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Brutticus ,

I stuck with Babish through his expensive weird era because I still felt like I was learning something about cooking, even if i couldnt make his three day Troy pizza casserole or whatever. I still felt like I was becoming a better cook. Recently he switched up his editing style to less voice over, hands only content and more click baity listacles, and more videos where hes messing around in the kitchen. I liked watching the hands only stuff because I could see what he doing, and there wasnt any emphasis on his face, so there less emphasis on his personality, and therefore I felt a little less intimidated as far as trying it myself. The voice overs were also really concise. The end result was also really light weight, and felt like a recipe that didn't have all the SEO "my grandma taught me how to make this cake before she died" garbage.

Alvin is still making videos in the classic "Babish" style on the Babish channel, and I still watch the vids Andrew puts out in that style, but if i can see his face, I wont even click on the video.

Brutticus ,

Oh boy Jill. I was crushed to learn about her transphobia. And also her cringe book.

Brutticus ,

The incessant grooming of our children will never stop until we lock up every single pastor and shutter every church in this country.

Brutticus ,

I think of them when I dream about them facing a firing squad.

Brutticus ,

I dream of a world where we are free to create art without having dance for Capital

Brutticus ,

They are just going to make contraception behind locked doors/ only available to married partners, if at all available.

Brutticus ,

I'm a case manager for a local org that supports people with intellectual disability. I like my job, I set my own hours, and even if there was no profit motive it would still need to be done. My only complaint is where I brush up against the capitalistic intersection, so the county is our funder and they really pinch every penny compared to, say the sheriffs' office.

Brutticus ,

Dark Knight. Heath Ledger's Career defining performance can't save this tortuously paced, boring, dreary, washed out slog of a war on terror metaphor. I hate Christopher Nolan, all of his movies are like this.

The star wars prequels get a lot of hate, but honestly, all of the cracks were beginning to show in Return of the Jedi. 4 and 5 are indisputably good movies, and part of the cinematic canon. Jedi has a lot of small things wrong with it... and also Leah is Luke's sister randomly. This is a Lucasism, and as the people who were capable of standing up to Lucas fell away, and were replaced by people who grew up in star wars. Everything that makes the OT good is present in the prequels, and everything that makes the Prequels... contentious is present in Jedi. For the record, I like the prequels but I think they are flawed in really interesting ways.

Jedi is even in quality with all the prequels and sequels that came after, but has a better rep than it deserves because it stands next to the first (best) two.

Brutticus ,

Sometimes I wish Hollywood still made lower budget movies, because this felt like it needed a lesser production value. Jason Momoa knew what kind of movie it was.

Brutticus ,

I don't know. I had to do a 3 month boot camp run through a local community college, and that included 36 hours of clinicals on an ambulance. There were daily tests, training on all the equipment, and batteries of tests finals that we had to pass. My favorite was we had to have a 80 in the course to qualify for the finals, but anything less than a 70 on any of the tests would disqualify you from taking registry, even if you had an 100 percent aside from that. That was for EMT Basic, the lowest levels of licensure. It's a two year degree to become a paramedic (and I think thats like 200 hours of clincals, or something). And once I was in, there were 12 hours of CEs required for licensure (the company offered trainings), and I did have a written and practical test to take with the ambulance before they let me code, with a probationary period (mine was a few months, they really didn't like me, looking back because I'm Jewish.)

I won't go to bat for the industry very often. I was making minimum wage, I was working 60 hour weeks. The culture has a problem with boot licking and racism, work life balance, and catty bullshit. I never left like management had my back, and people gossip. And that's before you get to the insane nature of the work, and the constant death and crisis around you. I worked nights; nothing was open, and there was never any time to eat, so we opted for handheld, easily available garbage from convenience stores. And of course, I never saw my family.

But even though registry can't prepare you for the road, I would never have claimed I wasn't properly trained.

db0 , to Anarchism avatar

What radicalized you?

Assuming you're an anarchist or otherwise leftist radical, what radicalized your position?

For me it was a combination of seeing the rampart corruption of the Greek state and the sloth and hypocrisy of the KKE in my own family. Then afterwards it was the alienation of my own wage-slavery.

Remember to care for your opsec when answering.


Brutticus ,

My mother's chronic mental illness might have been easier to help her with. She might still be alive. And then there was my time on an ambulance.

