@EndOfLine@lemmy.world cover



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EndOfLine ,

I'm sure that it will be fixed after this election and broken again before the next. The Supreme Court made sure of that back in 2022 with the Merrill v Milligan verdict where they admited that the racially gerrymandered districts were illegal, but allowed to be used anyways so long as it's relatively close to an election.

When an election is close at
hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled. Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.

  • Brett Kavanaugh
EndOfLine , (edited )

Invictus by William Ernst Henley

When I was younger I clung to it's message of perseverance. It ended up being the first poem that I ever memorized.

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.
EndOfLine ,

For me, it would essentially need to be a TARDIS.

Whenever I think of immortality I immediately go to the end of all other life and the idea of knowing that I would eventually be doomed to an inescapable existence of total isolation. Long before that, but hundreds of years from now, I am sure that I would go literally insane with boredom. I need to know that there will always be something new, different, and interesting. A TARDIS would allow me to go anywhere, anytime, with anyone.

I also fear eternal life in some preeminent imprisonment, either some form of external confinement, like being trapped at the bottom of the ocean by the crushing weight of the water around me, some form of locked-in syndrome. A TARDIS could operate on its own to save me from such a fate.

If eternity ever becomes too much, a TARDIS would also give some options to potentially end my existence.

EndOfLine ,

"suddenly take a dangerous turn"?

What direction did they think his actions were headed?

EndOfLine ,

The phrase "diversity hire" implies that they were not hired for their abilities. It attacks the person looking for a job rather than one making the hiring decision. So yes, it is a slur.

The purpose of phrases like "diversity hire" is to dehumanize and marginalize without ever having to learn anything about the person you don't like and you won't bring about inclusion by embracing those tactics, but it is noticed and called out, but it is done as a conversation and against the individual doing the hiring, not against a group of people who were hired and did nothing wrong.

At least that has been my experience.

EndOfLine ,

This sounds like it was a bad match for you and you are better off without them.

In my opinion, the criteria for a successful relationship is one that encourages growth. It should provides a safe space where differences, changes and mistakes are accepted without judgement. Above all, you feel loved and supported. From your limited description it does not sound like he provided any of that.

I think I’m just meant to be single.

You are 20. You are likely still discovering the type of person you are and developing the strength and tools to be that person in the face of adversity. I think that you should enjoy being single and focus on you, not some "us".

Love who you are, build a strong and healthy relationship with yourself, and realize that you deserve somebody who will honor and respect all of you not just the bits that are convenient for them.

EndOfLine ,

I dream most nights, though the dreams themselves very rarely make it into my long term memory and are forgotten within minutes of waking up.

EndOfLine ,

It's a minimum security Federal Prison Camp where inmates can escape by simply waking away. Even when convicted, these traitors don't do hard time.

I cannot find confirmation on this, but I suspect the reason for the visit is that in-person visits are less likely to be monitored and "safer" for discussing illegal or incriminating topics. Can't imagine any other reason for Donnie Jr to go there in person.

EndOfLine ,

As I understand it, the warden as the authority to add such monitoring, but regulations only require supervision to the degree of preventing contraband from being passed between visitors and inmates. While I found no confirmation for this, I cannot imagine the warden of a minimum security facility wanting to spend a portion of their budget on this level of surveillance.

EndOfLine ,

Sadly, no. I think most people are apathetic about anything that does not immediately and directly impact themselves. Evil doesn't need much more than that to thrive. Meanwhile, good requires active participation, selflessness, and continual vigilance to thrive.

Judging by the number of people who cannot literally lift a finger to make roads a safer place through the use of turn signals, I don't hold much hope for humankind, as a whole, to put in the continual effort to quash "evil".

EndOfLine ,

I'm confused. Are you saying college students represent the largest demographic of legal adults? Because I don't think that is correct.

EndOfLine ,

Wait, so you are saying that there are more 18-22 year olds than everybody else aged 23 and older? That also does not sound correct.

EndOfLine ,

Pretty sure this will end up like the similar Alabama case in 2022. "Sure it illegally disenfranchises voters, but it would be unfair to fix it so close to an election. Go ahead and rig this election, but promise to change (not fix, just change) it after the election."

EndOfLine ,

In 2022 when Kavanaugh ruled to preserve Alabama'S racially gerrymandered voting districts deemed illegal because it would be "unfair"? Can't Tennessee just claim that it wouldn't be fair to fix things this close to an election?

“When an election is close at hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled,” Kavanaugh elaborates. “Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others. It is one thing for a State on its own to toy with its election laws close to a State’s elections. But it is quite another thing for a federal court to swoop in and re-do a State’s election laws in the period close to an election.”


At the time, that sounded to me like "it's cool to do illegal shit surrounding elections, so long as you fix it after the election when the illegal shit has done its job and no longer matters". Can somebody explain to me why Tennessee wouldn't keep fighting to disenfranchise voters and what, if any, consequences they would face if they didn't just ignore the court until after the election?

EndOfLine ,

A simplified summary:
The donor is accused of fraud and of using the proceeds of a scam (stolen money) to make a $100,000 donation Giuliani's legal defense funds. The lawsuit is trying to claw back that donation to help pay restitution to the victims of the donors alleged scam.

