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JayDee ,

So in this case, is the "Would." Implying "I would fuck that."? Is this another format of "Hear me out..."?

JayDee ,

I've got alot of people I've promised that I won't off myself. Those promises were mainly what got me through the dark times.

I set up a plan a while back now. Once I hit an age where I feel pain all the time, I'll start evaluating whether I'm getting enough enjoyment out of life to continue. If I decide it's time, I start getting my affairs in order. Getting closure with folks, having some good final talks with folks, giving the advice I can, documenting that I know that I haven't documented yet, distributing my things, etc.

At the end of it, if I still feel like going, I'll get my N2 tank and respirator and find a nice place to sit.

I've given myself 30 years for my first raincheck. Might push it up if things get real bad, but it's pretty alright ATM so I don't think I will RN.

JayDee ,

I'm becoming more comfortable with shoulder pats n shit, hugs too. Wrestling isn't my jam anymore. Gimme a dagorhir sword, or some other foam sword and let's have a no-holds-barred swashbuckle.

18+ The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best On-Demand Food Delivery App ( r.nf )

With the rise of on-demand services in the digital age, the convenience of ordering food through mobile apps has become a staple in modern living. The many options available can be overwhelming, so choosing the best on-demand food delivery app that suits your needs is crucial....

JayDee ,

Here's my delivery app for ya: SMS

You text your buddy, they buy the groceries, you pay em for gas & groceries and alittle extra for the trouble, and you have em over for dinner.

None of these exploitive business models RN.

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  • JayDee ,

    White man shoulda thought about that before creating race.

    JayDee ,

    Looks like patriot front attire, though I also see that symbol on the guy's shirt which I believe is explicitly apart of SS symbolism. Not sure what faction they are specifically.

    JayDee , (edited )

    Saw the aftermath of a pretty bad motorcycle accident, with the rider receiving CPR. It was confirmed later by the news that they didn't make it. I was stuck at a light and able to see the scene for a few solid minutes, but it really didn't impact me heavily. Honestly it felt even less relevant than footage I'd seen before since I was having to actually drive and my attention couldn't be put entirely on the accident.

    In contrast, I was there for a friend putting their dog down. The amount of emotion everyone was going through was much more pronounced - you could physically feel the sadness around you.

    Seeing death always has an uneasy aspect to it, but I think the real impact comes from social ceremony. We choose to feel pain over it as a way to heal, I think.

    JayDee ,

    Meat cows specifically should be wiped out for their methane production being so high. I've heard that if we managed to stop beef consumption we'd have something like a 10% decrease in emissions just from that alone.

    JayDee ,

    Bought 5 foam swords for $3 each. Good purchase.

    JayDee ,

    Y'all fight in the streets better than us. We've got no leg to stand on.

    JayDee ,

    That being said, using "the final solution" in that context does not look good.

    JayDee ,

    Rock throw's a pretty overt Nazi. Much of his comics show this outright or allude to it, but he also has a public history of supporting neo Nazi groups.

    JayDee ,

    Here's a long comprehensive guide for you.

    JayDee ,

    I think the standard practice is adding "Rockdrop is a facist" to the post title.

    JayDee ,

    Fun Fact: I believe that one running hypothesis relating to the origin of the Indo-European Languages traces its lineage back to the Yamnaya culture. 'Yamnaya' in Russian ('Я́мная') translates to "relating to pits", because some of the most noteable artifacts of this culture are their pit burial sites.

    I'm still reading about them atm.

    JayDee ,
    JayDee ,

    My knowledge of Cyrillic is fleeting, and I'm mostly going off Wikipedia pages, so I hope someone who actually knows Russian can answer better.

    The main Cyrillic Wikipedia page says that is the acute accent (check the Diacritics section). It says it marks stress on a vowel. I don't know what that means though, so that's as far as I can help.

    JayDee ,

    I'll take it one step further: currency was a bad idea that turned resource allocation into a number-go-up game.

    JayDee ,


    Addendum: I fuckin loved so many aspects of playing through that game. If you haven't tried it, a full playthrough is only 5 or 6 hours and it's a really awesome puzzle game experience. Since it's a language discovery game, it plays like a mystery game, which is really fantastic.