Brutticus ,

Ban fossil fuel subsidies

I think you mean Abolish Cars

Brutticus ,

I guess it depends. My relationships never lasted terribly long, but I was kind of a slut in my 20s. I deleted all my socials during the pandemic. So in the spirit of the question, 5 years.
At first I needed some time alone, but then it just kind of happened. I'm open to the idea, but loneliness is preferable to the casino that dating apps became. I'm in my 30s, single friends of friends are thin on the ground. I don't even know where 30 year olds meet each other. I wish the library was open late.
I do enjoy the single life. I sleep in every morning. I spend my money how I wish. But people don't realize how touch starved you get. No sex won't kill you, but no intimacy might. Its why dudes can't distinguish between friendly and sexual contact; they get none of it, especially after their mom dies.
I don't know. A girlfriend would be nice.

Brutticus OP ,

Thanks for being among the few serious posters (although I am not downplaying how funny this thread ended up being.

For the bedroom, I was considering a hanging chair that can slide across the bedroom. I was actually thinking about mounting a desk on collapsing brackets, so the chair slides into place next to it or can used to join small sitting area.

The other thing I was considering is a sliding half wall for both. I was thinking for the kitchen mounting a spice rack (like the handyman suggested.) I haven't considered what i would mount on the bed room half wall yet. If i don't mount a hanging chair on it, then my arm chair and bed will be on opposite sides of the track (and opposite corners of the room). Not sure. I have soem time to consider it.

Brutticus , (edited )

When concentration camps are on the ballot, be prepared to do a little more than vote.

Brutticus ,

I had one of these, a Aarakokra Druid named Wyrd.

Brutticus , (edited )

Shadowrun 4e. A hacker who was way into drag racing. I got really into statting his race car, and even made driving equal to hacking. He was in deep in the underworld, trying to buy his childhood friend out of her indentured servitude at a brothel.

Mad Max style wasteland campaign: A Shepard boy, skilled at archery, wandering the wasteland with a talking dog (who was named Blood, but wasn't evil). I saw this kid as being on the more idealistic and good side, and I picked a concept connected to society in contrast to what the other PCs picked (A reformed Mohawker, a powerful mutated woman wielding a stop sign, and a "priest of KISS" following the concert routes his roadie parents took before the bombs dropped, mistaking them for religious pilgrimage).... sorry that one had a lot of gas.

Superheroes: A jewish journalist who learns he is the inheritor of the Golem of Prague, and with it, a tradition of Talmudic magic. The other party members were a Bisexual paramedic/ vigilante by night (me and her player agreed that we were roommates lol) and the last one was a black teenager who killed a cop after he had paralyzed his brother. The campaign started and we were "the cop killers" and were protecting a small minority community but I keep thinking that had so much gas in the tank and room to grow and I might spin that off into its own campaign.

I'm just so sick of heroic high fantasy

Brutticus ,

lol lucky. I dont even hate heroic fantasy, I think 5e is like lower mid and i think through no fault of its own its just the current edition when the brand had its moment with critical role and stranger things. I wouldn't hate like, Exalted or Icon, or even like, fantasy craft or 13th age even.

Brutticus ,

which edition?

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  • Brutticus ,

    I have both. But I only have a few contacts on matrix

    Brutticus ,

    Vote, and then prepare for direct action

    Brutticus ,

    I've found that thats good advice if you dont cook the tomatoes for that long, less than 30 min, like Shakshuka. If you are going to to cook them for hours, then you don't really need it, like for red sauce.

    Brutticus ,

    I use about 2 teaspoons of dijon, and then also something spicy, like Cayanne Pepper.

    Brutticus ,

    I like Sour cream in mashed potatoes, but this sounds heavenly. Do you use grated or flaked?

    Brutticus ,

    Lol when I was 15 or so I got way into competitive pokemon, and that eventually led to me breeding my own mons. Early on in my journey, I met some dude on Serebii chat that wanted to to do a 2 for 1 trade for my kingdra. He just sent over the pidgey and didn't send over the other mon. I was really salty about that.

    by the time gen four ended, I had bred a flawless Kingdra and (still to this day even) have all my .pkm files backed up on a hard drive somewhere.

    Brutticus ,

    I considered it, back in the early days. I was impressionable and thought whatever the weirdos on 4chan were talking about was at least interesting (like... 06 to 12 maybe.) One of my friends was mining 100 percent. I think he probably sold his coins long before it spiked, and I suspect that was how he funded his college education

    Brutticus , (edited )

    Lol so the program I used was called HyperGTS. You could change the DSs target server, and you changed into to your routers IP, and then you could send stuff up to the GTS, at which case it would be saved into your PC. You could send it back the same way. I also have my .sav files. I might have gotten into the switch games if there was an easier way to transfer my old pokemon over.

