general argument seems to be "new way bad, old way good" without any scientic evidence. They didn't have to convince scientists though.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

How's this for an anti-capitalist paywall-gfys, Fortune? https://archive.is/6rmjE

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Who's taking fish oil supplements?

They were prescribed for me when I was getting eye surgery (for example) because the omega-3 fat acids are supposed to improve healing and reduce dryness.

They are also supposed to improve heart health and lower the chance of a heart attack. Edit: sorry, forgot to add that this article blows that up though.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I was one of the fascinated tourists taking a million pictures of bin chickens. But, I was at least aware of it... because I remember at the time joking with my wife that the locals were laughing at us basically taking pictures of pigeons/seagulls.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

God damn Canada Geese.

Also, I've seen tourists fascinated by seagulls in Vancouver which surprised me because I thought they were everywhere.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

They breed multiple times a year and are protected. They take over city parks and make them big piles of goose shit. They get angry and aggressive at people who walk by, making them even more of a nuisance in said parks.

But yeah, I appreciate them as a living being.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Wait, you're saying "liberal"="pro-israel"? Isn't that more of a republican/conservative thing?

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, fair. I think that's why I found associating liberalism with being pro-israel weird.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Maybe there happen to be a bunch of pro-israel liberals on Reddit, but I don't think that means "liberal"="pro-israel".

I guess coming from Canada it's a different perspective since we have the separate Liberal and Conservative parties skewing the definition, and the Liberals, while certainly being pro-capitalism, also support social justice, and are not exactly pro-israel right now.

Does anybody else feel guilty being suspicious of anybody in a black hoodie with the hood up?

Specifically because I live in a hot climate, I'm always fighting the feeling of being suspicious of anybody I pass in the streets with a hoodie pulled up. I feel guilty because of racial profiling associated with hoodies, but gotta protect myself and my family, especially because in many cases the perpetrators of assault and...

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I'm suspicious of myself (or at least self-conscious) when I wear a black hoodie with the hood up...

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Well to be fair, the first one in the list has a pinned video on their channel about it...

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Ah, I misunderstood the intent of your question because of the "actually". I thought it was more accusatory.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Unless I mathed wrong, that's over 1 million dollars per person that the AFN is estimating. Seems unrealistic to me, but I'm not an expert.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

How much do you think it costs to...

I guess that's my question. My estimate would easily be a factor of 10 lower.

A quick search gives me this for a treatment plant for a town in Ontario: $32 million (https://www.wellingtonadvertiser.com/erin-wastewater-treatment-plant-will-cost-town-up-to-32-million/). So we're under a billion dollars and all 28 communities now have proper water. What are we even waiting for, let's go!

At $200k to build per 1500 sq ft single family home (possibly aggressively low, but I'm using this to guide my numbers, and trying to go average: https://wowa.ca/how-much-does-it-cost-to-build-a-house), for 90000 homes we're around $20 billion. Call it $25 billion with hookups (I don't know if that was included on wowa.ca)

In 2018 it cost $30 million to build an elementary school in Thunder Bay. Let's call it $50 million and for 56 schools we're at 3 billion dollars.

Still only at $30 billion.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I feel attacked!

(j/k, keep up the good work)

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Overhead bin space for carry-on bags.

As someone who travels with carry-on only (as much as possible), if I'm in economy I make sure to board as soon as I can to ensure there's space in the overhead bins for my bag.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar
  • I hate when airlines lose bags
  • I dislike bringing more stuff than I can easily carry on my back
  • I only have one bag and my laptop goes in it, so it ain't going down below.

It isn't about price. In fact some airlines are starting to charge more for a carry-on.

I'm also really good at bringing less. I travel months at a time with carry on only.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Carry-on is not the same as personal item. My backpack does not fit under 90% of seats, and if it did, I would have nowhere to put my feet, thus the importance of finding overhead space.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Great, if that works for you! I've seen plenty of people have to check their carry-ons. I'll gladly get on before you to ensure my overhead space.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh yeah, forgot to list that one. Some airports are terrible for it too.

JohnnyCanuck OP ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I was unfortunately somewhere without any kind of view of it.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar


  • a cache shouldn't slow down an app. If it's slowing down an app, it's using the cache wrong. There shouldn't be any reason to clear a cache regularly. You should clear a cache when you need to for specific reasons like there is something bad/corrupt in the cache or you temporarily need the space used by the cache.
  • this makes your advice seem somewhat trite and uh, I'll call it "uninformed"
  • this leads to your tone being... weird, maybe, in a technology forum?

Don't dwell on it though. The internet can be harsh and you were well-meaning :)

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

The poor little snowflakes. Can't they take a joke? It's a free country, people should be able to say or do what they want in their lectures. They're just trying to make sure America isn't destroyed by pansification. Why won't everyone wake up!?

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

The classics:

  • Mike Hawk
  • Mike Hunt
  • Ben Dover
  • Seymour Butts
  • Hugh Jass
  • Wayne King
  • Buster Hyman
  • Drew Peacock
  • Pat McRauch
  • Phil McCracken
  • Jack Mehoff
  • Richard Head
  • Anita Koch
  • Amanda Bone
  • Connie Lingus
  • Jenna Talia
JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

Shell is terrible:
"Shell's Latest Marketing Scam" by fern. https://youtu.be/Jrao3wBit0A

A mostly male board will decide whether a Nebraska lawmaker faces censure for sexual harassment ( apnews.com )

A Nebraska lawmaker implored the Legislature’s Executive Board on Thursday to hold a colleague accountable for invoking her name in a graphic reading on the legislative floor, which some say constitutes sexual harassment....

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

This week, Halloran was accused of joking privately with other lawmakers inside the legislative chamber that Machaela Cavanaugh likes to view pornography. Speaker of the Legislature Sen. John Arch — who is a member of the Executive Board — confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday that he confronted Halloran about those remarks and that Halloran acknowledged he had made them.

This guy desperately needs some sensitivity training.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

That's why the lines aren't solid in the fediverse. They're greyed out because they may or may not exist. (that's my take anyway)

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

A number of years ago when cupcake shops were opening everywhere, there was this one called Mancakes that did "manly" cupcakes (think bacon and alcohol). I finally broke down one day and decided to try one. I went with the "Buffalo wings" cupcake which turned out to be what I guess was Frank's Red Hot flavoured cake, topped with icing and some sort of crispy sprinkles (chicken skin?), and stuffed with (to my gagging surprise) blue cheese icing.

I love hot wings, I love blue cheese dip, and cupcakes are just fine.

But a buffalo wing cupcake has to be the nastiest concoction to be called a cupcake that I've ever tasted.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

In Greece it is pretty standard to put fries on gyros. That's part of why I love them. But: having the proper crispy fry is essential, as is eating your gyro freshly made.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

I've never heard of that but it sounds great. Especially if it was buttermilk sour cream. Mmmm.

JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar
JohnnyCanuck ,
@JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca avatar

If it's brown flush it down,
If it's yellow let it mellow.

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