    JayDee ,

    Every human likely has microplastics in their bodies.

    I'm sure this will go over fine. Totally not gonna see any adverse effects.

    JayDee ,

    Peak design was late 90s and 2000s, where you got to see the new crazy designs of a new era while 80s design still existed all around you prevalently. That fusion is peak nostalgia for me.

    JayDee ,

    I know that the chans were used for orchestrating some of the various harrassment campaigns that have happened throughout the years, including most of the gamergate BS. They're such chaotic spaces I can't imagine trying to pull off any prolonged actions on them, and the automatic pseudonymity really brings out the seediest people possible.

    JayDee ,

    Have you read about giraffes?

    They weren't okay even before interaction with humans.

    JayDee ,

    Yes, correct answer


    2002, May 18th

    JayDee ,

    I imagine it's a "negative liberty vs positive liberty" conundrum.

    American libertarianism seems to consistently skew towards negative liberty, which is complete autonomy to anything but without any power or resources. I believe this predilection came from Ayn Rand and Reaganism, and that It now manifests mostly as anarchocapitalist sentiments.

    I'm a bigger fan of positive liberty - possessing the resources and power to do what you desire within a constrained system.

    Unfortunately we live in a society which provides neither. The amazing results of constant compromise.

    JayDee ,

    Yep, you get it pretty clearly that the creator was an edgy centrist.

    JayDee ,

    Blazing saddles isn't really centrist, more just anti-rightwing from my memory of it.

    Let's talk about the chapters shown in the snopes article above.

    Chapter 3 is making fun of (an) American Student(s). This was 1969, in the middle of the Vietnam war. He's saying they were idiots and that they shouldn't have been protesting the Vietnam war.

    Chapter six - The Yippies. The action they are doing is the fighting against two things. The first would be gentrification which is always an issue driving the poor into homelessness. The other was the bulldozing of entire neighborhoods to make way for the highways from 1957 to 1977, an act which displaced 1 million people.

    Chapter seven - the Black Militants. This would include Malcolm X and the Black Panthers along with the Philadelphia organization MOVE. Hell, this was a year after MLK Jr was assassinated, and the white general public probably still saw him as an agitator. These were a movement in opposition to very overtly racist cops supported by a largely pro-apartheid populace. And the Author completely misrepresents every view they had from a brief skim over.

    We could talk about the looters but I don't think we're ready for that convo.

    JayDee ,

    You cared enough to challenge 'centrist' as a bad thing, so I explained why I viewed it as bad.

    Comedy is always used as a political tool, and that was the case then too. Being critical of all media, including comedy (even when satirical). We have the

    MAD was highly influential back then and no doubt formed in part the current centrist white liberals who are now opposing anything outside the status quo given its large teen audience back then.

    JayDee ,

    I wanna be rolled over by a tank after reading this.

    JayDee , (edited )

    Very often scientific breakthroughs lead to horrible unforseen outcomes (I doubt the first people to create a recipe for black powder forsaw the havoc it'd cause) - but y'all should've seen this coming.

    Automation always leads to less workforce being needed pretty much without exception. Thousands of craftsmen were put out of work by industrial machines, replaced with women and children paid dirt poor wages. Automobiles ended the era of horse and buggy (not so great an ending for the horses at large). Shorthand stenographers were put out of jobs by the type-writer. Computer was a job title before it was something that fit in your pocket.

    Bottom line: If you invent something that automates X - everyone who does X will begin to lose their jobs to your automation.

    Either we stop developing automation solutions, or we end requiring people have occupations to live.

    JayDee ,

    I'll continue to live dangerously via Q-tips. Been doing it since I was a child, and no doctor's told me I've irreparably damaged my ears yet.

    JayDee ,

    Approval voting, STAR voting, Ranked-choice voting- I don't care, just get me out of this first-past-the-pole nightmare!

    JayDee ,

    I think that the web had great potential to help, but I think that it has had that potential heavily damaged by the profit-oriented web 2.0. The vapid ad-and-clickbait-saturated web we've created is exponentially less knowledge-dense than it was before. We really do need to go back to a web that's built by communities of people rather than profit-crazed tech giants.