    The practice of cloning was (and I have to imagine, still is) pretty standard among breeders. Most competitive pokemon was (and again, still is) tool assisted: We made use of tools to check IVs, and to clone. The mons themselves were not altered. That was the point; no one cared if you were battling with hacked mons, as long as they were legal. There were still events that checked legitimacy, and those created a demand for legit mons. That being said, once RNG became standard issue, I just bred because I was playing in the pre RNG days and I liked them.

    Is "Gen" the new pokesav?

    Brutticus ,

    The Rock, starring Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage

    Brutticus ,

    The most valuable thing I own is my pokemon card collection. I was obsessed when I was kid, but unlike everyone, I kept going through Rocket, Gym heroes and challenge, all the way to Neo Destiny and Legendary Collection. Possibly the rarest cards I have are two 1ed foil discovery Tyranitars and one 1ed foil Blaine's Charizard. My cards are very well loved and things have calmed down since the pandemic, but it was very weird, especially considering I got a booster box of Neo Discover for 50 bucks in 2009

    Brutticus ,

    I picked up my friends switch used for 200 buckaroos. I got really into DS emulation and I went really hard on pokemon especially. I was looking forward to BDSP.

    The new pokemon games were really anemic. I got some fun out of Mario Galaxy. But it just sits there now. I miss the first party piracy experience. I think also if i had had the ability to easily bring my old school mons (which i still have saved on my pc).

    Brutticus OP ,

    so I should get solid core and cut them? what about cutting the door frames? Should I just hire someone to make a whole new frame?

    Brutticus OP ,

    I am still currently taking suggestions; we have been waiting on various inspections. they are in fact interior partitions. There is sheet rock up. I certainly hope not to keep changing them out. In light of your suggestions, I am going to go ahead and cut some doors.

    Do you recommend hollow doors or solid core? is either easier to cut? are there any special properties to cut one over the other? Should I buy pre-hung? If i do, Im going to have to cut the frames too, right? but Ill have to hire someone to hang a door other wise?

    Brutticus OP ,

    All of the tutorials I have discovered have said if you were to cut hollow doors, then you should glue a piece to the open bottom. They cautioned it might sag with time though. Right now there is no full frame. I gave measurements for rough opening in the OP. No one is super comfortable trying to DIY door frames.

    Brutticus OP ,

    I will definitely hit you up. Like I said, the inspector is coming out next week, and Im hoping after that I can finish. We're been in a state of like 80 percent doneness for a while.

    Brutticus ,

    I feel like I reading someone masturbating

    Kagi doubles down on paid Brave partnership despite losing at least 0.5% of users in 1 day. And invoking Godwin's Law ( )

    "Should we not be buying VW, BMW, Siemens and Bayer technology and products today because they participated in holocaust and directly collaborated with Hitler?" -- CEO of Kagi when given feedback re: Brave partnership

    Brutticus ,

    Ive been having pretty good time with searxng

    Brutticus ,

    Which, honestly, to be 100 percent honest, it wasn't. I hated the movie. I understand its my fatal flaw, but I look at works holistically. One of the things that got me into firefly was it's pacing; the promise that everything was going to have room to breathe. I would rather just have the first season; the movie crammed plot threads and character arcs meant to sustain an entire 5 season series into a 2 hour movie. Except its worse, because I got to see what the slow burn was like.

    Brutticus ,

    I mean you say this but Tinder and all its clones don't make their money off of people trying to get a date. They make money by pushing you to the brink of what they think you'll tolerate to not leave the platform, but make matches scarce enough that you pay for premium placement; their goal is to sell premium service, not hook you up.

    And actually getting you into a LTR is the opposite of what they want, because it removes two people from their pool.

    Brutticus ,

    I don't believe in the supernatural.

    The house I live in is my fathers childhood home. His mother was, frankly, schizophrenic, in an era where most people equated mental health with Rose Kennedy. She went untreated. She beat him as a child, and drove her entire family away. She died 15 years ago, and we are still cleaning out her accumulated garbage. She called for him on her deathbed; my father still didn't go.

    My mother also died in this house, suddenly. But she loved us, and we love her.

    So I don't believe in the supernatural, but I have been friends with two self proclaimed witches, who both said this place has an "off" energy. and sometimes, at night, you might sense movement out of the corner of your eye. It can be unnerving.

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