EndOfLine ,

The difference is the US government believes that TikTok is beholden to the Chinese government. When a corporation acts this way it is an invasion of privacy. When a foreign government acts this way it is espionage.

If TikTok is sold to an entity the US government thinks is sufficiently independent from a foreign government, then they can continue spying on users.

Alternatively, they may be able to registers under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. I don't know how that would impact TikTok's ability to operate though.

EndOfLine ,

The general take away is "Surveillance is oppression and it is the responsibility of the people to stand up against oppression".

A few other quotes I like that fit the theme.

"People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."

— V (V for Vendetta)

"Without privacy, you can't have anything for yourself. Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

— Edward Snowden

EndOfLine ,

Granted. It was an exceptional storm. A storm that meteorologists would study and publish papers on, in the hopes of making that one breakthrough that would catapult them from obscurity to prominence. None would ever make that ascension. The smart ones would give up their pursuits before it consumed them to the point of obsession. Leaving this aberration for the conspiracy theorists to debate if it was caused by some weather control device operated by some government, secret society, or aliens. The storm was, after all, quite simply impossible. So localized that did not even register on the instruments of nearby weather monitoring stations. So short lived that the only evidence that it ever took place, aside from the destruction, were the handful of videos from the eye witnesses.

Unlike the tornadoes and hurricanes typically used for comparison, this storm was not a cacophony of violence surrounding a core of relative tranquility. The videos clearly showed the exact opposite. A calm swirling of air gentling rusting leaves surrounding a vortex of destruction that limited itself to a single house, in the most uncanny way. Within the vortex, the house was being pulled apart. Lifted in a thousand tiny pieces, straight up into the sky, never to be seen again. Eventually, enough of the house had been removed to show a person in the middle of all the chaos --standing huddled, clutching something too small to make out in the videos-- and then they were gone. Taken so fast that they were there in one frame and gone in the next. Conspiracy theorists heralded what happened next as proof that this was a targeted attack and no natural phenomenon. The storm dissipated. Within seconds after the figure vanished from the screen, the swirling dirt fell to the ground, the trees stopped swaying, and all that could be seen where the house once stood was a pristine deck and a fence painted with the bloody remains of that lone person seen briefly and yet forever immortalized in the annals of the mysterious and unexplained.

EndOfLine ,

I've got my Plex server running on an Intel NUC 8 with 2 USB 2TB solid state drives serving as local storage for my media.

EndOfLine ,

The stuff humans have left on the Moon and Mars would probably be good indicators.

EndOfLine ,

Granted. A loud voice, only you can hear, starts to answer every question you have ever had. Questions you never really cared about. Questions you never really wanted answered. Questions you don't even remember having. All answered in maticulous details, often going so deep into historical or scientific details that new questions pop into your mind no matter how much you try to stop them. Not that it even matters. You no longer want the answers that relentlessly come, one after the other, with no context nor pause. It all becomes nonsensical noise that won't stop. The voice booms through your head, drowning out all other sounds. Preventing you from holding down a job, communicating with others, or even sleeping. All you want is a moment of silence, a chance to sleep. You wonder if there is any way to stop your slide further into insanity. But you don't have to wonder. You've already been told the answer. You know how to make it stop.

EndOfLine ,

Granted. You need to test it. Something difficult that you wouldn't normally be able to do, but nothing that could cause problems if it failed. Maybe drawing a realistic self portrait. You pick up a pen and the moment you touch it to paper it feels more the pen is moving your hand rather than the other way around. You are amazed at the speed and precision of each mark until your hand finally stops and you are left with a photo quality drawing. This is incredible. What next? The cute barista maybe? You open your mouth, not even sure what you are saying, but it works. You've got a new number in your phone and your coffee is on-the-house. What else? Surely there's a way to make some money off of this. The clerk at the corner store stands there with, mouth agape, amazed at your luck as you scratch off your 3rd winning ticket. What else? What about something impossible? You laugh at the faces of the drivers on the freeway as you pass them all, wining the foot race you attempted against their motorized vehicles. All of the possibilities swimming through your head. Your life had changed forever. You call that barista. It's no surprise to you when they agree to come over to your place. After a perfectly cooked diner, paired with just the right wine, you both move to the bedroom where you have the most amazing sex of your life. The barista lets out a satisfied sigh and is out for the night. You are feel tired yourself. It was a busy day after all. You lay down and try to go to sleep; which of course you do. You don't hear the panic cries of the barista the next morning. You don't feel the jostling. You aren't disturbed when you are loaded into the ambulance. You aren't bothered when the catheter is inserted. You are having the most successful sleep of your life. A sleep so sound that you never want to attempt to wake up.

EndOfLine ,

Diversity and exposure to new ideas.

Whether I agree with the idea or not, breing exposed to so many different points of view changes how I look at various topics. Sometimes it reinforces and strengthens my position and sometimes I change my stance.

I feel like Reddit (and now Lemmy) allow me to engage / listen to discussions on an issue. Discussions that involve a wide assortment of different viewpoints. It's hard to find that in most places on the internet.

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