    I also feel like the bloating of CSS and HTML code, video-sizes, and uses of servers has been a bad idea. It feels like we've done these things for consumerist reasons rather than for genuine benefit.

    JayDee ,

    Yes, the codecs currently used are a good thing, and yes, I think 4k and 8k should just be left to downloading. I think videogame streaming should have shifted over to demo file formats years ago, so that your gameplay wouldn't be sullied by video compression (very big issue for games like squad and tarkov, where everywhere is covered in woods.

    JayDee ,

    If you haven't already, folks, switch your default search engine over to a searx. You'll gain back the ability to actually find useful results. It's not so good for shopping, though.

    JayDee ,

    "..swear to what he saw under oath.." I think

    Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( lemmy.world )

    Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

    JayDee , (edited )

    That's a flathead with a bead welded in the middle. Source a local dremel, some earplugs and eye pro, and do some quick converting.

    Oh wait I think I understand the image. You had to saw the plastic apart to expose the screw. Yeah fuck those dudes. I guess another option would've been to get a cheap screw driver and modify it with a dremel? Either way, fuck Kenmore.

    db0 , to Anarchism
    @db0@hachyderm.io avatar

    What radicalized you?

    Assuming you're an anarchist or otherwise leftist radical, what radicalized your position?

    For me it was a combination of seeing the rampart corruption of the Greek state and the sloth and hypocrisy of the KKE in my own family. Then afterwards it was the alienation of my own wage-slavery.

    Remember to care for your opsec when answering.


    JayDee ,

    Had a period of mental breakdown where I concluded that there was something either psychologically wrong or ideologically wrong with myself. Started questioning most of my thoughts and what I could trust. Slowly built out political views I felt aligned with my core values.

    A trust of friends and chosen family were the foundation. That built out into being politically anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist. Gradually turned into believing Marx's proposed issues with capitalist society and some of Foucault's teachings about resisting authority (not so much their other stuff).

    I eventually became closer friends with a punk and have gotten to hear of anarchism throughout history and the current anarchist influences in various other movements.

    My views of anarchism are still mostly vague. I'm still focusing more on becoming a more functional person and growing the communities I'm apart of, so more thorough research and understanding takes a backseat for now.

    JayDee ,

    Brain was turned off - I thought this was showing how copper from different countries had slightly different colors.

    JayDee ,

    Where's my crew-served armaments? When do I get to own a cruiser?

    JayDee ,

    I don't quite know if I understand your comment.

    By 'this' do you mean the meme, the response to the meme, or do you mean the number of SA cases done by men?

    Are you drawing parallels to cities calling upon minority communities to police themselves and report suspicious behavior to try and 'solve gang violence'?

    JayDee ,

    Seeing all these comments that actually get it gives me hope for us dudes. I interact with so many dudebro types at work, and only have so much energy. And then coming onto Lemmy and seeing the same shit - it gets demoralizing real quick.

    We gotta get dudes out of their own heads somehow - make them actually think about how they're affecting those around them, and get them to expand the number of ways they positively affect their local sphere and minimize the negative ways.

    JayDee ,

    It doesn't really matter if you scare someone you don't know. They don't know you either. Ultimately it's reasonable to be uncomfortable around strangers.

    If you still scare people even after interacting with them, don't take it personally. Lots of people have biases and past traumatic experiences that might paint you any which way.

    Just focus on being kind and liked by the communities you're in, and don't take a defeatist mentality over someone being scared of you at first.

    JayDee ,

    I think it's to have the conversation with those close to us
    that felt offended in a measured, methodical fashion. I find that it often seems completely foreign for some of the guys I've talked to put themselves into someone else's shoes.

    It is a slog quite often, and I think that there is some kind of training out there for having these kinds of conversations.

    As always, it's about talking to these people without getting them offended. I agree with other leftists that it's absolutely exhausting - it honestly feels like some of these dudes want nothing but to feel like the victim of the situation sometimes. I still try and talk them through it when I can.

    JayDee ,

    Optimist take: Because there is none! (whoo)

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